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Jul 4, 2023 ~ Feminist K. Yang was attacked by trans activist mob for holding a sign opposing dehumanizing terms for women like 'bleeder.' "I'm a former trans rights activist & LGBT non-profit whistleblower. I was just kicked, hit, pushed, mobbed by dozens of people in Washington Square Park.♂️who identify as♀️called me 'bitch' & assaulted me." They tried to destroy her sign but she would not let go. This is typical violent mob behavior that TRAs use to eliminate dissent to their ideology. [Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ 'Irish Government Commits €600M to Cull 200,000 Cows, Aiming for 25% Reduction in Agricultural Emissions by 2030' Not just Ireland, but Belgium and others are killing 100s of 1000s of cows to meet EU targets. Will make food expensive. No climate benefit. [Anti-Science, Climate Change]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Aaron Hertzberg, 'CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vaccine as a Cause of Death' "In almost every death certificate that identifies a covid vaccine as a cause of death, the CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death listed on the death certificate." [Coronavirus]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush said before his sub preventably imploded killing 5, “When I started the business, one of the things you’ll find, there are other sub-operators out there, but they typically have gentlemen who are ex-military submariners, and you’ll see a whole bunch of 50-year-old white guys. I wanted our team to be younger, to be inspirational." Did diversity hires compromise the safety of that sub? [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ Zack K. De Piero, 'Why I’m Suing Penn State' Another nightmarish #CancelCulture story. Listened to very racist DIE trainings like “White Teachers Are a Problem.” English teachers like him were ordered to "assure that all students see that white supremacy manifests itself in language and in writing pedagogy." The DIE director ordered them to "stop being afraid of your own internalized white supremacy” and to “Hold other white people accountable.” After more DIE indoctrination, De Piero asked for examples of how to create 'equity' in his classroom. He was told his questions were harassment and was formally reprimanded. "'Antiracism' isn’t quite the right term to describe the performative activism that’s happening across academia and corporate America. Let’s call this hustle what it is: plain and simple, racism. And just like racism, the so-called antiracist movement threatens everything in its path: freedom of speech, due process, healthy workplace relationships, professional excellence, academic rigor, and the psychological welfare of teachers and students alike." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ New York City has ordered pizzerias that use coal and wood fired ovens to install very expensive $20,000 filters. Some are not able to install them regardless of the cost. This is insane. This will kill iconic NYC pizza. Again for NO REASON. This will not improve the climate. [Anti-Science, Climate Change]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Canadian smoke is racist.' The #FakeNews just can't let up on their bullshit for a single day. Fox9 reports "The smoke is impacting air quality issues for poor and Black communities." To 'prove' it, they use examples like Detroit that are majority white cities. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ St. Philip’s College biology professor Johnson Varkey has been fired for teaching that that "sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes." Some students walked out when confronted with the facts of science. The cowardly college fired him. You can't even teach biology anymore. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, College, Trans]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ Justice Jackson is debunked making an absurd argument for why affirmative action is necessary. “For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live, and not die.” Totally false. "The difference is 99.96% vs 99.91%, not even statistically significant." And it doesn't account for the fact that the high risk infants are more likely to see White doctors in the NICU. [Affirmative Action, Fake News, Fake Racism, Health Care, SCOTUS]
Jul 2, 2023 ~ SOCUTS ruled in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis that a web designer doesn't have to create sites with messages that she disapproves of like same sex marriage sites. This was a 1st Amendment case 100% but Democrats and the left try to spin it as businesses now don't have to serve gays. [Free Speech, SCOTUS]
