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Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'The New Racism is Poisoning America' Positions all over the economy that can only be filled by certain races. Programs to give only black people $40k for a home down payment. Special treatment in medicine. Different standards for different races. #DIE. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Mark Judge: Dems Pressured Me to Destroy Kavanaugh Confirmation' Including "extortion and direct threats." We already know they threatened and pressured Leland Keyser as well. They knew it was a lie all along and demanded everyone play along. [Kavanaugh, Loathsome Left, Witch Hunt]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Color-Blindness Is America’s Most Transgressive Idea' Coleman Hughes advocates for a 'colorblind society' which enrages racists like Sunny Hostin who hate the idea "that people should be treated equally regardless of their race." MLK believed that but Democrats do not. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ The principal of the Lycée Maurice-Ravel school in France was forced to resign after an angry mob of Muslims repeatedly threatened his life. He enforced the no headscarf rule and started getting threats on his life. France takes these threats seriously after having other teachers beheaded and journalists killed by Muslims who don't allow criticism of Islam. [Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Only Democrats Get to Lie on NBC News' Ronna McDaniel was hired then fired immediately by #FakeNews @NBCNews because employees like Chuck Todd had a hissy fit. NBC hires all kinds of pundits like Jen Psaki. Psaki explains that her case is different because its "truth versus lies." Harsanyi gives a LONG but partial list of all of Psaki's lies. [Fake News, Politics]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Occupied Gaza' Victor Davis Hanson summarizes the Israel-Gaza situation as only VDH can. "Israel risks the lives of its soldiers to prevent civilian deaths. Hamas risks the lives of its civilians to prevent terrorists' deaths. Israel considers it a failure, and Hamas considers it globally advantageous when more civilians die than its soldiers." [Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Temporary Insanity' Societies sometimes go through temporary insanities like during the witch trials. We're in one since George Floyd. Crazy beliefs like black people can't be racist but white people can't not be. If you disagree you can lose everything. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, George Floyd]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ The EU opens antitrust investigations into Apple, Google & Meta over 'DMA compliance.' The US DOJ opens an antitrust suit against Apple for some other BS. The EU and DOJ should be ashamed of themselves. Their primary source of funding is the periodic shakedown of these companies. [Regulations, Witch Hunt]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ The French report titled 'Rapport La Transidentification Des Mineurs' said the practice of sexually ‘transitioning’ children will be remembered as one of the “greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine.” And there is "no evidence" the drugs or surgeries improve quality of life. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Gunshot-Detection Tech Has Saved Hundreds of Lives. The Left Says It’s Racist' ShotSpotter is a technology that detects gunshots and dispatches help. Its saved 100s of lives but some on the left are calling it 'racist' for dispatching police to minority neighborhoods. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Mar 28, 2024 ~ Koran 9:5, known in Islamic jurisprudence as the “Verse of the Sword” tells Muslims to kill all non-believers.   "[K]ill the mushrikin [pagans, idolaters, in short, non-Muslims] wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way."   The Islamic State (ISIS, which just killed 133 people in a Moscow theater) explains the meaning of the verse in more detail: "Chase your preys whether Jewish, Christian or their allies, on the streets and roads of America, Europe, and the world. Break into their homes, kill them and steal their peace of mind by any means you can lay hands on. ... [D]etonate explosives, burn them with grenades and fiery agents, shoot them with bullets, cut their throats with sharp knives, and run them over with vehicles. ... Come at them from every door, kill them by the worst of means, turn their gatherings and celebrations into bloody massacres, do not distinguish between a civilian kaffir [infidel], and a military one, for they are all kuffar [infidels] and the ruling against them is one." [Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 28, 2024 ~ "Jon Stewart benefited by 829% 'overvalue' of his NYC home even as he labels Trump's civil case 'not victimless'" Jon Stewart looks like the fool that he is. After gloating about Trump's absurd and unjust fine, we see he overvalued his home by over $16M. That's his right of course. Buyer beware and buyers do their own appraisals just like Trump's lenders did their own appraisals. There's no crime in either case. Just corrupt and disgraceful prosecutors, judges and political hacks. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Witch Hunt]
