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Apr 23, 2021 ~ 13 yr old Nyaria Givens was stabbed to death in Cincinnati by another 13 year old a day after Ma’Khia Bryant tried to stab a girl. Dems and #BLM said 'Hey kids have knife fights all the time. No need to stop it.' No one cares about Givens. No 'racist' cops were around to save her [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 23, 2021 ~ #FakeNews MSNBC's Tiffany Cross said 'How dare anyone try to present this as though this child did something wrong.' referring to Ma’Khia Bryant who was about to stab a girl in the neck right after screaming 'I'm going to stab the fuck out of you bitch.' [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 23, 2021 ~ Bernard Goldberg Quits ‘Real Sports.’ Cites their 'Cowardice’ and far left bias. The last straw is they would not allow him to do a balanced piece on the trans athlete issue. HBO was too afraid of the backlash that would come from challenging far left orthodoxy. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 23, 2021 ~ Drew Holden exposes the lies being told about the Ma’Khia Bryant shooting in mega thread. He shows false articles from over a dozen major #FakeNews outlets, Democrat politicians and 'celebrities'. All of them lying to push the fake narrative of 'systemically racist' police. [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 23, 2021 ~ Jen Psaki on the Ma'kiyah Bryant shooting: 'Our focus is on working to address systemic racism & implicit bias head on.' This had nothing to do with racism or bias. It was a cop doing his job saving a life but Democrats always have to lie to divide us and vilify cops and the US. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Almost 1 police officer is killed in the line of duty per week. 511 over the last 10 years by FBI criteria 'fatally injured as a direct result of a willful and intentional act by an offender.' They are constantly vilified by Dems who don't want them to protect their own lives. [Crime, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Cruz Amendment to prohibit federal funding from colleges that discriminate against Asians passed 49-48. All Yeas were Republicans and all Nays were Democrats. Republicans are always against racial discrimination while Democrats want to institutionalize racial discrimination. [Affirmative Action, College, Racism]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Derek Chauvin is convicted on all counts. Did jurors have a choice? Cities burned all summer. Witnesses threatened; pigs blood and head. Dems like Maxine Waters calling for violence if found not-guilty. Biden praying they convict. Minneapolis’s mayor and MN Gov demand conviction. [BLM, George Floyd, Police, Violent Left]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ #BLM engages in extreme racism by screaming at white people to get out of NYC and their businesses too. 'Get the fuck out of New York!' they scream at white people trying to eat at Maya Taqueria.' 'We don’t want your fucking taqueria, owned by fucking white men!' @MrAndyNgo video [BLM, Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Vox reports on University of Massachusetts Amherst study that found that #BLM protests “correlate with a 10% increase in murders in the areas that” experienced protests. Obvious consequence of defunding and demonizing the police. BLM gets 100s of black people killed every year. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ After math teacher Paul Rossi was pulled from his classes at Grace Church School after criticizing the anti-racism propaganda, the school's headmaster George Davison admits not knowing he was being recorded, 'We're demonizing white people for being born.' Thanks Democrats! [BLM, Education, Racism]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ 911 call released in Ma’Khia Bryant case. 'These grown girls over here trying to fight us, trying to stab us... We need a police officer here now!' Bryant said, 'I'm going to stab the fuck out of you bitch,' right before attempting to stab the other girl, and before getting shot. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Tennessee Tech Profs Andrew Smith and Julia Gruber posted fliers calling their colleague Andrew Donadio a 'racist' for advising Turning Point USA, a group co-founded by a black woman. Lied about TPUSA: 'hate group, where racist students can unite to harass, threaten, intimidate.' [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Dan McLaughlin, 'No, Modern Policing Did Not Originate with Slavery' Once again McLaughlin wastes a lot of time refuting another totally inane article by Nikole Hannah-Jones linking policing to slavery like she falsely links everything else in the world to American slavery. [Fake News, Police, Slavery]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ #BLM leaders like Bree Newsome, many prominent celebs and Dems like Vaerie Jarrett say police should just let kids stab each other! 'Teenagers have been having fights including fights involving knives for eons. We do not need police to address these situations' Dem vilify the cop [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Kiersten Hening is suing her former Virginia Tech coach Charles Adair for benching her for not supporting #BLM and disagreeing with wearing BLM apparel and names of alleged victims. She was deemed a 'racist' and had to explain herself. Forced off the team by a 'campaign of abuse' [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Jen Psaki like almost every Democrat cannot tell the truth about Ma’Khia Bryant who was justifiably shot as she was about to kill someone. 