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Jul 4, 2021 ~ #FakeNews Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah blames ‘white folks’ for Olympic swimming cap rule. "Crazy how in 2021 white folks are still trying to think of ways to make it harder for black people to swim in their pools." Pres. of FINA is Kuwaiti Muslim Husain Al-Musallam. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ Target will be closing its stores in San Francisco. "We’ve been experiencing a significant and alarming rise in theft and security incidents at our San Francisco stores." Everyone but Democrats knew this would be the predictable result of of de-criminalizing shoplifting. [California, Crime, Loathsome Left]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ Jesse Kelly on modern Democrats "Democrats hate America. The entire Party is centered around America hatred. The entire Democrat base is a conglomerate of groups who hate America. The media and Hollywood, in an attempt to help Democrats, spread the message that America sucks." [Loathsome Left]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ The left wing #CancelCulture mob toppled a statue of Queen Victoria in Winnipeg. A statue of Queen Elizabeth was also toppled. Very important work these thugs do by destroying all of the statues of history. They cannot accomplish a single thing themselves but they can destroy. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ Antifa mob attacked a woman protesting peacefully outside the spa where a person exposed his penis to women & girls. They harassed her, assaulted her, pushed her around, took her sign and hat. Sung 'Go home transphobe.' They assaulted others that day sending one to the hospital. [Antifa, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Chicago mayor Lori  Lightfoot @chicagosmayor takes no responsibility for Chicago being a disaster. Asked how many of her critics are racist and sexist, she said “About 99%.” Textbook Democrat Playbook. If you criticize a black woman, you are racist AND sexist. Can't be legit. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Daniel Concannon resigns from the Manchester, NH School Dist. over CRT training like "Deconstructing white privilege... requires educators and students to understand the origin of whiteness and how the legacy of white supremacy endures." "I won’t be pathologized for being White." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Violent Dems at the NYC pride parade brutally attacked Egyptian immigrant Nader Hassaneen because he refused to replace the American flag on his food cart with a rainbow Pride flag. The 'tolerant left' beat him up and put hot sauce in his eyes. Broken nose. "Might need surgery." [LGBT, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Democrats being the gurus of lies and #FakeNews first tried to tie the Surfside condo collapse in FL to Desantis. Now they are absurdly trying to tie to climate change. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, "We know that we're losing inches and inches of beach." 0 to do with it. [Climate Change]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Dr. Susan Berry, 'Science Says Transgender Hormones and Surgeries Do Not Prevent Suicides' Parents are told that their kids will commit suicide if they don't give them 'gender affirming' treatments but "suicide rates remain markedly elevated after' affirmation interventions.' [Trans]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Somali man stabs 9 people in Wuerzburg Germany killing 3 women shouting “Allahu akbar” twice and talked about Jihad after his arrest. Islamic terrorist attacks still happen regularly in the western world which has opened its doors to Muslim immigrants. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 30, 2021 ~ Bill Maher trashes Google and Facebook for censoring true information. "I find this outrageous. Facebook banned any post for four months about COVID coming from a lab... Well, you were wrong Google and Facebook." The tech companies should not try to be arbiters of the truth!h [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jun 30, 2021 ~ American Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry gets upset that the US National Anthem played while she was on the podium. She turns away from the flag, looks disgusted and covers her head with her shirt. Why does the US have athletes representing the US that hate the US? [Loathsome Left]
Jun 30, 2021 ~ Ohio state Rep. Jena Powell proposed the “Save Women’s Sports Act.” "Across our country, female athletes are currently losing scholarships, opportunities, medals, education and training opportunities.” Dems like Michael Skindell shouted and banged the table as she tried to speak. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ The California legislature banned state-funded travel to Texas, South Dakota, Kansas, Iowa, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Idaho, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida, Montana, West Virginia, and North Dakota over what CA calls anti-trans laws. [California, Cancel Culture, Trans]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Lois McLatchie 'In the West, ‘Incorrect’ Speech Is Increasingly Treated as Blasphemy' The intolerant left is not yet as bad as Muslim countries with blasphemy laws but it getting close. "Hundreds wait on death row on blasphemy charges. The #CancelCulture mob will cancel your life. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Bill Barr continues to debunk Trump's 'Stolen Election' claim." “You keep on saying that the Department of Justice is not looking at this stuff, and we are looking at it in a responsible way. But your people keep on shoveling this shit out.” [2020 Election]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Bill Barr continues to debunk Trump's 'Stolen Election' claim." “You know, Mr. President, there are 662 precincts in Wayne County. It’s the only county with all the boxes going to a central place, and you actually did better there this time around than you did last time." [2020 Election]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald, "Biden ordered illegal bombing raids on Syria and Iraq and none of the people who spent the Trump years pretending to care so deeply about the Constitution and rule of law uttered a peep, because they themselves are lawless frauds who worse a costume for 4 years." [Fake News, Iraq, Syria]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Scottie Pippen says Phil Jackson is a ‘racist’ because he told him to inbound the ball to Toni Kukoc to take the last second shot in one game. Reggie Miller totally disagreed, "No. I don’t agree with that... The whole racial point, no. Absolutely not. That I don’t roll with.” [Fake Racism]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Columbia Prof. John McWhorter says 'wokism' is a religion. "You can not reason with people like this. It’s very rare that you teach somebody out of their religion and this is a religion. And so to try to talk these people down doesn’t work. All they know is that you’re a racist." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Instagram influencer Oli London announced he identifies as a Korean. He explains, "Being Transexual is the same as being TRANSRACIAL because you are born in the wrong body." Pronouns are "kor/ean." London has had 15 surgeries to 'transition.' If transgender is valid, so is this. [Trans]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ A #BLM mob detains Minn. City Council member Andrea Jenkins' car until she signed their demands including not prosecuting rioters. "We're not asking no more, white lady. We're demanding at this point. We're not asking. We're done asking. Fucking shit. We're demanding it now." [BLM, Racism, Violent Left]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ The US military is requiring CRT 'training' called "Understanding Whiteness and White Rage.” It lies, “White rage is the operational function of white supremacy. It is the fear of a multicultural democracy. It is predicated on a sense that only whites are legitimate Americans.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison for his role George Floyd's death. George Floyd's brother Philonise Floyd said, "I just want to reiterate: not just black lives matter, all lives matter." Does he not know that Democrats have canceled people for saying that? [BLM, Fake Racism, George Floyd]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ Biden's DOJ is suing GA. "Georgia's recent voting rights law... [was] adopted with the intent to deny or abridge black citizen's equal access to the political process." 100% false. Kristen Clarke has previously claimed black people had "superior physical and mental abilities." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ Biden’s Bureau of Land Management nominee, Tracy Stone-Manning, is an ecoterrorist involved in the spiking of trees, the goal of which is to kill or injure loggers. She also has called children “environmental hazards.” "The earth can’t afford Americans" says Biden's nominee. [Environment, Violent Left]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ Biden repudiates laws protecting female sports. "These are some of the ugliest, most un-American bills I’ve seen and I’ve been here a long time." "This is no more than bullying disguised as legislation." He is fine with biological males competing with women. #bidenerasedwomen [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 25, 2021 ~ George Will, 'Attacking ‘merit’ in the name of ‘equity’ is a prescription for mediocrity' 'Sever merit from the social mechanisms that allocate social rewards, and the idea of personal responsibility must go, too.' Its unequitable that natural talents are distributed unequally. [CRT DIE Wokeness]
Jun 25, 2021 ~ Mumford & Sons' banjo player, Winston Marshall has quit the band. He praised Andy Ngo's book exposing Antifa and his band mates couldn't deal with the hatred and intolerance spewing from the vile and violent left. And Marshall doesn't want to 'self censor.' #CancelCulture [Antifa, Cancel Culture, Violent Left]
Jun 25, 2021 ~ The Portland police halt prosecution for minor traffic stops because they discovered that black people are stopped disproportionally more. That is not ususally due to racism. Black people are arrested more for murder also but that is simply because they commit more murders. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 25, 2021 ~ A riot almost started in Portland until they found out the victim was white. Then they lost interest as they do for all white people killed by the police (2X). 'CALL TO ACTION. BLACK MAN KILLED BY POLICE' Police had to correct, 'The subject involved is an adult white male.' Pfew. [Police, Race, Violent Left]