Mar 28, 2024 ~ More info is revealed about Nex Benedict's suicide. She killed herself shortly after her father, who was sent to prison for sexually abusing her for years, was being sent back to prison. Her death had nothing to do with her trans identification or @libsoftiktok. But the left and the #FakeNews push false narratives as always. They said she was beaten to death by people who attacked her because she was 'non-binary.' Then when it was ruled a suicide, they said she was driven to suicide by conservative trans bullies. She did have a fight the previous day which she admitted to police that she started. [Fake Homophobia, Fake News, Trans]
Mar 27, 2024 ~ Biological male Vicki Piper won the Woman's Masters National Weightlifting Championship (71K category) in Reno, NV. He also set the event record. It was the first woman's championship he entered. Shame on USA Weightlifting for turning women's weightlifting into a farce. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 26, 2024 ~ Will Tanner, "In yet another massive L for 'green' energy boondoggles, a massive swathe of solar panels in Damon, Texas were taken out by a hail storm And not only were the expensive panels rendered useless by the weather, but now they're leaking a toxic compound, cadmium telluride, into the water So not only do Texans get intermittent energy instead of constant energy, not only do they waste thousands of acres of land with solar farms, but now the pointless panels are leaking into the groundwater Nuclear energy and natural gas are the answer. They're cheap, clean, reliable, and won't be shattered by a bit of hail. The other "green" energy is an expensive boondoggle that destroys the natural environment." [Climate Change, Energy]
Mar 26, 2024 ~ FIVE biological males help The Flying Bats win The Beryl Ackroyd Cup "women's" soccer competition in Sydney. The final game was a 4-0 shutout. The top scorer for the Bats is male. The goalie is male. Men are dominating women's sports across all disciplines but few speak out because the consequences are so severe. The girls were not allowed to speak out or forfeit or they would be heavily fined. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 25, 2024 ~ 'Electric Vehicles: The EPA’s Fast Track to Fiasco' "All the world’s mines, both currently operating and planned, can supply only a small fraction of the 700% to 4,000% increase in various minerals that will be needed to meet the wildly ambitious EV goals. The IEA [International Energy Agency] estimates that we’ll need hundreds of new mega-mines to feed factories across the “transition” landscape, and that it takes 10 to 16 years to find, plan, and open a new mine." "Mining battery ingredients causes environmental damage. EV batteries weigh about 1,000 pounds and can reach 2,000 pounds. About 100,000 pounds of ore are needed to get the lithium, cobalt, nickel, graphite, and copper to make the batteries function. To get the 100,000 pounds of ore, it’s necessary to move 500,000 pounds of earth. Cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is partly performed by children who are sent into the mines to retrieve the minerals…" "50 to 90% of the critical materials required to make EVs are now produced in China." "Consider just copper, the pillar of electrification. EVs use 300% to 400% more copper than conventional cars. Industry data show that the world will need twice as much copper as it will be producing well before aspirational EV goals are reached. Unsurprisingly, one major mining CEO observed that the coming chasm between demand and supply could trigger a ten-fold copper price hike. That alone would add about $15,000 to the cost of building an EV." "The CO2 emissions arising from building an EV before it gets driven revolve around a simple fact: a typical EV battery weighs about 1,000 pounds. That half-ton battery is made from a wide range of minerals, including copper, nickel, aluminum, graphite, and lithium. Accessing those minerals requires digging up and processing some 250 tons of earth per vehicle. All that mining, processing, and refining uses hydrocarbons and emits CO2." [Climate Change, Energy]