Jul 2, 2023 ~ 5th night in a row of riots all over France over the shooting of a black, Muslim immigrant. 45,000 police officers are deployed throughout the country to stop the civil unrest. 1000s of people have been arrested so far after 100s of cars and buildings have been set on fire and countless stores have been looted as Muslim jihadist immigrants that France was kind enough to take in shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ burning and destroying as they go. The victim was stopped for reckless driving, underage and other violations. Had priors. Police told him to exit the car. He would not. He attempted to drive off as one officer was partially on the car (vehicular assault). He was shot to avoid an officer dragging incident as well as protect the public. Different country but these cases are all the same. Non-compliant criminal does not follow lawful orders. Takes action to endanger the officers and public. Is shot. Then the left and #BLM scream racism because he is black. "He wasn't doing nothin." "He shouldn't be shot for a traffic violation." Etc. They always ignore what really happened to push the narrative of 'racist police.' [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Islam, Police, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Jun 30, 2023 ~ The Supreme Court STRIKES DOWN President Biden's student-debt-relief plan by a 6-3 vote. SCOTUS confirms the obvious fact that the plan is not authorized by the HEROES Act. Biden immediately vows to look for other illegal methods of funding the the program. [Biden, College, Education, SCOTUS, Student Loans]
Jun 29, 2023 ~ In Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, the Supreme Court strikes down race based affirmative action in college admissions. Asians must score 450, 270, 140 points higher than blacks, Hispanics and whites for the same spot in college. SCOTUS said no more of that unconstitutional racial discrimination! [Affirmative Action, College, Education, Identity Politics, SCOTUS]
Jun 28, 2023 ~ Denmark study shows suicidality among trans patients increased AFTER sex reassignment, contrary to what we have been told. "The overall mortality for sex-reassigned persons was higher during follow-up than for controls of the same birth sex, particularly death from suicide." [Health Care, Trans]
Jun 28, 2023 ~ "'Non-binary'-identifying students in New Jersey skyrocket 4,000% since 2019, providing further evidence of the social contagion aspect of gender ideology, particularly through propaganda pushed on minors on social media." @MrAndyNgo There are in fact no 'non-binary' people. [Anti-Science, Education, Trans]
Jun 23, 2023 ~ Elie Mystal @ElieNYC frequently wishes violence on people he disagrees with. He called for someone to kill Justice Alito: "please take him to see the Titanic," after a sub doing that imploded. He has previously admitted to wanting to drive his car through the lobby of Trump Tower and said "I want pitchforks and torches outside this man's house," because the man held a political fundraiser for Trump. The man is unhinged and violent but #FakeNews @MSNBC continues to give him air time. [Fake News, TDS, Violent Left]
Jun 19, 2023 ~ Biden says, "Guns are the #1 killer of kids in America." This is a lie. To make it true, you have to EXCLUDE kids 1 year old and less and INCLUDE 18 and 19 year old adults. He concludes from his lie that 'assault weapons' need to be banned even though they account for about 1% of the deaths of kids being killed by gun violence. [Biden, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jun 19, 2023 ~ “Trump has been the victim of witch hunts by obsessive enemies willing to do anything to bring him down. On those occasions—most prominently Russiagate, and more recently the civil and criminal actions against him in New York—I have never shied away from defending him. As his attorney general, I witnessed firsthand the unfair and venomous treatment he, and those in his administration, often received,” Barr wrote. “It is also true, as I know well, that Trump is a deeply flawed, incorrigible man who frequently brings calamity on himself and the country through his dishonesty and self-destructive recklessness. Even his supporters, who can’t help but acknowledge that he is own worst enemy, know it.” [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jun 18, 2023 ~ Lesbian bar La Part des Anges which has operated for over 10 years in France had to shut down due to death threats by trans activists. Vandalism and threats to kill 'TERFS' etc. The bar has been inclusive of trans people but defend lesbians' rights to want to date real females. [LGBT, Trans, Violent Left]
Jun 18, 2023 ~ Nigel Hannaford,' Caylan Ford, fighting back against cancel culture' "Falsely accused of racist sympathies... she was immediately dumped by the UCP as an electoral liability. Her reputation was thereafter gang-raped for weeks through the twittersphere." The film 'When the Mob Came' documents her nightmare from false accusations of racism to #CancelCulture. "If you don’t spend all your time in the twittersphere, you really don’t know how far the society we live in has retreated from civility: To call Twitter a jungle is to impugn the essential dignity of animals. And in the high-tension weeks before the election, thousands of vicious comments appeared on Twitter, condemning her in the most abusive terms. Almost all were written by people who