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May 21, 2021 ~ Preston Cooper, 'Abandoning the SAT Won’t Help Disadvantaged Students' CA has abolished the SAT and ACT because they are 'racist' allegedly. Cooper argues that the SAT does exactly what it is supposed to, predict college success. Works on all races, incomes. Alternatives worse. [California, College, Education, Fake Racism]
May 21, 2021 ~ Everything is 'racist.' Today, we look at taxes. Emory University tax law professor Dorothy A. Brown wrote a book, "The Whiteness of Wealth: How the Tax System Impoverishes Black Americans -- and How We Can Fix It." She claims the tax system is rigged against African Americans. [Fake Racism]
May 21, 2021 ~ Byron Allen sues McDonalds for $10 Billion for not advertising with 2 of his media companies. He claims that if they didn't advertise with his companies, that means they are racist and biased against Black-owned media. McDonalds spends millions advertising with black owned media. [Fake Racism]
May 21, 2021 ~ Drew Holden, on the rise of the violent Anti-Semitic left. 'Jussie Smollett’s ridiculous hate crime hoax generated substantially more outrage from the left/the media than the roving bands of pro-Palestinian protestors currently beating up Jews in major American cities has.' [Anti-Semitism, Fake Hate Crime, Smollett, Violent Left]
May 21, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro, illustrates the stupidity of calling Israel an apartheid state. There are 2M Arabs with full rights in Israel out of 9M people. There are 0 to a handful of Jews in most Arab countries even though they have 10s of millions of people. Would not have rights or be safe. [Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Israel, Racism]
May 20, 2021 ~ Boston University Professor David Decosimo exposes how the left prevents any dissent in higher education. Explains conservatives are unable to share their true opinions until they get tenure. Deny doctoral admission, deny tenure, deny job, smear campaigns. 'Happens all the time.' [Cancel Culture, College, Education, Free Speech, Silencing]
May 20, 2021 ~ Kurt Schlichter, 'People Are Getting Tired of Woke Nonsense' KS gives recent examples of people falsely crying 'racism' about things that happen to white people all the time. Like mispronouncing a difficult name or thinking someone works in a store. Michelle O. even did this. [Fake Racism]
May 20, 2021 ~ Biden waives sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia, a gift to Putin, while he kills pipelines in the US that would have provided 1000s of jobs and would help with US energy independence. Rich Lowry, 'This story would be a 5 alarm fire if it happened under Trump." [Economy, Energy, Russia]
May 20, 2021 ~ A recording captures the difference between Israelis and Palestinians. IDF warns of bombing. 'Bomb whatever you want... We want to die.' 'But you have a responsibility for children's lives.' 'If the children need to die then they'll die...This is how we reveal your cruelty.' [Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
May 20, 2021 ~ Anti-Semitic, Pro Palestinian thugs impersonate #BLM by attacking outdoor diners in LA. Started by yelling at diners and progressed to punching and kicking. Anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise all over the country and world. The left almost exclusively owns Anti-Semitism. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Violent Left]
May 20, 2021 ~ The 'woke' #CancelCulture mob seeks to destroy everything that is American and/or good. Now going after 'Apple Pie.' The Guardian, 'Food injustice has deep roots: let’s start with America’s apple pie.' It's so absurd it sounds like a parody of #CancelCulture. No such luck... [Cancel Culture]
May 20, 2021 ~ Christian Walker, son of Hershel Walker says, 'I support Israel because the other side would behead me' in response to gay progressive groups like 'Queers for Palestine.' There are no open queers IN Palestine because they would be killed, jailed, harassed, and attacked. [Islam, Israel, LGBT]
May 20, 2021 ~ Biology Prof. John Staddon,the James B. Duke distinguished professor of psychology and neuroscience says the APA banned him from discussion groups for sharing biological facts. Staddon does not believe in non-binary. 'The biological facts here are clear... Male and female are it' [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
May 20, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'If You Side with Hamas, Your Anti-Semitism Is Showing' 'Israel allows Muslims full freedom of worship throughout Israel, particularly on the Temple Mount.' Hamas targets civilians. Israel hits military targets giving ample warning. Hamas embeds military in schools. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
May 20, 2021 ~ Katie Pavlich, "Facebook 'Fact Checkers' Punish and Censor Debate on Climate Science" Facebook is censoring and labelling false physicist Steven Koonin's book, "Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t and Why It Matters." The criticism is wrong and inappropriate [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
May 20, 2021 ~ Candace Owens observes 'The Left sees racism everywhere except where it actually is.' Its only their party who openly practices racism. Example Lori Lightfoot' open racism. 'Imagine if there was a white politician who said that he refused to speak with ANY black journalists.' [Racism]