Mar 25, 2024 ~ 'Climate The Movie' Informative and infuriating at the same time. Yes, the so called climate 'emergency' or 'chaos' or whatever they're calling it today is a scam. But its not going away because its HUGE business for more and more people. [Climate Change]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ Christopher F. Rufo exposes more and more plagiarism in the fake 'educational' areas he calls 'grievance disciplines.' "Harvard racial-studies professor @ChristinaJCross plagiarized multiple passages in her dissertation and at least one other paper, according to a new complaint filed with Harvard’s research integrity office. Harvard's plagiarism crisis is spinning out of control. Let's not ignore the pattern: This is the fourth black female CRT/DEI scholar to be accused of plagiarism at Harvard. We need further research, including a control group of more rigorous fields, but initial reports suggest that the grievance disciplines are rife with fraud." The usual suspects jump right to the "attacked for being black" race card. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ 'Stanford Professor Behind California's New Equity-Focused Math Curriculum Accused of Bogus Citations' Jo Boaler had "52 instances of misrepresented research" "Reckless Disregard for Accuracy." Distorted research to support DIE conclusions. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ 'The GOP seems to be on the verge of capitulating before the Democrats, again!' Dem gameplan. Propose a ridiculous budget full of poison. GOP rejects. Then a 'compromise' is formed. GOP celebrates. Bill arrives 1000s of pages. Must sign immediately before midnight without a chance to read. Dems sneak in a bunch of poison. GOP signs without being able to read. Dems win. [Politics]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ 'Debunking the Stupid, Yet Passionately Held, Myths About the 1994 Crime Bill' This bill had wide bi-partisan support including big name Dems like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry. It was widely supported by black people. It did not cause the 'mass incarceration' of black people. The percentage of prisioners that were black did not increase after 1994. Finally, it worked well to reduce violent crime making urban settings much safer. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ "‘Diversity’ is the enemy of equality" "Woke initiatives in the workplace are doing far more harm than good." "According to the report, EDI practices are ‘polarising’, ‘counterproductive’ and in some cases even ‘unlawful’. Apparently, employers are often so desperate to be seen ‘doing the right thing’ that they rush into initiatives that don’t even work on their own terms." "EDI schemes often end up being discriminatory and exclusionary, rather than empowering or inclusive. The report notes that some employers have even inadvertently broken the law in pursuit of a more diverse workforce. So-called positive discrimination is relatively common, even though this is illegal under the Equality Act 2010." "Data suggest that EDI training has not reduced discrimination claims against employers, but has actually increased them." [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ Jonathan Turley, @JonathanTurley harshly criticizes the corrupt and despicable New York Judge Arthur Engoron. "He imposes this ridiculous amount of penalty on Trump. He could have picked any figure because none of us could make sense out of this. He could have said a trillion dollars and he just sits back and watches the defendant scramble to have to sell off properties in order to protect properties. And, you know, this is going to eventually have to go to some judge who is going to say enough. I mean, this really shocks the conscience." "What’s happening to the New York legal system is truly alarming. This was one of the premier systems in the world for businesses and now people are fleeing New York. They see what’s happening here. And, you know, this is a judge who could have resolved this... This judge has done nothing to introduce any element of fairness through this. And so you’re really between a rock and a hard place if you’re Donald Trump. You’ve got a portfolio with real estate and people don’t take real estate to float a bond." [Politics, Witch Hunt]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ 'Death Toll Skyrockets After Islamic Terrorist Attack On Moscow Concert Hall' Many Muslim terrorists attack the Moscow’s Crocus City Hall concert venue killing 133 and wounding more than 140. They open fired on the crowd and set the venue on fire. [Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ Biological male Noa-Lynn van Leuven wins the PDC Women's Series Dart Tournamaent in Wigan. The real winner, Katie Sheldon is forced to take 2nd place because the Professional Darts Corporation @OfficialPDC allows men to compete on the women's side. Shame on them! [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ Biological male Kyle Small won the Maverick Classic Crit in Grand Junction, CO. The misogynists at @usacycling allow these farces to continue, robbing women of victories in their own sports. Congrats 'champ.' h/t @i_heart__bikes [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 21, 2024 ~ Kyle Rittenhouse tried to speak at the University of Memphis. 