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Sep 5, 2022 ~ Mark Lewis, 'Come on, Hurricanes, Get With the Climate Change Program' Ever since the very active 2005 'new norm' season, hurricanes have not cooperated with the #FakeNews alarmists. Cat 3 and above have gotten far less frequent. The #FakeNews is undeterred. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 5, 2022 ~ "Snows are less frequent and less deep.  They often do not lie below the mountains more than one, two, or three days and very rarely a week.  They are remembered to be formerly frequent, deep, and of long continuance.  The elderly inform me that the earth used to be covered with snow about three months every year.  The rivers, which then seldom failed to freeze over in the course of the winter, scarcely ever do now.  This changes…in the spring of the year is very fatal to fruits…I remember that when I was a small boy, say 60 years ago, snows were frequent and deep in every winter." -- Thomas Jefferson in 1799 [Climate Change]
Sep 5, 2022 ~ Reagan Reese, "‘Racial Reckoning’: How US Universities Are Watering Down Standards In The Name Of ‘Diversity’" The DIE virus spreads fast. Lowering standards. Eliminating standards. All that matters is skin color and signed commitments to bean count on race. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Sep 5, 2022 ~ Kanye West asks a question about Kwanzaa: "What the fuck is Kwanzaa and who made that bullshit up?" [Religion]
Aug 31, 2022 ~ Every time they allow Biden to talk, he spews racism. Joe Biden: No white people = highest crime but the best basketball. "He used to go down in the East Side, what they call the bucket. Highest crime rate in the country. Theres a place where I was the only white guy that worked, was a lifeguard down in that area.... you could always tell where the best basketball in the state is." [Biden, Racism]
Aug 31, 2022 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "Is flooding becoming an ever-worse problem? No. As share of GDP, flooding costs 10x less today than it did 100 years ago. Read my peer-reviewed article: " Another alarmist talking point that is BS. They find every flood around the world and blame "climate change." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 30, 2022 ~ Caroline Downey, 'Undercover Mom Discovers "Pandora's Box" of Depravity in Trans Youth Organization's Chatroom' "People who transition are, by a huge factor, much more likely than the general public to commit suicide." "Oh my God we’ve been lied to!” [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 29, 2022 ~ The Seminole County GOP office was vandalized by Democrats echoing Biden’s “fascists” slander. They spray painted "Eat Shit Fascists" on the windows along with the Antifa symbol. The left continues to totally own political violence and vandalism. 99.9% of the time, its them. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Aug 29, 2022 ~ #FakeNews Boston Globe claims, "In Florida, 'Don’t Say Gay' is now the law, and LGBTQ+ businesses fear the fallout." The #FakeNews is so fake it can't even be parodied anymore. We don't know what's funnier, the people making fun of @BostonGlobe, claiming to be arrested for saying 'gay' or the 'celebs' and Democrat politicians saying 'gay' out loud in FL thinking they are defying some real law. [Education, Fake Homophobia, Fake News, LGBT]
Aug 28, 2022 ~ John Hayward 'Russia Burning Off $10M in Gas a Day That Would Have Been Sent to Europe' "The Russians are burning 4.34 million cubic meters of gas... destroying enough fuel to supply 1.5 million European homes." The Europeans harmed themselves and the CO2 is being emitted anyway! [Climate Change, Economy, Energy]
Aug 28, 2022 ~ John R. Lott, Jr. 'Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Is Disastrous' Really good article on why this is so bad. [Student Loans]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Biden's Student Loan 'Forgiveness' Is an Unjust, Cynical Abuse of Power' "capping loan forgiveness to those making under $125,000 means absolutely nothing because most borrowers are at the beginning of their careers." Poor subsidizing rich [David Harsanyi, Student Loans]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ Larry Elder, 'Climate Change Forecasts' Great but very partial list of many climate alarmist predictions that were completely wrong over the decades. [Anti-Science, Fake News]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ Like Obama, Biden is abusing the Antiquities Act, which was created to protect 'monuments.' Its says take the 'smallest area compatible with proper care and management of the objects to be protected.' But these clowns grab 100s of millions of acres and call it a monument. [Biden, Loathsome Left]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ Biden calls Trump supporters 'fascists.' "What we're seeing now is the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It's not just Trump, it's the entire philosophy that underpins the — I'm going to say something. It's like semi-fascism." He's no better than Hillary [Biden, Loathsome Left]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ Drew Barrymore is accused of 'racism' for posting a video of her enjoying being in the rain. Why? Because EVERYTHING is racist. What she really did was, "dismiss and disrespect the boundaries that black creators have set." Huh? “When we say it’s racist, it’s racist.” Oh. Nope. [Fake Racism]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ A Penn Wharton Budget Model analysis of Biden's illegal student loan 'forgiveness' program reveals that "the total plan costs could exceed $1 trillion." The unaffordable $330 billion price tag was apparently too low. Its over $500 billion in forgiveness alone, plus other costs. [College, Debt, Deficit, Student Loans]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ Biden says Congress must pass his legislation so that "no one has the opportunity to steal an election again." Apparently Democrats are still all in on the lie that the 2016 election was 'stolen' from Hillary Clinton. Hillary and Carter have said so too. Many said 'illegitimate'. [Biden, Hillary, Russia Hoax, Voter Integrity Laws]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ Its beyond embarrassing that the US will not allow the world's best tennis playing, Novak Djokovic, into the country to play in the US Open because he's not vaccinated. Meanwhile, they allow millions to stream across the border with no such requirement. Trust in 'experts' erodes. [Coronavirus, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ The Podcast Movement poste this insane message, "Hi folks, we owe you an apology before sessions kick off for the day. Yesterday afternoon, Ben Shapiro briefly visited the PM22 expo area near The Daily Wire booth. Though he was not registered or expected, we take full responsibility for the harm done by his presence." [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 25, 2022 ~ National Review, "Biden is effectively telling all the people who didn’t go to college, those who went to college but didn’t borrow money, and those who went to college and already paid off their loans that they are suckers." An arbitrary lucky few get a windfall at our expense. [Biden, Student Loans]
Aug 24, 2022 ~ The Wauwatosa School Board in Wisconsin decides to erase women and girls completely from their instruction. "The approved K-12 curriculum tells educators to refer to girls as a 'person with a vulva.'" ‘students who will menstruate’, ‘penis owners.’ FFS stop enabling this cult. [Trans]
Aug 24, 2022 ~ Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig explains why crime is skyrocketing in Democrat run cities. "Over 70% of the people released under mandated $0 bail policies go on to commit additional crime(s), including violent offenses such as robbery and murder." Could they be dumber? [Crime, Loathsome Left]
Aug 24, 2022 ~ "A black male suspect has been identified over the repeated vandalism of the Rainbow Crosswalk in Atlanta, Ga. Jonah Sampson allegedly sprayed swastikas. He was arrested following a stand-off w/police. Many leftists on social media blamed white supremacists." @MrAndyNgo [Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism]
Aug 24, 2022 ~ Joe Biden announces that he is going to illegally go around Congress to 'forgive' $10,000 ($20,000 to lower income) in student loans for those making under $125K making chumps out of people who paid their own way. The winners are rich colleges and people getting useless degrees. Working class people paying for entitled college students. Expected to cost $300 billion additional dollars we don't have. Will cause even more inflation and hasten the bankruptcy of the US since that $300 billion goes right on the already ridiculous debt. [College, Economics, Student Loans]
Aug 24, 2022 ~ All too often the people who preach DIE 'inclusion' are the ones who openly EXCLUDE based on race. A teacher in the Utah Granite School District bragged about how her classroom is "built for non-white students... There’s no white kids represented. Not a single white face there." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Aug 24, 2022 ~ Bjorn Lomborg just destroys the #FakeNews alarmist narrative daily with facts. "A major environmental problem, droughts, is actually decreasing. Read my peer-reviewed article:" DECREASING! Yet they find every drought and declare it to be proof of man made climate change. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 24, 2022 ~ Dr. Lenna Wen, who was constantly on #FakeNews @CNN demanding kids be masked in school and advocating parents to do it now sees the harm in it when it affects her own children. "I accept the risk that my kids will probably contract covid in school, just as they could contract the flu, RSV & other contagious diseases. There is a trade-off. Masking has harmed our son’s language development. We do not wish to limiting our kids’ social interactions." [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Aug 23, 2022 ~ Stephen Alford was sentenced to 63 months in federal prison for trying to extort $25 million from Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz. The ridiculous claims Alford made were repeated many times by Democrats and the #FakeNews. Gaetz had always maintained his innocence and is now vindicated! [Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Aug 23, 2022 ~ Charges dropped against both officers involved in Rayshard Brooks shooting. "Both acted in accordance with well-established law and were justified in the use of force regarding the situation." Brooks violently resisted arrest, fought officers, stole taser and pointed it at them. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 23, 2022 ~ Carjackings are skyrocketing in all Democrat run cities. Over 1000 in Chicago alone, NYC, Minneapolis, New Orleans etc. Then New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell outrages everyone by showing up in court to support a repeat carjacker, not the female victims robbed at gunpoint. #Equity [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Aug 23, 2022 ~ The error or fraud paid in #COVID19 unemployment benefits now tops $163 billion!!! Many more investigations are pending or cannot be practically done so the total could actually be much greater. Possibly the largest fraud in the history of the United States. [Coronavirus, Debt, Deficit]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ Kevin Williamson 'Real Trouble' "The labor-force-participation rate; the share of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one - continues to decline. We have a growing population but a shrinking workforce." "Real incomes have