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Oct 1, 2022 ~ No one really knows what 'equity' means? Affirmative action on steroids. Actual discrimination against the wrong kinds of people. Allowing crimes to happen. Letting criminals out of jail or not even prosecuting. Now it also means not sending kids with lice home. American Academy of Pediatrics says kids with lice should not be sent home due to "significant stress and stigma. [Affirmative Action, Health, Health Care]
Oct 1, 2022 ~ The new British Rowing @BritishRowing trans policy allows males to compete against women. Despite the progress that has been made in some sports, others are still choosing pseudo-science by allowing men to compete in women's sports. [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 30, 2022 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "Atlantic #hurricanes are not becoming more frequent. But many more people live in the paths of hurricanes compared to even a few decades ago. #Florida had less than 600,000 houses in 1940 — today, that number is 17 times higher, at more than 10 million." [Climate Change]
Sep 30, 2022 ~ Hundreds of #Antifa thugs tried to shut down a Jordan Peterson speech in Berlin. They were unsuccessful thanks to the large police presence. All they could do was scream and shout and make threats. But they would have stopped it if they could, vile creatures that they are. [Antifa, Free Speech, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 30, 2022 ~ The Nord Stream 2 pipeline has been severely damaged through sabotage. The same morons who believed the #RussiaHoax say Russia did it! Which makes 0 sense since its their pipeline and gave them great leverage. Biden has said, "If Russia invades... we will put an end to it [NS2]." [Biden, Russia Hoax]
Sep 30, 2022 ~ Professor Frederick Prete on if the ACT test is 'biased': “Is the ACT biased? Yes, it is. It favors those students who have learned the basic material taught in high school, irrespective of their sex, race, or circumstance.” [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Sep 29, 2022 ~ 'What the media won't tell you about . . . hurricanes. Let's take a look at what the IPCC and official data really say' by @RogerPielkeJr.  Despite the #FakeNews, trend over time is DOWN including for 'Major' hurricanes. @BjornLomborg has shown similar data. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 29, 2022 ~ Kamala Harris says, "The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea." Probably meaning South Korea. No one in this administration has any idea what is going on. No one in this administration can get through a sentence that is correct or makes any sense. At least Biden has the excuse of being senile. [Biden, Harris, North Korea]
Sep 29, 2022 ~ Seerut K. Chawla @seerutkchawla. "Contrary to popular belief, I’ve mostly found Christians and conservatives to be really nice and incredibly tolerant. It’s like the culture has maligned these two groups so much they understand what it’s like and are far more tolerant than your average progressive." [Politics]
Sep 29, 2022 ~ New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern calls free speech a "weapon of war." Must not allow the people to have it. “How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists?” We must "ensure that these particular weapons of war do not become an established part of warfare." [Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing]
Sep 28, 2022 ~ Flashback Headline, March 20, 2000, The Independent: 'Snowfalls are now a thing of the past' [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 28, 2022 ~ Icons Women reports, "Pro Disc Golfer Natalie Ryan, a trans identifying male celebrates 2nd Elite Series victory in the FPO (Female Pro Open) category defeating Kristin Tattar & field of more than 40 females. Natalie's won over $27k in prize money competing in the female category." A total disgrace. More female prize money going to men. More victories taken from women as they are sidelined in their own sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 28, 2022 ~ Kenny Xu, "Less than 2200 Black students have a Math SAT score above 700, according to Brookings. This is compared to 48,000 whites and 52,800 Asians. Controlled for income, Asians still have higher SAT scores. Asians study 13 hrs per week, whites 7, blacks 5. Culture. Not racism." [Affirmative Action, College, Education, Fake Racism]
Sep 28, 2022 ~ At the hunger conference, senile Joe Biden looks for Rep. Jackie Walorski who died in a car crash last month. “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie? I think she was going to be here to make this a reality.” At the time of her death Biden issued a statement saying he was "shocked and saddened." [Biden]
Sep 28, 2022 ~ Faika El-Nagashi @el_nagashi says "Lesbians are no longer welcome at a lesbian conference. @EuroLesbianCon #ELCBudapest2022 unregistered me less than 24hrs before start" Because she opposes 7 year old transitions and men playing in women's sports. Called a 'TERF'. Martina Navratilova says, "This is fucked up… biological men now identifying as lesbians are welcome while biological lesbians identifying as lesbians are not. Do I have this right? At a lesbian conference…" [Cancel Culture, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 27, 2022 ~ Paulina Neuding, 'Two Bombings in One Night? That’s Normal Now in Sweden.' There have been almost 500 bombings in Sweden since 2018. "Among shooting suspects, 85% are first- or second-generation immigrants." [Immigration]
