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Jul 10, 2022 ~ TMZ, "The hellscape of Twitter is at it again ... this time arguing over whether Anne Frank, a girl killed in the Holocaust for being Jewish, actually had 'white privilege.'" Christopher F. Rufo explains, "This is your brain on CRT." [CRT DIE Wokeness]
Jul 10, 2022 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'Some wonderful news out of...wait for it...Saudi Arabia' They are trying to reform Islam! "Qur'an verses describing Jews being turned into monkeys [and] verses prohibiting friendships with Jews and Christians and condemning homosexuality have all been removed" [Anti-Semitism, Islam, LGBT]
Jul 10, 2022 ~ The Atlantic reports the total #FakeNews that "Heat waves hot enough to cook human flesh are already happening this month." And other absurd alarmism. @BjornLomborg says "Climate exaggeration just won't end." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 10, 2022 ~ Andrew Follett, 'Too-Political Science' "Americans don’t trust science the way they used to - bc science is becoming increasingly untrustworthy." Majority "admitted that they selectively report on their experimental findings to yield results favorable to their preexisting views." [Anti-Science, College, Politics]
Jul 9, 2022 ~ The testimony of Jan 6 Committee star Cassidy Hutchinson falls apart. The secret service agents she says Trump attacked and grabbed the wheel from are willing to testify under oath that none of it is true. Like their fake impeachment 'whistle blower' who didn't even hear the call. [2020 Election, Capitol Riot, Fake News, Impeachment]
Jul 9, 2022 ~ Maya Forstater won her lawsuit for being wrongful fired for refusing to participate in the new gender mythology. @jk_rowling, "Every woman who’s been harassed, silenced, bullied or lost employment because of her gender-critical beliefs is freer and safer today thanks to [Maya]." [Anti-Science, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 9, 2022 ~ Dan McLaughlin, 'No, the Conservative Justices Didn’t Lie about Roe v. Wade' Debunks this Dem talking point. They didn't say they would not overturn Roe. They said it was precedent. "The Court has overturned its own prior constitutional precedents 145 times in its history." [Abortion, SCOTUS]
Jul 9, 2022 ~ Breccan F. Thies, 'After Nixing Merit-Based Admissions, More Students Failing at San Francisco High School' To no one's surprise failing grades tripled "after it scrapped its merit-based admissions scheme for a diversity, equity, and inclusion-focused one." Destroying education. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Jul 9, 2022 ~ Sarah Arnold, 'Biden Admin Sold 1 Million Barrels of Oil to Chinese-Owned Company Tied To Hunter Biden' "The Biden administration sold 950,000 barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Unipec, a Chinese-owned gas company linked to Hunter Biden." [Biden, China]
Jul 9, 2022 ~ Justice Kavanaugh and wife are harassed out of Morton's Steakhouse. Many Dems like @AOC react gleefully. @ShutDown_DC offers money for sighting of other Justices so they can do the same. Morton's condemned so now Dems have a campaign to flood them with fake reservations. Vile. [Abortion, Kavanaugh, Loathsome Left, SCOTUS, Violent Left]
Jul 9, 2022 ~ An Afghan illegal immigrant was arrested in the French city of Bordeaux last Friday after attempting to stab several people on the street while yelling “Allahu Akbar.” [Illegal Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 8, 2022 ~ Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg arrested bodega clerk Jose Alba and charged him with murder. Alba was attacked by ex-con Austin Simon when Alba stabbed him in self defense. Video shows Simon going for Alba's neck at the time of the stabbing. Crime is legal in NYC, self defense is not. [Crime, Loathsome Left]
Jul 8, 2022 ~ Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe has been assassinated while speaking at a campaign event. Abe was a great Prime Minister and ally to the United States. His political enemies were all on the left. Guns are banned in Japan so US Democrats are baffled as to how he was shot. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Violent Left]
Jul 7, 2022 ~ A "BIPOC lounge" was setup at Gen Con so that racists don't have to see or associate with white people. The left is openly and proudly racist. BIPOC is a (heavily redundant) term invented to simply mean "non-white." Everyone in the world is included in BIPOC except white people. The term allows the racist left to exclude or discriminate against the race they deem to be undesirable. [Racism]
Jul 7, 2022 ~ Now swimming is 'racist.' Tom Joyce, 'Williams College Eliminates Swim Test Graduation Requirement For Racial Equity' "Students no longer need to pass a swim test to graduate from Williams College, for the sake of racial equity." Likely to result in future unnecessary drownings. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jul 6, 2022 ~ FL Governor Ron DeSantis: "Under our new law, never again will Florida families be denied the right to visit a loved one in the hospital. This is now the way of the land." #COVID19 [Coronavirus]
