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Mar 6, 2022 ~ Antifa and #BLM criminals John Wesley Wade, Ellie Melvin Brett, and Vida Jones were convicted of federal crimes including vandalizing police cars, federal buildings and banks. They also tried to frame Trump supporters and the Proud Boys for their crimes. LOL, what clowns! [Antifa, BLM, Crime, Fake Hate Crime, Violent Left]
Mar 6, 2022 ~ Former Louisville Metro Police detective Brett Hankison was found not guilty in charges related to the raid that ended in Breonna Taylor’s death. The lies started anew claiming Taylor wasn't on the warrant etc. She was and was shot because her boyfriend was shooting at police. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Mar 6, 2022 ~ Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne are the latest high profile people to flee California. "We are leaving LA. We are a bit sad. But the tax is getting too much." Democrats never learn that by raising taxes super high, they net less money. Their tax base adjusts to avoid including leaving. [California, Economics, Taxes]
Mar 3, 2022 ~ Bob Barr, "Your team picked the one theory that can be easily disproven.” I explained that the paper ballots are retained, and it is easy to verify the machine’s accuracy by comparing the machine’s tally with the retained stack of ballots... there had been no material discrepancy." [2020 Election]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Biological male Lia Thomas continues to win swim meets, take titles and set records on the woman's team. The cowardly NCAA allows it and all dissent is crushed with bullying tactics and threats. Athletes or parents who disagree remain silent because they will be #cancelled. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Andrew Mark Miller, 'Texas professor sues university after being punished for saying music theory isn't racist' "Several students and faculty members have called on him to be fired." The #CancelCulture mob comes for Timothy Jackson of North Texas U. This garbage has to stop. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Neuroscientist Sam Stagg is suspended by Twitter for sharing research proving that the idea that trans women have 'female brains' is nonsense. Facts are called 'hate' when they go against the new religion known as trans orthodoxy. [Anti-Science, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship, Trans]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Larry Elder, "GOP 'Gerrymandering' is 'Racist' -- Obama-mandering is Just Politics" Everything is racist according to Democrats. Dems Gerrymander lots but when Republicans do it, they call it 'racist.' Obama also won his election by getting votes disqualified on technicalities. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Politics]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Biden nominates Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court. Biden announces that Brown is the most qualified candidate, not including the 95% of possible candidates he eliminated for having the wrong skin color and gender. Brown's decisions have frequently been reversed. [Affirmative Action, SCOTUS]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Invasion of Ukraine by Russia is underway. Russia has forcibly taken sovereign territory under Presidents Bush, Obama and now Biden. They dared not try under the Trump administration. President Zelensky was offered to evacuate, "The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride." [Russia]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Rep. Barbara Lee repeats ridiculous lies commonly spewed by Democrats saying Republicans are "trying to take away the voting rights of people of color, of African Americans, of young people, of seniors, of the disabled." Disgusting, deranged, divisive and totally false. Sad. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Feb 17, 2022 ~ Several woke school board members in San Francisco were voted out in a landslide (75%) because they shut down competitive admissions saying "meritocracy" is racist, accused Asians of using  "white supremacist thinking" and called them "house n-words", renamed Lincoln, Washington. [California, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Feb 17, 2022 ~ Violent crime is skyrocketing in Democrat run cities due to their pro criminal, anti-police policies. Just when you think @AOC couldn't look more ridiculous, she blames the crime spike on "the child-tax credit just ran out... and now people are stealing baby formula." [Crime, Fake News, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Ocasionomics]
Feb 17, 2022 ~ NYC mayor Eric Adams accuses the media of racism. "I’m a black man that's the mayor, but my story is being interpreted by people who don't look like me. We gotta be honest." "How many Blacks are in the editorial boards? How many Blacks determine how these stories are written?" [Fake Racism, Racism]
Feb 17, 2022 ~ Jack Hellner, 'NPR has figured out that most companies are faking their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint' "Among the 25 companies the researchers studied, 24 relied too heavily on carbon offsets, which are rife with problems." Short story, they aren't doing squat. [Climate Change]
Feb 17, 2022 ~ The once prestigious New England Journal of Medicine spouts woke nonsense publishing something called “A Call for Antiracist Action.” Bla bla 'neo-Nazis' bla bla 'equity work' bla bla 'critical race theroy' bla bla 'White supremacism' bla bla 'swastikas.' Fact free garbage. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care]
