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Aug 22, 2021 ~ Erika D. Smith of the #FakeNews LA Times writes article titled, 'Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy.' Smith says Elder is 'skinfolk but not kinfolk.' Liberals demand black people parrot their views or they falsely smear them and try to bully them into silence. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Larry David reveals himself to be a #TDS infected loon screaming at former friend Alan Dershowitz in a grocery store over a photo taken with former student, Mike Pompeo. "I can’t greet my former students?” “Your whole enclave — it’s disgusting. You’re disgusting!" David yelled. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Flashback: Documents found in 2012 revealed that Osama bin Laden wanted to kill Obama but leave Biden alive because "Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis." Obama himself has said, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." [Biden]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Sports nutrition co. REDCON1 cut ties with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Arnold Classic competition because Arnold said “Screw your freedom” to people choosing not to get vaccinated. “REDCON1 is a patriotic pro-freedom brand and community. We support everyone’s individual freedoms.” [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Chris Talgo 'Based on Left’s Definition of Racism, Vaccine Mandates Are Racist' Dems claim that anything that has a disparate on Black people is 'racist' regardless of of if it actually is. By their definition, requiring vaccine passports in NYC is racist. Affects 66% of Blacks. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo exposes Bank of America forcing #CRT poison onto its employees. White people "contribute to racial tension, hatred and violence... have more limited imagination and creativity." "Policing grew out of efforts to control the labor of poor and enslaved people." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Police, Racism, Slavery]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ The #FakeNews @nytimes is pushing the lie that some Repbulican governors are 'banning masks' Headline: 'The Biden Administration will use a federal civil rights office to deter states from banning masks in the classrooms.' No one has banned masks in the classroom or anywhere else [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Miami police officer Daniel Ubeda has been suspended for making the "OK" sign in a picture. 4chan trolls pranked liberals and other morons into thinking the symbol that has meant OK for at least 100 years is a 'white supremacist' gesture. Dems still falling for it. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Biden's exit from Afghanistan was so incompetent that even the #FakeNews can't justify it. Military exits BEFORE 15K Americans/allies are safely evacuated. Closed only base that could have helped. Ceded $80B in military equipment to the Taliban which they are using to kill allies [Afghanistan]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Mike Richards was forced to resign as host of ‘Jeopardy!’ host after just a few episodes. Richard was canceled by comments he made many  ago on his podcast. Some of his joke comments made to his then co-host are said to be 'sexist.' [Cancel Culture, Sexism]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ FBI concludes the Jan 6. riot was not an 'insurrection' attempt despite what Dems and the #FakeNews have been claiming. "90 to 95% of these are one-off cases. There was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages. [Capitol Riot, Fake News]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ May CDC study of 90K students showed "that a masking requirement of students failed to show independent benefit." Many nations inc. the U.K., Ireland, all of Scandinavia, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy did not mask school kids and had no worse results than the US. [Coronavirus]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ John Stossel, 'Coronavirus Censorship' YouTube suspends Rand Paul's channel because he said, "Most of the masks you get over the counter don't work." "Never before could a couple of companies just shut conversation off." "The advancement of knowledge requires skepticism, debate." [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Randy Boudreaux, 'No Standard, No Problem' Dems have given up on closing the testing gaps between the races. They are, instead, abandoning all standards. "Busing, charters, vouchers, increased spending, and universal testing have all failed to close these uncomfortable gaps." [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Stephan Colbert, Michael Moore, Rosanna Arquette, Dean Obeidallah and other Dems have compared Republicans to the Taliban. There is no evil these aholes won't trivialize to attack political enemies. They deny the evils of the Taliban, the Nazis, Hitler, fascists, Jim Crow, etc. [Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Jacob Bliss, 'Uber Eats Drops Jay Cutler For Anti-Mask Views' Cutler doesn't support masking school children which is a very reasonable position. But dissent is no longer allowed in our society. Another reason not to use them. @UberEats charged delivery fees based on skin color. [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Racism, Silencing]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Dr. Susan Berry, "162 Minnesota School Principals Sign Pledge to ‘De-Center Whiteness’" Principal, "My work, every single day, is to work against the ways in which white supremacy defines the field of education." "organized whiteness ensures domination through" PTA @GTPrincipals [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Tim Tebow cut from the Jaguars. Stephen A. Smith says "There’s a whole bunch of black folks that never even get the opportunity, nor would ever get the opportunity ever in life." Right. The NFL which is 70% black doesn't give 'black folks' opportunities ever in life. [Fake Racism]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ George Leef, 'Critical Race Theory Versus Our National Survival' Tearing society. "CRT isn’t even an academic theory. Theories can be debated. The purveyors of CRT abhor debate and insist that America is irredeemably racist. Anyone who challenges that only proves his own racism." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Inez Stepman. "California Prisons ‘Lead’ the Way into an Imaginary Sexless Future" "The women being housed with male prisoners in California are among the first to bear the consequences of a society that has abandoned reality." "live males with full male anatomy sharing showers." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ 1981 @nytimes, 'STUDY FINDS WARMING TREND THAT COULD RAISE SEA LEVELS' Nasa including Alarmist in Chief James Hanson was predicting sea level rise of 80 FEET by 2080. Almost half way to 2080 and we are only up 4 inches. But you're a 'denier' if you don't believe the #FakeNews. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Aron Ravin, 'The Pandemic’s Lesson for Dealing with Climate Doomsayers' " Past divinations have constantly overstated our impending doom." Massively wrong predictions since 1970s. Ever moving goalposts. We have passed several "doomsday targets." They just keep moving them. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 15, 2021 ~ The DOD proves you can have a meritocracy or diversity targets, not both. They removed pictures from the personnel files in order to "pick the best of the best." But what ended up happening is "as you look at diversity, it went down with photos removed." So they added them back. [Affirmative Action, Identity Politics]
Aug 15, 2021 ~ Liam Brooks, 'Umpires are racist too now' "Just when you think the accusations of racism can't get any more absurd, this ridiculous headline pops up... 'MLB umpires show discrimination against non-white players, according to new study.'" Brooks lists many problems with the study. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 14, 2021 ~ You can't parody the bowing to trans orthodoxy going on. The Academy of Breastfeeding thinks the word “breastfeeding” is offensive and is switching to 'chestfeeding.' They are changing 'mother's milk' to 'parent's milk.' They don't think they sound ridiculous as they erase women. [Political Correctness, Trans]
Aug 13, 2021 ~ Trump found a new fraudster pushing election lies: Seth Keshel. "They show I won the election - by a lot!" Keshel compared official counts "with estimated numbers that were based on political trends, population growth and decline, recent voter history, and registration info." [2020 Election]
Aug 13, 2021 ~ Loudoun County Schools have eliminated Father/Daughter dances. We must sacrifice all traditions and language to the woke trans orthodoxy. They bully you by saying if you don't go along with this kind of  #CancelCulture, you will contribute to driving trans kids to suicide. [Cancel Culture, Education, Trans]
Aug 13, 2021 ~ Months after Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline which would have carried 830K barrels of oil per day in North America and killed domestic drilling, he is now begging OPEC to increase production again after they already agreed to increase by 400K barrels per day. What a clown. [Climate Change, Energy]
Aug 13, 2021 ~ Mark Steven Domingo was found guilty of providing material support to terrorism and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. Domingo converted to Islam in 2018. Created an IED with nails to do max organ damage. Planned to die a martyr. [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 13, 2021 ~ Jeffrey H. Anderson, 'Do Masks Work? A review of the evidence' Short answer is no. "That research suggests that Americans’ many months of mask-wearing has likely provided little to no health benefit and might even have been counterproductive in preventing the spread of " #COVID19 [Coronavirus]
Aug 13, 2021 ~ AA is changing their preamble from "fellowship of men and women" to "fellowship of people" to include the people who are allegedly NEITHER MEN NOR WOMEN! [Trans]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Betsy McCaughey, 'The Anti-White Infrastructure Bill' "The infrastructure bill the Senate passed on Tuesday discriminates against whites at every turn." "The bill unfairly favors black and brown Americans and treats whites like second class citizens." Many examples given. [Affirmative Action, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Jon Brown, "‘Where’s Your God Now?’: Police Stand By While Portland Antifa Assaults Christian Worshippers, Maces Pastor" Domestic terror organization "Antifa just rolled in like an angry mob, started throwing flash bombs at everybody, macing everybody" including young kids. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ North Korean defector Yeonmi Park said she was called “racist” by at least 20 white bystanders, who did not help her, when she called police to report 3 black women who mugged her. These #CRT morons literally said “Calling a black person a thief is racist” as she was being mugged [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, North Korea]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Tim Pearce, "Oregon Suspends High School Graduation Standards To Make ‘Equitable’ Rules For ‘Students Of Color’" Grads will no longer have to demonstrate a 10th grade proficiency to enable "equitable graduation standards." They choose to eliminate testing rather than fix the gap. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said he was “sidelined” and “threatened” for taking the lab leak theory seriously. "I was very rapidly sidelined, threatened and really sort of outed." People nowadays decide the truth often politically and silence other voices. #CancelCulture [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Silencing]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ William Sullivan, 'How Sweden Triumphed over COVID'  Sweden's deaths per million is lower than the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, the USA, and many other countries who imposed extreme lockdowns, school and business closings, masking mandates, etc. They have been vindicated. [Coronavirus]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Antifa/#BLM rioter Matthew Rupert has been sentenced to 9 years in prison for handing out explosives to other violent Democrats and setting a store on fire. He bragged, “I lit it on fire!” "I’ve got some bombs if some of you all want." [Antifa, BLM, George Floyd, Violent Left]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Atlanta US attorney Byung J. Pak said he was forced to resign because he didn't support Trump's 'stolen election' theory. Pak investigated but found no evidence to support Trump's claims. Trump purged and trashed anyone around him who didn't support his bogus election claims. [2020 Election, Silencing]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ John Murawski, 'Medicine is getting major injections of woke ideology' "Differences of any kind,  in income, education, school performance, and, of course, health, are manifestations of racism and racism alone." Equity outcomes "may necessitate tolerating a greater loss of life." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Islamists are filling the vacuum left by the US withdrawal. |Jihadist commanders have ordered imams in areas they have captured to bring them lists of unmarried women aged from 12 to 45  for their soldiers to marry because they view them as 'qhanimat' or 'spoils of war.'" [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Philip Klein 'Why the Left Needs Ron DeSantis to Fail' "They don’t want to believe that they disrupted over a year of their lives following restrictions that may turn out to have been unnecessary." FL death rate "below the national average" despite opening schools and businesses. [Coronavirus]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'The Hard Bigotry of No Expectations' Democrats used to expect less out of Black people. Now they are eliminating all standards. "The state of Oregon has suspended proficiency standards for students to graduate high school." They've given up trying to close the gap. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Derek Hunter, Education, Fake Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ William Sullivan, 'How Sweden Triumphed over COVID' "Sweden has seen a lower mortality rate than most of Europe... never mandated masks, nor did its citizens adopt masking in any significant way.  Sweden never shut down schools for its youngest pupils, nor restaurants or stores." [Coronavirus]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Rwandan migrant Emmanuel Abayisenga stabbed Father Olivier Maire to death in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, France. Abayisenga had just been released from jail for setting fire to Nantes Cathedral last year. [Immigration, Religion]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ We learn the new racist things every day. Minnesota's real estate business has banned the term 'master bedroom.' The term has zero to do with slavery or plantation life. It originated in a different era entirely. No Black person is better off as a result of this. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Political Correctness, Slavery]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Atlanta parents were shocked to find out that Mary Lin Elementary School had been separating students into white and black classrooms. This was the idea of the school's Black principal in the name 'equity' or something trendy like #CRT. Democrats are bringing segregation back. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Extreme racist Michael Moore says this is the "best day ever in U.S. history." “The Census data collected from the 2020 Census was released today — and it revealed that the number of White people in the U.S. has fallen for first time since the first Census was taken in 1790.” [Loathsome Left, Racism]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ NY Governor Andrew Cuomo resigns as the number of sexual harassment and assault accusers continued to increase as did the seriousness of the charges. Meanwhile, Biden still immune as Democrats and the #FakeNews continue to ignore Tara Reade's more serious charges. #MeToo [Biden, Me Too]
Aug 10, 2021 ~ The #AOC-bot said "misogyny and the racism that is so deeply rooted and animated that attack on Capitol... You know white supremacy and patriarchy are very linked in a lot of ways." This NPC is in serious need of a language upgrade. Very limited vocabulary currently. [Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]

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