Jul 6, 2022 ~ Sanity is emerging. DailyMail: "Triathlon becomes the first British sport to ban ALL transgender women from competing in female events at an elite and grassroots level" [Gender, LGBT, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Samantha Bee @iamsambee, who once called the first daughter a cunt, now calls for Alito to be harassed over Roe repeal. "Samantha Bee over the Roe repeal: "We have to raise hell in our cities, in Washington, in every restaurant Justice Alito eats at for the rest of his life." [Abortion, Loathsome Left]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ .@MrAndyNgo, "Colorado Antifa shooter Samuel Young, who was convicted of four counts of attempted manslaughter when he shot at a driver trying to flee rioters on the highway in Aurora, was sentenced this week to no prison time." Its fine to be violent if you're on the left. [Antifa, Crime, Violent Left]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ John Stossel, 'Government Delays Flights' There are now 1000s of delays and cancellations every weekend. "Why? Because of the pilot shortage." "Because the government passed another dumb law." "Instead of 250 hours, now [pilots] have to have 1,500 hours!" Few people can do this. [John Stossel, Regulations]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Nate Hochman, 'Swedish Children Suffered No Learning Loss during Pandemic, New Study Shows' Sweden continues to be vindicated in their approach to the #COVID19 pandemic. Sweden kept schools open and did not suffer the learning losses the rest of the world experienced. [Coronavirus, Education]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Clyanna Lightbourn, co-founder of the #BLM chapter in Upstate New York was arrested after hundreds of live cockroaches were released inside an Albany courthouse. Charged with obstruction of governmental admin, tampering with evidence, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. [BLM, Crime, Loathsome Left]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Victor Sharpe, 'Words and Consequences: 'West Bank' vs. Judaea and Samaria' Opposed to "the pejorative term: 'settlements.'" "Many present-day Jewish villages, especially throughout Judea and Samaria, are built upon the very Biblical Jewish sites which existed millennia ago." [Israel]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ 80+ killed in Burkina Faso terror attack. Death toll could reach over 100. "Attacks by the Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, and other Islamist militant groups have killed nearly 5,000 people in Burkino Faso in the last two years." [Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ In the wake of school shootings, @AOC says looking at mental health would be racist "Because what people are blaming on mental health are really deeper issues of violent misogyny and white supremacy." Dems must say "white supremacy" every day. Its always BS but they can't stop. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Fox News ran a segment on Ryland Whittington who was socially transitioned as a boy at just age 5! Megyn Kelly called it 'irresponsible" "To not flag the significant downsides of what happens to these kids when they’re put on puberty blockers, when they’re put on ... hormones." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ After @elonmusk says "Massive red wave in 2022" after Hispanic Mayra Flores won, @JamaalBowmanNY says, "Elon Musk is not a leader. He’s just another Republican billionaire who supports white supremacy." Dems just will not stop screaming 'racism' and 'white supremacy' falsely. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Anti-Trump loon drives his car through the store front of a pro-Trump store in Easton, MA. "slamming through the glass and plowing through several racks of clothing inside the New England for Trump store." Almost hit several people. His car had an anti-Trump bumper sticker. #TDS [Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Howard Husock, "Does Affirmative Action in Mortgage Lending Really Help Black Americans?" Short answer: No it hurts them and this is how we got the 2008 financial crisis. Lowering all kinds of standards like credit score, down payment, income req's that existed to reduce risk. [Affirmative Action, Economics, Economy, Fake Racism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'NY Supreme Court strikes down law allowing non-citizens to vote' Courts are having a bout of sanity lately. Democrats were going allow 800K non-citizens to dilute the vote of citizens! The judge pointed out the the Constitution explicitly says only citizens may vote. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Swedish actor Dolph Lundgren said "Sadly, my home country Sweden still cannot protect their women from rape." "A majority of those convicted for rape in Sweden were either migrants or from migrant backgrounds, with nearly half of the convicts being people born outside of Sweden." [Crime, Immigration]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Madeline Brame of NYC tells the Manhattan DA, "Take that restorative justice bullshit and shove it up your asses" after her son's unrepentant killer was given just 7 years "despite his lengthy record and confession to committing a particularly brutal murder." [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ NY Gov. Kathy Hochul was asked "Do you have numbers to show that it’s the concealed carry permit holders that are committing crimes?" She responded, "I Don’t Need To Have Numbers." Typical Democrat. The facts don't support their policies but they literally don't care. [Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ 53 smuggled migrants died in an abandoned tractor trailer in Texas. Gov. Abbott, "These deaths are on Biden. They are a result of his deadly open border policies." The Biden Admin refuses to accept responsibility for these