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Apr 23, 2022 ~ Trans archer Kelly Pyne was banned from the women’s competition after winning the state championship." "The TFAA Protest Committee fears that in 20 years, all female records, in all sports may be held by transgender people, and no female records will be held by biological women." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 23, 2022 ~ Riots across several cities in Sweden because someone allegedly burned a Koran. Lots of cars destroyed. Fires. Police attacked and injured. Many are questioning mass immigration policies that import large numbers of people with no respect for Western civilized society. [Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 23, 2022 ~ Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey responding to someone saying they've seen @CNN create #FakeNews. He agrees. "I know this from being on the streets of Ferguson during the protests and watching them try to create conflict and film it causing the protestors to chant 'fuck CNN'." [Fake News]
Apr 23, 2022 ~ Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a FL US district judge in is an American hero for ending the air travel mask mandate that Biden has been promising to end for a long time. Exceeded CDC authority. There was much rejoicing across the country. Cheers were even heard from the skies. [Coronavirus]
Apr 23, 2022 ~ Tulsi Gabbard serves Mitt Romney and Keith Olbermann with cease and desist letters for making ‘defamatory’ comments. “baseless accusations of treason, a crime punishable by death, in order to intimidate, silence and censor those who speak the truth, it has a chilling effect.” [Loathsome Left]
Apr 23, 2022 ~ Jessica Anderson "The Election Integrity Fight Some Red States are Ignoring: 'Zuck Bucks'" Zuckerberg "funneled $350 million into a nonprofit" which "gave the money to selected election offices. "The money disproportionately went to counties in swing states that vote heavily Dem" [2020 Election, Voter Integrity Laws]
Apr 23, 2022 ~ John Tierney, 'Wearing a mask may still give some people a sense of security, but they could breathe more easily if they’d face the facts.' Graphs of locales with no mask mandate vs. mask mandate over 2 years show that they have been totally useless. [Coronavirus]
Apr 22, 2022 ~ Streaming service CNN+ is shutting down in just 1 month after spending $500 million dollars trying to make it work. #FakeNews organization @CNN which had almost no viewers to begin with is shocked that people did not pay monthly to get #FakeNews that they didn't want for free. [Fake News]
Apr 19, 2022 ~ #FakeNews @washingtonpost contributor @TaylorLorenz, who just weeks ago literally cried about online harassment and said doxxing is "never ok" doxxed private citizen @libsoftiktok (name AND address) and harassed her family. @libsoftiktok is "in hiding" but gaining followers. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 19, 2022 ~ “Truth and reason are eternal and will eventually prevail against error unless disarmed of their natural weapons, free argument and debate.” -- Thomas Jefferson [Free Speech]
Apr 18, 2022 ~ Fedex Founder Fred Smith, "Had we passed the Build Back Better bill that Biden wanted, my guess is that we would be Weimar Germany right now. We'd have 25% inflation rather 9% or 10%." There were only two sane Democrat Senators left to save the country. [Economics, Economy]
Apr 18, 2022 ~ Detransitioner Helena spoke out about being made to falsely believe she was trans on Tumblr. "If you feel bad about your body, that means you're trans." "I don't want to be cis because cis means your uncool, and you're privileged an oppressor and you're bad." "A lot of regret." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Apr 17, 2022 ~ Charles Cooke, Student "debt can't be 'canceled' because it has already been issued and spent." Democrats who call for cancellation really mean "the liability should be forcibly transferred from the people who spent the money on services they received to the people who didn’t." [Debt, Student Loans]
Apr 14, 2022 ~ Elon Musk makes an offer to buy Twitter. Democrats and other members of the left are outraged and panicked that opinions other than their own might be allowed on the platform. They call it the "end of the world" and say it "could result in WWIII and the destruction our planet." [Free Speech, Tech Censorship]
Apr 13, 2022 ~ Frank James is arrested for mass shooting in Brooklyn subway. Shot 10 people, injuring 19. Many black supremacist postings. Prayed "O Black Jesus Kill all the whiteys." "I really want to kill them because they're white." Praised cop killers and Islam. 12 priors. Terror watch list [Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings, Islam, Racism, Terrorism]
Apr 13, 2022 ~ The subway suspect is a black supremacist. The Waukesha killer is a black supremacist. The guy who tried to assassinate a mayoral candidate is a black supremacist. The man who murdered a capitol police officer was a black supremacist. In summary, white supremacy is the problem. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Apr 12, 2022 ~ US inflation is now at 8.5%. A new 40 year high. Democrats want to keep printing and borrowing. [Biden, Economy]
Apr 11, 2022 ~ Palestinian vandals: "The vandalism of Joseph’s Tomb is a serious event and a grave violation of freedom of worship in one of the holiest places for every Jew." "The Palestinians who laid waste to Joseph’s Tomb seek to sow destruction and devastation during a holy festival." [Islam, Israel]