May 20, 2021 ~ AOC ridiculously says Jan 6 was a 'coup' without any weapons, "This was an all-out attempted coup ... 60 seconds could have meant potentially the difference between what we have right now and a martial state. And we don’t want to acknowledge that that’s how close we got." [Capitol Riot, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
May 19, 2021 ~ Biden is destroying the economy by ignoring economics. $300 per week extra unemployment keep 9 million unemployed while 8 million jobs remain unfilled. Inflation soaring as the govt. prints trillions. Gas prices way up after canceling pipelines and drilling. All very predictable. [Biden, Economics, Economy]
May 19, 2021 ~ #BLM sides with Hamas. 'Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians.' Consistent as they side with criminals who attack the police and condemn the cops defending themselves. Here they side with terrorists attacking Israel and condemn Israel for defending herself. [BLM, Crime, Israel, Police, Terrorism]
May 19, 2021 ~ Biological male Hailey Davidson, who identifies as female, won a Pro title at Providence Golf Club months after 'transitioning' to a woman. Davidson hopes to compete on the LPGA. Once again, an uncompetitive athlete on the men's side, wins on the woman's side. Dems look away. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 19, 2021 ~ NY Magazine reports that Pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations may have been "grossly inflated." 'Two new studies conclude that as many as 40% of all pediatric hospitalizations chalked up as severe cases of COVID-19 might not have had anything to do with the pandemic after all.' [Coronavirus, Fake News]
May 19, 2021 ~ Austin Bay, 'Holding Islamic State Terrorists Accountable for the Yazidi Genocide in Iraq' By 2014, 'ISIS fighters would massacre at least 5,000 Yazidi men.' By 2016 'Yazidi death toll was estimated at 10,000' Eventually, nearly 10,000 women and children would be enslaved.' [Islam, Slavery, Terrorism]
May 19, 2021 ~ Mike Pence, 'Violence in Israel Is the Price of Biden’s Weakness' 'Instead of seeking peace through strength, [Biden] has invited violence through weakness.' He has re-sided with Iran, refunded the Hamas terrorists. Hamas knew there would be consequences for attacks under Trump. [Iran, Israel, Violent Right]
May 19, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'No, Israel Is Not an Apartheid State' Another absurd claim from dems like 'concentration camps.' Israel 'is nothing like an apartheid regime in South Africa that depended on a rigorously enforced system of racial repression.' 20% of pop. is Arab. Have full rights. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Israel]
May 19, 2021 ~ For Dems and the left 'there is room in the world for 22 Arab countries and for more than 50 Muslim countries, but there is no room for one Jewish state, even one the size of New Jersey and smaller than El Salvador.' side with terrorists who openly call of Israel's destruction. [Anti-Semitism, Dennis Prager, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
May 19, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter 'Democrats Really Hate Jews' Jews are regularly attacked on the streets of cities run by dems and on college campuses also run by dems and they look the other way. 'Not all Democrats in Congress are rabid anti-Semites, but all anti-Semites in Congress are Democrats.' [Anti-Semitism, Derek Hunter]
May 19, 2021 ~ The next fake example of 'systemic racism' is protested by #BLM. North Carolina DA says the fatal police shooting of Andrew Brown was ‘justified.’ Brown tried to flee being served a warrant for dealing laced heroine. He drove at officers, hitting 2 with his car before being shot. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
May 19, 2021 ~ Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announces 'I will exclusively be providing one-on-one interviews with journalists of color.' Whites need not apply. This is not only openly and proudly racist, its illegal. Discrimination against entire races of people was outlawed with Civil Rights. [Loathsome Left, Racism]
May 17, 2021 ~ Maricopa Election Supervisor Bill Gates, The AZ Senate is chasing 'insane rumors that ballots were flown in from South Korea to change the outcome of the presidential race, or that secret watermarks on the ballots revealed by UV lights would expose fraud once and for all.' [2020 Election]
May 17, 2021 ~ Maricopa Election Supervisor Bill Gates, 'True Republicans would never dream of wasting taxpayer money to hire an unknown cybersecurity firm with no elections auditing experience to audit an election that has already been audited. This is what the Arizona Senate is doing.' [2020 Election]
May 17, 2021 ~ Maricopa Election Supervisor Bill Gates, 'If Republicans become the party of the “Big Lie" - if we encourage this madness much longer, we will lose credibility with the majority of Americans on issues where I believe we have better ideas. We will do lasting damage to our republic [2020 Election]
May 17, 2021 ~ Maricopa Election Supervisor Bill Gates 'Elected Republicans like me must stop the Big Lie about the 2020 election' 'It wasn't stolen, and I know - I was there.' 'I can say with confidence the election was safe, secure and fair. There was no foul play. There was no vote switching [2020 Election]
May 17, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. NYPost Dana Kennedy, 'St. John’s professor allegedly fired for reading racial slur from Mark Twain book' Hannah Berliner Fischthal was reading from Twain's novel 'Pudd’nhead Wilson.' which contained the n-word in dialog. Teaching Twain is now impossible. [Cancel Culture, College]
