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Jun 28, 2022 ~ Senate Dems destroyed what little credibility their Kavanaugh circus had when they heard testimony from Julie Swetnick, who absurdly accused him of gang rape. The Jan 6 committee made a similar level mistake with Cassidy Hutchinson. No one believes her. Wasn't there. SS denies. [Capitol Riot, Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Jun 27, 2022 ~ Sen. Mitch McConnel @LeaderMcConnell tries to explain the Dodd decision and the Constitution to Democrats. "What the court did, in effect, was return this very controversial issue to the people and their representatives so that it could be decided through the democratic process." [Abortion, SCOTUS]
Jun 27, 2022 ~ Its one of those things that would be hard to believe if it wasn't on video. Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi elbowed the daughter of Rep. Mayra Flores when she thought no one was looking to push her out of the way. Her witchiest moment since she tore up the State of the Union speech. [Loathsome Left]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Republican Mayra Flores flips 85% Latino South Texas district. "I'm their worst nightmare. They claim to be for immigrants. I'm an immigrant. They claim to be for women. I'm a woman. They claim to be for the people of color. I'm someone of color. Yet, I don't feel the love.'" [Identity Politics, Politics, Race]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Andy Ngo reports, "Shocking graphic video captured a black man beating three white women in south Philadelphia on June 15." Another crime that would be a big deal if the races were reversed. [Crime, Race]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Bridgewater State University is being sued by Donna Johnston for being asked "to defend her whiteness" as part of her interview process. Told “Black students may not be able to relate to you because of your white privilege.” Her response was not adequate for the #CRT inquisition. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Sean Davis, '7 Gun Control Myths That Just Won’t Die' Gun show 'loophole'. Buying a gun is as easy as groceries. Conceal carriers don't prevent mass shootings, 2A only applies to muskets, gun free zones prevent gun violence, gun violence is skyrocketing. Not about confiscation. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Lunatic Eddie Glaude spews this garbage unchalleged on #FakeNews @MSNBC, "And every time a new America has tried to come into existence, Stephanie, the umbilical cord of white supremacy has been wrapped around the baby's neck choking the life out of it." [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Carlos Garcia, 'San Francisco school board votes for merit-based admissions after recall of left-wing board members' Democrats have to actually try the dumbest ideas imaginable like defunding the police and removing merit from admissions in order to figure out they don't work. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Police]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Left wing violence erupts across the country regarding the abortion ruling. Many are from Antifa including using a flame thrower at a cop's face. Too many to list. @MrAndyNgo is keeping track of most of them on his feed. Almost all political violence comes from the left. [Abortion, Antifa, Violent Left]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Here Comes Fiscal Armageddon' "Fiscal Armageddon is what will happen when the U.S. government’s debt load exceeds its ability to comfortably service that debt." Will be spending more to service debt than anything else. Gov't will choose easy option, inflation. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy, Kevin Williamson]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ 3 black men, Donovon Jones, Tyler Stafford, and Deshawn Stafford Jr kill 17 year old white teen Ethan Liming at Lebron James' Promise school. Kicked and stomped his head until dead. Yet another crime that would be a huge deal if the races had been reversed. The #FakeNews ignores. [Crime, Fake News, Race]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Biden admin EPA nominee, Carlton Waterhouse believes in something called "climate reparations." "climate reparations are essential and an important part of having an equitable climate vision." [Climate Change, CRT DIE Wokeness, Environment]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Black man Deundrea Holloway killed White 8 month pregnant Liese Dodd, de-capitated her and threw her head in a dumpster. Another of many crimes that the #FakeNews ignores that would be huge stories if the races were reversed. [Crime, Fake News, Race, Racism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ The Biden FDA bans Juul e-cigarette vaps. This is beyond madness. Real cigarettes which are 100 times more dangerous are still legal and they give out free crack pipes. [Drugs, Health, Regulations]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Islamic Iranian terrorist Zaniar Matapour commits a mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Norway during Pride Week. 2 killed, 20+ injured many seriously. Similar to the US Pulse Nightclub attack where 50 were killed. Homosexuality is punishable by death according to Islamic law. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Islam, LGBT, Terrorism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Democrats show they are the true racists. Samuel L. Jackson and many other dems call Justice Thomas "Uncle Clarence". Many others call him the literal N-word and other racist slurs. Democrats demand that Black people do as they say or be subjected to this kind of treatment. [Abortion, Loathsome Left, Racism, SCOTUS]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ David Mastio "USA Today demoted me for a tweet — because its woke newsrooms are out of touch with readers" Tweeted "People who are pregnant are also women." Scientific facts that contradict the trans cult orthodoxy are no longer permitted in #FakeNews organizations. [Anti-Semitism, Cancel Culture, Fake News, Trans]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Oregon teachers at the Errol Hassell Elementary School sent school administrators an email claiming that eye-rolling directed at a principal is an example of a "harmful practice rooted in White supremacy." We've gone from "Everything is RACIST" to "Everything is WHITE SUPREMACY!" [Education, Fake Racism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ A biological male wins the Woman's side of the NYC Boardr Open skateboarding competition taking the 1st place trophy and the $500 prize away from the 13 year old girl who placed 2nd. Most of the people allowing these injustices to occur are too cowardly to speak out against them. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ WSJ, "Ken Griffin Moving Citadel From Chicago to Miami Following Crime Complaints" "I’ve had multiple colleagues mugged at gunpoint. I’ve had a colleague stabbed on the way to work. Countless issues of burglary." No one but criminals will be left in Democrat run cities/states. [Crime, Politics]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Amy Schumer on the founding fathers and being governed by the US Consistution, "We shouldn't determine our rights by interpreting the intentions of a bunch of slave-owning rapists who'd been dead for a hundred years." Sounds like she admits Roe was unconstitutional. [Abortion, Loathsome Left, SCOTUS]
Jun 25, 2022 ~ Epoch Times, "Rochelle Walensky, @CDCDirector falsely claimed that #COVID19 was one of the top 5 causes of death for children since the beginning of the #Pandemic. Walensky is the 3rd @CDCgov official or scientist to make the false statement this month." [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jun 25, 2022 ~ Brandon Straka showing video of violent left wing abortion protesters attacking police, "There’s simply no denying the double standards anymore. We live in a 2 tiered justice system weaponized against conservative people. Until we fix this innocent conservatives will languish in prisons while violent leftists will be excused and exalted." [Abortion, Capitol Riot, Violent Left]
Jun 25, 2022 ~ Kevin Williamson on Democrat's unserious "theory of constitutional interpretation that holds that abortion, found nowhere in the Constitution, is an untouchable, bedrock right, while the right to keep and bear arms, explicitly enshrined in the Bill of Rights, somehow is not." [Abortion, Guns-Mass Shootings, Kevin Williamson]
Jun 24, 2022 ~ The Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade. Regardless of your stance on the ethics of abortion, most constitutional experts including Ruth Bader Ginsburg admit that Roe was unconstitutional. A conservative court follows the constitution as it did on the recent 2A decision as well. [Abortion, Guns-Mass Shootings, SCOTUS]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden's diary reveals Joe used to take showers with her she described as "inappopriate." "I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).” [Biden, Me Too]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ Marc Morano, "Reality Check: After 100 years of climate change, ‘climate-related deaths’ approach zero – Dropped by over 99% since 1920 | Climate Depot" [Climate Change]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ The University of Cincinnati is excluding white and Asian students from its STEM program. They offered research opportunities only to “talented UC undergraduates from under-represented groups.” This kind of open racism violates federal civil rights laws. [College, Racism]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ Megan Rapinoe says its fine if biological males ruin sports for women and girls because "your kid’s high school volleyball team just isn’t that important." How long have girls fought to have their sports taken seriously and modern 'feminists' want to tear them back down. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ The International Rugby League (IRL) has banned transgender athletes from participating in women’s sporting events. Sanity is starting to win out. First in swimming, now in Rugby. There's still a long way to go to restore women's rights in sports though. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ The Duke Ellington School of the Arts decides not to name its theater after Dave Chappelle. The cowardly adults give into the woke children who go there. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Education]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ Trish Randall, 'Trans Suicide Is Not a Response to Bigotry' "suicide rates for individuals 15 years after surgical transition 20 times higher than the that of the population overall. Even in Sweden, with long availability of transgender medications and surgeries, and acceptance" [Trans]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ The Supreme Court strikes down New York's concealed-carry restriction. NY made people prove they needed a gun which is unconstitutional. This will affect several states with similar rules. Dems are upset and don't understand that the constitution protects the right to bear arms. [Guns-Mass Shootings, SCOTUS]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ Lila Rose, "Since the Dobbs v Jackson draft was leaked, pro-abortion activists have: -Vandalized 16 churches -Vandalized at least 16 pro-life pregnancy centers -Firebombed 4 pro-life