Sep 27, 2022 ~ Despicable leftists and Democrats lie about and smear Giorgia Meloni calling her a 'fascist.' Even Former Italian PM Matteo Renzi said, "There is not a danger for Italian democracy...fascism in Italy is absolutely fake news." The left is truly the enemy of women and all mankind. [Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Sep 27, 2022 ~ John Kerry admits the ridiculously named Inflation Reduction Act has nothing to do with reducing inflation. "I'm not sure how much it has to do with inflation, but that's OK." Similar to Jonathan Gruber admitting "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. … [The] stupidity of the American voter … was really, really critical for [Obamacare] to pass." [Economics, Obamacare, Politics]
Sep 27, 2022 ~ Jordan Murray, 'The Problem With “Clean Girl” Beauty' Another 'look' that black and brown people claim was appropriated by whites even though it existed in white culture for centuries. "To my surprise, the slicked-back bun has now emerged as the go-to hairstyle among white women." [Cultural Appropriation]
Sep 27, 2022 ~ Cady Lang "Hailey Bieber’s ‘Brownie Glazed Lips’ Look Is Yet Another Example of Cultural Appropriation in Beauty" "The controversy surrounding Bieber’s 'brownie glazed lips' is hardly new—it’s part of a larger conversation concerning cultural appropriation in beauty." Kill me now. [Cultural Appropriation]
Sep 27, 2022 ~ Laxman Chaurasiya, 'Hindu wife refuses to wear burqa, Muslim husband [Mohammad Iqbal Sheikh] slits her throat to death' The Mumbai woman Rupali was Hindu and did not want to follow that oppressive Muslim requirement. Of course the penalty is death in Islam. [Islam]
Sep 26, 2022 ~ What is life like for trans folk? 'The Medical Leash of Hormone Replacement Therapy' by Corinna Cohn. "Maintaining our health is wholly dependent on the medical system... These hormone treatments are no longer optional: we have no gonads. Without these hormones our bones will become frail and we will experience other physical symptoms, including mental health problems, because hormones regulate our entire bodies... I am permanently leashed to a medical provider." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Sep 26, 2022 ~ Islamic violence against Hindus has occurred in the UK for many straight days including vandalism of Hindu places of worship. Those exposing it and/or speaking out against it are being censored and threatened. [Islam, Religion, Terrorism]
Sep 26, 2022 ~ Conservative Giorgia Meloni becomes Italy’s first female Prime Minister. "I can't define myself as an Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number... We do not want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being." [Politics, Trans]
Sep 26, 2022 ~ Glenn Greenwald on modern Democrats, “I can’t stress this enough: at its core, Democratic politics is about criminalizing opposition to their party and ideology. Dissenting ideas are ‘disinformation’ and must be censored by Big Tech. Trump voters are inherently criminal (‘insurrectionists’) and should be imprisoned.” "In Oct. 2021, we produced this video to assemble the mountain of polling data and other quantifiable evidence demonstrating how Democratic Party loyalists and liberal activists are now classic authoritarians. They are what they accuse others of being." [Loathsome Left, Politics, Silencing]
Sep 25, 2022 ~ Attorney and legal commentator Preston Moore, said he was offered, and rejected, $400 by the 503c org.“Good Information Foundation” to make a video lying about Trump and Jan 6. “You’re being paid to put out fake news. That’s why it rubbed me the wrong way.” He declined. [Capitol Riot, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Sep 25, 2022 ~ As is often the case, the DIE chief at the Pentagon was found to be a racist herself. She frequently spewed racist #CRT poison, “This lady actually had the CAUdacity to say that black people can be racist too… I had to stop the session and give Karen the BUSINESS.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Sep 25, 2022 ~ Sharon Osbourne lets loose on the vile #FakeNews @CBS for how they treated her and canceled her on bogus racism charges. "I wanted to look into the camera and say ‘F*** you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you, and CBS take that.’ But I couldn’t do that." "CBS, go f*** yourselves." “They said to me at one point, ‘You’re not repentant enough. And we don’t believe that you can repent for what you’ve done.’" [She didn't do anything!] "I’m like: ‘What’s this? Am I in f***ing church? Can’t do it, so go f*** yourselves.’” What disgusting people they are at @CBS. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Sep 25, 2022 ~ Joe Biden spoke fondly of a May-December relationship in his past. He sees a woman in the crowd and says "(You) gotta say ‘Hi’ to me. We go back a long way, she was 12 and I was 30." The crowd of Democrats laughs heartily. [Biden]
Sep 25, 2022 ~ Add DeSantis (and Chris Christie) to the LONG list of Republicans being trashed by Trump for not fellating him with sufficient enthusiasm. “I made him. He’s ungrateful,” says the 1 man GOP wrecking ball. "I don’t understand why he doesn’t appreciate me more." Because you're toxic. [Politics]
Sep 25, 2022 ~ Every day we get proof that 'everything is racist.' McDonalds is now being sued for $10B (LOL) for not advertising enough on black owned radio. It wasn't long ago that McDonalds was criticized for advertising "fast food" to blacks TOO MUCH. No matter what they do they're 'racist.' [Fake Racism]
Sep 25, 2022 ~ Universal Studios had to settle a $150K lawsuit where their 'Despicable Me' theme park characters posed with a black and Hispanic child while making the OK symbol - something commonly done in PICTURES. Moronically, some believe the hoax that OK is a'white supremacist' symbol. [Fake Racism]
Sep 24, 2022 ~ Ben Zeisloft, "'The Myth Of American Income Inequality’: The Federal Government Drastically Overestimates Earnings Disparity" The 'gap' doesn't include transfer payments or account for graduated taxes. Politicians then use the artificial gap to demand more transfer payments. [Economics, Entitlements]