Jun 25, 2021 ~ Biden insults Latinos by by using the term Latinx which they don't like (less than 3%) and further insulted them by insinuating they are all here illegally. "It's awful hard as well to get Latinx vaccinated as well. Why? They're worried they'll be vaccinated and deported." [Coronavirus, Identity Politics, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 25, 2021 ~ Biden says, "It's awful hard as well to get Latinx vaccinated." Democrats continue to insult Latinos and shame them because the beautiful Spanish language is gendered. Less than 3% of Latinos want to be called Latinx but white liberals don't care how they want to be identified. [Coronavirus, Identity Politics, Racism]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ Down goes Michigan. The GOP-led Michigan Senate probe finds "There is no evidence presented at this time to prove either significant acts of fraud or that an organized, wide-scale effort to commit fraudulent activity was perpetrated in order to subvert the will of Michigan voters." [2020 Election]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ The #CancelCulture mob is coming for Brett Favre because he is against trans women at the Olympics. “It’s a man competing as a woman. That’s unfair. It’s not fair... males cannot compete against females.” What he says is true and EVERYBODY knows it. Stand with women, not the mob. [Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ Harvard is holding classes that exclude people based on the skin color. Their program “No Label Academy at Harvard,” is a “music business” course "open to all BIPOC individuals interested in music business.” Straight up racism. Title VI violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. [College, Racism]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ The #CancelCulture mob gets another scalp. The Theodore Roosevelt (26th president of the US) monument, in front of New York City’s American Museum of Natural History will be relocated over claims that the statue 'supports a thematic framework of colonization and racism.' BS [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ The horrible S.1 'For the People Act' has been defeated 50-50. Based on a lie that states are 'suppressing the vote' when its never been easier and turnout has never been higher. Cruz, 'welfare for politicians with a 6-to-1 match of campaign donations with taxpayer money.' [Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ BMX rider Chelsea Wolfe and Olympic alternate said "My goal is to win the Olympics so I can burn a US flag on the podium." [Loathsome Left]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ OAN's lawsuit against Rachel Maddow's has been dismissed. She said OAN "really literally is paid Russian propaganda." The court said that everyone including her viewers knows that she is full of it. They 'would not assume that such outlandish accusations are factually true.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ A NY appellate court suspends Giuliani's law license over election-fraud claims. 'There is uncontroverted evidence that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large... in connection with' election fraud claims. [2020 Election]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ Noted motherfucker Rashida Tlaib says 'Opposition to critical race theory is obviously rooted in racism and has just become the newest dog whistle for racists.' Democrats continue to believe that labeling everyone and everything 'racist' is the way forward. They never stop lying. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Tlaib]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ Another woman who's career was ended to allow biological male Laurel Hubbard to compete on the woman's side is Tracey Lambrechs. "When I was told to drop the category because Laurel was obviously going to be their number one, it was heartbreaking, like super soul-destroying." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ After many years of calling voter id laws 'racist' and 'Jim Crow' prominent Democrats including Stacey Abrams claim they were for it all along after learning that 80% of Americans support it including 82% of non-whites. Shameless gaslighting. They think you are this stupid. [Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 23, 2021 ~ The woman being denied her Olympic dream to allow trans-gendered weightlifter Laurel Hubbard to go in her place is Kuinini ‘Nini’ Manumua. Manuma trained her whole life assuming there were male and female divisions. Hubbard is a biological male who has tremendous advantages. [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 23, 2021 ~ Brandeis University is banning more words and phrases including previously very 'woke' phrases like 'trigger warning.' 'Picnic' is banned for a totally false link to lynching. Even 'People of Color' is banned. You should now use BIPOC. Why not just say 'non-white'? [College, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Jun 23, 2021 ~ Karen Townsend, 'Second chance: Asylum seekers with closed cases in Remain in Mexico program to enter U.S. anyway' Inexplicably Biden is letting tens of thousands of migrants whose asylum claims were already denied back into the US letting them jump the line ahead of the world. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration]
Jun 23, 2021 ~ Sen. Maize Hirono tells Sen. Cruz, "All this mansplaining. Please stop." 'Mansplaining' is a term sexists use to try to shut up men. Mazie Hirono previously said, "I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up." Hirono does not think men should be allowed to speak. [Loathsome Left, Sexism, Silencing]
Jun 23, 2021 ~ Biden continues to falsely claim that the Clinton era ban on 'assault rifles' reduced crime. The report titled "An Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003" says otherwise. A Quinnipiac University shows the same. [Biden, Guns-Mass Shootings]

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