Feb 15, 2022 ~ Black Lives Matter and anti-gun activist Quintez Brown tried to assassinate Louisville mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg. "A police report says a man later identified as Brown entered the building and fired a 9mm Glock handgun at Greenberg before fleeing the building." #BLM [BLM, Violent Left]
Feb 15, 2022 ~ Famed Tavistock UK youth gender clinic publishes an interim report on why it will probably have to shut down. In it they make the stunning admission, "There is lack of consensus and open discussion about the nature of gender dysphoria and therefore about the appropriate clinical response." Lack of consensus about the nature of gender dysphoria AND the appropriate response. [Trans]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ A Muslim mob stoned Mushtaq Ahmed to death and hung his body from a tree for blasphemy against Islam in Pakistan. Islam does not and can not tolerate any criticism or questioning. It survives by instilling fear and enforcing compliance. [Islam, Silencing]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ John Sexton, 'Georgetown Law students silence anyone who defends Ilya Shapiro' Students are finding that they must either support firing Shapiro or keep their mouth shut. The mob quickly brands you a 'racist' for being against his cancellation. You become their 'next target.' [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, SCOTUS, Silencing]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Johns Hopkins Analysis "We conclude that lockdowns are not an effective way of reducing mortality rates during a pandemic, at least not during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic." "Lockdowns have had at best, a marginal effect on the number of Covid 19 deaths." Lots of cons. [Coronavirus]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ John Sexton, 'Shades of Evergreen in student meeting with Georgetown Law School dean' The #CancelCulture mob demanding Georgetown professor Ilya Shapiro be fired. Dean tried to appease with woke speak: “appalled”, “painful”, “listen,” “learn”, “do better.” "Reparations" Cry room. [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, SCOTUS]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ The #CancelCulture mob is coming for Georgetown law professor Ilya Shapiro. Shapiro is against Biden picking Supreme Court justices based on race and gender. Thinks Sri Srinivasan who happens to be a POC would have been the best pick on merit. Georgetown suspends him. [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, SCOTUS]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Collin College history professor Michael Phillips is the latest #Cancelculture victim. Phillips was against masking students and against tearing down statues. In modern education, you either have to be 'woke' or silent. [Cancel Culture, College, Coronavirus, Silencing]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ David McDonald & William E. Trachman, "What Happens When Our Prisons Go ‘Woke’?" "Terrified of being [branded as] “racist,” guards will hesitate to use force in situations where their or their fellow guards’ (or inmates’) lives may be on the line." Race more important than facts. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Oliver North, 'Woke Policies Kill Cops' "Woke policies made 2021 the deadliest year on record for cops." Defund the Police, Abolish the Police, so called 'bail, parole reform' that put violent criminals right back on the street. Dem cites outright refuse to even prosecute crimes. [Crime, Loathsome Left, Police]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Economists criticize Stephanie Kelton's Modern Monetary Theory as essentially junk science. MMT essentially says the government can run up as much debt as it wants and print as much money as it wants with no negative consequences. Those economists are predictably called "sexist." [Economics, Fake Sexism]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ New Showtime docuseries “Everything’s Gonna Be All White” spreads divisive lies. Says today's white people should feel guilty for slavery. Says white people are "annoying" because "they kill us." The truth is black people kill white people at a far greater rate than the reverse. [Crime, Fake Racism, Race, Slavery]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ President Biden’s nominee for Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Debroah Lipstadt is called out by Sen. Ron Johnson for her bogus claims that Johnson is a "white supremacist." Lipstadt said, "Hey sorry, that's just what Democrats do. Everyone knows we're lying." [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Enes Kanter Freedom seems to have been "cancelled." He was traded to the Rockets and waived. Freedom has been going against the @NBA unwritten rules by criticizing China for their human rights violations. The NBA opposes that because they get so much money from China. [Cancel Culture, China]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ U.S. Army issues 2000 page report that blames the Biden administration for the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan late last summer. Report says Biden ignored all their advice. Biden says they are lying. [Afghanistan]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Black New York magazine writer, Sean Campbell wrote “The BLM Mystery: Where Did the Money Go?” 10s of millions that went into mansions for the founders of #BLM. Lots went to their family and friends. They raise money for people killed by police but the families don't get a penny. [BLM]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Dartmouth Republicans are forced to hold the James Lindsay speech off campus because free speech