100s of #BLM protesters disrupted the event chanting "lock his ass up" and "fuck his ass up", causing Rittenhouse to bail early. The BLM protesters then chased and prevented event attendees from exiting the parking garage. "Police had to intervene to stop the BLM demonstrators from injuring attendees as the activists continued to intimidate people attempting to leave." BLM never changes. Their tactics all involve becoming a violent mob. [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 21, 2024 ~ Don Lemon @donlemon makes a fool of himself interviewing @elonmusk, appearing to be incapable of understanding simple things. Then when Musk walked off, Lemon implied it was because he was black and gay. "Do you think he was uncomfortable sitting in front of a gay, black guy?"???? [Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism]
Mar 21, 2024 ~ 'The Disgusting Reparations Scam', by @johnhawkinsrwn Well done article on Reparations. Many of the usual points but Hawkins is brave enough to admit that American blacks are orders of magnitude better off now than they would have been without slavery. [Slavery]
Mar 21, 2024 ~ The Director of National Intelligence put out a DEI newsletter explaining that phrases like ‘Jihadist,’ ‘Islamic-Extremist,’ and ‘Radical Islamists’ are 'problematic.' Also, the words 'cakewalk', 'brown bag' and 'grandfathered' are 'racist' for reasons too ridiculous to mention. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 20, 2024 ~ Vince Coyner, 'There’s A Deadly Race War Raging In America' How to explain the almost daily videos of black people beating the hell out of white people, often many on one, often trying to kill them? 1) Democrats lie about race constantly telling black people they are the 'victims' and white people are their 'oppressors.' "At the same time, we had the Pentagon, the White House, and practically every news organization in the country telling us that white nationalism is the single biggest threat to the country and that blacks were in constant danger. The left has done to whites what the Nazis did to the Jews, what the Japanese did to the Chinese, and what the Hutu did to the Tutsi… dehumanize them, make them into the Other, the ones towards whom no humanity need be shown. Once that mindset is absorbed, there are no limitations on what can be done to members of the target group." 2) "The second component is that black Americans have been told by Democrats that they cannot succeed. Regardless of what they do, they are incapable of success in America because of white oppression. As such, the rules need to be changed for them—most critically, the elimination of consequences for crimes. Essentially, the argument is that given that blacks cannot find success when they behave properly, society can’t punish them for behaving improperly." 3) The third component is the collapse of the black family. Today, more than 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. That leaves a single mother, often on welfare, to raise the children. And children in fatherless homes are far more likely to be criminals."   "The outcome of this perfect storm is that a significant proportion of the black population hates white people, has little belief that blacks have a vested interest in civilized society, and comes from homes in which no one teaches them right from wrong. With little reason to have self-respect and even less reason to respect others, too many black Americans are simply acting out as a child would, with no filters, no self-control, no empathy, and no real remorse. That’s a recipe for disaster for society.   "If America is coming apart at the seams, it’s not because of and “systemic racism” but rather because Democrats have seen fit to weaponize blacks, and not just against whites, but against the very fabric of America." [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Mar 20, 2024 ~ David Harsanyi, "Opposition To Adeel Mangi Isn’t About ‘Islamophobia’" "It’s about his support of terror-friendly, cop-killing Jew-haters." "These days, merely pointing out factual, if inconvenient, truths about a Muslim person will be cynically cast as Islamophobia." He has direct ties to Hamas supporters and an organization that makes extremely anti-semitic statements. [David Harsanyi, Fake Islamophobia]
Mar 20, 2024 ~ 'Hospital’s DEI Training Implied Racial Bias Is Killing Black Mothers, Former Nurse Says' Brad McDowell disagreed with the ridiculous and racist messages given in the Meritus Medical Center's DIE training which claimed "that white nurses like me are killing black mothers. I was supposed to internalize this message and somehow apply it to the management of my team." He revealed that the "“course ignored the complex factors that contribute to higher black maternal mortality, including comorbidities, while defining any death from any cause after a year of giving birth as maternal mortality – a logical stretch." He also had to endure the usual DIE poison saying the US was built on "an ideology of White supremacy that justifies policies, practices and structures which result in social arrangements of subordination for groups of color through power and White privilege." For mildly pushing back on this toxic garbage, Dowell predictably was fired. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Silencing]