didn’t know her. Some were driven perhaps by that dreary hope that in calling somebody else a ‘PoS white supremacist homophobe' or a 'Nazi,' they might by comparison elevate their own feelings of self-worth." "But then came the social ostracization. While the mob was raging, people just didn’t want any trouble. People she thought were friends, dropped her. Worse, people who knew better, people who understood exactly what had been done to her and knew she was nothing of a white supremacist or a homophobe, did not — and in some cases would not — speak up for her." "I couldn’t speak in public, I couldn’t even publish." This was a classic tale of #CancelCulture. Lies were told. The mob descended. Everyone else was too afraid to defend her or hire her because they were afraid the mob would turn on them. In her case a few people were brave enough to defend her and the tide began to turn. But it took years and her reputation is still in tatters and many others have not been as lucky. [Cancel Culture, Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Jun 18, 2023 ~ Many death threats are being made against Republican lawmakers but the #FakeNews ignores it. "In the past week, two separate men have been arrested for reportedly making recent death threats against Republican Sens. Tommy Tuberville and Rep. Jim Banks. The week prior, another man was arrested for earlier threats he made against Republican Sen. Thom Tillis and former Sen. Richard Burr." [Violent Left]
Jun 18, 2023 ~ Another 46 Christians killed in Nigeria. This is a somewhat common occurrence, sometimes hundreds at a time. "The perpetrators are believed to be members of radical Islamic terror groups, including Fulani herdsmen groups, Boko Haram, and Islamic State West Africa Province." [Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 17, 2023 ~ Report shows that 96% of NOAA thermometers are in locations that NOAA considers inappropriate. "In parking lots, on buildings, against brick walls, or in other artificial environments. The bricks, asphalt and other human construction materials used in these environments artificially trap heat, leading to a “warming bias” in the collected data. [Climate Change]
Jun 17, 2023 ~ Wildfires in Canada has been creating poor quality air for New York and elsewhere in the US. Democrats and the usual alarmists blame 'climate change' as usual. And as usual, their claims have no basis in reality. Wildfires are happening with less frequency now than in the past. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 17, 2023 ~ Raymond Ibrahim, 'Austria Learns About Muslim Hate' Austrian politicians are shocked to learn that Muslims are being taught in mosques that they can only be friends with other Muslims. Ibrahim shows that this doctrine has deep roots in Islam. Koran 3:28: "Let believers [Muslims] not take infidels [non-Muslims] for friends and allies in place of believers.  Whoever does so will have nothing to hope for from Allah -- unless it is by way of taqiyya against them." 'Taqiyya' is temporarily pretending to befriend an infidel to gain an advantage over them. Koran 5:51: "O believers! Take neither Jews nor Christians for friends and allies." Osama bin Laden explains Koran 60:4: "As to the relationship between Muslims and infidels, this is summarized by the Most High’s Word: 'We renounce you. Enmity and hate shall forever reign between us -- till you believe in Allah alone' [Koran 60:4]. So there is an enmity, evidenced by fierce hostility from the heart. And this fierce hostility -- that is, battle -- ceases only if the infidel submits to the authority of Islam, or if his blood is forbidden from being shed [i.e., a dhimmi], or if Muslims are at that point in time weak and incapable [of going on the offensive]. But if the hate at any time extinguishes from the heart, this is great apostasy!… Such, then, is the basis and foundation of the relationship between the infidel and the Muslim. Battle, animosity, and hatred -- directed from the Muslim to the infidel -- is the foundation of our religion." ISIS has also tried to explain that hatred of non-Muslims lies at the foundation of Islam for as bin Laden explained, that hatred is commanded by Allah in the Koran: "We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers." "Our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you." [Islam]
Jun 17, 2023 ~ Biological male Monroe Lace is Miss San Francisco. Lace will now compete in the Miss California contest. There are no women's spaces that males are not being allowed to invade. Where ever Democrats and leftists are in charge, women no longer have rights. [Feminism, Trans]
Jun 17, 2023 ~ Texas signs the "Save Woman's Sports Act" requiring college athletes to compete in sports categories that correspond to their biological sex. Gov. Abbott said at the signing, "Women in Texas can be assured that the integrity of their sports will be protected in Texas." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 16, 2023 ~ Multiple Target stores were sent bomb threats by LGBT activists for “betraying the LGBTQ+ community” by toning down some of their pride line of merchandise. The #FakeNews tried VERY HARD to make it seem like the bomb threats came from the right. Their dishonesty knows no bounds. [Fake News, LGBT, Violent Left]
