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Jan 29, 2023 ~ Palestinian jihadist Ibrahim A. killed 2 teenagers on a train in Brokstedt Germany with a knife. The terrorist killed a 17 year old girl and a 19 year old boy in yet another unprovoked attack. Ibrahim A. is a migrant seeking asylum from Syria. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 29, 2023 ~ Chris Tomlinson, 'Spain Has Convicted Over 200 Jihadists Since 2004 Madrid Train Bombing' All of Europe has a big Muslim terrorism problem but Spain has gotten good at preventing attacks before they happen. [Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 29, 2023 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "Bjorn Lomborg: Hurricanes ‘Unprecedentedly Weak’ In 2022; MSM Snoozes" "2022 was the 2nd weakest year for hurricanes in more than forty years (1980-2022) and yet no mainstream media have reported on this." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 29, 2023 ~ Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza celebrated the terror attack that killed 7 Israelis in Jerusalem and injured many more. They rejoiced with cries of “Allahu Akbar,” gunfire and fireworks. Another Jihadist shot 2 more Israelis today, a father and son. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 29, 2023 ~ I've said it before and I'll say it again: Anyone talking about 'white supremacy' in 2023 is a liar and a clown. According to loons, black on black crime, free speech, borders, Charles Barkley, Hershel Walker, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Churchill, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, black attacks of Jews and Asians, meritocracy, objectivity, math, the OK symbol, police, the filibuster, diets, exercise, being pro-life, anti-vax, anti-mask, fossil fuels, grades, the SAT, the LSAT, national parks, biological sex, urgency, politeness, ETC. are 'white supremacy.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 28, 2023 ~ Now there's transableism. "We define transability as the desire or the need for a person identified as able-bodied by other people to transform his or her body to obtain a physical impairment." "The person could want to become deaf, blind, amputee, paraplegic." Affirming surgery? [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jan 28, 2023 ~ The death of Tyre Nichols is protested. He resisted arrest. Would not be handcuffed. Fought the cops, tried to flee. Video showed the 5 officers used excessive force. They were fired and charged with murder. Loons scream 'racism' and 'white supremacy' but the officers were black. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Jan 28, 2023 ~ Islamic Jihadist Mohammad Farooq was arrested in London before he could execute a terror plot to explode his pressure cooker bomb in the MATERNITY WARD of St. James’s University Hospital. Thankfully he was stopped before he blew up a bunch of BABIES and new mothers. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Palestinian terrorist Khairy Alqam killed 7 and injured at least 3 more outside a synagogue in Jerusalem. The Islamic Jihadist was killed as he was shooting at officers trying to apprehend him. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Spencer Lindquist, 'University of Texas-Austin Creates Bureaucracy to Push DEI Agenda' Article shows how DIE and #CRT have infected every school and sub-disciple of the University like a virus. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Stephen Moore 'It's Official: Trump's Tax Cuts Paid for Themselves' "revenues were up 40% in five years. The evidence through the first three years of the tax cut finds that the share of taxes paid by the wealthiest 1% rose as well." Tax cuts for the rich? [Economics, Tax Cuts, Trump Win]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Sanity is starting to prevail. The UK has banned prisoners with “male genitalia” from being housed in women's prisons. It should have been obvious that this would be necessary but there had to be numerous rapes and pregnancies before the clueless wokesters figured it out. [Crime, Trans]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations - mRNA Scientific Planner was caught by Project Veritas admitting they are mutating #COVID19 via a process called “directed evolution” to create new strains of the virus. “selected structure mutations to try to see if we can make them more potent.” Why are they doing it? To turn COVID into a “cash cow”. More strains = more vaccines sold and mandated. “It’s going to be a cash cow. COVID will probably be a cash cow for us for a while going forward.” How can they get away with this? Because Pfizer “is a revolving door for all government officials. All the government officials who review our drugs, eventually come work for pharma companies. It’s pretty good for the industry to be honest. It’s bad for everyone else in America.” [Coronavirus, Health Care]
Jan 26, 2023 ~ Larry Elder, "Obama Warns About the 'Raw Sewage' of Disinformation -- Ignores Democrats' Own Garbage" Long but of course very partial list of major Democrat Party lies. They lie nearly constantly. [Larry Elder, Politics]
Jan 26, 2023 ~ Violent Democrat Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier is arrested for sending ricin poison to President Trump and eight Texas State law enforcement officials. Said she'd bring a gun if the poison didn't work. [Violent Left]
Jan 26, 2023 ~ Islamic Jihadist and African illegal alien Yasin Kanza attacks 2 churches with a machete yelling "Death to Christians" and "Allah is great." He almost killed a 74 year old priest. He was destroying alters and then killed a guy from the church who was trying to get away from him. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 25, 2023 ~ The EU, whose primary purpose is to extort money from successful and popular businesses, fines Facebook $414 million allegedly for targeted advertising. The EU has previously extorted billions from Apple, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Google, airlines and many more. The EU is disgusting. [Economics, Regulations]