does not exist there or in most of "higher education." The left despises free speech and cannot tolerate different opinions. Dartmouth also cancelled Andy Ngo's speech earlier. [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Silencing]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Left wing students at @UCLA are bullying student Christian Walker, the gay son of Hershel Walker. "I'm going to throw up" "DO NOT LET HIM INTO THIS GROUP" "I want to bully his sorry ass so bad" "What if everyone requests to not be with him" Lefties are the hate filled bullies. [Cancel Culture, College, Loathsome Left]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Myles McKnight on the sad state of higher ed. "Brilliant students cower in fear of cancellation." "Professors table hot topics because they fear the self-righteous 18-year-old who will file a DEI complaint." Non-woke opinions are called “violence” on a “marginalized community.” [Cancel Culture, College, Silencing]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Special Counsel John Durham, who exposed the depths of the #RussiaHoax and #Spygate drops another bombshell. The Clinton campaign hired someone to spy on Trump both during his campaign AND when he was President desperately trying to prove (or plant) the 'Russian collusion' lie. [Russia Hoax, Spygate]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ The Biden administration had a $30 million dollar program to provide crack pipes ( 'safe smoking kits') to drug addicts. People were outraged so they tried to deny it. When their lies were busted, they scrapped the idea. [Drugs]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Bloomberg, 'Mask Mandates Didn’t Make Much of a Difference Anyway' Finally even the mainstream media is admitting what has been obvious for a long time now. A year ago, these kinds of statements would have been called 'misinformation' or 'disinformation.' [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Wheeler School in Providence, RI holds events that exclude white people. "The students of color affinity group will meet tomorrow... If you identify as a student of color or multiracial, please join us!" Welcome to the world the left is bringing. Open racism and segregation. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Feb 10, 2022 ~ @NPR writes article on thumbs up emojis to let white people know that no matter what they do, its problematic. Using a white emoji "asserts their privilege." Brown demonstrates "a lack of awareness of your white privilege." Yellow lets them to avoid "confronting their whiteness." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Racism]
Feb 10, 2022 ~ The Canadian Freedom Convoy rolls on. The extremely successful, large, peaceful protest is shutting the Canadian economy down despite govt. efforts to stop it. The left and the #FakeNews have been trying their standard lies (racists, nazis, violent, insurrectionists) to no avail. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Feb 10, 2022 ~ The inflation rate is now 7.5%. "That represents the largest annual spike since February 1982, when inflation hit 7.62 percent." [Economics, Economy]
Feb 7, 2022 ~ The #CancelCulture mob coming after @joerogan is revealed by @wokal_distance to be a well funded left wing coordinated hit. The slick video of out of context clips was created by @patriottakes and very well funded Democrat "Super PAC" @MeidasTouch. Spotify removed some episodes. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Feb 7, 2022 ~ The #CancelCulture mob tries to cancel Jimmy Carr over a Gypsy holocaust joke. The mob continues to try to cancel @joerogan for talking to doctors unapproved by the mob. They also piece together short out of context clips from his 1000s of hours of video to paint him as a racist. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Feb 7, 2022 ~ Stacey Abrams becomes the latest hypocrite in a long line of Democrats that want to impose mask mandates on all the little people, especially the littlest. She was photographed without a mask in a room full of school kids who all had to mask. Teachers and parents were also masked [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]
Feb 7, 2022 ~ Another hate crime turns out to be FAKE. "A black teen and her sister has had their lives threatened by some white teens on campus [Southern Illinois U] and have had no justice." Note: “DIE BITCH”, “BLACK PEOPLE DON’T BELONG.” Black student Kaliyeha Clark-Mabins arrested for hoax [College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Feb 7, 2022 ~ Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores sues the NFL for alleged 'racism'. The facts do not agree. Blacks make up 70% of players and 30% of assistant coaches, and have been the head coach of 23 different teams (of 32) since 2000 while being only 13% of the national population. [Fake Racism]
Feb 6, 2022 ~ Toxic Trump tears down Gov. Brian while endorsing David Perdue. "Brian Kemp let us down. We can’t let it happen again." [Politics]
Feb 6, 2022 ~ Iran and other Islamic countries continue to execute gay people. Iran hung Mehrdad Karimpour and Farid Mohammadi for the crime of "sodomy." Sometimes the penalty is 100 lashes but it is death if the “active party is non-Muslim and the passive party is Muslim.” [Islam, LGBT, Religion]
Feb 6, 2022 ~ Toxic, obsessed and delusional President Trump said, "Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome... Unfortunately, he didn’t exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!” Pence responded, "President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election." [2020 Election]

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