Aug 30, 2023 ~ Oberlin College Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach Kim Russell released documentary called "Burned at the Stake" after being subjected to massive workplace abuse for opposing biological men competing in women's sports. They threw the "unsafe" lie at her and drug her thru DIE hearings. This is an absolutely heartbreaking and infuriating story of #CancelCulture at its most toxic. The mob kept trying to make her apologize for being on the side of science and women's rights and nothing she could say was acceptable to the mob. Her treatment keeps thousands silent. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes] Aug 29, 2023 ~ As usual, the narratives from Democrats and the #FakeNews are not merely false, they are the polar opposite of the truth. Bjorn Lomborg on the Maui fire: "The fire in Hawaii is deeply tragic. But it is lazy and unhelpful for pundits to use the tragedy to incorrectly blame climate change.
They claim it was tinder-box dry, but through most of the past 23 years, Maui County was drier than the week it burned.
The drought is blamed on climate, but the most recent scientific study shows no climate signal.
Pointing wrongly to climate change is dangerous because cutting emissions is one of the least-effective ways to help prevent future fires."
If you listen to the #FakeNews, "You’d easily get the sense the planet is on fire.
The reality is since NASA satellites started accurately recording fires across the entire surface of the planet two decades ago, there has been a strong downward trend.
In the early 2000s, 3% of the world’s land area burned each year.
Last year, fire burned 2.2% of the world’s land area, a new record low.
Yet you would struggle to find that reported anywhere."
If your eyes have not yet been opened to the dishonesty of the media, this data might be hard to wrap your brain around. THE #FAKENEWS IS GIVING THE IMPRESSION THAT WE ARE AT A RECORD HIGH WHEN WE ARE ACTUALLY AT A RECORD LOW. [Climate Change, Fake News] Aug 29, 2023 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "Climate alarmism over heat waves, fires drives false ‘solutions’" "Avoiding both heat and cold deaths requires affordable energy. In the US, cheap gas from fracking allowed millions to keep warmer with low budgets, saving 12,500 lives yearly. Climate policy, which makes most energy more expensive, achieves the opposite." [Climate Change, Energy] Aug 29, 2023 ~ Sonam Mahajan, "When Pakistan was created in 1947, Pakistan’s population of non-Muslims was 23%, today it’s somewhere between 3%-4%... the world calls it SLOW GENOCIDE, the Paks call it PURIFICATION." As in Africa Islamists purge the 'infidels.' Some are offered "convert or die." [Islam, Terrorism] Aug 27, 2023 ~ More information on the Maui fire ridiculously blamed on 'climate change.' They ignored significant fire risks that built up over the years to focus on green energy. They let highly flammable non-native grass take over. They kept the power on when sparking powerlines were falling in high winds. Now we learn, "Officials closed Lahaina Bypass Road due to the fires, blocking the only way out of Lahaina to the southern part of the island." [Climate Change, Environment] Aug 27, 2023 ~ Monica Showalter, 'Woke blue cities defund themselves' Bloomberg: "Nearly 160 Wall Street firms have moved their headquarters out of New York since the end of 2019, taking nearly $1 trillion in assets under management with them." San Francisco is same. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Economics] Aug 27, 2023 ~ Woodstock Union High School snowboarding coach David Bloch was fired from his job because he expressed his (very true) opinion that boys have athletic advantage over girls in sports. His team was playing a girl team with a biological male on it and they said he was 'bullying.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes] Aug 27, 2023 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Democrats And The Hitler Lie' More progressive/left means more and bigger government. More govt. control. Limit is dictatorship. More conservative/right means less government, more freedom; limit is anarchy. Therefore, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Mussolini, Marcos, Chavez, Kim are all progressive/leftists. The Nazi party were the 'National Socialists.' [Derek Hunter, Loathsome Left, Politics, Socialism, Violent Left] Aug 26, 2023 ~ Denver schools fired principal Kurt Dennis for bogus charges of racism. Dennis didn't want a student charged with attempted murder and other gun charges in his school. He also put violent students in a room to give them cool off time. Standard #CRT, DIE bs says those are racist. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism] Aug 26, 2023 ~ Science Direct study: 'Wind farms dry surface soil in temporal and spatial variation' Some climate scientists are saying this could create "the next Dust Bowl." People who push the climate agenda never look at the unintended consequences of 'green energy' which are worse. [Climate Change] Aug 26, 2023 ~ Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki, "Although you won’t hear about it in the MSM, the current total acreage burned for this fire season in the US is about 1/3rd that of the 10-year average and about 1/4th that of last season. This only goes to show that at any point in time, certain regions on Earth have anomalously high or low environmental conditions but climate alarmists only want you to pay attention to one of these (large fires in Canada but not the lack of fires in the USA) so they can push their doomsday narrative." [Climate Change, Fake News] Aug 26, 2023 ~ Bjorn Lomborg on how alarmists and the #FakeNews works: US burn area Jan 1 - Aug 24 (today) has the lowest burn area this century. Europe, Africa, and Asia are below average. But because Canada is above average (and a fire in Maui caused by many human errors), what gets reported is that we're getting more fires now and its because of 'climate change.' The 'above average' example can always be found and highlighted on a planet this big as they ignore everything that does not fit the narrative. [Climate Change, Fake News] Aug 25, 2023 ~ Biological male Claire (Ivan) Law won the women's P/1/2/3 Northwest Champion elimination bike race at the Jerry Baker Velodrome in Washington. Biological males continue to be allowed to take victories, records, spots and prize money from women in women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes] Aug 25, 2023 ~ Male bike racer Kiana Gysin won the women's Zuricrit fixed gear race in Zürich. Biological males continue to be allowed to take victories, records, spots and prize money from women in women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes] Aug 24, 2023 ~ Flashback: MIT Climatologist Richard Lindzen, "It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world - that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison." [Climate Change, Fake News] Aug 23, 2023 ~ Flashback: Dr. Ottmar Endenhofer, IPCC co-chair of Working Group 3. Nov 13, 2010. "We (UN-IPCC) redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy..." "One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore." [Climate Change] Aug 23, 2023 ~ A judge has ruled that the Antifa thugs who viciously attacked and beat up Andy Ngo leaving him hospitalized for doing his job as a journalist in Portland must pay Ngo $300,000 in damages. They will not pay. They will continue to perpetrate violence against those who disagree with or report on them. [Antifa, Violent Left] Aug 21, 2023 ~ Another myth busted: the 'placebo effect.' "Whenever you have a group with extreme values, they tend to exhibit regression to the mean. Eg. on average, sick people tend to become more healthy over time." Therefore, "The placebo group will also tend to get better over time." [Fake News, Health Care] Aug 20, 2023 ~ Steve Moore, 'Michigan Is Headed Back to Rust Belt Poverty' Dems repealed "right to work" laws. This bill will not only take away the right to choose from Michigan workers, but it will also do great damage to the state's economy. States that have "right to work" laws create jobs at almost twice the pace of states with forced union policies. Many businesses won't even consider locating a new factory or blue-collar operation in a forced union state. The auto jobs in America will now accelerate their move to the Southern states, which happen to be "right to work." [Economics, Economy] Aug 20, 2023 ~ Beege Welborn, 'Tragedy: When a colon just won't work as a vagina' Puberty blockers prevent penis development so insufficient material is available for a 'neovagina.' Some doctors try to use colon material with horrific results including death. At best, these medical patients for life are left with a very poor substitute for a vagina and will likely never be able to experience orgasm. "You are left sexually crippled for life, because you made a decision as an 11 year old." This madness, this barbarism has got to stop. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans] Aug 20, 2023 ~ Amala Ekpunobi, 'Today's edition of "Things That Are Now Racist" "3 meals a day. Breakfast lunch and dinner is from colonialism." 'Diet culture' has "roots is white supremacy, racism and whiteness in the food system as a whole." Also "organizing your pantry" and "being on time." [Fake Racism] Aug 20, 2023 ~ City Journal, 'What Drove “White Flight”' It was NOT racism despite the popular narratives. All groups fled the extreme rise in crime. "Homicides in Newark increased sixfold from 1950 to 1972," for example. "Only whites were shamed for leaving." [Crime, Fake Racism] Aug 20, 2023 ~ Leftists and the #FakeNews must declare new things to be 'racist' every day. Today we learn, AI is racist. But fear not, they have created (I kid you not) the 'Algorithmic Justice League' because "AI systems can amplify racism, sexism, ableism, and other forms of discrimination." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism] Aug 19, 2023 ~ Ben Appel, 'Homophobia in drag' "All around me, it seemed, straight people were spontaneously identifying into my community and then policing our behaviours and customs. I began to think that this broadening of the ‘trans’ and ‘queer’ umbrella was giving a hell of a lot of people a free pass to express their homophobia." "I learned about current medical practices in Iran, where gay sex is illegal and punishable by death, and where medical transition is subsidised by the state to ‘cure’ gays and lesbians who, the theocratic elite insists, are ‘normal’ people ‘trapped in the wrong bodies’. I privately drew parallels between the anti-gay laws and practices of Iran and what I saw developing in the West." "Then, I learned about what was happening to gender-nonconforming kids – that they were being prescribed off-label drugs to halt their natural development, so that they’d have time to decide