Jan 25, 2023 ~ Disney closes one of its most popular rides, Splash Mountain, supposedly because the ride was somehow racist. Splash Mountain is not racist in any way. Zip a dee Doo Dah is not a racist song. The ride had nothing to do with slavery as some claimed. The haters win. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 25, 2023 ~ The Jackson Board of Education in Michigan has extremely racist board members like Kesha Hamilton. "Whiteness is so evil. it manipulates then says, I won’t apologize for my dishonesty and trauma-inducing practices." This type of racism is only allowed against 1 group of people. She then compared white people to animals but says they're worse. "The last thing you have to worry about is an animal – though that could be a very real threat.. more dangerous are any whites you may see on the trail." [Education, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jan 24, 2023 ~ Kiersten Hening, the Virginia Tech soccer player that was benched because she would not bow and kneel to #BLM won $100,000 in her lawsuit against the school and the coach. It was a crazy time but the tyrants are not getting away with their tyranny. Only a few were brave. [BLM, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Jan 24, 2023 ~ Canada’s National Arts Centre @CanadasNAC holds performances only for black people. "Performance exclusively for Black audiences. The NAC will be hosting our first evening dedicated entirely to Black audiences." Unreal how far we've regressed. Open racism is now acceptable. [Racism]
Jan 24, 2023 ~ A University of Georgia survey found that 0% of African-American voters in GA said their voting experience was “poor” in the midterm election. Just under 73% of black voters in GA said their voting experience was “excellent.” Recall, Biden and the Democrat's Jim Crow 2.0 lie! [Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jan 24, 2023 ~ Gun control advocates never tire of looking stupid. After the Monterey Park mass shooting they pretend that California doesn't already have all of the gun control they could dream of. "Ban that kind of gun," they scream. Banning guns is the 'solution.' Um, it already IS banned. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jan 24, 2023 ~ Leslie Jones says white people are not allowed to talk about the MLK sculpture. "White people. You don’t need to be saying shit about this statue! You understand? Black hands only! You need to sit your ass in the back of the bus for this one." Imagine telling this to another race. [Racism]
Jan 23, 2023 ~ The woke left destroys another American city. People can't flee NYC, San Fran, Chicago, Portland fast enough. Now Seattle is toast. Nike, Cinemark fleeing the city due to the pro-criminal, anti-police environment. Rampant crime. Overrun with homeless. Seattle has become unlivable. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Police]
Jan 23, 2023 ~ The same jerks who were quick to blame 'white supremacy', the GOP, the NRA etc. for the LA area Asian mass shooting have not apologized for their false accusations. Instead, they simply redefine 'white supremacy'. @AmyTanMD, "Ppl don't have to be white to uphold white supremacy." FFS. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings, Loathsome Left]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Mary Trump, "White America, white America has never, ever owned up to its egregious failures to acknowledge let alone atone for, it’s history of white supremacy and its refusal to deal with white privilege." Her example of this (I kid you not) was the candidacy of Hershel Walker. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Lee Brown, "Marines told to stop using ‘sir,’ ‘ma’am’ to avoid ‘misgendering’ superiors" This can't be real. "The exhaustive, ($2M) 738-page study that the Marines first commissioned in 2020 said traditional ways of addressing superiors were holding back gender integration." This would be to accommodate so called 'non-binary' people. [Anti-Science, CRT DIE Wokeness, Trans]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Canada is spending $164K on a research project called “Decolonizing Light: Tracing and countering colonialism in contemporary physics.” "our project initiatives are motivated by the marginalization of women, Black people, and Indigenous peoples particularly in physics." Woke BS. [Anti-Science, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Biden stokes racial division with lies. "If you live in one of those neighborhoods and you have the same exact car I have in the other neighborhood, you pay more for your insurance than that side. No basis for it! None at all other than you’re black, and I’m white." Total BS. The basis for it is different neighborhoods have different car theft and vandalism rates. And different drivers have different driving and accident records. Racism is not a factor but Democrats can never understand this because data and facts do not matter. Only skin color. [Biden, Fake Racism]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on a Pentecostal church in the eastern Kasindi province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 14 dead and 63 injuries. Sadly, Islamic mass killings of Christians is still a regular occurrence in the world. [Islam, Religion, Terrorism]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Dr. Leena Wen, 'We are overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations. That’s a problem.' People slam the #FakeNews @CNN analyst for noticing this 2.5 years too late. "The number of deaths attributed to COVID is far greater than the actual number of people dying from COVID." [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Mass shooting near LA, home of the most stringent gun control laws that did no good. 10 dead, 10 injured. All Asians. Instantly dems and other leftists start blaming the NRA, the GOP, 'white supremacy', anti-Asian bigotry etc. Shooter was Asian. They never tire of being wrong. [Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings, Loathsome Left]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ A 6 year old boy shoots his teacher at Richneck Elementary School in