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May 21, 2022 ~ Jesse Singal, "Puberty Blockers And Hormones Didn’t Improve Trans Kids’ Mental Health" "University of Seattle publicized research which detected no improvements in depression or suicidality, over the course of a year, among trans kids who went on puberty blockers and/or hormones." [Trans]
May 21, 2022 ~ Laura Wiley Haynes, makes LONG thread on why 'gender affirming' treatments/surgeries are wrong for minors. "90% of kids given this approach OUTGREW their GD with no meds. 2/3 of them were GAY in adulthood. 'Affirming' is basically GAY conversion therapy." Result is "A STERILE child. One who may never orgasm! With ruined physical health! UNJUSTIFIABLE, when 90% **outgrow** this!" "The suicide fears used to browbeat parents into unquestioning support are LIES... The suicide risks are identical." "Puberty blockers + cross sex hormones not only sterilize child. They leave boys with micro penis. They often cause girls to need hysterectomies in 20's. Bones do not get stronger, brain development is affected. Cancer and heart risks rise. They need hormones for life." [Anti-Science, Trans]
May 21, 2022 ~ Women's soccer got US Soccer to agree to pay women and men the same even though the men bring in 7 times the revenue. The men's world cup brings in about $400 million while the women's world cup brings in about $60 million. The men did not fight it. Imagine if the NBA did this. [Economics, Fake Sexism, Gender Pay Gap]
May 21, 2022 ~ Hillary Clinton has now been caught cheating 3 times in 16. DNC rigged primary against Bernie. Debate questions fed to campaign from @CNN. And starting the #RussiaHoax. @elonmusk, "I donated to & voted for Hillary, so am doubly pissed off about those funds being used for lying." [Fake News, Hillary, Russia Hoax, Sanders]
May 21, 2022 ~ Hillary's 2016 campaign manager Robby Mook admits on the stand that Hillary ok'ed the release of the bogus Trump connection to the Russian Alfa Bank trying to create an October surprise. BBC: Her "campaign lied to the FBI to 'manipulate' the agency in order to win the election." [Hillary, Russia Hoax]
May 21, 2022 ~ Flashback Oct. 2016. Hillary Clinton tweeted "Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank [Alfa]." We now know SHE also sent this lie to the FBI and to #FakeNews outlets, thus beginning the #RussiaHoax. [Fake News, Hillary, Russia Hoax]
May 21, 2022 ~ Bill Maher on performing gender affirming surgery on children. "If every kid knew what they wanted to be at 8, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God no one took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery." [Anti-Science, Trans]
May 20, 2022 ~ Larry Elder, "In 2020, about 8,600 black lives were lost due to homicide, almost all killed by blacks. There are about 750 black-white/white-black yearly homicides. 500 whites are killed by blacks; 250 blacks are killed by whites. So, of black homicide victims, 2.9% are killed by whites." [Crime, Larry Elder, Race]
May 18, 2022 ~ Tax filings show that #BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, did not just use BLM charity money to buy mansions worth millions. She also paid millions to family and friends for things like "creative services." And chartered private jets. Do BLM donors feel like suckers? [BLM]
May 18, 2022 ~ Elon Musk (@elonmusk) sees the Democrat party for what they are and walks away: "In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican." #WalkAway [#WalkAway]
May 17, 2022 ~ Black nursing home worker Jadon Hayden, who recorded himself punching a white elderly veteran in the face DOZENS OF TIMES in a Detroit nursing home in May 2020, just had his case dismissed. Another case that would be a national scandal and huge story if the races were reversed. [Crime, Health Care, Racism]
May 17, 2022 ~ Dennis Prager, 'PolitiFact Is to Fact What Pravda Was to Truth' Prager said "the odds are overwhelming" that 'racist' incidents involving nooses and the N-word at college are committed by black students. "We're filled with race hoaxes." They labelled it "False." But its true. [College, Dennis Prager, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
May 17, 2022 ~ #FakeNews @MSNBC contributor Retired General Barry McCaffrey posts footage of a video game thinking it was real, saying "Russian aircraft getting nailed by UKR missile defense. Russians are losing large numbers of attack aircraft. UKR air defense becoming formidable." [Fake News]
May 17, 2022 ~ Democrat efforts to erase women continue. Michelle Obama posts, "The leaked SCOTUS draft... could give state lawmakers the power to strip womxn of the right to make decisions about their bodies and their healthcare." No one really knows what 'womxn' means or how to pronounce it. [Abortion, Gender, SCOTUS]
May 16, 2022 ~ The World Swimming Coaches Association (WSCA) says “Trans females cannot compete fairly with biological females." "The inclusion of transgender people into female sport cannot be balanced with fairness due to the retained differences in strength, stamina and physique." @NCAA [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 16, 2022 ~ VP Harris: "We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together … We will work together." [Harris]
