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Dec 3, 2021 ~ John F. Di Leo, 'Willie Horton and the Democratic Party's Greatest Fear' Then, only Dukakis was stupid enough to let out a vicious murderer to predicable results. But now many Democrats are that stupid letting out dangerous criminals like Darrell Brooks with their 'bail reform'. [Crime, Politics]
Dec 3, 2021 ~           Chicago Public Schools have switched to "gender neutral" restrooms. CPS says "This is an incredibly important step to increase gender equity for all." A lot of parents are upset because girls do not feel comfortable with boys in the bathroom. Especially when on their period.  [Education, Gender, Trans]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ Biden tells another lie about his past (one of many many he has been caught in). He said "And during the Six Day War" Golda Meir invited him "to be the liaison between she and the Egyptians, about the Suez and so on." Biden was still in law school at that war and Meir was not PM. [Biden, Israel]
Dec 2, 2021 ~ AOC falsely accuses the GOP of racism and violence, "Kevin McCarthy is so desperate to be speaker that he is working with his Ku Klux Klan caucus to look aside & allow violent targeting of woc (women of color) members of Congress." Does the KKK even exist anymore? [Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Dec 2, 2021 ~ Flashback: Karen Attiah, "The heinous attack on @JussieSmollett, [is] yet another reminder that Trump's ascendance and the resulting climate of hate has meant that lives have been increasingly at stake since 2015. Smollett could have been killed by those thugs screaming MAGA." [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Smollett]
Dec 2, 2021 ~ Flashback: @AOC on Jussie Smollett, "This attack was not 'possibly' homophobic. It was a racist and homophobic attack. If you don't like what is happening to our country, then work to change it. It is no one's job to water down or sugar-coat the rise of hate crimes." [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Dec 2, 2021 ~ Flashback: Nancy Pelosi, "The racist, homophobic attack ... is an affront to our humanity. No one should be attacked for who they are or whom they love. I pray that Jussie has a speedy recovery & that justice is served. May we all commit to ending this hate once & for all." [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett]
Dec 2, 2021 ~ Flashback, @VP Kamala Harris, "@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know ... This was an attempted modern-day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate." [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Harris, Smollett]
Dec 2, 2021 ~ Flashback: Joe Biden "What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie." [Biden, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett]
Nov 28, 2021 ~ John Davidson on all the Rittenhouse #FakeNews. "Crossed state lines" with "an illegal firearm". His mother drove him to Kenosha. Was a white supremacist. The men he shot were black? The Kenosha riot was over the police “killing” of an “unarmed” black man, Jacob Blake. All lies. [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse]
Nov 28, 2021 ~ John Davidson, "The next time you read an article in [@nytimes, Atlantic, MSNBC, CNN, NPR etc.] your default assumption should be that what you are reading, watching, or hearing is not true. Either it is an outright falsehood, a distortion of the facts, or not the whole story." [Fake News]
Nov 28, 2021 ~ Peter Wood "No, Thanksgiving Isn’t About ‘Genocide And Violence’" "Pilgrims didn’t bring 'genocide' to America... Genocide was already here among native peoples, who frequently fought wars of extermination against rival tribes." The Indians the settlers ate with allied with them. [Fake Hate Crime]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ The Biden Admin bans travel from 8 African countries. Recall Biden: "Will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe or any other part of the world will not stop it." Harris, "Un-American travel ban undermines our nation's core values. It is clearly driven by hate." [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Harris]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ The Biden Admin bans travel from 8 African countries. Recall Biden: "Trump further diminished the US in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. This new 'African Ban" is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the US. Its a disgrace." [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ The Waukesha, Wisconsin’s Christmas parade massacre were Darrel Brooks intentionally ran over dozens of people is a direct consequence of Democrat party 'bail reform' efforts designed to get violent criminals back on the street as soon as possible in the name of #CRT 'equity.' [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Black man Darrell Brooks drives his car through the Waukesha, Wisconsin’s Christmas parade intentionally running people over. Killed 6 including children and injured over 60. The #FakeNews tries to downplay this hate crime as a 'car crash.' Was out on $1000 bail after many crimes [Crime, Fake News, Kyle Rittenhouse, Race]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald, "The reason it's so vital to Democrats to insist that what happened on Jan 6 wasn't a 3-hour riot but an INSURRECTION, even though not one person has been charged with that by the DOJ is because that's the framework that lets them treat all their adversaries as criminals." [Capitol Riot, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Peter Caddle, "Whistleblower: Girls Deemed ‘Transgender’ by UK Health Service for Not Liking ‘Pink Ribbons and Dollies" "Many young people, who are unwilling or unable… to conform to gender stereotypes… are misunderstood as being transgender." As usual, no dissent is permitted. [Anti-Science, Silencing, Trans]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Harold Hutchison, 'Indiana Educator Who Exposed CRT Banned From School' "Kinnett provided a video to the DCNF featuring an equity administrator who lectured middle school students about systemic racism permeating all aspects of society, including related to the environment." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Silencing]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Caroline Downey, 'Male Inmate Sexually Assaulted Female after Transfer to Washington Women’s Prison' More of these events are happening now that anti-science Democrats allow males who "identify as women" to transfer to the women's facilities. Was predictable and avoidable. [Anti-Science, Crime, Trans]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Chris Tomlinson, "Authorities have foiled 65 terrorist plots in France since 2015, according to official figures which also revealed that terrorist attacks have claimed the lives of over 260 people during the same time period." 60 of the 65 were radical Islamic terrorists. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Several instances of looting in the wake of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict by mobs of up to 80 thieves. Stores like Nordstrom, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Bloomingdale’s are being hit with 'smash and grab' style theft where large mobs of people clean the places out in a short time. [Crime, Kyle Rittenhouse, Loathsome Left]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ JK Rowling continues to speak out for women who are "being hounded on social media, the targeting of their employers, all the way up to doxing and direct threats of violence, including rape" by trans activists. "I’ve now received so many death threats I could paper the house." [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Rajan Laad 'Racist gang attack on Philadelphia train targeting Asians demonstrates effect of race-hustlers on the minds of black youth' "Violent racist attack on a group of Asian-American students on a public train" by 4 black girls. Racist verbal and very violent physical abuse. [Crime, Racism]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ 'Trigger warnings', once a staple of 'wokeness' are now TOO triggering. The University of Warwick has banned the term. "Trigger warnings are now referred to as ‘content notes’ due to the word ‘trigger’ being itself a provocative word." What can these widdle bitty babies handle? [College, Loathsome Left]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Thomas Lifson, 'Global warming scare-mongers refuted as Arctic ice growing, on track to be the most ice in 2 decades' Recall in 2007, scientists 'conservatively' estimated the end of Arctic sea ice by 2013. 2021 will have 'the highest Arctic sea ice extent' since 2001. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Washington Post, "Biden administration pushes to raise rates for oil and gas drilling on public lands and waters, citing climate change." Americans are hurting from high gas prices and Biden is doing everything he can to make it worse. Increase energy costs, reducing supply etc. [Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Not to be outdone by #BLM, the Women's March pens their silly hate filled Thanksgiving message: "It was an oversight on our part to not make the connection ($14.92 donation) to a year of colonization, conquest, and genocide for Indigenous people, especially before Thanksgiving." [BLM, Loathsome Left, Women's March]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ #BLM released their joyless hate filled Thanksgiving message: "You are eating dry turkey and overcooked stuffing on stolen land. Deepest love to families whose loved ones were stolen by state-sanctioned violence and white-supremacy." Haters who want everyone to be miserable. [BLM, Loathsome Left]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Democrats remove the statue of Thomas Jefferson, from the NYC City Hall. It has been there since 1834. Recall how Trump was mocked when he said the statue purge would lead to the founders. Jefferson's work paved the way to freeing slaves and created the best form of government. [Cancel Culture, Slavery]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ New York City will now allow non-citizens (almost 1 million) to vote. [Immigration, Politics]
Nov 23, 2021 ~ White officer Eric DeValkenaere sentenced to 6 yrs in the fatal shooting of black suspect Cameron Lamb. Lamb led officers on a high speed chase chasing his girlfriend in a stolen truck. ED says Lamb was pointing his gun at his partner. Gun found outside car, under Lamb's hand. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Nov 21, 2021 ~ Umair Haque, the founder of Eudaimonia & Co, which means "human flourishing," tried for the worst Rittenhouse take. "You should get the fuck out of Nazi America while you can because now that the Nazis know they can literally murder anyone they don't like and get away with it..." [Holocaust Denial, Kyle Rittenhouse, Loathsome Left]
Nov 21, 2021 ~ Monica Showalter, "Teachers' union in Canada introduces 'weighted voting' for minority members" to implement 'equity' and 'anti-racism.' It works by reducing the weight of white votes so that the weight of non-white votes equal 50% no matter how few there are. Really sick stuff. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Racism]
