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Apr 19, 2021 ~ Sen. Warren compresses 2 big lies into 1 sentence: “The Republican who is sitting in Stacey Abrams’ chair just signed a despicable voter suppression bill into law to take Georgia back to Jim Crow.” Abrams lost by 50K votes. The voter integrity law has no resemblance to Jim Crow. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Paul Rossi, 'I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated' Questioned some of his 'equity training.' Was told he caused 'harm' and that he  'failed to serve the “greater good and the higher truth.”' Was publicly 'reprimanded.' Students know 'they must never challenge' [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Washington Free Beacon, 'Kristen Clarke, Bigot and Liar' She is lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee about her racist writings that claimed black people had 'superior physical and mental abilities.' Said she was joking but she was clearly not and praised the idea's originator. [Racism]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Robby Soave 'A Medical Student Questioned Microaggressions. UVA Branded Him a Threat and Banished Him from Campus' Kieran Bhattacharya thought he could ask a question about woke 'training'. 'informed that he must be evaluated by psychological services before returning to classes' [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Silencing]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Rashida Tlaib lies about Duante Wright case, 'It wasn't an accident. Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist.' 'No more policing, incarceration... It can't be reformed.' It was an accident that never would have happened if Wright did not resist, try to flee. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police, Tlaib]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ MIT Climatologist Richard Lindzen & Princeton Physics Prof. William Happer, "Climate ‘Emergency’? Not So Fast" 'We are both scientists who can attest that the research literature does not support the claim of a climate emergency. Nor will there be one.' Alarmist predictions BS. [Climate Change]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell and all the #FakeNews hyped reports the Russian government paid bounties to kill American soldiers. The Biden administration now says those claims are based on inconclusive intelligence which is exactly what Trump said. They knew it was a lie then. [Fake News, Russia]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Alyssa Milano buys into the absurd explanation for why Daunte Wright was pulled over and arrested. 'Police exist to uphold white supremacy... empowered by laws and the courts to inject themselves into Black life for any reason no matter how minor, even a dangling air freshener' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Despite video evidence showing Adam Toledo fleeing with a gun, then stopping and turning toward the police, Jen Psaki said, ''too often in this country law enforcement uses unnecessary force, too often resulting in the death of black and brown Americans.' Total divisive lie. [Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ #FakeNews CBS is caught doctoring the Adam Toledo video to omit the part that shows him holding a gun. Despite the damage and division it causes, the #FakeNews always tries to push the false narrative that the police are shooting black people for no justified reason. [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Alyssa Milano uses a single video frame to lie, 'Video Shows A 13-Year-Old Boy, Adam Toledo, Had His Hands Up When A Police Officer Fatally Shot Him.' As usual @TheOfficerTatum breaks down the video and explains why the shooting was 'totally justified.' [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Riots again for the shooting death of 13 year old Adam Toledo. Fake story that he died with his hands up. Police responded to him and a friend shooting guns. Toledo fled, then stopped and turned toward the officer with a gun in his hand ignoring 3 commands to drop the weapon. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Ayanna Pressley says 'You can’t be anti-racist if you’re anti student debt cancellation.' Dems just nakedly and reflexively charge 'racism' if you oppose anything that they want. They are a joke but it must still work to some extent. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Debt, Fake Racism, Student Loans]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Evidence shows that officer who shot Daunte Wright mistook her gun for her taser as Wright resisted and tried to flee. Officer arresting Wright was black. This case has 0 to due with racism. It never would have happened if Wright did not resist and flee with a robbery warrant. [Fake Racism, Police]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Black Brooklyn Center City Manager Curt Boganey was fired after he called for due process for the officer involved in the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright. Council Member Kris Lawrence-Anderson admitted they had to fire him to avoid 'repercussions at a personal level' from the mob [BLM, Due Process, Fake Racism, Police, Violent Left]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Buttigieg caught in a lie by Chris Wallace. Claimed that Moody's said Biden's infrastructure package will add 19 million jobs to the economy. But Moody really said 2.7 million which is also probably overstated but even if true is no where near Buttigieg's claim. [Biden, Economy]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Antifa Sets Portland ICE building on fire with officers trapped inside. Just another day like every other in the world of the politically violent left. Democrats ignore ALL of it every day and talk incessantly about a single incident on Jan. 6 that had almost no real violence. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Police shooting of Daunte Wright causes many days of rioting, looting and destroying businesses. Fake narrative pushed that he was killed for having an air freshener. Stopped for expired tags, had outstanding warrant for aggravated robbery, resisted arrest, tried to flee. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police, Violent Left]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ YouTube removes a video of the Gov. DeSantis coronavirus roundtable, labeling it misinformation. Medical doctors on the vid questioned the need for children to wear masks in school. There is much data to back them up. Platform YouTube should not try to be the 'arbiter of truth.' [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ President Trump, not content to merely cause the Democratic majority in the Senate seems determined to destroy the Republican Party. Calls McConnell a 'dumb son of a bitch.' and 'I wish that Mike Pence had the courage to send it back to the legislatures... I was so disappointed.' [2020 Election, Politics]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ PolitiFact declares that Joe Biden’s gun claims are ‘Mostly False.’ For example, ' But you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want and no background check.' [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ H. Sterling Burnett , 'The Myth of Climate Refugees' This article destroys the claim that current migrants are 'climate refugees.' The places that are supposedly unable to sustain agriculture due to climate change have increased production substantially over the last few decades. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Michigan Court of Claims Chief Judge Christopher Murray ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson broke state law when she unilaterally changed election rules concerning absentee balloting in the 2020 election. [2020 Election, Trump Win]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Tik Tok has permanently banned PragerU. Blatant censorship of conservative speech. Happens every day on multiple platforms. Twitter just permanently banned James O'Keefe of Project Veritas. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Former NFL cornerback Phillip Adams killed five people in mass shooting. Ignored by the media because Adams is black. Just like they ignored 2 black girls killing Mohammad Anwar, the Capitol Police car attacker Noah Zaeem Muhammad and many violent attacks against Asians and Jews. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Minnesota theater, Chanhassen Dinner Theatres, cancels its own Cinderella production because cast was ‘too White.’ Racial quotas have to be met in the new world in every story. Every story in every setting and time period must be retrofitted to involve all races. [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Political Correctness, Racism]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Agent James Reyerson of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said he heard George Floyd say, “I ate too many drugs.” Floyd had 3 times the lethal limit of of fentanyl  mixed with meth. This was the true cause of his death. coroner said no suffocation or wind pipe damage. [George Floyd, Police]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Rep. Steve Cohen, 'January 6th is... a day that should be remembered in America because our democracy was at stake. It was under attack as much as Pearl Harbor was an attack on our country.' Pearl Harbor, Jim Crow and Hitler - things that were not very bad according to Democrats. [Capitol Riot, Loathsome Left]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Chauvin: The Case Against the Mob' Coulter addresses the criticism that Chauvin didn't have to worry about and account for the hostile crowd. She gives 6 video examples of hostile crowds attacking and injuring cops or first responders. [Fake Racism, George Floyd, Police, Violent Left]
Apr 12, 2021 ~ American Humanist Association withdraws the Humanist of the Year award they gave Richard Dawkins in 1996 because Dawkins said Rachel Dolezal's trans racial claim no less valid than trans sexuals. "You will be vilified if you deny that they literally are what they identify as." [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Trans]
Apr 8, 2021 ~ Everything must be made to fit the narrative so when it came out that Blacks were attacking Asians, Jennifer Ho explains. 'White Supremacy Is the Root of Race-Related Violence' 'When a Black person attacks an Asian person, the encounter is fueled... by white supremacy.' Of course [Fake News, Fake Racism, Racism]
Apr 8, 2021 ~ Yet another fake hate crime. Black student at Albion College admits to racist graffiti all over campus. 'Let’s Kill all N-words on this Campus' 'Die N-words please' 'KKK White Power.' Led to fear, protests, demands. These are ALWAYS fake. [College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ H. Sterling Burnett, 'Many Climate Crisis Claims Are Based on Manipulated Science' Long list of scandals, scientific misconduct, ad hoc adjustment of data to make the data tell a different story than it wants to tell. []