Apr 11, 2022 ~ George Leef, 'Woke Ideology Rapidly Spreading throughout Medical Schools' "hiring and tenure decisions in medical schools are now often dependent on currying favor with DEI apparatchiks. Say something that isn’t in line with leftist ideology, and your career is in danger." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Race, Racism]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Randy Boudreaux, 'How slavery should be taught'. Thorough history. " Slavery can be found throughout the world and in every era, including in Africa, well before the Europeans ever" started. "rival tribes. Slavery also flourished in the Americas long before Columbus arrived." [Slavery]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Disney has turned into a 'hostile working environment.' The woke company allows employees to call their conservative employees 'bigots' for supporting Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” law. They now have to self censor, unfree to have their own opinions. [Cancel Culture, Fake Homophobia, Silencing]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Finally sanity is starting to return to women's sports. Transgender women are no longer able to compete at elite female events run by British Cycling. Just in time to prevent biological male Emily Bridges from destroying the competition as bad as Lia Thomas was allowed to do. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Google is being sued by black employees for 'racism.' The company that bows to #CRT at every turn, hires Robin DiAngelo to preach the 'white fragility' religion and prides itself on its wokeness is supposedly racist. They are not getting the required quotas from black colleges. [Affirmative Action, Fake Racism]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ National Review, 'The NCAA Swimming Championship Was a National Scandal' They "allowed a biological male, Lia Thomas, to compete against female athletes on the basis of transgender status." It "should have been a celebration of some of the best female swimmers in the country." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an official proclamation declaring Sarasota-native and Olympic silver medalist Emma Weyant the winner of last week’s 500-yard freestyle event in the Women’s Swimming and Diving Championship. The NCAA gave the championship to biological male Lia Thomas. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Chelsea Clinton said on “The View” that the Republican Party was the party of “white supremacists.” FFS, like mother like daughter. All they can do is lie non-stop, dragging out the same old false accusations for decades. Ana Navarro said "It’s the party of insurrectionists." [Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Hillary, Loathsome Left]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ CA law requiring corporations based in the state to include racial minorities and LGBT people on their executive boards was struck down by a judge in LA. Declared unconstitutional which it obviously was. Democrats want all jobs filled by skin color, gender and sexual orientation. [Affirmative Action, California, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Dylan Housman, 'The Countries That Locked Down The Hardest Are Now Being Decimated By COVID-19' "Places like China, South Korea and New Zealand, officials that were once lauded for a highly effective pandemic response are now facing drastic spikes in cases and deaths." [Coronavirus]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ What's happened to health care costs since Obama passed the "Affordable" Care Act. @charliebilello, "The average family health insurance premium in the US has more than tripled since the "affordable" care act was signed into law back in 2010." Insurers making out like bandits. [Health Care, Obamacare]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ UCLA Race and Equity Director Johnathan Perkins said Clarence Thomas "can choke." Perkins previously stirred up trouble lying that "two white cops harassed him because he is black." He later admitted to fabricating the incident." "The events in the article did not occur." [College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Robby Soave 'Lambda Literary Awards Reject LGBTQ Author After She Defended a Friend Accused of Transphobia' Her friend wrote a novel about "a dystopia where everyone with a Y chromosome vanishes from the earth." Trans people did not like so they erased Lauren Hough #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Pete Buttigieg, "Until we achieve a form of energy independence that is based on clean energy created here at home, American citizens will still be vulnerable to wild price hikes like we are seeing right now." So clueless and out of touch. Energy would cost 10X that way. [Climate Change, Energy]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Amy Hamm, "If you’re a Canadian parent and take your 3 yr old girl to the doctor, and the toddler says “I am a boy!” that it is now ILLEGAL in Canada for the doctor to do anything other than say “yes you are a boy.” The doctor could theoretically face prison for not affirming." [Trans]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Madeline Leesman, "AL Gov. Ivey Signs Bill Banning ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care for Transgender Minors" Prohibits "the performance of a medical procedure or the prescription of medication, upon or to a minor child, that is intended to alter the minor child’s gender or delay puberty.” [Trans]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ DNC Chairman Jamie Harrison called Sen. Tom Cotton “a maggot-infested man.” He also said the GOP is "a party built on fraud, fear and fascism." This is the DNC Chair. Fitting for a party that has become rotten and lies non-stop. Almost 100% of the time. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Another mansion was revealed to be purchased by the #BLM founders with money donated to BLM. This one cost over $6 million. Other homes totaling $3 million had previously been discovered. People and businesses all over the country donated that money to help black people. [BLM]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Deroy Murock, "'Insurrectionist' Trump Approved National Guard Troops (10-20K) for D.C. on Jan 6. Dems Said No." “DJT authorized the use of the military to support local and federal law enforcement on 6 Jan. He directed that I provide whatever support was requested." [Capitol Riot]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Tim Meads, 'Wind Energy Company Fined $8 Million After Turbines Kill At Least 150 Eagles' "wind turbines kill an average of 230,000 birds a year in North America, says the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The number will grow as more turbines are deployed." [Climate Change, Energy]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ U. of Virginia student paper tries to get Mike Pence banned from speaking. They said, "Hateful rhetoric is violent - and this is impermissible." Typical of left wingers. They call speech 'violence' and their real violence 'speech.' Their rhetoric is just a silencing technique. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ The South Carolina House passed a bill banning transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports. More and more states are taking steps to protect women's sports and women's spaces. But only states run by Republicans. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ The city council in Palm Springs, California voted to pay people who claim to be “transgender” or “non-binary” a guaranteed income of $600 to $900 a month. [Trans]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Sharia court in Nigeria sentences an atheist to 24 years in prison for insulting Muhammad. The charge was 'blasphemy' which is punishable by death or imprisonment. "Under a northern Nigeria version of sharia, blasphemy is a capital crime, though execution is rarely carried out." [Islam, Silencing]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ @MrAndyNgo video, "On Thurs night, a mob of militant #BLM activists at @UBuffalo had to be held back by police as they tried to shut down an event featuring black conservative @AllenWest. Extremists from mob assaulted a videographer at one point & chased a student organizer." [BLM, Racism, Violent Left]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Andrew McCarthy, 'Capitol Riot Overkill: Case That Should Never Have Been Brought Ends in Acquittal' January 6 defendant Matthew Martin was found not guilty after "after the prosecution’s blatant exaggerations backfired." He was a peaceful protester charged with a fake plot. [Capitol Riot, Fake News]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ 0 guilty verdicts in alleged kidnapping plot of MI Gov Gretchen Whitmer. It turned out this was a plot hatched by the FBI to entrap people who were not going to do anything. Matt Vespa "All the key actors were either law enforcement or FBI informants. This wasn’t a serious plot." [Fake News]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Court rules Oberlin College must pay Gibson Bakery $32M damages. 3 black students caught by owner stealing wine. When he tried to stop them, they punched and kicked him. They plead guilty. Oberlin dean called Gibsons a “racist establishment.” Protests for days chanting "Racists!" [BLM, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ The Spectator editor Amber Athey was fired from her radio show for making a UPS joke about the outfit worn by @VP Harris at the State of the Union address. Her outfit was the exact color of UPS. Athey tweeted "What can Brown do for you? Nothing good, apparently."#CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Harris]
Apr 5, 2022 ~ Mass shooting in Sacramento. Dandre Martin is accused of shooting at least 18 people, killing 6. The story got dropped quickly by the #FakeNews because the shooter was black. It didn't fit their fake narrative is that mass shootings are always done by white people. [Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings, Race]
Apr 5, 2022 ~ Rich Lowry, 'What Did Joe Biden Know and When Did He Know It?' "The president’s son, Hunter, and the president’s brother Jim have made a living from trafficking on their family name and political connections." Biden claims he knew nothing of their dealings. Absurdly implausible. [Biden, Rich Lowry]
Apr 5, 2022 ~ New York City is STILL masking little children 5 and under. This is a total disgrace. The people who least need it but suffer the most developmental harm from it. Mother Daniela Jampel, an assistant corporation attorney for the city, was fired for criticizing mayor Adams on this. [Anti-Science, Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]

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