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Aug 14, 2022 ~ Salman Rushdie has been living under a 'fatwa' since Ayatollah Khomeini declared he had to be killed for 'blasphemy' against Islam. Blasphemy and being an apostate carries the death penalty in Islam. Hadi Matar carried out the fatwa, repeatedly stabbing Rushdie. Serious condition [Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Aug 14, 2022 ~ Jack Fowler, 'Sue the Thought Police' Organization "Speech First is fighting, and prevailing, against campus censorship." Hundreds of colleges implementing Soviet like systems called “bias-reporting systems”, BRS. Their main purpose is to silence or punish unapproved thoughts. [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Silencing]
Aug 14, 2022 ~ The #FakeNews @nytimes knows no lows. They would not run a piece by Sen. Tim Scott on his police reform bill. Wanted Schumer's approval. "The NYT has silenced me because Black men who think for themselves are an existential threat to the Leftwing coalition built on lies." [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Racism, Silencing]
Aug 13, 2022 ~ Michael Reagan "Raiding Trump’s home in Florida under the pretext of looking for classified documents that he allegedly should not have taken from the White House was something you’d expect to see in a banana republic." "For his desperate enemies" no abuse of power is unjustified [Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS]
Aug 12, 2022 ~ Total loon Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren said, “Everyone comes up to me and says, ‘I would vote for you, if you had a penis.’” EVERYONE says it! In reality, not one single person has ever said this to her. So beyond ridiculous. How dumb does she think the American people are? [Fake News, Fake Sexism]
Aug 12, 2022 ~ Insightful observation by Caylan Ford about why the #CancelCulture mob demands you not tell the truth when it counters their narratives. "As I was once told by someone who participated in my own cancellation: it doesn’t matter what’s true. What matters is what *should* be true." [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 12, 2022 ~ Shakespeare's Globe portrays Joan of Arc as a 'non-binary' "they/them" character. The left cannot erase women fast enough. They've allowed males to invade women's sports and other spaces. They've stopped using words like woman, daughter, and mother, replacing them with bodily functions. Now they are erasing the great heroines of history. Pure misogyny. [Anti-Science, Loathsome Left, Trans]
Aug 11, 2022 ~ Amy Furr, "Report: 10 Criminals Arrested Nearly 500 Times, Thanks to New York’s ‘Insane’ Bail Reform" This is how Democrats run cities. Let criminals out immediately for 'equity' so the same people can victimize law abiding people over and over again, maybe 100s of time. Morons! [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Aug 11, 2022 ~ Chrissy Clark, 'Study Finds That Colleges’ Diversity Efforts Did Little For Students Of Color' Colleges are wasting 10s of millions of dollars on DIE depts and employees but results have not improved. No surprise since racism was not responsible for the gaps in the first place. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Aug 11, 2022 ~ The UK Sun Times, "Tavistock gender clinic ‘to be sued by 1,000 families’" Made a fortune sterilizing and mutilating children, permanently ruining their lives. The pseudo-science cult is collapsing. [Anti-Science, Gender, Trans]
Aug 11, 2022 ~ Boston Children’s Hospital (@BostonChildrens) is now offering “gender affirming hysterectomies” for young girls. The trans cult is permanently sterilizing children for profit. Removing healthy body parts under the pseudo-scientific idea that they were "born in the wrong bodies." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 11, 2022 ~ In a move unprecedented in US hisotry, the FBI raided Trump's Mar-a-Lago home. Allegedly because he didn't return classified documents. Recall Hillary had classified and top secret documents in her basement and destroyed evidence when subpoenaed. Targeting a political opponent. [Politics, TDS]
Aug 11, 2022 ~ Senator Tim Scott on how today's racism against Blacks comes from Democrats. "The black and white that I experienced is now red and blue. And I experience it more from those who look like me than those who do not look like me. And I'll be honest, I think that's actually worse." [Politics, Racism]
Aug 10, 2022 ~ 4 Muslims killed in Albuquerque, NM. The #FakeNews like @cjwerleman claimed "The perpetrator is most likely a white supremacist." Others blamed "far right rhetoric", "people wearing red MAGA hats" and Trump. "TFG has not only made hate and bigotry the norm in the US, he has put targets on the backs of people of are not white, straight and Christian!" The killer turned out to be Afghan man Muhammad Syed. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News, Fake Racism, Islam]
Aug 8, 2022 ~ "Today, the Great Barrier Reef is better than ever" says @BjornLomborg using reports from the Australian Institute of Marine Science. 2/3rds of the reef has more coral than ever. Lomborg shows decades of #FakeNews stories. Yet another alarmist scare story that was totally bogus. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 5, 2022 ~ Four officers involved in Breonna Taylor case are arrested on federal charges for allegedly falsifying the warrant. @TheOfficerTatum calls the case "a witch hunt." DOJ claims the warrant was obtained fraudulently because of a technicality regarding a formal postal inspector verif [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 4, 2022 ~ Example of the kind of clowns #FakeNews @CNN And @MSNBC hires: @DeanObeidallah "Today's GOP is no longer a political party, it's a white nationalist, FASCIST movement that seeks to impose their EXTREME religious beliefs as the law of our land." What total loons. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 4, 2022 ~ The left is combining their idiocies into even more incomprehensible nonsense. White people can't be non-binary because "they spread the gender binary around the world to justify the oppression of black and brown people." Billboard: "Protect Pregnant Men From Climate Discrimination." WTF are they even talking about?? [Climate Change, Fake Racism, Racism, Trans]
