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Nov 19, 2022 ~ At Cornell University, another Ann Coulter speech is shut down by left wing democrats who despise free speech. Coulter's speech was ironically on 'free speech.' "We don’t want you to be here, your words are violence." "No KKK no fascist USA" the tyrannical children shouted. [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ Bjorn Lomborg reports on 'The dishonesty of the climate debate' "Why should rich countries pay $trillions/year in climate reparations? Because 'crescendo of disasters' and similar claims. Reality: fatalities and costs of climate disasters down, for rich, poor, and all countries." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ The #CancelCulture mob still has the power. Rosie Kay was forced out of her own company, the Rosie Kay Dance Company for not having woke enough views on the trans issue. She stood up for women's rights and children but that angered the mob. They demanded her head and they got it. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ Target stock is doing poorly after they report they've had $400 million in theft losses in the past year. "Theft is certainly a key driver. We know we're not alone across retail in seeing a trend." The trend started when Democrats stopped enforcing the law in the name of 'equity.' [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ Aspen Hoffman becomes the latest mediocre (72nd place) male athlete to excel on the female side. Hoffman qualified for the state championship on the Seattle Academy High School girls’ cross-country team. He's not only winning, he's breaking school records. Yay women!! #GirlPower [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Jonathan Chait’s, “Progressive America Needs a Glasnost.” The woke have power and force compliance. "It is an unhealthy culture that forces people to suppress their doubts and mouth platitudes for fear of losing their livelihoods." "These purges have a multiplier effect: For every person humiliated or fired for a small or nonexistent offense, many other people will refuse to criticize even transparently absurd left-wing pieties." [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ John Stossel, 'Inconvenient Facts' No carbon reduction for the first 60K miles. And even if you made 500K EVs, that would only reduce oil consumption by 10%. And most electricity generated by fossil fuels. EVs are an almost total waste. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Energy]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Scientific American has gone 'woke.' Published #FakeNews article, 'Why Scientists Must Stand for Affirmative Action and against Scientific Racism.' They (a single author) actually claim that if colleges do not lower standards for black people, that is 'white supremacy.' Sick. [Affirmative Action, College, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Luke Rosiak, 'School Closures Didn’t Reduce The Number Of Child COVID Deaths, Data Indicates' Complete repudiation of Democrat policies which harmed children's education. [Coronavirus, Education]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Racist Jemele Hill explains Hispanics voting for DeSantis as "proximity to whiteness." "The oppressed begin to take on the traits of the oppressor." This is really sick stuff. This poisonous world view and casual racism must be rejected! [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Moronic children continue to attack priceless pieces of art to bring attention to climate change. They threw tomato soup on a famous Monet. Other fools attack Vermeer's 'Girl with a Pearl Earring.' Other vandals are spraying buildings with paint throwers. Counter-productive. [Climate Change, Loathsome Left]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Gov. DeSantis press release quote study showing FL approach wes best for kids: "We kept schools open in 2020, and today’s NAEP results once again prove that we made the right decision. In Florida, adjusted for demographics, 4th grade students are #1 in both Reading and Math." [Coronavirus, Education]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ A 'noose' is claimed to be found at Obama library construction site. The #FakeNews is all in. Crane loops have been mistaken for 'nooses' in the past as shown in this article as they look exactly the same. Jussie Smollett and Bubba Wallace say its real! This has happened many times in the past. This supposed 'noose' caused tons of outrage including Gov Cuomo before it was determined to be a construction hoist. This site documents MANY more fake 'noose' hate crimes. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ Bo Winegard, "The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport gives the NBA an A in diversity because 82.4% of the players are 'people of color.' Thus, in a country that is roughly 60% white, a league that is 17.6% white is 'diverse'! the Institute's sole criterion for grading diversity is proportion of POCs. Over 30% is an A. Thus, a league that was 100% black would score an A, whereas a league that was 75% white, 10% Asian, and 15% black would not." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ The Intercept breaks huge story exposing collaboration between tech higher ups and Homeland Security. They argued that the agency needed to take steps to halt the “spread of false and misleading information,” Microsoft exec, "Platforms have to get more comfortable with gov't." [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ Violent Democrat Scott Lennox is arrested for threatening GOP gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey. Said he would “skin Darren Bailey alive” and "feed his fucking family to him as he is alive and screaming in fucking pain." "I am going to kill him." "I know where his kids sleep" [Violent Left]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ Biological Male, Cece Telfer is awared the 2022 Action Award in New York City for being another mediocre male athlete who takes victories and prize money from deserving women. The only explanation is pure misogyny. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ A paper called "Fat acceptance as social justice" is released by the Canadian Medical Association Journal. About 'fatphobia' and "the deeply problematic medical term, 'obesity.'" "Scholars of fat studies" "structural racism in health care experienced by BIPOC communities." #CRT [Anti-Semitism, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health, Health Care]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ Chris Talgo, 'New Poll of Scientists Dispels Myth of Climate Change Consensus' poll of 400 meteorologists, climatologists, geologists, and other scientists shows only 59% now believe AGW will cause “significant harm” in our lifetimes. Far cry from 99%. [Climate Change]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ Monica Showalter, "Big banks setting actual loan rates to big businesses based on 'diversity' quotas instead of ability to repay" This kind of racism is exactly what caused the 2007 crisis. Companies have to prove DIE quotas to get good rates. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ David Bahnsen, 'Pick Now: It’s Trump, or Winning'   "'But he fights.' Well, he loses.   'He did a lot of good.' Yes, he did. But he also cost us the House, Senate, and White House." [Politics]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ Trump goes off the rails at not being the center of attention. He launches unprovoked attacks on Ron DeSantis and Glenn Youngkin. These personal attacks made Trump look small and petty, throwing grenades inside the tent. These and other things caused him to lose a lot of support. [Politics]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ Disgusting hyper partisan so called comedian Stephen Colbert smears Republicans by saying they are in the KKK. "It’s like what happens when you accidentally wash your Klan robes with your MAGA hat." Truly a vile POS. After all this time, the fake race card is still all they have. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ Left wing aholes who hate free speech and appoint themselves the censors shut down Ann Coulter's speech at Cornell. They shouted over her until removed. But each baby tyrant was replaced by the next little fascist wanna be who thought he gets to decide who is allowed to talk. [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ #FakeNews NPR "the only reason that runoffs exist" in Georgia was to "disenfranchise black voters." The coverage went on to describe Walker as a poor candidate and Warnock as a bipartisan leader. Pure partisan propaganda taxpayers are forced to fund against their interests. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 10, 2022 ~ File this #FakeNews headline in the 'Everything is Racist!' cabinet. "Lottery accused of 'systemic racism' after massive Powerball payout. Researchers told CNN that the lottery disproportionately preys on Black and Brown communities." POC have no agency according to CNN. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 9, 2022 ~ The New York City Marathon ridiculously added a 'non-binary' category to the race and paid $9000 to 'non-binary' runners in that category. All of that prize money of course went to males meaning men now get more money than women in the race. As usual, 'trans' policies hurt women. [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 9, 2022 ~ A biological male won “Miss Greater Derry”, a beauty pageant in New Hampshire under the Miss America organization. Being the least attractive contestant (by FAR), he clearly won due to his trans status. The other contestants had to smile and go along with it or be called 'bigots.' [Trans]
Nov 7, 2022 ~ Noted race hustler Ibram X. Kendi says that racism is the only explanation for racial disparities. "As an anti-racist, when I see racial disparities, I see racism." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Nov 7, 2022 ~ Race Huslter Ibram X Kendi in his toxic book 'How to Be an Antiracist' says that MLK's colorblind society goal is 'racist.' "The most threatening racist movement is not the alt-right’s unlikely drive for a white ethnostate but the regular American’s drive for a 'race-neutral' one." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Nov 4, 2022 ~ Racist View host Sunny Hostin compares white GOP women to roaches. ABC and Disney don't bat an eye. [Loathsome Left, Racism]
Nov 4, 2022 ~ Bono: “I thought that if we just redistributed resources, then we could solve every problem. I now know that’s not true. There’s a funny moment when you realize that...the off-ramp out of extreme poverty is... commerce, it’s entrepreneurial capitalism.” [Economics, Poverty]