Sep 23, 2022 ~ NY AG Letitia James spent years investigating Trump and could charge him with 0 crimes. She then totally beclowns herself suing him for undervaluing his properties. 0 merit. Too absurd to comment on. She promised to sue him before elected. Called him an "illegitimate president." [Loathsome Left, TDS, Witch Hunt]
Sep 23, 2022 ~ Sociology PhD from UC Berkeley Laurel Westbrook says the reason that opponents don't want trans women in women's sports is that they are terrified of the penis. She calls this "penis panics." This is the kind of gender studies 'education' taxpayers are now funding thanks to Biden's student loan forgiveness. [College, Student Loans, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 22, 2022 ~ Flashback, #FakeNews @guardian in 2004, "Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters." @AlexEpstein shows how climate deaths have instead gone down over time. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 22, 2022 ~ Veronique de Rugy 'A Fact Worth Repeating', The child poverty rate is highly misleading. "If the Census Bureau had included the missing $1.9 trillion in transfer payments, child poverty would have been only 3.2% in 2017, compared with the official rate of 17.5%." [Poverty]
Sep 22, 2022 ~ Ann Coulter, "Every single objection Vineyard residents have raised against the illegals being allowed to stay is precisely what ordinary Americans -- not privileged enough to live in Martha's Vineyard -- have been screaming from the rooftops for 30 years. Those 50 illegals represent less than a millionth of the "enrichment" that's already been foisted on the rest of America." [Illegal Immigration]
Sep 21, 2022 ~ 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was killed in Iran for hijab violations (being "badly veiled"). The Iranian people may have finally have had enough of Islamic oppression because there are mass protests. Many women are removing their hijabs and taking beatings from the "morality police." [Islam]
Sep 21, 2022 ~ Violent Democrat Shannon Brandt, intentionally killed 18-year old Cayler Ellingson with his car because he said Ellingson was part of "a Republican extremist group." He was not part of any extremist group but Brandt knew Joe Biden said Republicans were dangerous extremists and fascists. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 21, 2022 ~ Matt Walsh exposes the Vanderbilt Trans Clinic bragging about how they turn trans patients into cash cows. "Its a lot of money." $1000s per hormone treatment, up to $100K per surgery. "These are huge money makers... They require a lot of follow ups and they make money." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Sep 21, 2022 ~ A US Muslim oppressed by her lifelong Hijab requirements. "I’m a hijabi in the US who desperately wants to take it off, can’t cuz I’ll be kicked out the house + smeared and shamed by the muslim community in my city. The left’s denial of misogyny that’s prominent among Muslims is disastrous (muslims know how to deceive them very well)" [Islam]
Sep 21, 2022 ~ A violent black democrat enters a TPUSA meeting and destroys the projector because he didn't like what he saw. Then he stomped away cursing. Despite 1 single day in history, democrats and the left own 99% of all political violence and vandalism. This is very common behavior. [Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 20, 2022 ~ View host Asunción 'Sunny' Hostin says "There are some of us that can be chameleons and decide not to embrace our ethnicities so that we can pass." Ironically, she was talking about @NikkiHaley who was born with that name and was called it since childhood, instead of herself! [Loathsome Left]
Sep 19, 2022 ~ Joe Biden declares, "The pandemic is over. If you notice, no one is wearing masks. Everyone seems to be in pretty good shape." Recall, the claim that #COVID19 is a current 'emergency' was a justification for forgiving $500 Billion to over $1 Trillion in student loans. [College, Coronavirus, Student Loans]
Sep 18, 2022 ~ A leftist mob attacked a TPUSA campus event featuring Tomi Lahren at the University of New Mexico. The violent woke children chanted “Shut it down” and “Fuck Turning Point” as they tried to force their way past police into the event. Pulled alarms. Lahren had to be escorted out. This despicable, violent behavior is sadly common on the left. [College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 18, 2022 ~ Black rapper Chris Kaba killed by cops in the UK. #BLM is outraged. Staged protests 'racist'. He led police on a high speed chase. Was driving his car directly at an officer when he was shot. "He followed correct training procedures. He could have been killed if he had not fired." [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 18, 2022 ~ Bill Maher on slavery, "Everybody who could afford one had a slave, including people of color. The way people talk about slavery these days, you’d think it was a uniquely American thing that we invented in 1619. But slavery throughout history has been the rule, not the exception... the capacity for cruelty is a human thing, not a white thing. That’s the truth, even though it doesn’t jive with the current narrative." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Slavery]
Sep 18, 2022 ~ 28-year-old Muslim man Muhammad Khan from east London, booked for attacking Queen's coffin, he has been charged under the Public Order Act for behaviour intending to cause alarm, harassment or distress. [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 18, 2022 ~ 24-yr-old Muslim man Mohammed Rahman from Notting Hill, charged with attempted murder for stabbing two British police officers unprovoked in central London. The male officer was stabbed in the neck and chest while the female officer was stabbed in the arm. [Islam, Police, Terrorism]

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