been declining significantly for some time" [Economics, Economy, Kevin Williamson]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ Gabriel Nadales, 'I once hated America, but now I can’t wait to be an American' Eyes now open. "In this country, I am judged by my merits, not my skin color. America has given me the equal opportunity and freedom to choose my own path despite my minority and immigrant status." [Immigration, Politics]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ Trans golfer and biological male Hailey Davidson is making big bank on the women's side taking money prizes that should be going to female golfers. Thousands of dollars each tournament. Davidson has his sights set on the LPGA tour. Will they allow it or will sanity prevail? [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ National Review, 'The Monkeypox Deception' "Monkeypox is a disease that affects gay, sexually active men far more than any other group of people. As in, 99% of all cases are in men, and 94% of those infected reported recent same-sex intimate contact." 75% had 2 or more partners. [Fake News, Health, Health Care]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ There's been over $100 billion in fraud in the #COVID19 Paycheck Protection Program. $100 billion! Bill Maher, “I don’t want to be absolutely robbed blind? Is there some number at which I go, ‘you are just taking my money and wasting it and letting people steal it.'” [Coronavirus]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ An Islamic Jihadist was shot by the police in the French city of Saint-Quentin. At the time he was shot he was firing at the police with a shotgun while shouting “Allahu akbar!” [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ National Review, 'Brian Stelter Leaves Cable News Worse Than He Found It' Good list of all of the #FakeNews stories Stelter pushed while hilariously claiming "to stand up for decency and democracy and dialogue." Fired. [Fake News]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ Black man Alexander Wright sucker punches Asian woman in the face, knocking her to the ground. Wright had been arrested 41 prior times. Welcome to NYC and many other Democrat 'run' cities where violent crime is NOT punished. They are let out almost immediately to re-victimize. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ Rajan Laad, 'The new epidemic of self-silencing plagues America' "Most people want to live a simple life. They do not want to be ostracized or rendered unemployed and unemployable. Hence, they nod to the most ridiculous ideas to avoid being called anachronistic or bigoted." [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ James Sweet, President of the American Historical Association in huge trouble for telling the truth about the ahistorical 1619 Project. Criticizes 'presentism' which "ignores the values and mores of people in their own times." False picture blames the US when most was elsewhere. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Slavery]
Aug 21, 2022 ~ Timur Kuran, "Seven years ago, the archaeologist Khaled al-Asaad was beheaded by ISIS at the age of 83. He had been head of Antiquities at Palmyra for 40 years. His “crime” was to have hidden the artifacts in Palmyra’s museum. Tortured, he refused to disclose where he hid them." [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 21, 2022 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'BLM [Bureau of Land Management] suspends most oil/gas leases in Colorado' Biden is doubling down on the policies that lost our energy independence and caused skyrocketing energy prices. Beholden to environmental nuts. [Climate Change, Economics, Energy]
Aug 21, 2022 ~ National Review, 'The U.K. Turns Its Back on Transgender Ideology' "But this is hardly consolation to its victims. No lawsuit, however successful, will ever restore what has been taken from them: their peace of mind, fertility, sexual functioning, and even healthy body parts." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 21, 2022 ~ Brian Riedl, 'The Case for Humility in Economics' Fantastic history of many many times economists got major things wrong. “Often wrong, never in doubt” applies not just here but in all disciplines like climate change, #COVID19 'experts', gun control, systemic racism, etc. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, Economics, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Aug 21, 2022 ~ New book by Rafael Mangual, 'Criminal (In)Justice: What the Push for Decarceration and Depolicing Gets Wrong and Who It Hurts Most' It lets criminals run wild based on the lies that the police unfairly treat black people. All crime including murders skyrocket. Blacks hurt most. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 20, 2022 ~ Dennis Prager, 'A Reminder About the Moral Difference Between the Christian and Muslim Worlds at This Time' "Tens of millions of Muslims believe that if a person insults Islam, Muhammad or the Quran, he should be killed." They go "straight to heaven" if they do the killing. [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 20, 2022 ~ 80 year old Julie Jaman was banned from the YMCA after objecting to men in the female locker room watching young girls change. She held a press conference where trans activists chanted over her and ripped down her suffragette flags, stealing them. They can't have a conversation. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans]
Aug 20, 2022 ~ The Oakland CA School District for some reason thought phonics was 'dehumanizing' and 'colonizing' and not progressive. "Those who wanted to fight for social justice, they figured that this new progressive way of teaching reading was the way." HUH? The results were disastrous. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]

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