Nov 2, 2022 ~ Able bodied biological male Jørund Viktoria Alme 'identifies' as a paralyzed woman and uses a wheelchair almost all of the time. As more and more of these self identities arise (trans-abled, trans-racial, trans-species, trans-aged, etc.) it becomes more and more apparent that trans-sexual is but one of many anti-reality, anti-scientific delusion being indulged by an 'Emperor's New Clothes' world gone mad. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Nov 2, 2022 ~ Biological male Kate Weatherly wins the female Phoenix Enduro bike race in New Zealand. There has been some progress but many organizations continue to allow men to take titles and spots from women in what was supposed to be their own sports. Not stunning. Not brave. Disgraceful. [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 2, 2022 ~ Biden can't say 1 sentence without telling several lies: "Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq, excuse me the war in Ukraine. I'm thinking of Iraq because that's where my son died." Inflation has nothing to do with Ukraine and his son died of cancer. In the same speech he claimed he spoke to the inventor of insulin and that he attended an HBCU, also both lies. [Biden, Economics]
Nov 1, 2022 ~ ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith (makes $12 million a year) says he is underpaid because he’s black. He’s literally the highest paid on-air employee at ESPN. $8 million contract with ESPN plus a $4 million production contract. [Fake Racism]
Oct 30, 2022 ~ A homeless, illegal alien, drug addict named David DePape attacked Speaker Pelosi's husband Paul. Of course Democrats and the #FakeNews try to spin this nut case as some kind of MAGA extremist that also somehow reflects badly on all Republicans. They literally have no shame. [Fake News, Politics]
Oct 28, 2022 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Save Our Democracy' Is the New 'Russia Collusion' "When they're not slandering political opponents as (semi-) fascists or racists or misogynists or homophobes or transphobes or death cultists, they're engaging in cloistered pseudointellectual debate-club discussions on 'saving democracy.'" [David Harsanyi, Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Politics, Russia Hoax]
Oct 26, 2022 ~ Rep. Mayra Flores was prevented by Democrats from joining the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) just like they prevent GOP black members from joining the CBC, Congressional Black Caucus. Democrats demand that Blacks and Hispanics obey them and toe the line or they are shut out. [Politics, Racism]
Oct 26, 2022 ~ Robert Walton, "The energy system is ‘inherently racist,’ advocates say. How are utilities responding to calls for greater equity?" No real examples of racism could be found for this article but it mentions the 'racial reckoning' from George Floyd where every entity must self identify as being 'racist' and vow to "do better." [Energy, Fake News, Fake Racism, George Floyd]
Oct 25, 2022 ~ Mark Levine via Aljazeera, 'Abolishing whiteness has never been more urgent' Anti-White racism continues to be mainstreamed in the #FakeNews. Beyond the usual garbage of “white supremacy” and “white privilege.” Truly sick racism: “Abolish the white race – by any means necessary.” [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Oct 17, 2022 ~ Brian C. Joondeph, 'The National Debt Elephant in the Room' "Each % increase of the federal funds rate translates into over $300 billion in annual interest payments." "There are no good solutions." Printing money causes more inflation, higher interest. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy]
Oct 16, 2022 ~ Bishop Talbert Swan @TalbertSwan says, "Whiteness is an unrelenting, demonic, force of evil." Twitter allows Swan to spew this kind of extreme racism regularly since his targets are white people. Swan also regularly lies about police shootings, leaving out all the relevant facts. [BLM, CRT DIE Wokeness, Police, Racism]
Oct 16, 2022 ~ Best George Orwell quote? “The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Oct 15, 2022 ~ David Strom, 'Racial discrimination in hiring professors? Say it ain't so!' "The hiring programs violate three different civil rights laws." The DIE poison has gone way beyond the old 'affirmative action' into pure racism and discrimination. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Oct 15, 2022 ~ Rick Moran, 'Biden Guts Protections for Students Accused of Sexual Assault on Campus' The Trump Administration restored the basic but crucial due process that Obama got rid of but Biden got rid of it again. Just caused lawsuits that the men usually won. [College, Due Process]
Oct 15, 2022 ~ "Teacher Calls Whiteness ‘Poison,‘ Fosters ‘Racially Stressful Encounters‘" Letter to parents at St. Matthew’s Parish School filled with #CRT garbage about 'whiteness' and 'white supremacy.' When will these people be told to shove this poison up their ass? [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Oct 15, 2022 ~   Daniel Nuccio, 'World’s top theoretical physicist rejects DEI ideology, says it’s anti-science' Lawrence Krauss explains how poisonous DIE & #CRT is to academia. The inability to disagree or question. The fearful know they have to enthusiastically affirm. Everyone has to lie about how 'racist' every organization has been for a long time. "No evidence." [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Oct 15, 2022 ~ Don Wright, 'California's Water Supply Falls Victim to CRT' Policy based on garbage like this, "California’s water rights system has been built on racism perpetuated by White Supremacy." Formed a Racial Equity Action Plan to combat this 'White Supremacy.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Oct 15, 2022 ~ Charles Hilu, 'The DEI Bureaucracy Is Failing, Even on Its Own Terms' As the DIE staff and influence has exponentially increased on campuses, student satisfaction has plummeted. Almost certainly due to the #CRT DIE poison being injected. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]

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