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Donna M. Hughes, 'The Silencing of Voices on College Campuses' 'Today on college campuses, faculty are afraid to speak about a number of issues for fear of being verbally mobbed and denounced by angry students and faculty colleagues.' People whisper only to very trusted others. [Cancel Culture, College, Silencing]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ John Albers, 'Cancel Culture Comes to Georgia and Comes for Me' 'We live in a world where people can destroy someone else’s life from a smartphone in a matter of minutes.' 'The Lincoln Project knowingly lied about me... tagged my employer and several of its well-known clients.' [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ George Leef, "If You Want to Work in the UNC System, Prove Your ‘Wokeness’" A required document is a ‘Diversity Statement.’ ‘that addresses how their cultural, experiential, and/or academic background contributes to the building of an equitable and diverse scholarly environment.’ [College, Identity Politics, Race]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Two black teens steal an Uber Eats car driven by Mohammad Anwar and crash it killing him. They attacked him with a taser during the carjacking. The #FakeNews treats it as an accident. If the attackers were white, the narrative would be 'white supremacists' kill man of color. [Crime, Race]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Philip Klein, 'Unlike Obama, Biden Doesn’t Even Pretend to Care about Tackling Our Historic Debt' Obama, 'We cannot, and will not, sustain deficits like these without end... I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay.' Now we add $Trillions left and right. [Debt, Deficit]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Matt Vespa, 'The Left Tried to Blame the Capitol Attack on a White Guy...And Got Wrecked For It.' 'I’ve never seen a more eager group of idiots play the “guess who” game.' They would never do this with another race but love to falsely vilify white people. Was a black Muslim. [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Charles C. W. Cooke, 'Biden’s Lies about the Filibuster Are Brazen Beyond Belief' 'Having supported the provision for nearly five decades, Biden now says that he considers it a "relic of Jim Crow."' 'For half a century, Biden was one of the most emphatic defenders' in history. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture is coming for PBS's Ken Burns, their most popular storyteller. 'The decades-long interdependence of PBS decision-makers, philanthropists, and corporate funders with one white, male filmmaker highlights the racial and cultural inequities perpetuated by this system.' [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Lindsey Graham blasts the Democrats for constantly falsely playing the race card. Its 'sick is that the president of the United States is playing the race card continuously in such a hypocritical way... Any time a Republican does anything, you’re a racist.' Its all they have. [Fake Racism]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ In the never ending quest to declare everyone and everything 'racist', the Oregon Board of Education director said that a new school mascot (which was being changed from some other 'racist' thing) should not be a tree because trees were involved in some lynchings in the past. [Education, Fake Racism]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ CBS News is caught peddling #FakeNews again in a 'hit piece' against  Gov. Ron DeSantis and the grocery store chain Publix.' The story was so fake that the Dem State Emergency Management Director told them 'the story was bullshit.' But they ran it it anyway! Dan Rather is proud. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ #FakeNews CBS News runs article, '3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law.' This is naked 'partisan advocacy.' And is total #FakeNews as usual. The law's rules are expansive and far less restrictive than many blue states. [Fake News, Politics]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ LWIT Prof. Elisa Parrett who pushed back briefly against segregated by race 'white fragility' training was subjected to a 9 month 'investigation' because her comments 'led to substantial harm to hundreds of colleagues on campus.' Others learn they must agree and remain silent. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Race, Racism, Silencing]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Rasmussen poll finds 75% of likely voters say voter id is 'necessary to a fair and secure election process’ including 65% of Democrats and 73% of Black voters. This very popular measure is what Dem politicians want you to believe is 'racist.' Yes, they think you are that dumb. [Fake Racism, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Mitch McConnell says the Dem narratives about the voting laws and filibuster being 'Jim Crow' is 'a fake narrative... Nobody actually believes this.' Hours were not cut. Days were expanded. 'Plenty of Democrat-run states allow fewer days of early voting' than the GA law requires. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Voter-Suppression Lie' 'Biden says the new law is “Jim Crow in the 21st century” and “an un-American law to deny people the right to vote.”' 'Jim Crow on steroids.' 'The old Jim Crow was billy clubs and fire hoses.' The GA law does nothing to suppress votes. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Heidi Heitkamp lied about Gina Carano: 'She’s a Nazi' who is 'involved with white supremacists.' Carano responded, 'Here we have more of the dehumanizing phase of cancel culture. False, disturbing & disgusting language coming from a former US Senator.' Heitkamp is a disgrace. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]

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