Apr 7, 2021 ~ Two black teens steal an Uber Eats car driven by Mohammad Anwar and crash it killing him. They attacked him with a taser during the carjacking. The #FakeNews treats it as an accident. If the attackers were white, the narrative would be 'white supremacists' kill man of color. [Crime, Race] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Philip Klein, 'Unlike Obama, Biden Doesn’t Even Pretend to Care about Tackling Our Historic Debt' Obama, 'We cannot, and will not, sustain deficits like these without end... I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay.' Now we add $Trillions left and right. [Debt, Deficit] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Matt Vespa, 'The Left Tried to Blame the Capitol Attack on a White Guy...And Got Wrecked For It.' 'I’ve never seen a more eager group of idiots play the “guess who” game.' They would never do this with another race but love to falsely vilify white people. Was a black Muslim. [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Racism] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Charles C. W. Cooke, 'Biden’s Lies about the Filibuster Are Brazen Beyond Belief' 'Having supported the provision for nearly five decades, Biden now says that he considers it a "relic of Jim Crow."' 'For half a century, Biden was one of the most emphatic defenders' in history. [Fake Racism, Politics] Apr 7, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture is coming for PBS's Ken Burns, their most popular storyteller. 'The decades-long interdependence of PBS decision-makers, philanthropists, and corporate funders with one white, male filmmaker highlights the racial and cultural inequities perpetuated by this system.' [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Lindsey Graham blasts the Democrats for constantly falsely playing the race card. Its 'sick is that the president of the United States is playing the race card continuously in such a hypocritical way... Any time a Republican does anything, you’re a racist.' Its all they have. [Fake Racism] Apr 7, 2021 ~ In the never ending quest to declare everyone and everything 'racist', the Oregon Board of Education director said that a new school mascot (which was being changed from some other 'racist' thing) should not be a tree because trees were involved in some lynchings in the past. [Education, Fake Racism] Apr 7, 2021 ~ CBS News is caught peddling #FakeNews again in a 'hit piece' against Gov. Ron DeSantis and the grocery store chain Publix.' The story was so fake that the Dem State Emergency Management Director told them 'the story was bullshit.' But they ran it it anyway! Dan Rather is proud. [Coronavirus, Fake News] Apr 7, 2021 ~ #FakeNews CBS News runs article, '3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law.' This is naked 'partisan advocacy.' And is total #FakeNews as usual. The law's rules are expansive and far less restrictive than many blue states. [Fake News, Politics] Apr 7, 2021 ~ LWIT Prof. Elisa Parrett who pushed back briefly against segregated by race 'white fragility' training was subjected to a 9 month 'investigation' because her comments 'led to substantial harm to hundreds of colleagues on campus.' Others learn they must agree and remain silent. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Race, Racism, Silencing] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Rasmussen poll finds 75% of likely voters say voter id is 'necessary to a fair and secure election process’ including 65% of Democrats and 73% of Black voters. This very popular measure is what Dem politicians want you to believe is 'racist.' Yes, they think you are that dumb. [Fake Racism, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Mitch McConnell says the Dem narratives about the voting laws and filibuster being 'Jim Crow' is 'a fake narrative... Nobody actually believes this.' Hours were not cut. Days were expanded. 'Plenty of Democrat-run states allow fewer days of early voting' than the GA law requires. [Fake Racism, Politics] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Voter-Suppression Lie' 'Biden says the new law is “Jim Crow in the 21st century” and “an un-American law to deny people the right to vote.”' 'Jim Crow on steroids.' 'The old Jim Crow was billy clubs and fire hoses.' The GA law does nothing to suppress votes. [Fake Racism, Politics] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Heidi Heitkamp lied about Gina Carano: 'She’s a Nazi' who is 'involved with white supremacists.' Carano responded, 'Here we have more of the dehumanizing phase of cancel culture. False, disturbing & disgusting language coming from a former US Senator.' Heitkamp is a disgrace. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Piers Morgan has his say in long Daily Mail article and Tucker interview. Claims there are now 17 lies or inaccuracies in what Markle said (listed in The Mirror), yet he was falsely called a racist and fired for saying he didn't believe her. And Sharon was fired for backing him. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing] Apr 7, 2021 ~ Schumer looks like a total fool, 'Racist voter suppression laws are now hurting Georgia's voters AND its economy. Georgia Republicans should be ashamed. We would welcome MLB to come to come play the All-Star Game in New York where' our laws are FAR more restrictive than GA's. [Fake Racism, Politics] Apr 6, 2021 ~ Lots of corporations like Delta, American Airlines, PayPal look ridiculous condemning the GA & TX voter laws for requiring IDs because that is supposedly 'racist' when they all require IDs themselves. The actual racism is assuming black people are incapable of getting a photo ID. [Cancel Culture, Politics] Apr 6, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, "Anyone Using the ‘Jim Crow’ Charge as a Political Weapon Should Hang His Head in Shame" Lowry reminds us what Jim Crow really was. Biden trivializes all that by associating the filibuster and GA's voting laws with Jim Crow. Democrat narratives are always false. [Loathsome Left, Politics, Race, Racism, Rich Lowry] Apr 6, 2021 ~ Biden told MLB to move the All Star Game out of GA because their voter integrity law is 'Jim Crow on Steroids' and so they moved it to CO that also has voter id, has less early voting days. Schumer's NY has more restrictive laws also. These morons could not look more ridiculous. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws] Apr 3, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Why I Left California' Too many reasons to summarize but its a basic cautionary tale for the rest of the country of what happens when liberal democrats will destroy any place. They will make it unlivable with insane taxes, debt, regulations, crime, homelessness etc. [Ben Shapiro, California, Crime, Debt, Regulations, Taxes] Apr 3, 2021 ~ #BLM leader Sasha Johnson called black leaders involved in the Downing Street report “house negroes” who “need hanging.” 'We have them in America as well. They need hanging.' 'hes [sic] uncle tom.' This is how the left treats black people who don't spout their ideology 100%. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Racism] Apr 3, 2021 ~ American Horror Story actress Sarah Paulson is facing the wrath of the cancel culture mob for refusing to put pronouns in her Twitter bio. She's quite liberal and a lesbian but IF YOU DON'T DO EVERYTHING THEY SAY you will be called “bitch,” “cunt,” “whore,” "ugly bitch,' etc. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Trans] Apr 3, 2021 ~ Michigan Democrat Lt. Gov. Garland Gilchrist told a predominantly black church that 'Republicans are scared of people who look like us voting' and they 'don’t want y’all to vote any more' about MI voter reform bills being talked about. Of course these are more 'suppression' lies. [Fake Racism, Politics] Apr 3, 2021 ~ The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility an attack on the Mozambican town of Palma that killed 55 people. [Islam, Terrorism] Apr 3, 2021 ~ Nation of Islam follower Noah Ricardo Green aka Noah Zaeem Muhammad drove his car at Capitol Officers killing one and injuring another. Then he charged at officers with a knife before being killed by police. Democrats are upset there is no way to falsely blame 'white supremacy.' [Islam, Terrorism] Apr 3, 2021 ~ The UK’s health advisory board, NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) says 'The evidence for using puberty blocking drugs to treat young people struggling with their gender identity is “very low.”' NICE says also true of “gender affirming” hormonal “treatment” [Trans] Apr 3, 2021 ~ The 'woke' are renaming Thomas Jefferson Middle School near Chicago but to prove no one can pass the #CancelCulture purity test for long, Obama is an unacceptable replacement. 'You’re removing the name of Thomas Jefferson, one oppressor, the name of Obama is another oppressor.' [Cancel Culture, Illegal Immigration] Apr 3, 2021 ~ Facebook and Instagram do not allow an interview of Donald Trump on their platform. Trump is not only banned from posting but any video of this former President of the United States will be censored and taken down. They continue to enjoy 'platform' privileges while censoring. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship] Apr 3, 2021 ~ Rep. Burgess Owens says after living through Jim Crow, it’s ‘demeaning’ and 'racist' to compare voter ID with actual racism. 'Only the black community is the left saying that we are so hapless that we can’t do this. It’s extremely racist, it’s demeaning.' [Politics, Racism, Voter Integrity Laws] Apr 3, 2021 ~ Loony AOC says about the border crisis: "This is not a 'surge,' these are children, and they are not insurgents." While the words have some similarities, you can certainly have a surge of something without there being insurgents involved. Ignorant and self-righteous as always. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration] Apr 3, 2021 ~ Damian Harmony, a teacher at John F. Kennedy High School in Sacramento claims parents who want their kids to be taught in school are 'white supremacists.' Says he measures 'the level of white supremacy in my neighborhood' on NextDoor and now can see it in school board meetings. [Coronavirus, Education, Fake Racism] Apr 3, 2021 ~ #FakeNews CNN declares 'It's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.' We now have a whole party and their media enablers dedicated to denying science. No criteria to figure out human sex they say. [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans] Apr 3, 2021 ~ Teachers from San Diego Unified School District are teaching migrant children in person while 100K of their own students do not get in person teaching despite parents begging for it. Democrats ALWAYS put illegal non-citizens above and ahead of American citizens. [California, Education, Illegal Immigration] Apr 3, 2021 ~ The Washington Post gives Biden Four Pinocchios for his lies about the GA voter integrity law. Says it will 'end voting at five o’clock... it ends voting hours early so working people can’t cast their vote after their shift is over.' Totally false. End still 7PM and ADDS days. [Biden, Politics] Apr 3, 2021 ~ Biden brings Megan Rapinoe to the White House to lie about the Gender Pay Gap. 'I’ve been told I don’t deserve any more than less because I am a woman.' This lie has been repeatedly debunked dozens of times but it is a canon of Democrat Party dogma. Its pure economics not sexism. [Fake Sexism, Gender Pay Gap] Apr 2, 2021 ~ Vermont is making the #COVID19 vaccine available to its citizens except if they are white. Gov. Phil Scott, @GovPhilScott, 'If you or anyone in your household identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC),... [you] can sign up to get a vaccine!' Unconstitutional. [Coronavirus, Identity Politics, Racism] Apr 1, 2021 ~ Sherry Vill becomes the 7th woman to accuse Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. Unwanted kissing. [Me Too] Apr 1, 2021 ~ Sharon Osbourne is finally fired from CBS 'The Talk' for defending Piers Morgan's right to his opinion that Meghan Markle is a liar. Morgan was fired from GMB. Both are falsely branded 'racists.' Markle has since been caught in 2 lies and already admitted to 1. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing] Apr 1, 2021 ~ Biden puts VP Harris in charge of the border. A woman who compared border patrol officers to the KKK and who advocated providing free health care to illegals while Americans struggle with their medical bills. [Fake Racism, Harris, Illegal Immigration] Apr 1, 2021 ~ Islamic mass shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa passed a background check for his gun. Democrats never tire of proposing laws after a mass shooting that would do absolutely no good at all. None of the laws they have ever proposed would have stopped 1 mass shooting. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Islam, Terrorism] Apr 1, 2021 ~ Charles Cooke, 'Biden’s Lies about the Filibuster Are Brazen Beyond Belief' He spent his entire career defending, protecting and using it. Dems used it 100s of times just last year. Now he says it has something to do with 'Jim Crow.' How stupid do Democrats think Americans are? [Fake Racism, Politics] Apr 1, 2021 ~ Hemal Jhaveri who had the ironic title of 'Race and Inclusive Officer' was fired by USA Today for making racist comments and spewing hate at a race of people. She claimed 'Its always a white man' about mass shooters. White people are underrepresented accounting for demographics. [Cancel Culture, Fake News, Racism] Apr 1, 2021 ~ Devin Sper, 'Cancel Culture and The Salem Witch Hunts' Only 'Giles Corey, had the courage to refuse to enter a plea. Stones were gradually piled on him to force a confession until, after two days, he finally expired. Others, not wishing to share his fate, quickly confessed.' [Cancel Culture, Silencing] Apr 1, 2021 ~ A 9-Year-Old Mexican girl drowns trying to cross the Rio Grande River after Biden flung open the border. Recall the #FakeNews Time Magazine cover of a little girl Trump supposedly separated from her mother but was never separated. Yet they ignore a girl actually dying for Biden. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration] Apr 1, 2021 ~ 'Mass shooters are not disproportionately white and aren’t more likely to survive because of police favoritism' John Sexton debunks the latest Dem lie that they are always white. In fact, accounting for demographics, white people are actually under represented as mass shooters. [Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings, Police] Apr 1, 2021 ~ Democrat Jamaal Bowman says different races can't compete in standardized tests for the same reason different species have different tree climbing abilities. Democrats created the KKK because they thought the different races have different innate capabilities. [Racism] Mar 31, 2021 ~ Howard Dean emerges to give his usual thoughtful insights: "Republicans bla bla ‘Hitler’ bla bla 'dictators' bla bla ‘Fascists.’ [Holocaust Denial] Mar 31, 2021 ~ Sen. Grassley wants to know why no one has been charged for making false accusations to a Senate committee against Justice Kavanaugh. 4 were criminally referred. 2 have admitted to lying and the other 2 are Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnick who obviously lied about gang rapes. [Fake Rape, Kavanaugh] Mar 31, 2021 ~ Eugene Gu, MD explains that 'Black on Asian crimes only occur because of our system of white supremacy.' Something called 'white supremacy' now explains everything including Black people attacking Asian people. That is why the phrase is used 1000s of times every day. [Crime, Fake Racism, Racism] Tag Cloud
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