if they were really transgender. If so, they would then be more successful at passing as the opposite sex in adulthood." "I learned the actual statistics: nearly all children who are prescribed puberty blockers go on to receive cross-sex hormones. Blockers don’t give a kid time to think. They solidify him in a trans identity and sentence him to a lifetime of very expensive, experimental medicalisation. I wondered how different these so-called trans kids were from the little boy I had been." "I learned that for decades after their invention, synthetic ‘sex hormones’ were used by doctors and scientists who sought to ‘cure’ homosexuality, and by law enforcement to chemically castrate men convicted of committing homosexual acts." "if I had been a young boy now, I likely would have been prescribed puberty blockers and gone on to medically transition." [Anti-Science, LGBT, Trans] Aug 19, 2023 ~ 'Media, Politicians Chronically Mislead On Total Number Of ‘Mass Shootings,’ Data Analysis Shows' "More than 97% of “mass shootings” that have occurred in the U.S. in the first six months of 2023 do not fit the “active shooter” type scenario driving the majority of new legislative proposals." "Stricter gun regulation favored by Democrats would only address 38 of the 1,768 people killed or injured in shootings with more than four victims." [Guns-Mass Shootings] Aug 19, 2023 ~ It is essential for the #FakeNews to make false accusations of racism every single day. It doesn't matter if it makes any sense or if it makes them look stupid. The constant accusations are more important than any of that. Today's BS: coffee shops are 'racist.' @USATODAY, 'From major chains to local shops, the coffee business is disproportionately white. Data shows little progress made, despite cafes' recent pledges.' [Fake News, Fake Racism] Aug 19, 2023 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Is It Time to Ban Electric Vehicles?' A lot of people are dying in EV fires even with not that many people having them yet. Those fires are very difficult to extinguish including random explosions. EVs are impractical AND dangerous. [Climate Change, Energy] Aug 19, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'She was cancelled. Now she is fighting back' Janet Roberson was fired from Compass Real Estate for objecting to gender ideology instruction at a school board meeting. Though she had nothing to say about race, she was called a 'racist' and a 'nazi' because of course these are the standard tools of the mob. Sadly, but unsurprisingly, her employer caved to the mob. [Cancel Culture, Fake Homophobia, Fake News, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Silencing] Aug 19, 2023 ~ Matt Walsh, 'The Case That Proves Why Hate Crime Statistics Are Bogus' 3 Black teens beat Asian Sue Young while yelling, “go back where you came from." They also beat up someone recording. This is a textbook DOJ example of a hate crime but it wasn't charged. NYC and other locales don't charge black people with hate crimes and then the #FakeNews concludes that white people are responsible for most hate crimes. "Black perpetrators account for 27.5% of violent attacks against Asians, Asians commit less than 0.1% of violent attacks against blacks." [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Racism] Aug 19, 2023 ~ After destroying HUNDREDS of Christian churches and homes in Pakistan because of some bogus 'blasphemy' or whatever, the Muslim mobs moved on to destroying Christian graves. This is how the #ReligionOfPeace increases and maintains territory. 'Infidels' are not allowed to coexist. [Islam, Terrorism] Aug 18, 2023 ~ After changing the name of the Washington Redskins to the Commanders, we find out that 9 out of 10 Native Americans were opposed to doing that! Sheesh! They say Redskins carries with it “an obligation of honor and respect.” Using it “recognizes America’s original inhabitants,” “encourage[s] Americans to learn about, not cancel, the history of America’s tribes and our role in the founding of this Great Nation,” and acknowledges the “bravery, resilience, and warrior spirit associated with Native American culture.” As usual, white liberals decide (and get it wrong) what is best for minorities like pushing 'Latinx' and getting all black faces removed from grocery store shelves. [Cancel Culture, Identity Politics, Race] Aug 18, 2023 ~ The “Comedy Unleashed” comedy festival in Edinburgh Scotland has been canceled because one comedian, Graham Linehan said that men can’t become women, woman can’t become men, and “women deserve single sex spaces and fairness in their sports.” The entire festival was shut down! [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes] Aug 18, 2023 ~ "Pakistan: Muslim Mob of 10,000 People Burns Down Hundreds of Christian Homes, Churches, over ‘Blasphemy‘" "A mob reportedly made of up as many as 10,000 men began burning down, looting, and otherwise violently assaulting Christian communities in Jaranwala, Pakistan, in response to reports that a Christian man had allegedly desecrated a Quran." Business as usual with 'the religion of peace.' [Islam, Terrorism] Aug 18, 2023 ~ Democrats and the #FakeNews have to make false accusations of racism every day no matter how ridiculous it makes them look. Its more important to drum in the idea the US or Republicans are 'systemically racist.' Trump thought the 2020 election was rigged so he calls the perpetrators of that 'riggers.' #FakeNews CNN political