and many more deaths. "The border is closed," they lie. [Illegal Immigration]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ 2 Muslims behead a man, Kanhaiya Lal, in India and post the video of it online. Lal "had allegedly put up a social media post supporting former Bharatiya Janata Party spokesperson Nupur Sharma, who made controversial comments about the Prophet Muhammad." Blasphemy=death in Islam. [Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Democrats continue to be outraged that all Black people do not obey them. @GeorgeTakei calls Clarence Thomas "a clown in Blackface." @gummibear737, "In other words, Black man, know your place... They get angry when the Black man doesn't act the way they think they should." [Loathsome Left, Racism, SCOTUS]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Now they are back to blaming Putin for gas prices. When asked how long will this last, Biden said, "As long as it takes, so Russia cannot in fact defeat Ukraine." Biden Advisor Brian Deese added "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm." [Biden, Economics, Economy, Energy, Russia]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ The Biden Administration is switching from the lie that high gas prices are Putin's fault to blaming gas stations for the price! "Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now," he yells. Economically ignorant. [Biden, Economics, Economy, Energy]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ In West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Obama's 'Clean Power Plan' was unconstitutional because "A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself" as it "exceeded the [EPA's] statutory authority" to regulate CO2. [Climate Change, Energy, SCOTUS]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Stephen Moore, "Biden's Green New Deal Is Increasing Greenhouse Gases" "After more than a decade of declining carbon emissions here in the United States, in 2021, President Joe Biden's first year in office, emissions rose." Reducing fracking reduced the % of cleaner natural gas. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ In the "everything is RACIST" category, the Oregon Health Authority delayed a meeting and their excuse is that "urgency is a white supremacy value." "We recognize that urgency is a white supremacy value... we will reach out at a later date to reschedule." Can not make this up. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Frau Summer says "@HumboldtUni has decided to cancel my speech about biology and the evolution of the two sexes. According to the university, it was canceled it for security risks for this public science event." Talking about biological sex now requires security. #CancelCulture [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ More bonus woke points for linking climate change to sexism and more. Christine Clarke, "The consequences of climate change can exacerbate the risk of sexual & gender-based violence, especially those facing intersecting forms of discrimination including Indigenous women & girls." [Climate Change, Fake Sexism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Friends creator Marta Kauffman donates $4 million to an African Studies Program to atone for the alleged sin of having a show where all 6 friends were white. "Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It’s painful looking at yourself in the mirror" she insanely said. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ John Binder, 'Trump’s Price Transparency Rule for Health Care Begins: "A Huge Moment"' "On all these insurance company websites, in all of these files, the real price of health care is coming out. Not just for hospitals, but for all types of services,” one executive said." [Health Care, Trump Win]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ The NFL appoints rapper Ice Cube to lead its "economic equity" program. Ice Cube's songs contain anti-Semitic, anti-Asian lyrics. Referring to Asian shopkeepers as "little Chinese motherfucker[s]." Music producer as "white Jew... Put a bullet in his temple." Buds with Farrakhan. [Anti-Semitism, Racism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Jack Montgomery, "Scottish Govt Workers Told Biological Sex Is ‘Falsehood’ Invented to ‘Reinforce White Supremacy’ and gender oppression." Bonus woke points for combining trans anti-science with false accusations of 'racism' and 'white supremacy' multiplying the final woke score. [Anti-Science, Fake Racism, Trans]
Jul 4, 2022 ~ Happy 4th of July from WhatHappened.com. Democrats in Pima County, Arizona celebrated with an event called “Fuck the Fourth”. Democrats everywhere are using America's birthday as an occasion to express their hatred for America. Examples too numerous to catalog. [Loathsome Left]
Jul 4, 2022 ~ Ohio Police killing of Jayland Walker. Narrative: "Shot for a traffic violation." #BLM demands justice. Should've been routine traffic stop. Led police on 80 MPH chase. SHOT AT THEM FROM THE CAR. Rammed a cop car. Got out in a ski mask and ran before turning "in a firing position." [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 2, 2022 ~ John McCormack, 'Why Didn’t Democrats Codify Roe When They Had the Chance?' Says the reason they didn't pass such a federal law was that they could not agree on the details. Plus a couple of other political reasons such as just burning so much political capital on Obamacare and that Roe was safe in the SCOTUS. [Abortion, SCOTUS]

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