Nov 21, 2021 ~ #BLM activist Troy Gaston repeats the lies that Kyle Rittenhouse went to Kenosha to shoot peaceful protesters or stop them from having "their voices heard." This is false. He was putting out fires when attacked. Gaston threatens violence. "There could be no peace without justice" [BLM, Kyle Rittenhouse, Violent Left]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'The Narrative Is the Priority' The #FakeNews lies all the time "in order to achieve political utopia for the Left." Kyle Rittenhouse, Jacob Blake, most #BLM protests, the Russia Hoax, Smollett, other hate crime hoaxes, Kavanaugh, the Covington Kids and on and on. [Ben Shapiro, BLM, Covington, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Kavanaugh, Kyle Rittenhouse, Russia Hoax, Smollett]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ Country star Jason Aldean on #CancelCulture, "It’s gotten to where if you’re a conservative and you’re in this business you’re not allowed to speak." "I have a lot of friends in this business that think the way I think and a lot of them are really scared to... say anything." [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ DCCC Chairman Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney releases a statement full of lies about Kyle Rittenhouse. "Disgusting and disturbing that someone was able to carry a loaded assault rifle into a protest against the unjust killing of Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man." None of that is true. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings, Kyle Rittenhouse]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ Democrats and the #FakeNews keep pumping out the lies about Kyle Rittenhouse. Active shooter. 'Murdered' innocent people. Killed black protesters. He's a white supremacist. Judge and jury were white supremacists. Jacob Blake was unarmed. Jacob Blake was killed by the police. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ Rep. Cory Bush on the Rittenhouse verdict. "The judge. The jury. The defendant. It’s white supremacy in action. This system isn’t built to hold white supremacists accountable. It’s why Black and brown folks are brutalized and put in cages while white supremacist murderers walk." [Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse, Loathsome Left]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ VP Harris who was "proud of" repeated woman abuser Jacob Blake says "Clearly there is a lot more work to do" to make "justice system more equitable" regarding the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. KR was attacked by criminals trying to kill him. There was nothing unequitable. [Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ Geoffrey Ingersoll, "People saying Rittenhouse would be found guilty if he were black ought to read about the Coffee verdict, which, as it happens, also came down today. Coffee FIRED ON DEPUTIES during a raid, made a self defense case, and won." [Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse, Police]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ Candace Owens starts fundraiser for Norfolk, VA Police Lt. William Kelly who was fired in May for donating $25 to Kyle Rittenhouse's defense fund. The donation was anonymous but he was identified by a data breach. Fired shortly before could collect retirement. Wife has cancer. [Cancel Culture, Kyle Rittenhouse, Police]
Nov 19, 2021 ~ Colin Kaepernick on KR case, "We just witnessed a system built on white supremacy validate the terroristic acts of a white supremacist. This only further validates the need to abolish our current system. White supremacy cannot be reformed." Everything in his statement is a lie. [Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse]
Nov 19, 2021 ~ Despite the verdict, the #FakeNews is still getting almost everything wrong about the Rittenhouse case. Independent headline, "Teenager who shot three black men with rifle found not guilty on all charges." None were black as if that would matter. What matters is they attacked. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse]
Nov 19, 2021 ~ President Biden said the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict has left him "angry and concerned." Democrats and the #FakeNews are always on the wrong side of absolutely everything. Side with criminals instead of the law abiding. Guilty instead of the innocent. Illegals instead of citizens. [Biden, Kyle Rittenhouse, Loathsome Left]
Nov 19, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and #FakeNews: "Young white man goes to city to defend private property against rioters, shoots three white people trying to kill him. Wrongfully prosecuted, correctly acquitted. Media: This is evidence that America hates black people." [Ben Shapiro, BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse]
Nov 19, 2021 ~    The Jury finds Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of ALL charges. The liars and the #FakeNews lose again. This was yet another narrative that they have lied about from the beginning but in the modern high tech world, the truth usually eventually comes out despite their best efforts.  [Fake News, Kyle Rittenhouse]
Nov 18, 2021 ~ Jen Psaki says racism and sexism is ‘absolutely’ behind Kamala Harris' 28% approval number. "Because she is the first woman, the first woman of color." All females and POC are perfect. Any criticism of them is always because of racism of sexism according to Democrats. Every time. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Harris]
Nov 18, 2021 ~ City Journal's 'A Bridge Too Far' debunked Pete Buttigieg's absurd claims about 'racist bridges' and 'racist roads.' The bridge height he mentioned was not chosen to keep out POC. There were 3 other routes and as usual, you have to ignore whites to come to these conclusions. [Fake News, Fake Racism]

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