commentator Alyssa Farah Griffin says that is 'racist' because (I kid you not) if the 'r' was an 'n' that would be the n-word and Trump is using that word intentionally so that he can back door use the n-word. You could not make up something this stupid up, but they say things like this every day. “You don’t need to look for a dog whistle. It’s a bullhorn when it comes to race.” [2020 Election, Fake Racism] Aug 18, 2023 ~ Viral video of black woman Alewia Tola Roba screaming at the owners of "Trap Tea - The Boba Plug." "This establishment is not black owned but you're stealing black culture. You'll be exposed! I came here because I thought it was black owned. Asians stealing black culture." Boba tea is Asian culture but she thinks using the works 'trap' and 'plug' should be the exclusive right of black people. She then call the black customer who disagrees with her a racial slur, "You're a coon," after admitting her own racism since she never would have come there if she knew it was Asian owned. She wanted a black owned business like the racists of old would only patronize white establishments. [Cultural Appropriation, Racism] Aug 18, 2023 ~ The Maui fires are the deadliest in US history. Over 100 dead. Many are still missing. Democrats and the #FakeNews blame 'climate change' but it had nothing to due with climate change (fires never do). Thwas was normal Maui climate coupled with high winds from a hurricane out to sea coupled with MANY human mistakes. The warnings to cut power due to the high winds were ignored resulting in many sparking downed live power lines that started the blaze. Then some fool (M. Kaleo Manuel) would not release water to fight the fires because it is 'sacred' until it was too late to control the fire. Headline: 'A State Office Refused To Release Water For West Maui Fires Until It Was Too Late.' Manuel got his job due to political connections rather than qualifications. Also, as non-indigenous fire hazard grasses took over the area, fire mitigation actions has been needed for years but those warnings were also ignored so they could spend many orders of magnitude more money on 'green energy.' [Climate Change, Fake News] Aug 16, 2023 ~ A GA woman is suing a hospital and physician after her baby was decapitated during delivery. False charges of racism predictably followed: "You know damn well this would never happen to a white woman." The delivering physician was black! Dr. Tracey Lynn St. Julian. [Fake Racism, Health Care] Aug 16, 2023 ~ Trump is indicted again for several election offenses in GA. Ben Shapiro says, "Whatever you think of the Trump indictments, one thing is for certain: the glass has now been broken over and over again. Political opponents can be targeted by legal enemies. Running for office now carries the legal risk of going to jail -- on all sides." [2020 Election, Politics] Aug 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Anne Andres set the Canadian women's national deadlift record at the CPU (Canadian Powerlifting Union) Westerns Championship. Andres beat all of the biological women in the the championships by 463 lbs. The cowards and misogynists in CPU allowed this disgrace. [Trans, Trans Athletes] Aug 14, 2023 ~ Liberty Mutual Insurance @LibertyMutual has development programs that exclude white people. "Program criteria include: identifies as Asian, Black or Hispanic/Latinx." Further proving that things like Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) really mean Exclusion and discrimination. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism] Tag Cloud
#WalkAway, 2020 Election, Abortion, Affirmative Action, Affordable Housing, Afghanistan, Anti-Science, Anti-Semitism, Antifa, Baltimore, Ben Shapiro, Biden, BLM, Budget, California, Cancel Culture, Capitol Riot, Charlottesville, China, Climate Change, College, Coronavirus, Covington, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Cultural Appropriation, David Harsanyi, Debt, Deficit, Dennis Prager, Derek Hunter, Drugs, Due Process, Economics, Economy, Education, Energy, Entitlements, Environment, Epstein, Fairness Doctrine, Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Rape, Fake Sexism, Fake Xenophobia, Feminism, First Step, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Foreign Aid, Free Speech, Gender, Gender Pay Gap, George Floyd, Green New Deal, Guns-Mass Shootings, Harris, Health, Health Care, Hillary, Hillary Emails, Holocaust Denial, Homophobia, Hong Kong, Identity Politics, IG Report, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Impeachment, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamophobia, Israel, John Stossel, Kat Timpf, Kavanaugh, Kevin Williamson, Kyle Rittenhouse, Kyle Smith, Larry Elder, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Me Too, Minimum Wage, Nato, Net Neutrality, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Obamacare, Ocasionomics, Omar, Police, Political Correctness, Politics, Poverty, Race, Racism, Reagan, Regulations, Religion, Religious Freedom, Rich Lowry, Russia, Russia Hoax, Sanders, SCOTUS, Sexism, Sharpton, Silencing, Slavery, Smollett, Socialism, Spygate, Student Loans, Syria, Tariffs, Tax Cuts, Taxes, TDS, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship, Terrorism, Tlaib, Trade, Trans, Trans Athletes, Trump Win, Ukraine Hoax, Unions, Victor Davis Hanson, Violent Left, Violent Right, Voter Integrity Laws, Wall, Walter Williams, Western Civilization, Witch Hunt, Women's March,