May 15, 2022 ~ Democrats and leftists cannot erase women fast enough. U of Arkansas is changing the name of the campus’s Pat Walker Health Center “Women’s Clinic” to the “GYN Clinic.” The Democrats' Women’s Health Protection Act no longer mentions the word 'woman.' Mentioned 13 times in 2021. [Anti-Science, Gender, Trans]
May 13, 2022 ~ The Biden @WhiteHouse spreads ridiculous disinformation (lies). "When President Biden took office, millions were unemployed and there was no vaccine available." @washingtonpost fact check, "8% of seniors had gotten the vaccine on the day he took office. Biden was one of them." [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake News]
May 11, 2022 ~ Stossel: Government required GMO labeling is increasing the cost of food. "The U.S. Department of Agriculture says the GMO labeling will cost from $598 million to $3.5 billion." GMOs are perfectly safe and the labeling is useless. [Anti-Science, John Stossel, Regulations]
May 10, 2022 ~ The pro-abortion group "Jane's Revenge" claimed responsibility for a Molotov Cocktail attack against Wisconsin Family Action. They called it "a warning." "We have run thin on patience and mercy." "We demand the disbanding of all anti-choice establishments" or more violence. [Abortion, Violent Left]
May 10, 2022 ~ Totally competent and not senile President Joe Biden explaining inflation. "The number one threat is the strength, and that strength that we've built is inflation." [Biden, Economics]
May 9, 2022 ~ After doxing and protesting at Justice's homes, Justice Alito and his family have been moved to an undisclosed location. The headquarters of an anti-abortion group in WI has been set on fire. Graffiti said "If Abortions Aren’t Safe Then You Aren’t Either." Masses being disrupted. [Abortion, Violent Left]
May 8, 2022 ~ Democrat abortion activists showed up at the homes of 4 Supreme Court Justices which is illegal per 18 U.S. Code 1507. The White House refuses to condemn this act of intimidation. Activists have also vandalized churches with pro-abortion messages and vandalized police cars. [Abortion, Violent Left]
May 8, 2022 ~ John Fund, 'Chicago’s Decline Accelerates as Boeing Abandons It' Under Lori Lightfoot's lack of leadership, Chicago's crime levels have soared and the city has become unlivable. Businesses can't make money or keep their employees safe. The Bears and United Airlines left too. [Crime, Economics]
May 8, 2022 ~ Bill Maher, "In Europe, the modern countries of Europe, way more restrictive than we are or what they’re even proposing. If you are pro-choice, you would like it a lot less in Germany and Italy and France and Spain and Switzerland." and "most people who are pro-life are women." [Abortion]
May 8, 2022 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Fred Savage of the 'Wonder Years' reboot, Bill Murray and Frank Langella have all been fired from their shows for alleged ‘Inappropriate Conduct.’ All 3 maintain their innocence. Alley Mills, "Some innocent people can get caught up in this stuff [#MeToo]" [Cancel Culture, Me Too]
May 8, 2022 ~ Dominic Pino, 'The Taliban Bring Back Women’s Clothing Regulations' They "decreed that all women should wear full-body coverings, recommending the burqa as the best way to comply. That only leaves a woman’s hands and feet visible, with a thin slit covered in mesh for the eyes." [Islam]
May 8, 2022 ~ Seattle releases rapist Myron Lee and 3 days later he rapes another women. Told her he “knew he could get away with it.” Brazen smash and grabs also continue. Get out of any Democrat run city especially if they bragged about "defunding the police." The criminals have free reign. [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Police]
May 7, 2022 ~ Ellie Puentes is expelled from Union College because she would not get the #COVID19 booster. She got extremely ill from the 2nd dose of the vaccine. Her doctor and Pfizer said it would be dangerous to get the booster. Pinheads at Union College demanded she get boosted anyway. [Anti-Science, College, Coronavirus]
May 7, 2022 ~ Retired FBI Assistant Director for Intelligence Kevin Brock on the Russia Hoax. "The Clinton campaign, the Democrat Party used contrived disinformation in a conspiracy, in a conspiratorial way, to deceive the American voter ahead of the election." "They just made stuff up." [Fake News, Hillary, Russia Hoax]
May 7, 2022 ~ Rapper Chet Hanks (Tom Hanks' son) is accused of 'cultural appropriation' for using a Trinidadian accent playing a role on a TV show. When asked if he would like to apologize to any 'marginalized communities' he says 'Nah.' "Social justice warriors can kick go rocks." [Cultural Appropriation]
May 6, 2022 ~ Pro choice activists continue to get violent. In Seattle, they attack several people, take their signs, hit the pro-life protester with the sign that they took, yell and scream like rabid dogs. Threatening, attacking. Democrats and the left can never protest peacefully. [Abortion, Violent Left]
May 4, 2022 ~ Dave Chappelle is attacked on stage by Isaiah Lee. Lee had a gun and knife. The gun was fake, the knife was not. Chappelle was saved by his security team after being tackled. Chappelle recently had to increase security due to getting so many threats from left wing democrats. [Violent Left]