May 17, 2021 ~ Molly Hemingway reminds us that many prominent Dems promoted a bogus election conspiracy but were not labelled misinformation or inciting violence. Nancy Pelosi, "Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts." [Fake News, Politics, Russia Hoax]
May 16, 2021 ~ Spanish politician Francisco José Contreras was locked out of his Twitter account for saying "a man cannot get pregnant" because they have "no uterus or eggs." Twitter said the suspension was for 'hate speech.' Basic biological facts are now 'hate speech' in #CancelCulture. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship, Trans]
May 16, 2021 ~ Ben Smith, 'I’ll Take ‘White Supremacist Hand Gestures’ for $1,000' For once the @nytimes debunks #FakeNews. Smith tries to figure out how hundreds of supposedly smart Jeopardy contestants insanely think its plausible that Kelly Donohue was making a 'white supremacist' symbol. [Cancel Culture, Fake News, Fake Racism]
May 16, 2021 ~ #FakeNews CNN contributor Adeel Raja @adeelraja says, 'The world today needs a Hitler.' He's previously said 'Heil Hitler' and 'The only reason I am supporting Germany in the finals is that Hitler was a German and he did good with those jews!' Raja has 54 bylines at @CNN. [Anti-Semitism, Fake News, Israel]
May 16, 2021 ~ Another story that would be big national news if the races were reversed but is otherwise ignored, 4 black women beat white disabled vet Pamela Ahlstedt-Brown after calling her a 'white bitch'. They were blocking her car and she asked if they needed help. Broken nose and more. [Crime, Fake News, Racism]
May 16, 2021 ~ Rep. Cori Bush praised #BLM activist Bassem Masri who called many times for cops to be killed and said he prays for their death. Bush repeated the lie of 'Mike Brown Jr.’s state sanctioned murder.' False, anti-cop rhetoric that Dems routinely repeat has gotten many cops executed. [BLM, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
May 16, 2021 ~ Israel is initially criticized for leveling an office building containing AP offices. "Israel shared intelligence with the US showing how Hamas operated inside the same building with Associated Press and Al-Jazeera in Gaza,” Building was unoccupied as Israel gave ample warning. [Israel, Terrorism]
May 16, 2021 ~ Trump continues to be delusional. 'Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President.' BS. [2020 Election]
May 16, 2021 ~ Brooklyn College professor Laurie Rubel says 'the idea that math is objective or neutral is a myth.' and that claiming 'math is neutral because 2+2=4' 'reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.' Gotta make sure we call everything and everybody a racist and sexist every single day... [College, Education, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
May 16, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Space Force Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier is fired for comments criticizing Marxism and Critical Race Theory which is rooted in Marxism. He thinks CRT based 'diversity and inclusion training' is divisive and driving us apart is especially bad for the military. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Silencing]
May 16, 2021 ~ CDC Dir. Rochelle Walensky says they just learned the vaccines work! New mask rules bc of 'science that has really just evolved even in the last two weeks that demonstrates that these vaccines are safe, they are effective.' This is truly an embarrassing, unserious administration. [Coronavirus]
May 16, 2021 ~ White House economic adviser Cecilia Rouse blames the horrible April jobs report (worst miss since 1998) on Easter being in March this year. This is a silly, un-serious explanation even if Easter were in March, which is wasn't. This is not a serious administration. [Economy, Fake News]
May 16, 2021 ~ Dwight Lindley III 'In Defense of Jane Austen' The #CancelCulture mob is determined to cancel everyone in history. Now Jane Austen has to be 'defended' although as Lindley makes clear, there is no case AT ALL that she can be linked to slavery. But no matter. Cancel cancel cancel. [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
May 15, 2021 ~ Tampering in the George Floyd trial. Medical examiner Dr. Andrew Baker found no evidence of asphyxiation or damaged airways. Former ME Dr. Roger Mitchell, chair of the pathology dept. at Howard U. threatened to criticize Baker's finding in the WashPost unless he changed finding. [George Floyd]
May 15, 2021 ~ Trump is trashing any Republicans who don't support his 'stolen election' theory. The latest is Karl Rove, 'He’s totally ineffective and does not represent the MAGA Movement in any way, shape, or form.' GOP pols are in a terrible spot. Either support Trump's lies or get trashed. [2020 Election, Politics]
May 15, 2021 ~ Law student Lisa Keogh is facing disciplinary action at Abertay University in Scotland for saying women have vaginas and trans women have the advantage in MMA since they've been men for 32 years. The anti-science left was outraged at hearing biological facts. She may not graduate [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Gender, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 14, 2021 ~ Josh Hammer, 'Moral Clarity Versus Moral Depravity in Israel and Gaza' 'Dennis Prager has often observed that if the Israelis were to lay down their guns, Israel would be destroyed tomorrow, but if the Palestinians were to lay down their guns, there would be peace tomorrow.' [Israel, Terrorism]

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