Jun 16, 2023 ~ Capell Aris, 'Green energy disaster in the UK should be an awful warning to Americans' A sober warning to Americans not to follow the fools of the UK and Germany off the cliff they jumped off of. Their insane policies led to a total debacle. But Biden and the democrats are trying their best to follow over the cliff. [Climate Change, Energy]
Jun 16, 2023 ~ Half of England's championship female angler team quits after biological male Becky Lee Birtwhistle Hodges was allowed onto the team. Hodges has clear advantages over the women in size, strength, endurance, hand size and more. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 16, 2023 ~ Toronto Blue Jays fired pitcher Anthony Bass because he supported the boycott of Target over their LGBT advocacy. As usual with #CancelCulture, his groveling apology did not help. No dissent is allowed. You must affirm and agree with everything or you are cancelled. [Cancel Culture, LGBT]
Jun 16, 2023 ~ A jury awards white woman Shannon Phillips $25 million because Starbucks unjustly fired her for being white in an attempt to make it seem like they were addressing the crisis where Starbucks had 2 black men arrested because they caused a scene about the policy that only customers were allowed to use the bathroom. They said it was because they were black but the manager on duty was black. Starbucks didn't fire the black manager in charge of the store. They instead fired Phillips who was an executive. The jury found clear evidence that her firing was racially motivated. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 16, 2023 ~ A woman has accused Conor McGregor of raping her at a Miami Heat game. She says she was forced in to a bathroom with the help of the NBA and Heat security. Video footage shows otherwise. No way he (especially as a public figure) could pull it off in a crowded arena bathroom. Her story is about as plausible as public figure Donald Trump raping a 50 something year old woman in a public department store in broad daylight. I.e. not even remotely plausible. [Fake Rape]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ Former AG Bill Barr on the Trump indictment, "If even half of it is true, then he’s toast. I mean, it’s a very detailed indictment and it’s very, very damning." Trump responded by calling Barr a 'gutless pig", a "coward", "lazy, weak and totally ineffective," a "lowlife." Yawn. [Crime, Politics]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ Ann Coulter on the Trump indictment. "After years of making insane accusations against Trump, from Russian collusion to indicting him for misdemeanor record-keeping errors in his blackmail payments to a porn star, liberals finally have him dead to rights committing serious felonies. And no one believes them." "It’s your own fault, liberals," for 'crying wolf' so often. [Crime, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ President Trump was indicted on 37 federal felony charges relating to mishandling classified information and obstruction of justice. No indictments for Joe Biden for similar or Hillary Clinton for worse infractions. Trump however refused to turn over the docs and lied about them. [Biden, Hillary, Politics]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ Monica Showalter, '$400 billion in COVID relief, vanished to fraud' "That figure is likely to grow, the Associated Press reported." The bigger the gov. program, the more the fraud. 400 BILLION. And 77% of the 'legit' money did not even go to workers. [Coronavirus, Entitlements]
Jun 13, 2023 ~ Flashback: "The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the Arctic after 2022 is essentially zero," said Harvard Atmospheric Professor James Anderson in 2018. As reported by #FakeNews Forbes magazine. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 12, 2023 ~ President Biden remembers the Pulse Nightclub shooting on "Pulse Remembrance Day" where he claims 49 people were killed by "gun violence." As is customary for Democrats, he leaves out the most relevant information. This was an act of Islamic terrorism. 100% motivated by Islam. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 12, 2023 ~ The once prestigious @JohnsHopkins is participating the full erasure of women by defining lesbian as "a non-man attracted to non-men." Gay men are still 'men' but now lesbians are 'non-men' to include 'non-binary' people that want to call themselves lesbians. Unacceptable. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Health Care, LGBT, Trans]