Aug 4, 2022 ~ Many very violent videos of black people attacking Asians going viral. Cutting them with box cutters. Repeatedly punching and kicking elderly women in the face. The #FakeNews ignores or downplays it. @kennymxu says "This is Asian gaslighting." Talking about college admission too. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Racism]
Aug 4, 2022 ~ The Greenwich [CT] Country Day School excludes White people only from its event. Letter from the DIE office, "The annual Cider and Donuts event is open to GCDS families who identify as Black, Asian, Latinx, multi-racial, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, and/or people of color." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Aug 4, 2022 ~ National Review: "The Dobbs decision was the right decision because it corrected the lie that the U.S. Constitution contained within it a right to abortion. Dobbs did not hand the pro-life movement ultimate victory." It gave it "the opportunity to move policy in its direction." [Abortion]
Aug 3, 2022 ~ Elie Mystal of #FakeNews @MSNBC becomes another Democrat to be racist to a conservative Black man: Hershel Walker. "That’s what Republicans want from their negroes: to do what they’re told." Ironically Mystal and the Dems are the ones who demand Walker do as he's told. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Politics, Racism]
Aug 3, 2022 ~ Eugene Huelsman sentenced to 6 months for threatening Matt Gaetz, "“Tell [Gaetz] to watch his back, tell him to watch his children.” “I’m coming for him … I’m gonna fucking kill him. … I’m gonna put a bullet in you and I’m gonna put a bullet in one of your fucking kids too.” [Violent Left]
Aug 3, 2022 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Why We Lost Trust in the Expert Class' Good list of fake stories pushed on us by the so called experts. All the countries that destroyed their economy or energy and food security by buying into the Green narrative. Covid lies. Economists, generals, intel ops [Coronavirus, Economics, Economy, Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Aug 3, 2022 ~ When the @washingtonpost is not busy spreading #FakeNews, they are printing extremely racist stories like "Someone gave our daughter a White doll. How do we, um, ‘disappear’ it?" "We’ve also been intentional with buying her dolls and toys of color. Black is always the preference" [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Aug 3, 2022 ~ FL Gov. Ron DeSantis: "They talk about young kids getting gender-affirming care. They don't tell you what that is. They're actually giving very young girls double mastectomies. They want to castrate these young boys. That's wrong. You don't disfigure 10, 12, y/o kids." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Trans]
Aug 1, 2022 ~ Bill Chappell, "Critics say 'monkeypox' is a racist name. But it's not going away anytime soon" There is NO basis for this absurd claim except the fact that whenever liberals and Democrats hear the word 'monkey,' they think about black people. And they call everything 'racist.' [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 31, 2022 ~ DIE culture at the Philadelphia non-profit called Women Against Abuse has created "a hostile working environment." Illegally, white people were paid less than any other race. All whites expected to sign this: “Own that all white people are racist and that I am not the exception.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jul 31, 2022 ~ The reggae group Lauwarm has been canceled from a Bern festival because some white performers wore their hair in dreadlocks. Once again, this was called 'cultural appropriation' even though white people have worn dreads all throughout history. Its not even a black invention. [Cancel Culture, Cultural Appropriation, Fake Racism]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ Dylan Housman, 'It Took Months For The Media To State The Obvious About Monkeypox' Gay men with multiple partners are really the only ones at risk. 98% of the cases are gay men. People repressed this info for too long thinking that telling the truth was 'homophobic.' [Fake Homophobia, Health Care]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ A Baltimore black family filed a $25 million lawsuit against the PA Sea World Sesame Place for the Rosita character allegedly snubbing their daughter. Rosita signed No to someone wanting her to hold the child. Not allowed. Then waved to the girl. Not everyone gets a hug. $25M!!! [Fake Racism]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ David L. Bahnsen, 'The Bankruptcy of ESG Is Being Exposed' "ESG is a pharisaical way for people to feel virtuous and good without having to do anything at all." Countries and companies tried to virtue signal with a high ESG score until they started collapsing under the BS of it. [Climate Change, Environment]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ Mia Cathell, '10 Times a Good Guy With a Gun Saved Lives' Democrats say this never happens. It actually happens quite a bit. Here are 10 good examples. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ Two black teens are charged with a hate crime for attacking a white woman on the NYC subway while saying things like, "I hate white people." "You’re going to get what you deserve! All white people are going to get what they deserve." "You probably like Trump! Don’t you?" [Crime, Racism]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ The notorious UK Tavistock Gender Clinic that has been 'transitioning' children has been shut down! A review showed it is "not a safe or viable long-term option." Puberty blockers are found to cause more and more permanent harm. Not to mention the butchering of healthy bodies. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ Even the Chicago Bears are getting out of Chicago. Crime is way too high and dangerous for fans and employees under Mayor Lori Lightfoot's lack of leadership. Lightfoot is proposing a $2 Billion upgrade to Soldier Field to try to keep them but it won't work. Its just not worth it [Crime]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ Leah Barkoukis, 'Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Wants US Hospitals to Adopt These Woke New Terms for Breast Milk' "gender-neutral terminology for US hospitals to use when discussing lactation." "chestfeeding" "human milk feeding" “human milk,” “parent’s milk,” "father’s milk.” [Health Care, Trans]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ David Harsanyi, "The Dems' New Proposal Does Nothing To Lower Inflation" "The bill also dumps another $369 billion into green boondoggles, which also acts as a slush fund for Democrats." Fighting inflation with big spending is like fighting a fire with a flame thrower. [David Harsanyi, Economics, Economy]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ Penny Starr, "Mother Loses Custody of Daughter for Refusing Transgender Status: ‘She Is a Girl’" Transgender orthodoxy is now a cult. First rule of a cult - separate the members from their family who want to help them. "Any behavior that I have is female because it is mine." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ Biden allows millions to flood across the border and now Dem mayors don't like that some are being bused to their cities. Mayor Eric Adams is upset that NYC’s homeless shelters are being overrun with asylum-seeking migrants. DC's Mayor Bowser wants the National Guard involved. [Illegal Immigration]
Jul 28, 2022 ~ Breccan Thies, "Race Medicine: New Medical School Standards Require ‘Competencies’ in ‘White Privilege,’ ‘Anti-Colonialism’" #CRT is taking over The Association of American Medical Colleges and everything. More DIE garbage including 'white supremacy.' Pure poison being injected. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care]
Jul 28, 2022 ~ Add 'working while having Covid' to the list of things that are 'racist'. Biden bragged he was “getting a lot of work done” while sick. Yale prof. Dr. Kimberly Sue said, "POTUS working while having COVID infection epitomizes white supremacy urgency." These are ridiculous people. [Coronavirus, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jul 28, 2022 ~ Incoming University of Michigan Medical School students embarrassed themselves by walking out on a speech by Dr. Kristin Collier simply because she was pro-life. The speech had nothing to do with abortion. They first tried to get her speech canceled. What disrespectful brats! [Abortion, Cancel Culture, College, Loathsome Left]
Jul 28, 2022 ~ Blockbuster revelation from Dr. Deborah Birx. "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, and I think we overplayed the vaccines." Stunning given how many people were forced to take the vaccine to remain employed or lost their jobs for not taking it. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jul 28, 2022 ~ Brittany Bernstein, 'Suspect in Kavanaugh Assassination Plot Planned to Target Two Other Justices' When Democrats don't get what they want, they get violent. They've attacked many congressman (Rand Paul, Lee Zeldin, shot up a GOP baseball field), Supreme Court Justices etc. [Kavanaugh, SCOTUS, Violent Left]
Jul 28, 2022 ~ The US is officially in a recession. 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. The Democrats simply redefine the word 'recession' to avoid admitting it. The #FakeNews plays along. Even Wikipedia changes the definition for them! We live in an Orwellian dystopia at this point. [Economics, Economy, Fake News]
Jul 28, 2022 ~ Michael Letts, 'He tried to kill a congressman, and New York released him within hours' Violent Democrat David Jakubonis tried to assassinate Rep. Lee Zeldin and NYC lets him out immediately. But they lock you up for self defense. Welcome to how the Democrats run a state. [Crime, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 22, 2022 ~ Shortly after NY Gov. Hochul told her supporters that Rep. Lee Zeldin would be speaking in NY, joined by "far right extremists", a real extremist (Democrat of course) tried to stab him. The violent Democrat was held off by Zeldin until others could tackle him and neutralize him. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 22, 2022 ~ A bunch of clowns called The Tyre Extinguishers are going around the world deflating the tires of SUVs and other vehicles. They just deflated over 40 cars in NYC. “Your gas guzzler kills.” "This is a machine that destroys life with terrifying efficiency," they ridiculously claim. [Climate Change, Environment, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 22, 2022 ~ Biden gets COVID after being double vaccinated and double boosted. Many people are replaying clips today of not just Biden, but CDC head Rochelle Walensky and even Dr. Fauci himself saying if you get vaccinated, you won't get the virus. [Biden, Coronavirus]

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