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Mar 15, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald warns 'Don't assume serious accusations about someone are true unless you see convincing evidence presented, no matter who the accusations come from or at whom they're directed... It's a campaign to silence.' after seeing many false accusations damage careers. [Cancel Culture, Fake News, Silencing]
Mar 15, 2021 ~ Riots in LA, Portland, and Seattle mark the he one-year anniversary of the officer-involved shooting death of Breonna Taylor. Rioters threw rocks at police, vandalized police vehicles, and smashed windows of businesses. Taylor was killed next to boyfriend shooting at the police. [Antifa, BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Mar 15, 2021 ~ Coca Cola said any legal firm they deal with must “commit that at least 30 percent of each of billed associate and partner time will be from diverse attorneys, and of such amounts at least half will be from black attorneys.” The "ultimate aspiration" is 50% diverse, [non-white]. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics, Racism]
Mar 15, 2021 ~ Pop Star Halsey changed her pronouns to ‘she/they’. Many of [her] fans are overjoyed about it although they have no idea how to talk to [her] now. How can you be both female and non-binary? Not to be outdone, Justin Bieber announced that [his] pronouns are now he/they/hers. [Trans]
Mar 15, 2021 ~ NBC Anchor Chuck Todd said 'I know a lot of folks who think that due to climate change and due to globalization in general, it is inevitable that we’ll deal with more and more viruses like this.' #COVID19 has 0 to due with climate change. 'A lot of folks' also believe in ghosts. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Mar 14, 2021 ~ Journalist Jessica Bakeman becomes the 7th woman to accuse NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. 'The way he bullies and demeans women is different. He uses touching and sexual innuendo to stoke fear in us. That is the textbook definition of sexual harassment.' [Me Too]
Mar 14, 2021 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Free Speech in a Bind' 'The country’s largest bookseller is a book-banner' Its more than 1 or 2 books. Now 'publishers simply will not bring out such politically risky books in the first place.' One banning leads to countless books we will now never get to see. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Mar 14, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Where Are All the Girls In Boys’ Sports?' Hunter notes that if the left's narratives on gender are true, that it is just a social construct, that trans women have no advantage over bio women in sports, there should be plenty of trans men doing well in men's sports. [Derek Hunter, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 14, 2021 ~ Daniel Klein, 'Cancel Culture Stalks Adam Smith, an Ardent Foe of Slavery' In their quest to cancel all of history, the #CancelCulture mob is gunning for Adam Smith, the father of modern economics for being “linked to slavery and colonialism” whatever that means. Not at all true. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Slavery, Western Civilization]
Mar 14, 2021 ~ Daily Mail, 'A south Texas migrant facility is now at 729% of its legal capacity, children are going hungry and are only able to shower once every seven days.' Biden created this humanitarian crisis by reversing all the Trump policies that were preventing it. #KidsInCages [Illegal Immigration]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Bloomberg, 'A Tax Code Optimized for White Wealth Leaves Black Americans Behind'. Title is not just misleading. Outright false. Tax code does not consider race. If renters are victimized by the mortgage deduction, far more white people are victimized by it than black people. [Economics, Fake Racism]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Wesley Smith, "Why We Can’t Have ‘an Honest Conversation about Race’" Today, 'one has to agree with the #BLM, “structural racism,” and/or “critical race theory” sides of the topic even to be allowed to express an opinion. And if you don’t, CANCELED!' We see people canceled daily. [BLM, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Race, Racism, Silencing]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Anon article, 'Why I Am Leaving a Great Career in Public Education' All the values he used to share with liberal teachers 'have been cancelled and reengineered to fit into the spectrum of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion' ideology. Questioning 'Systemic racism' will get you fired. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Rule by Left-Wing Lunatics' This article compares the treatment Antifa gets vs. Proud Boys. Antfia starts violence all the time and is usually allowed to get away with it. The few times Proud Boys fought back, they were arrested. Falsely called 'white supremacists.' [Antifa, Fake Racism, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ The Minneapolis City Council agrees to pay $27 million to family of George Floyd before the trial has even started. Cities ALWAYS pay high profile victims of police shootings regardless of the actual facts. It happens even when it is clear that the officer was not at fault. [George Floyd, Police]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Ted Cruz @tedcruz is falsely accused of lying by Sen. Dick Durbin and The Daily Beast for saying 'that millions of illegal aliens will receive $1400 stimulus checks.' Newsweek fact checks Cruz's statement and discovers it is 'True.' No apology from Durbin or Daily Beast. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Dr. Edward H. Livingston is forced to resign from the Journal of the American Medical Association for a podcast titled, “Structural Racism for Doctors - What Is It?” Livingston thought the examples given were due to 'socioeconomic status' status rather than race. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Antifa renews its attacks on a Federal Courthouse in Portland. Portland police allow them to vandalize, set fires, smash windows etc. The left does this almost daily. The right did far less for one single day on Jan 6, and that is all the #FakeNews has been talking about since. [Antifa, Capitol Riot, Violent Left]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ 'Whiteness' is now a metric that Law Schools seek to minimize. 'Excess Whiteness is the degree to which a law school is more white than the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) Applicant Pools and state population.' Grades, LSATs etc. are irrelevant. Only race is considered. [Fake Racism, Racism]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Georgetown U fires Prof. Sandra Sellers for having 'angst' that black students are among her lowest performers every semester and not knowing what to do about it. Prof. David Baston is also forced to resign for listening to her without 'calling her out.' Being honest not allowed. [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Jeremy Egerer, 'Thank God for Columbus' People romanticize what the Americas were like before Columbus. But the reality is lots and lots of conquering and killing, including religions that sacrificed people by the 100s and 1000s to the Gods in the belief that it helps the crops. [Western Civilization]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Biden addresses nation on #Covid19 anniversary. Took a nasty and untrue swipe at Trump for supposedly not acting fast enough. Then Biden claimed all kinds of credit for the vaccine that should go to Trump and Operation Warp Speed. Said we might be able to get together by July 4th [Coronavirus]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Daily Mail "Bi-racial high school senior who can pass for white receives failing grade after refusing to publicly confess his 'white dominance' and 'attach derogatory labels' to his race, gender, religious and sexual identity" He refused to 'publicly confess his 'white dominance' [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Ian Murray, the head of the UK’s Society for Editors has been forced to resign for defending the press. '“The UK media is not bigoted and will not be swayed from its vital role holding the rich and powerful to account following the attack on the press by' Harry and Meghan. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ The Oprah Winfrey Network show ‘Queen Sugar says every 'heterosexual cisgendered white male' is a 'bad guy' from the moment they are born. 'When did I become the bad guy?' 'When you were born. Like every other heterosexual cisgendered white male.' 'well said, young lady.' [Racism]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Being overweight is found to be more predictive of severe COVID-19 illness than any factor with the exception of age. 78% of those hospitalized were overweight or obese. 9 out of 10 deaths in countries with high obesity rates. Tracks across demographics withing counties also. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Health]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Sharon Osbourne backs away from defending Piers Morgan. 'I do not condone racism, misogyny or bullying' she says but neither does Morgan. People continue to say disbelieving Markle is racist because she is black. 'it's that white entitlement, privilege that makes it racist.' [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Mar 12, 2021 ~ Grace Church School in NYC is trying to eliminate all gender specific words to be more 'inclusive' like mom, dad, girls, boys, husband, wife, etc. The anti-science left literally hates or doesn't believe in biological gender. [Anti-Science, Gender, Trans]
Mar 12, 2021 ~ Prince William rebuts Meghan Markle's claim that someone in the family was concerned with Archie's skin color. “We're very much not a racist family.” She also claimed he was not made Prince due to his color but relevant rules were set since 1917. Totally nothing to do with race. [Fake Racism]
Mar 12, 2021 ~ A former aid becomes the 6th woman to accuse Gov. Cuomo of sexual misconduct. He invited her to his house under the pretext of helping him.  After he “closed the door and allegedly reached under her blouse and began to fondle her.” "not the only time that he had touched her." [Me Too]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ The Dr. Seuss Foundation thought they could appease the mob by canceling 6 books, mostly for bogus reasons. But the #CancelCulture mob is back for more already. Now they are after 'The Cat in the Hat' and 'Horton Hears a Who' Not 'reinforces themes of White supremacy.' Total BS. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ More than 73% of Americans who died of #COVID were obese or overweight according to CDC Data. 'People with obesity more than twice as likely to need hospitalization and more than six times as likely to need mechanically assisted breathing and more than six times as likely to die' [Coronavirus, Health]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ Black Lives Matter activists harassed a group of girls trying to enter a cheerleading competition in Louisville. 