Mar 20, 2024 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'The Dems Try To Bankrupt Trump. It’s Incredibly Ugly.' "Attorney General Letitia James came into office pledging to target Trump, which prosecutors should not do. One does not go into office vowing to target 'that guy.'... If a specific person is targeted, then that looks very much like malicious and selective prosecution, which is exactly what James was doing. She prosecuted Trump in this New York court for the great crime of supposedly inflating the value of his real estate assets in obtaining loans from the bank.   There was no allegation the banks that gave the loans were actually damaged. In fact, they all got their money back. Instead, the allegation is that by inflating the price of the real estate, inflating his assets, somehow Trump had perpetrated a fraud against the people of New York despite there being zero damages.   Then, a judgment was brought down of nearly half a billion dollars, which is totally insane. Of all the cases that have been brought against President Trump, this one is by far the most insane. The judgment is completely off-kilter. The insanity of using a statute like this in order to bankrupt someone for no damages is totally crazy."   "This is purely an attempt by James to bankrupt Trump. That is all. This is an attempt to bankrupt him so as to forestall his ability to pay his legal bills in other legal cases. Of all the cases brought against Trump, this is the one that is most obviously malicious prosecution. It is deeply malicious. The judge in this case, Arthur Engoron, is a political actor. He’s a clown. He made a clown out of himself in the courtroom. Letitia James is a clown." [Ben Shapiro, Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Mar 20, 2024 ~ 'New York Doomed to Be Migrant Central -- Other Cities Take Note' NY is getting killed by their self inflicted 'right to shelter' policy that no other large city has. NYC "spends more than 10 times as much as Los Angeles per migrant and more than five times as much as Chicago." Illegals are put up in hotels and taken care of at great expense while citizen taxpayers lose services. They are turning the city into a magnet for unlimited illegal immigration sending them into an unsustainable death spiral of inevitable bankruptcy. US Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Economics, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 20, 2024 ~ John Stossel, "'15 Days to Slow the Spread'" "But the media's experts were just wrong. Swedish health officials were right." "Sweden's excess death rate was the lowest in Europe. Sweden's economy got through the pandemic much healthier than other countries. Because Swedish schools never closed, Swedish students didn't suffer the learning losses that American kids did." [Coronavirus, Fake News, John Stossel]
Mar 19, 2024 ~ Jonathan Turley, 'The Odor of Mendacity: 2024 Could Turn on Smell of Selective Prosecution from Georgia to New York' "For many citizens, mendacity, or dishonesty, is wafting from various courtrooms around the country. The odor is becoming intolerable for many Americans as selective prosecution is being raised in a wide array of cases... It has become increasingly difficult to deny the obvious selective prosecution in a variety of recent cases and opinions." "Hur described four decades of Biden serially violating laws governing classified documents." "Although Special Counsel Jack Smith could still proceed on obstruction counts, his prosecution of Trump for the retention and mishandling of national security documents is absurdly in conflict with the treatment Biden is receiving. In New York, the legislature changed the statute of limitations to allow Trump to be sued while New York Attorney General Letitia James effectively ran on a pledge of selectively prosecuting him. She never specified any particular crime, just promising to bag Trump. Ultimately, James used a law in an unprecedented way to secure an absurd penalty of roughly half a billion dollars, even though no one lost a dime because of the Trump loans. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has also come up with an unprecedented way of using a state law to effectively prosecute Trump for a federal offense that the Justice Department has already rejected." [Loathsome Left, TDS, Witch Hunt]