'police violence disproportionately impacts Black... higher rates of police violence... systemic racism and bias... reforms at police depts.' [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ #FakeNews CNN’s Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo prove that a stopped calendar is right once a year. They both agree the officer who shot Ma’Khia Bryant did the right thing and further that a taser would not have saved the other girl's life at that distance. #BLM still cries racism. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Ian Haworth, "LeBron James Proves It Was Never About ‘Bad Cops.’ It’s About Hating All Cops" His actions 'saved a young black girl from being stabbed. He would be celebrated as a hero, if the world we currently inhabit wasn’t one which is doing its level best to ignore reality.' [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Regarding the Ma’Khia Bryant case, @TheOfficerTatum points out that if the police did not save the black girl in pink (and the one being kicked also), she'd be dead and get no t-shirts, protests, 'say her name', LeBron and 'celeb' outrage, media coverage, Ben Crump interest etc. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ The Ma’Khia Bryant proves there is no non-'racist' way to police black people. The officer who used force to stop an attempted murder in progress is called a racist because the stabber was black. If he allowed the other black girl to be stabbed, he'd be condemned as well. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ No case proves that #BLM is a fraud better than Ma’Khia Bryant who was in the process of stabbing another black girl. The cop (called to a stabbing) used necessary force to save that girl's life. But #BLM doesn't care about any black lives other than those killed by the police. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 21, 2021 ~ Officer Tatum, @TheOfficerTatum explains why the shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant was 'justified.' Saved the life of another black girl who no one cares about. Morons say cops should have shot the leg or the knife. Other morons say let teens fight with knives - its just roughhousing. [BLM, Police]
Apr 21, 2021 ~ A white officer shoots and kills 16 year old Ma’Khia Bryant just before she stabbed another black girl in the neck. #FakeNews says she was 'unarmed'. The #BLM mob calls for the officer to be fired. Days of protests. :Labron James posts picture of officer and says 'Your're next'. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police, Violent Left]
Apr 21, 2021 ~ Demi Lovato makes a fool of herself getting so 'triggered' she had to a leave a FroYos without her yogurt because they sold 'sugar free' products. Says that promotes 'disordered eating.' 'Do better' she lectures. Many people want sugar free options. Nothing wrong with it. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Apr 21, 2021 ~ Chloe Angyal, 'The Unbearable Whiteness of Ballet' If you notice, everything 'white' is 'unbearable.' "White supremacy is embedded in ballet's most basic foundations." "Whiteness values precision and unison." "The Black body is believed to be everything a ballet body is not permitted to be." FFS [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ CNN Director Charlie Chester is caught on camera admitting how @CNN is #FakeNews. 'we got Trump out... I 100 percent believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out.' Admitted hyping #COVID19 deaths. 'Fear sells.' Next 'crisis', climate change. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ #BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors just bought another house (she now has 3) for $1.4 million in an area that is only 0.4% black. Meanwhile, no one has any idea where the $90 million donated to #BLM last year has gone? Victims are saying they haven't gotten any of it. [BLM]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester who recently literally admitted @CNN was #FakeNews, elaborates by saying they downplay or ignore crimes where the suspect is not white. For examplee they bury it when black people attack Asians. 'We [CNN] are trying to help #BLM.' [BLM, Fake News, Identity Politics]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Nancy Pelosi says '76 years after the Holocaust, shadows of dark forces of hate are again emerging in our nation with disturbing displays… even inside the United States Capitol on January 6.' Democrats continue to deny the horrors of the Holocaust after calling Trump Hitler. [Capitol Riot, Holocaust Denial, TDS]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Bill Maher on how Democrats are hurting kids “[Democrats] also have a greatly exaggerated view of the danger of COVID to and the mortality rate among children, all of which explains why today the states with the highest share of schools that are still closed are all blue states.” [Coronavirus, Education, Fake News]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Flashback: in 2019, Kamala Harris said 'Detaining these children at the border is a human rights abuse being committed by the United States government.' I.e. exactly what is happening now except only more so. 'We are not going to allow this to happen, not on our watch,' she lied. [Harris, Illegal Immigration]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Bill Maher laughs at Democrats for being so misinformed about #COVID19 and rips the #FakeNews for pushing 'Panic Porn.' 'How did your audience wind up believing such bunch of crap about COVID?' Only 10% of Dems knew the true risks. The rest grossly over estimated them..@billmaher laughs at Democrats for being so misinformed about #COVID19 and rips the #FakeNews for pushing 'Panic Porn.' 'How did your audience wind up believing such bunch of crap about COVID?' Only 10% of Dems knew the true risks. The rest grossly over estimated them. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Portland continues to be ablaze every night. Typical rioting, arson, and gunfire by Antifa. Burned down an Apple store, damaged many others. Shot at security guards. The left is extremely violent every day and yet the #FakeNews pushes the narrative that its the the right who is. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Stacey Abrams, Fount of Disinformation' 'She’s managed to convince almost all Democrats to accept her ridiculous contention that she was the rightful winner of her 2018 gubernatorial race against Brian Kemp, which she never conceded.' RL debunks of all of her claims. [Politics, Rich Lowry]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Chris Cuomo says police reform will only happen when 'white people’s kids start getting killed.' He's unaware that white people's kids are being killed under the same JUSTIFIED circumstances (resisting, fighting, fleeing, not dropping weapons) at a rate of 2:1 black people. [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Maxine Waters calls for riots if the George Floyd jury does not vote the way she wants. "stay on the streets" and "get more confrontational."  "We are looking for a guilty verdict." Hours after her comments, there was a drive-by shooting of the area National Guard. #BLM [BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ After months of Democrats and the #FakeNews claiming that Officer Brian Sicknick was killed by being hit him on the head with a fire extinguisher, the medical examiner reveals he died of natural causes, nothing to due with Capitol riot. Cop killing remains a left wing pass-time. [Capitol Riot, Fake News, Violent Left]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ YOU magazine interviews Sharon Osbourne, 'I know my faults by I'm not a racist.' Piers Morgan says, 'Sharon was driven out of the job she loved for defending my right to disbelieve a liar. A crime for which, like me, she was shamefully branded a racist.' Must #BelieveAllBlackPeople [Fake Racism]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Black Viterbo University student Victoria Unanka claimed to be a victim of 'racist' hate crimes including a fire. When video evidence showed she was the one who started the fire, she confessed. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Sen. Warren compresses 2 big lies into 1 sentence: “The Republican who is sitting in Stacey Abrams’ chair just signed a despicable voter suppression bill into law to take Georgia back to Jim Crow.” Abrams lost by 50K votes. The voter integrity law has no resemblance to Jim Crow. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Paul Rossi, 'I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated' Questioned some of his 'equity training.' Was told he caused 'harm' and that he  'failed to serve the “greater good and the higher truth.”' Was publicly 'reprimanded.' Students know 'they must never challenge' [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Washington Free Beacon, 'Kristen Clarke, Bigot and Liar' She is lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee about her racist writings that claimed black people had 'superior physical and mental abilities.' Said she was joking but she was clearly not and praised the idea's originator. [Racism]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Robby Soave 'A Medical Student Questioned Microaggressions. UVA Branded Him a Threat and Banished Him from Campus' Kieran Bhattacharya thought he could ask a question about woke 'training'. 'informed that he must be evaluated by psychological services before returning to classes' [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Silencing]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Rashida Tlaib lies about Duante Wright case, 'It wasn't an accident. Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist.' 'No more policing, incarceration... It can't be reformed.' It was an accident that never would have happened if Wright did not resist, try to flee. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police, Tlaib]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ MIT Climatologist Richard Lindzen & Princeton Physics Prof. William Happer, "Climate ‘Emergency’? Not So Fast" 'We are both scientists who can attest that the research literature does not support the claim of a climate emergency. Nor will there be one.' Alarmist predictions BS. [Climate Change]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell and all the #FakeNews hyped reports the Russian government paid bounties to kill American soldiers. The Biden administration now says those claims are based on inconclusive intelligence which is exactly what Trump said. They knew it was a lie then. [Fake News, Russia]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Alyssa Milano buys into the absurd explanation for why Daunte Wright was pulled over and arrested. 'Police exist to uphold white supremacy... empowered by laws and the courts to inject themselves into Black life for any reason no matter how minor, even a dangling air freshener' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Despite video evidence showing Adam Toledo fleeing with a gun, then stopping and turning toward the police, Jen Psaki said, ''too often in this country law enforcement uses unnecessary force, too often resulting in the death of black and brown Americans.' Total divisive lie. [Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ #FakeNews CBS is caught doctoring the Adam Toledo video to omit the part that shows him holding a gun. Despite the damage and division it causes, the #FakeNews always tries to push the false narrative that the police are shooting black people for no justified reason. [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]

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