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Sep 12, 2021 ~ Immediately after a big #FakeNews scandal about Ivermectin, the #FakeNews media is at it again. "Ivermectin causes sterilization in 85 percent of men, study finds." Another totally fake story but Democrats who live in a fake world all thought it was completely legit. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Rolling Stone story "Gunshot victims left waiting as horse dewormer overdoses overwhelm Oklahoma hospitals, doctor says" was totally false. Despite their reputation for #FakeNews, Newsweek, New York Daily News, Daily Beast, MSNBC, Daily Mail and other #FakeNews orgs ran with it. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali on how Islamists and the woke left are similar. Neither "will engage in debate. Both prefer indoctrination of the submissive and damnation of those who resist.” "Both tolerate and often glorify violence carried out by zealots.” Both “pursue ideological purity." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Investigations are showing that the Biden administration killed an innocent man and his family including 7 children in response to the ISIS attack in Afghanistan that killed 13 US soldiers. Biden's Afghan exit is one debacle after another. Total disaster by any standard. [Afghanistan, Biden, Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ The Texas chapter of the NAACP filed a federal complaint against the University of Texas, claiming that the school song, The Eyes of Texas, is “racist” and amounts to discrimination against the student body. The ridiculous claim has been repeatedly debunked but they won't quit. [College, Fake Racism]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Trial begins for the 20 ISIS jihadists who killed 130 people and injured 100s in a multi-point attack on Paris.  9 gunmen and suicide bombers struck within minutes of each other at France’s national soccer stadium, the Bataclan concert hall and Paris restaurants and cafes. [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ The Intercept published grant documents that demonstrate that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, the NIAID, knowingly funded gain-of-function research on Coronaviruses in China. Fauci has denied this in the past. The guy put in charge of the #Covid19 response may have created it. [Coronavirus]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Byron York, 'Two Questions About Afghan Refugees' "Who did we leave behind? And two, who did we bring out?" 100s are still left behind including Americans and there is no way to properly vet the 10s of thousands we are bringing to America right from the place that birthed 9/11. [Afghanistan, Terrorism]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ John Stossel interviews Black Columbia prof John McWhorter, author of 'Woke Racism". "The way we're being encouraged to think, hurts Black people." Calling "every disparity between races 'systemic racism.' including tests that show an achievement gap. Doesn't fix the problems. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, John Stossel]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Thomas Lifson, 'Antifa starts to use guns' The violent terrorist org Antifa takes it to the next level. "Antifa members planned to disrupt an anti-COVID-19 vaccine protest." An Antifa thug "produced a handgun and fired several shots, and a member of the other group was struck." [Antifa, Coronavirus, Violent Left]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Transgender fighter Alana McLaughlin wins MMA debut. Another biological male robs women of having their own sports. Fallon Fox was first to invade MMA, literally breaking a woman's face bones. Everyone knows this is wrong. Everyone knows this has to stop. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 10, 2021 ~ Biden's response to an ISIS attacked that killed 13 US soldiers was to kill an innocent family. NBC News, 'U.S. drone strike targeting ISIS in Afghanistan kills 10 civilians' "We're all ruined," Ramin Yousuf, said. "The family is gone." Intel mistook water jugs for explosives. [Afghanistan, Biden]
Sep 10, 2021 ~ Covid has risk. Vaccines have risk and benefit. The risk of Covid far exceeds the risk of the vaccine so its worth the benefit. However, asking people with natural immunity to vaccinate is asking them to incur risk in exchange for no benefit. Why would we want anyone to do that? [Coronavirus]
Sep 9, 2021 ~ Biden illegally mandates vaccines or weekly testing for all companies over 100 employees. He has zero authority to do this. He claims OSHA does but that is false. He previously said he would not do this. [Coronavirus, Regulations]
Sep 9, 2021 ~ A White woman in a gorilla costume threw an egg at Black gubenatorial candidate @larryelder and assaulted her team. The #FakeNews media which ridiculously called Elder a white supremacist ignores the story which would be called a racist hate crime if Elder was a Democrat. [Fake News, Larry Elder, Loathsome Left, Racism, Violent Left]
Sep 8, 2021 ~ 4 of the 5 GITMO detainees that Obama swapped for desserter Bergdahl are now leaders of the Taliban. Obama said that action would not hurt national security but he basically gave the our enemies their leaders back. [Afghanistan, Terrorism]