Mar 19, 2024 ~ 'Minnesota Appeals Court Affirms State Law Preventing Ban on Trans Athletes' Incredibly, the court ruled that the state cannot ban males from participating in female sports because its a violation of THEIR rights! Forget the rights of women and girls. [Anti-Science, Loathsome Left, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 19, 2024 ~ 'The Actual Minimum Wage is $0' Democrats ONCE AGAIN put a lot of people out of work because they don't understand the minimum wage. After "Seattleites had to contend with $26 coffees and $32 sandwiches," Uber Eats and Door Dash orders went off a cliff. Drivers saw their incomes cut in half or worse. Many out of work. Typical results when Democrats raise minimum wage but they NEVER learn. Update: Uber and Lyft are pulling out of Seattle on May 1. Democrat policies put out of work the very people they are trying to help. [Economics, Minimum Wage]
Mar 19, 2024 ~ 'Larry Summers: Inflation Much Worse Than Government Says' "We show that if we make an effort to reconstruct the CPI of Okun’s era—which would have had inflation peak last year around 18%, we are able to explain 70% of the gap in consumer sentiment we saw last year." [Economics, Economy]
Mar 18, 2024 ~ 'DIE Kills American Chip Manufacturing' Another article showing how Biden's DIE requirements defeated the whole purpose of his CHIPS Act. They couldn't possibly meet the quotas so they are cancelling the plants. Even American Intel is building overseas. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Mar 18, 2024 ~ 'Fani Willis Is the Resistance' "We’ve seen her like before." "James Comey, Adam Schiff, James Clapper, or the 51 former intelligence officials" "The common thread is the stretching of investigative and prosecutorial powers to — or beyond — the breaking point on the assumption that, whatever the facts, rules, or law, Trump is guilty or, at the very least, deserves whatever he gets." [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Politics, Rich Lowry, TDS]
Mar 18, 2024 ~ 'Americans Leaving Cities Destroyed by Democrats' Since 2020, when the foolish dems defunded the police, and stopped enforcing laws, Chicago lost 231K, NY 500K, LA 380K, San Fran 174K, New Orleans 45K. Law abiding taxpayers are fleeing. [Crime, Loathsome Left, Police]
Mar 17, 2024 ~ @washingtonpost Columnist Kathleen Parker told the truth about Kamala Harris and is called both 'racist' and 'misogynist' by thousands of Dems. "She was picked because she was Black and female, a combo tantamount to job security. Now that she has become a burden to the Democratic ticket... her average overall approval rating at just 37.2%, among the lowest recorded for a vice president." The over 10K comments on the article are almost all a mix of calling Parker a 'racist' and a 'misogynist', often both. This is what Democrats do. The race card and sex card is almost their entire arsenal. Always played falsely but no matter - it still works a bit. It doesn't even have to make sense: "women are 'anti-woman'" if they are on the other side of the aisle. ???? [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Politics]
Mar 17, 2024 ~ Democrats and all of the usual #FakeNews outlets are running with the headline that Trump said there is "going to be a bloodbath" if he is not elected. Heard in context, he was clearly referring to what will happen to the car manufacturing industry. The #FakeNews never changes. [Economy, Fake News, TDS]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'White girl beaten (to death?) by black classmate—school district offers ‘condolences’ to all involved while Big Media ignores' These videos of attacks are becoming way too common. Not like the fights of old where the victim can walk away - These are often trying to kill - many will never be the same if they live. One or often many more blacks beating the hell out of a white kid, kicking in the head, jumping on heads of an unconscious kid on the ground, slamming heads into concrete, many on one. You can see them almost daily on Twitter and would ALL be HUGE stories if the races were reversed but the #FakeNews ignores when the victims are white. [Crime, Fake News, Racism]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'DEI is destroying the future competitiveness of Chip industry' Biden tied a bunch of poison DIE quotas to the CHIPS Act money. They tried but couldn't make it work. Cancelling plants in the US. Flying 5000 people in from Taiwan to be able to build chips. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ "Of ‘Teen Takeovers’ and Television News" Events police are calling 'Teen Takeovers' are becoming more common in cities like Chicago. They are mobs of black youths that far outnumber the police, looting, stomping cars, etc. The #FakeNews does not report. [Crime, Fake News, Police, Race]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ Just when you thought DIE couldn't get more ridiculous, Advil launches a 'pain equity' campaign to raise awareness of things like 'pain bias.' The relentless campaign to tell black people they are the constant 'victims' of a 'racist' society must be pounded every single day. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]

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