Jun 12, 2023 ~ Biological male Austin Killips continues to be allowed to win women's bicycle races. Killips latest 'victory' was the Belgian Waffle Ride North Carolina. Killips finished FIVE MINUTES ahead of the closed female competitor! The cowards and misogynists running women's sports are allowing men to destroy decades of progress for women and girls. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 12, 2023 ~ Daniel Penny reveals why he restrained Jordan Neely, "The three main threats that he repeated over and over was, 'I'm going to kill you,' 'I'm prepared to go to jail for life,' and 'I'm willing to die' ... I was scared for myself, but I looked around, I saw women and children. He was yelling in their faces, saying these threats." [BLM, Fake Racism]
Jun 8, 2023 ~ Flashback: Climate alarmist in chief James Hansen said in 2008: "We see a tipping point occurring right before our eyes." #FakeNews @AP: "Hansen, echoing work by other scientists, said that in five to 10 years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer." Wildly false. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 4, 2023 ~ Author and former Africana Studies professor at North Carolina State University, Dr. Kamau Kambon has died. Kambon once said "We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet" on a Howard University panel televised on CSPAN. That statement received applause. Kambon was not canceled. His 'Blacknificent Books' continued to sell on mainstream outlets. He continued to receive speaking engagements. He was a celebrated member of the Black Lives Matter #BLM movement. After his death, he received glowing obituary after glowing obituary. Examples: "His legacy is bravery, resilience, and challenging the status quo. His work has inspired generations of activists and students." "He was a strong voice for African-Americans and other people of colour, and his WORDS and actions continue to inspire those who seek social justice." "His WORDS and deeds will inspire generations. (emphasis mine) And on and on. Many more. [BLM, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Loathsome Left, Racism, Violent Left]
Jun 2, 2023 ~ Dr. Karen Johnson’s, head of the Washington State Office of Equity (OOE), was fired for extreme racism. "I generally distrust Mexican people. Mexican people have the option of being White when it is convenient for them." She chided a white staffer for wearing her hair in a braid, accusing her of “cultural appropriation.” She is suing. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Cultural Appropriation, Racism]
Jun 2, 2023 ~ Trump continues to burn bridges by trashing his most loyal supporters if they are not actively fellating him with sufficient enthusiasm. For reporting on a poll he didn't like the results of he says, “Kayleigh ‘Milktoast’ McEnany just gave out the wrong poll numbers on FoxNews. I am 34 points up on DeSanctimonious, not 25 up. While 25 is great, it’s not 34. She knew the number was corrected upwards by the group that did the poll. The RINOS & Globalists can have her. FoxNews should only use REAL Stars!!!” What a jerk and a loser. This woman took bullets for Trump. Who would ever work for a guy like that? [Politics]
May 31, 2023 ~ Republicans and Democrats trim a tiny amount off of our exploding, unsustainable spending to do what they have always done: kick the can down the road as it gets worse and worse. @RepNancyMace explains: "After factoring in a small cut to discretionary spending over the next 2 yrs, we are still talking about ~$6T more or less in spending bc of large increases in spending elsewhere. ... Govt grew massively over the past 3 years. This growth was supposed to be emergency funding only during COVID. During this time, govt grew 40% or by $2 trillion from 2019 to 2023. We went from spending just over $4T to spending just over $6T." Democrats and the #FakeNews lie about "deep cuts" when spending has really grown by $2T in just a few years! Everyone knows this is unsustainable but no one has the courage to deal with it. Most will be out of power by the time it really goes bust reducing their incentive to do the right thing. The majority would not go along with seriously dealing with the problem anyway. [Debt, Deficit, Fake Racism, Politics]
May 30, 2023 ~ Norway, Finland, Sweden & the UK are now restricting the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone & transition-related surgeries to children under 18. The US is more and more becoming an outlier as the rest of the world is waking up to the harm caused by these false treatments. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
May 30, 2023 ~ Nancy Armour in #FakeNews USA Today article 'What ESPN's Sam Ponder calls "fairness" is plain old bigotry', accuses people who want fairness in women's sports of being bigots. She says they are "screech[ing] about 'fairness' to cloak their bigotry." She is screeching about bigotry to cloak her ignorance and misogyny. She wants to destroy women's sports. Disgraceful. [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 29, 2023 ~ Biological male June Watterson wins the women's slalom ski race in the High School State Champions at the California-Nevada Interscholastic Ski & Snowboard Federation (CNISSF) state finals. The 2nd place female lost by a full 17 SECONDS! June competes as a male in other events. [Trans, Trans Athletes]

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