'Breonna is dead. Black mothers are burying their babies while white mothers send their daughters to cheer competitions.' Can cheer 'because of your white privilege.' [BLM, Fake Racism]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'H.R. 1 Is a Partisan Disgrace' 'In response largely to a non-problem [voter surpression] Dems want to trample on the prerogatives of states to conduct elections' No Voter ID or voter roll maintenance. Mail-in voting, same-day registration, ballot harvesting required. [Politics, Rich Lowry, Voter Integrity Laws]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ Stephen Moore, "Red States Should Revolt Against the 'Blue-State Bailout'" 'The bill "loots" the red states to pay for Democratic governors who have locked down their economies.' FL with bigger pop gets half of NY. NY, CA, NJ, PA, MA get most money. 'That's not a coincidence.' [Budget, Coronavirus, Politics]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Democrats Choose Illegals Over Americans' The Border is effectively open to illegals including hundreds with #COVID19 but 'try to fly here from most of the world, and you likely won’t be allowed to. The odds are high your country is still on the suspended list.' [Coronavirus, Derek Hunter, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ Joy Reid smears Tim Scott. Says GOP has him 'there to provide the patina of diversity.' Scott responds, 'Unfortunately, I have become accustomed to hearing casual racism and insults from the “tolerant” Left. For a party and movement that claims to embrace diversity and tolerance' [Loathsome Left, Racism]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ President Trump delclares 'No more money for RINOS.' The BIG problem for Republicans is he defines RINO as anyone who doesn't support his false 'stolen election' narrative. So every Republican gets awful the choice of siding with truth or facing Trump's vast destructive power. [Politics]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Disney removes access to classics like Dumbo, Peter Pan, Swiss Family Robinson, and The Aristocats with a Disney+ children's account. You now need an adult account to watch these CHILDREN's classics. This is a big improvement over the previous situation. [Cancel Culture]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ The trillions have become a Democrat slush fund, not #Covid relief. @seanspicer points out: "Today the House will pass a $2 Trillion bill. only 9% of which is targeted at #covid relief. This is the 6th "Covid" bill in 12 months. All totaled Congress will have spent $5.5 trillion' [Coronavirus, Economy, Politics]
Mar 10, 2021 ~ Texas Gov. Abbott points out the fact that Biden has already let in AND released into the community hundreds of illegal immigrants who have tested positive for #COVID19. Joy Reid says that is “absurdly racist”. Its a fact that has nothing to do with race. As usual. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Mar 9, 2021 ~ Biden's senility is accelerating. He can't do a press conf. or State of the Union. Now he forgot his Sec. Of Defense and Pentagon. 'I want to thank the, uh, the, uh, former general, I keep calling him general, my, uh, my, uh, uh, the guy who runs that outfit over there.' [Biden]
Mar 9, 2021 ~ Andrew Roberts, 'The Baseless Attempt to Cancel Winston Churchill' #CancelCulture rolls on. Keep trying to cancel Churchill who is allegedly 'the perfect embodiment of white supremacy.' Total garbage. [Cancel Culture]
Mar 9, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. On today's chopping block is Speedy Gonzales and Pepé Le Pew. Cancel Cancel Cancel. [Cancel Culture]
Mar 9, 2021 ~ Piers Morgan loses his job at Good Morning Britain for saying 'I don’t believe a word she says, Meghan Markle. I wouldn’t believe her if she read me a weather report.' #CancelCulture is accelerating. If you blink you may miss several cancellations. [Cancel Culture]
Mar 9, 2021 ~ Mumford and Sons member Winston Marshall apologizes and self-cancels for being against Antifa, a terrorist organization that vandalizes constantly and beats the hell of innocent people REGULARLY. Another pathetic coward who bows to the mob. His cowardly bandmates were 'offended.' [Antifa, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 7, 2021 ~ Two more former aids of Gov. Cuomo, Karen Hinton and Ana Liss, accuse him of sexual harassment/assault. Charlamagne tha God told Bill Maher, It’s 'hard to ask Cuomo to resign when you voted for Joe Biden. If you weren’t more upset with Joe Biden, who had more serious allegations' [Me Too]
Mar 7, 2021 ~ The Islamic terrorist organization Al-Shabab killed at least 20 and wounded 30 more in a car bombing outside a restaurant in Somalia. Al-Shabab recently car bombed the Elite Hotel beach resort killing 15 and injuring more than 20 including children. [Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 7, 2021 ~ Davud Reaboi, 'The savage attacks on Asians in San Francisco—like the savage attacks on Jews in NYC—are being perpetrated exclusively by young black men. The levels of casual sadism involved are shocking to civilized people, but everyone is afraid to say it out loud.' [Anti-Semitism, Crime, Fake News, Race, Racism]
Mar 6, 2021 ~ Brad Slager, 'This Media Effort to Redefine Biden’s Migrant Children Crisis In Truth Exonerates Trump' The #FakeNews which is just dem propaganda calls migrant detention centers, 'care centers'. Same facilities werecalled 'kids in cages' and 'concentration camps' under Trump. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]

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