May 4, 2022 ~ Democrats are already starting to get violent regarding the leaked SCOTUS abortion decision. Smashed police cars in LA. Throwing rocks and bottles at cops. Then mob of thugs surround the cops screaming. Ignored commands. When the left doesn't get their way, they get violent. [Abortion, Violent Left]
May 4, 2022 ~ Racist actress Amanda Duarte says being pro-life is racist. "THE ENTIRE ANTI-ABORTION MOVEMENT IS ABOUT WHITE SUPREMACY... they need those babies to grow up and be trained to be racist voters." "Stop having white children... no one wants to fuck your disgusting little white kids" [Abortion, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
May 3, 2022 ~ In response to the abortion ruling leak, Democrats chant outside the Supreme Court, "Hey Hey, Ho Ho, fascist scum have got to go." Embarrassing. In the course of history, no one who has ever chanted "Hey Hey Ho Ho, such and such has got to go" has ever once had a point. [Abortion, Loathsome Left]
May 3, 2022 ~ Life begins at conception. At what other point could it possibly begin? Abortion is a difficult issue (maybe the most difficult issue) because there are 2 human beings involved in an abortion. BOTH sides of the debate think its simple because they pretend that there is only 1. [Abortion]
May 3, 2022 ~ A leaked SCOTUS opinion seems to reveal that they are overturning Roe V Wade. The leak is a massive break of protocol and trust designed to bully them to change their minds. In related news, the left has invented a new term to erase and dehumanize women: "birthing bodies." [Abortion, SCOTUS, Trans]
May 3, 2022 ~ The #FakeNews @nytimes printed an absurd hit piece on @TuckerCarlson. Calling him a 'racist' and 'white supremacist.' The story was met with yawns as everyone knows they are lying. They also complained he doesn't have many Democrats on anymore but he tries - they are just scared. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
May 2, 2022 ~ Rachel Levine claimed "There is no argument among medical professionals, pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. about the value and the importance of 'gender-affirming care.'" Totally false disinfo. [Anti-Science, Trans]
May 2, 2022 ~ K Schlichter on academia: "a network of colleges and universities that provide nearly meaningless credentials mostly to upper middle class post-adolescents in exchange for tons of money and access to their soft, malleable minds for indoctrination in the current commie consensus." [College, Education]
May 1, 2022 ~ Masked leftist thugs in Portland openly assaulted with explosives and paint, rally goers, families supporting Oregon Republican Gubernatorial candidate @StanPulliam (Mayor of Sandy) who is campaigning for an end to political violence in the state. The left is violently objects. [Political Correctness, Violent Left]
Apr 29, 2022 ~ Spencer Brown, 'Biden's Disinformation Board Is Led by Woman Who Thought Hunter's Laptop Was Russian Disinfo' Could these people be more ridiculous? People who lie non-stop creating their own "Ministry of Truth" and then installing a leader who has fallen for and spread disinfo. [Fake News]
Apr 28, 2022 ~ The Biden administration, which lies almost non-stop, has ridiculously created a “Disinformation Governance Board” to combat “misinformation.” The new Committee on Public Information will be led by Nina Jankowicz, “a disinformation fellow.” They are beyond parody. [Fake News]
Apr 27, 2022 ~ Laurel Duggan, "Antisemitic incidents including assault, harassment and vandalism soared in 2021, according to an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) audit, representing the highest number of incidents since the organization began recording in 1979." Why not blame Biden like Trump was? [Anti-Semitism]
Apr 26, 2022 ~ #BLM Shaun King says its about RACISM. "At its root, @ElonMusk wanting to purchase Twitter is not about left vs. right. It’s about white power. The man was raised in Apartheid by a white nationalist. He’s upset that Twitter won’t allow white nationalists to target/harass people." [BLM, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Apr 26, 2022 ~ MSNBC's Ari Melber worries that Musk will keep Twitter exactly as it is: “You could secretly ban one partys candidate…secretly turn down the reach of their stuff and turn up the reach of something else and the rest of us might not even find out about it until AFTER the election” [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Apr 25, 2022 ~ Elon Musk buys Twitter and vows to restore free speech. "Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated." Dems are upset that opinions they disagree with may be allowed. [Free Speech, Tech Censorship]
Apr 25, 2022 ~ "There are very few places where you will find bigotry more overt and hateful than when the liberal-left speaks about members of minority and marginalized groups they think they own and should control, yet who refuse to submit to their decreed orthodoxies." Glenn Greenwald [Loathsome Left, Racism]
Apr 23, 2022 ~ After the ACLU sued to get trans biological males admitted to women's prisons, female inmates started becoming pregnant. To the surprise of no one except anti-science Democrats who deny all biological reality. Female inmates also being harassed by trans inmates. [Anti-Science, Crime, Trans]

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