pregnancy centers and offices -Attempted to assassinate a Supreme Court Justice Where’s the outrage?" There would only be outrage if the violence was directed at the pro-abortion side. [Abortion, Violent Left]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ Jeff Luse, 'No, Corporate Greed Is Not to Blame for High Gas Prices' Every time oil and gas prices get high, Democrats feel the need to remind everyone they have no understanding of economics. Oil is a commodities. If oil companies controlled their price, why are they ever low? [Economics]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ Tess Owens, Vice News: 'White Nationalists Want to Reclaim Nature as a Safe Space for Racists' "White supremacy groups have deep roots in the U.S. wilderness and recreation movements." "EVERYTHING IS RACIST!" To prove her dumb point, she used examples from the 1960s. The #FakeNews literally sits down every day and says, "What can I label as racist today?" [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ New Zealand trans biker Kate Weatherly who dominates women's cycling as a biological male spoke out against the new rules from the world swimming’s governing body, FINA, banning trans women from competing. Weatherly is worried those rules might be applied to cycling. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 22, 2022 ~ Dinesh D'Sousa contines to lie. He claims Raquel Rodriguez was arrested as "One of the 2000 Mules." Can't be because she's not in one of the states they analyzed. Also he admits there's no way to tie phone records to an actual name. 2 lies off the bat. But the biggest lie: she was helping a GOP candidate Mauro Garza, not Biden! [2020 Election, Fake News]
Jun 22, 2022 ~ Add @townhallcom to the list of sites censoring opinions they disagree with. They removed @AnnCoulter's article “Dinesh’s Stupid Movie” because his stupid movie, '2000 Mules' was funded by Salem Media Group. Very disappointing. @benshapiro @KatiePavlich @guypbenson @derekahunter [2020 Election, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jun 19, 2022 ~ AP: "World swimming’s governing body has effectively banned transgender women from competing in women’s events. FINA members voted 71.5% in favor of a policy that only permits swimmers who transitioned before age 12 to compete in women’s events." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 15, 2022 ~ Another pro-life pregnancy center has been set on fire. Now 23 Pro-Life organizations have been vandalized, or firebombed by pro-abortion activists just in the last few weeks. Except for one Jan 6, the left continues to own all the rest of the political violence in this country. [Abortion, Violent Left]
Jun 15, 2022 ~ San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich "I’m sick and tired of 50 and 60 and 70-year-old white men screwing up all of our lives." Besides being total BS, its unreal how acceptable its become to openly disparage white people and how common it is for Democrats to do it. [Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jun 12, 2022 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'Was Canada's orgy of self-recrimination over...nothing?' The #FakeNews claims including the New York Times of mass graves of over 1300 children led to many churches burned, apology from Trudaeu and the Pope and $billions pledged. Claims were total BS. No mass graves found. "Not one body has been found." Terry Glavin, "The truth doesn't matter anymore." [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2022 ~ Larry Elder drops crime stats disproving the Democrat party narrative: "Every year, there are about 750 black-white/white-black interracial homicides. 500 whites are killed by blacks (13% of the population.) 250 blacks are killed by whites (63% of the population.) Of the 600K annual non-homicide black-white/white-black violent felonies, 90% involve black perp/white victim, just 10% white perp/black victim. “Systemic racism,” anyone?" [Crime, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Race]
Jun 12, 2022 ~ Nigeria blames the Islamic State for the massacre at a Catholic church that killed 40 people. "We have been able to see the footprint of ISWAP in the horrendous attack in Owo." Boko Haram renamed itself ISWAP in 2015 after pledging allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 12, 2022 ~ Washington Commanders fined Defensive Coordinator Jack Del Rio $100K for claiming the the George Floyd #BLM riots were far worse than the Jan 6 riot. Which is 1000% true. Many dead, 100s of officers injured, over $1 billion in property damage, cities burned. Honest speech is dead [BLM, Capitol Riot, Free Speech, George Floyd, Silencing, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jun 12, 2022 ~ Bill Maher explains why the #FakeNews @nytimes buried the story of gunman coming to kill Justice Kavanaugh. "If this had been a liberal Supreme Court justice that someone came to kill, it would have been on the front page... They just wear their bias on their sleeves." [Abortion, Fake News, Kavanaugh, SCOTUS, Violent Left]
Jun 11, 2022 ~ Nicole Gelinas, 'Shoplifting kills a Rite Aid — and maybe Manhattan’s comeback chances' Cities run by Democrats are collapsing under their "Defund the Police" strategies. Crime is through the roof and businesses can't survive. Lost $200K to shoplifting in 2 months. After looting. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 11, 2022 ~ Ryan Mills, 'A Mom’s Fight to Save Her Daughter from Trans Orthodoxy at School' Her school and the so called experts said immediate 'affirmation' was the only way. Had she transitioned, it would have been too late. "Mom, I’m really sorry. Affirmative care really messed me up." [Trans]

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