Sep 8, 2021 ~ Environmentalist @BjornLomborg exposes a lot of #FakeNews regarding climate change alarmism. They say "Global heat deaths for 65+ increased 50+%" without telling you 65+ population increased as much. Climate related deaths have been steadily falling for 100 years. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 8, 2021 ~ Twitter suspended J.D. Vance's Senate campaign account. “No warning. No explanation of what rules I allegedly broke. But this is what happens when we allow five companies to control what we’re allowed to say.” "This is election interference [by] A multinational corporation." [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Sep 7, 2021 ~ Piers Morgan is falsely accused of sexism as he has been falsely accused of racism. "You seem to persistently condemn women." "I've written twice as many critical columns about men (including today's about Biden) as women." The left demands women be held to a different standard. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ Anne Applebaum, 'The New Puritans' Expose on what happens to the victims of #CancelCulture. Terrifying account of how many live have been ruined by accusations alone. Few want due process. Many join in the witch burning without evidence. Most stay silent out of fear for themself. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Biden's Casual Racism and Dementia' Biden calls Black man Cedric Richmond, 'boy.' "I’m here with my senior adviser and, um, boy who knows Louisiana very well." Hunter also gives long list of racist and totally false statements Biden has made over the years. [Biden, Derek Hunter, Racism]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ Stephen Moore, 'If We Soak the Rich, Will Everyone Get Wet?' Dems continue to lie about making "the rich pay their fair share." "The top 1% pay roughly 40% of income taxes. The wealthiest 1% now pay more in federal income taxes than the bottom 90%." 60% of Americans pay $0! [Taxes]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ Michael Brown, 'When This 16-Year-Old Indian Pastor Refused to Back Down He Was Severely Burned with Acid' Since religions are based on faith, 'reason' cannot resolve differences of opinion. Only force is left. 75% of those preaching Christianity in this area have been assaulted. [Religion]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ Since abortion is the topic of the week, we have morons like MSNBC Naveed Jamali saying, “the pro-life movement has always been about white supremacy.” Planned Parenthood was started by people who wanted to lower black births and black women have the highest abortion ratio. [Abortion, Fake Racism]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ The White House is forced to admit that Biden's statement "I remember spending time at the, you know, going to the, you know, the Tree of Life synagogue" was untrue. People are left wondering if he knows he's lying or if his mind is so far gone that he thinks he really was there? [Biden]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ Another fake story spread like wildfire by the #FakeNews. Started by Rolling Stone using a doctor who lied. Picked up by 'all #FakeNews Maddow', "Patients overdosing on ivermectin backing up rural Oklahoma hospitals, ambulances... vision loss." Echoed by Daily Mail, many others. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 4, 2021 ~ Heather Mac Donald 'Playing the Race Card on Larry Elder' "Blacks committed 127,350 non-lethal violent crimes against whites, while whites committed 17,690 non-lethal violent crimes against blacks... blacks commit 88 percent of all interracial violence between blacks and whites." [Crime, Fake Racism, Race]
Sep 4, 2021 ~ Katie Pavlich, 'Conservatives Notice Something About Biden's Phone Call With the Afghan President" Democrats impeached Trump for phone call before even having the transcript. In this call, Biden told the Afghan president to lie. "there is a need to project a different picture." [Afghanistan, Impeachment]
Sep 4, 2021 ~ Alan Dershowitz says the "Texas abortion law is so unconstitutional, I don't know where to begin." SCOTUS declined to rule on it until it was first challenged. I.e. nothing really to rule on yet but when that happens, it will almost certainly be struck down. [Abortion, SCOTUS]
Sep 4, 2021 ~ 'Celebs' like Stephen King, George Takei, Ellen Barkin unload on Susan Collins for her Kavanaugh vote after SCOTUS did not strike down the TX abortion law. "Susan Collins is a liar and a disgrace to her sex.” They prove the smear campaign against Kav was all about abortion. [Abortion, Kavanaugh, Loathsome Left, SCOTUS]
Sep 4, 2021 ~ Virginia’s Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) is implementing a radical form of #CRT indoctrination. "Racial equity will be at the center of every decision that the school division will make." "Let go of ‘colorblindness." "Talk about race, racism and systems of oppression." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Sep 4, 2021 ~ Muslim terrorist Ahamed Aathill Mohamed Samsudeen stabbed 6 people in a New Zealand supermarket. He was quickly killed by the police or there would have been many more victims. The Sri Lankan immigrant had posted allegiance to the Islamic State was recently released from prison. [Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ America hating scumbag Michael Moore referred to right wing Americans as 'taliban.' "Time to fix ourselves and strengthen our own Democracy and defend it against our own domestic taliban." Not one of these lying, smearing aholes would last 5 seconds with the real Taliban. [Afghanistan, Loathsome Left]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ Several Gold Star families confirm that Biden checked his watch multiple times at ceremony. "It happened on every single one that came out of that airplane. They would release the salute, and he would look down at his watch on every last one, all 13, he looked down at his watch." [Afghanistan, Biden]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ Brian Netzel has sued American Express over their racist #CRT diversity trainings. He was fired for objecting to the required toxic indoctrination. AMEX has a "zero tolerance policy" for any dissent that America is 'systemically racist' and the policy to hire based on race. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ Jen Psaki tries to silence male reporter on abortion, "I know you've never faced those choices, nor have you ever been pregnant, but for women out there who have faced those choices, this is an incredibly difficult thing." Absurd arguement as there are millions of pro-life women. [Abortion, Sexism]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ Democrats are mad at Ruth Bader Ginsberg for not retiring when Obama could have replaced her. "Thanks you old dead white bitch" one 'feminist' spews. Notice how 'white' is so easily and commonly thrown around as a pejorative by Democrats. No one would do this to any other race. [Abortion, Racism, SCOTUS]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ Darren Merager who caused a scene waving his penis around in front of little girls at Wi Spa turned out to be a serial sex offender Andy Ngo uncovers. Dems and other leftists were quick to label people who objected as 'transphobes.' Antifa assaulted people who disagreed. [Antifa, Trans]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ Biden lies constantly now. “I remember spending time at the, you know, going to the, you know, the Tree of Life synagogue, speaking with them.” The synagogue’s executive director, Barb Feige, says Biden never visited. Does Biden knows he's lying or does he think it happened? [Biden]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ Stanford University professor Hakeem Jefferson says opposition to masks is about 'whiteness.' "Make no mistake, this crazy opposition to mask wearing... you can’t disconnect it from whiteness." "Whiteness be working overtime. Like we say in the south, the devil is busy!" [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ Matt Gaetz said in March, "The allegations of sexual misconduct against me are false. They are rooted in an extortion effort against my family for $25 million." Congresman Matt Gaetz has been exonerated after Stephen Alford was indicted by the Department of Justice for extortion. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ Caccine expert Dr. Paul Offit lists these #COVID19 stats on The John Stossel show. "99.5% of people killed by this virus are unvaccinated! 97% of those hospitalized are unvaccinated! No vaccine works 100%." [Coronavirus]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ Michael Curtis, 'Too White: Plaster Is Racist Now, Too' "Cambridge University's Archaeological Museum is planning to explain the whiteness of its sculpture plaster casts as part of its anti-racist strategy." "It will erect signs to explain the whiteness of the plaster casts." [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Mike Richards is not only canceled as Jeopardy host, he has been canceled as Executive Producer of Jeopardy as well. Humorous ribbing of his cohost that was funny 10 years ago is suddenly so awful that he can't show his face or work anywhere. [Cancel Culture, Fake Sexism]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ Piers Morgan says, “I’m delighted OFCOM [Office Of Communications] has endorsed my right to disbelieve the Duke & Duchess of Sussex’s incendiary claims to Oprah Winfrey, many of which have proven to be untrue. This is a resounding victory for free speech... Do I get my job back?” [Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ The war in Afghanistan is officially over. All military has left. Unfortunately hundreds of American citizens were left behind to fend for themselves as the Taliban re-establish control. Biden ignored all advice and pulled out prior to getting all non-combatants out. [Afghanistan]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ Olivia Rodrigo thought she was the first non-white pop star. She said she thought pop stars were 'always white.' "It was always like, ‘Pop star,’ that’s a white girl." People are so conditioned to see 'racism' everywhere, they can forget about hundreds of non-white pop stars. [Fake Racism]
Aug 31, 2021 ~ Melissa Klein, 'Mom is stripped of parenting time over refusal to get COVID-19 vaccine' Her husband was given 100% custody by Judge James Shapiro until she gets the vaccine even though her doctor told her not to get it due to past reactions and an auto-immune disease. Dems cheer. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]
Aug 31, 2021 ~ Afghan folk singer Fawad Andarabi was shot in the head by the Taliban on his family’s farm. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid explained that “music is forbidden in Islam.” Andarabi brought a lot of people joy. No one under Taliban rule will dare sing or play music anymore. [Afghanistan, Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 31, 2021 ~ Michael Shellenberger, 'Democrats More Likely To Believe False Information About Climate Change, New Survey Finds' Democrats are many times more likely to believe outright falsehoods about climate change. They think more people are dying from natural disaters, cost is rising etc. [Climate Change, Fake News]

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