VA. He was black. Teacher was white. Race not mentioned in the stories. Notorious racist, Bishop Talbert Swan @TalbertSwan ironically makes a series of BS "If he was black" posts that 1000s agreed with. [Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Antifa is rioting in Atlanta. One of their domestic terrorists shot a cop and the cops returned fire and killed him. Now Antifa is burning police cars, vandalizing and burning businesses, throwing rocks and bottles at the police and basically doing what they do best. #Violentleft [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Brendan O’Neill, On "the staggering narcissism of the nonbinary ideology. These people really do believe that the entire world should mould itself around their ideology. Male and female awards must be scrapped. Female toilets, changing rooms and other private spaces must be thrown open to men who feel like women. Even language itself must be twisted and bent to these people’s identity feels." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jan 20, 2023 ~ Vanderbilt Math prof Luis Leyva used WokeGPT to spew out a lecture titled “Undergraduate Mathematics Education as a White, Cisheteropatriarchal Space and Opportunities for Structural Disruption to Advance Queer of Color Justice.” FFS! Just when you thought it couldn't get dumber. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism]
Jan 20, 2023 ~ Jerome Corsi, "IPCC Climate Models Grossly Exaggerate 'Global Warming'" Several studies confirm that due to positioning of sensors (many violating NOAA's own rules) exaggerate US warming by 50%. [Climate Change]
Jan 20, 2023 ~ Larry Elder, 'Black Man Dies Following His Arrest -- Examine the Media Coverage' More details on Keenan Anderson. One of the arresting officers was black. Would not have been shot "had Keenan Anderson simply complied." Tried to steal an Uber driver's car. [BLM, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Police]
Jan 20, 2023 ~ Even the #FakeNews gets it right occasionally. Despite the claims of Gavin Newsom and Ellen, the LA Times admits CA storms are not due to climate change. Now every storm climate change. Inexplicably, they admitted storms like those have happened every decade since the early 1800s. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 19, 2023 ~ Victor Davis Hanson @VDHanson, Illegal immigration taxes Americas to subsidize Mexico. "Frequent subsidized housing, healthcare, legal assistance, education, and food in the United States are often used to free up cash for illegals, who then send it to Mexico." Obrador thrilled. [Entitlements, Illegal Immigration, Victor Davis Hanson]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ New drop of 'Twitter Files.' Shows that Twitter knew the Democrat Party narrative that Russian trolls and bots were influencing the election through social media was bunk. Twitter tried to tell the Dems there was "Not any…significant activity connected to Russia." But Dems already knew they were lying. [Russia Hoax]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Hamline University in Minnesota fired Erika López Prater because she showed ancient Muslim art that depicted Mohammed. She exempted students who may be offended ahead of time. It was a famous historical painting by a devote Muslim. Still a few complained and the college caved. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Islam, Silencing]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Biden continues to prove he's a pathological liar spinning bizarre lie after bizarre lie. I "used to go to 7:30 Mass every morning in high school and then in college, before I went to the Black church." "We would organize to march and to desegregate the city." "When I was a teenager in Delaware, for real, I got involved in the civil rights movement. I’d go to 8 o’clock Mass, then I’d go to Rev. Herring’s church where we’d meet in order to organize and figure where we were going to go, whether we were going to desegregate the Rialto movie theater or what we were going to do." None of this is true. [Biden]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Colorado College Physics prof Natalie Gosnell trashes astrophysics with woke bullshit: “As an astrophysicist, I’m a product of institutions that are steeped in systemic racism and white supremacy.” "The tenants of white supremacy that show up [in physics] of individualism and exceptionalism and perfectionism." [Anti-Science, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Laurel Duggan, "‘Methodologically Flawed’: Key Studies That Inspired Trans Medicine Don’t Hold Up" By "excluding the experiences of those who dropped out of the study over time, creating a bias towards participants who reported positive experiences." [Trans]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Norwegian paint the root cause of racism or something' Does it ever end? We know EVERYTHING is 'racist' but this is insane. $1.2M study, 'How Norway Made the World Whiter.' Bla bla 'whiteness in art.' Can't make it up... [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Christina Buttons, @buttonslives "Researchers Claimed Evolutionary Biology Was ‘Ableist.’ Here’s How They Misrepresented The Data." You cannot make up how stupid this woke crap is going to get. 'Survival of the fittest' is 'ableist.' [Anti-Science, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Rich Lowry, "No, You Can’t Believe ‘the Science’" "The debate over gas stoves illustrates perfectly the faux scientific method." Flawed studies quickly become #FakeNews "Gas stove pollution causes 12.7% of childhood asthma." See also COVID, Climate Change. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Fake News, Rich Lowry]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ John Sexton, 'Number of Virginia high schools who failed to inform students of merit awards rises to 13' The push for 'equity' gets darker. More and more VA high schools revealed to be screwing hard working kids over in the quest to destroy merit. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education]

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