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Jan 31, 2021 ~ AOC accuses Ted Cruz of 'trying to get me killed.' Cruz wanted an investigation into voter fraud claims that were concerning his constituents. Chip Roy, 'If [@AOC] does not apologize immediately, we will be forced to find alternative means to condemn this regrettable statement.' [Capitol Riot, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Loathsome Left]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Trump supporter Ian Benjamin Rogers is arrested for targeting Gov. Gavin Newsom for attack with a “destructive explosive device.” 'I want to blow up a democrat building bad... The democrats need to pay.' 'officers recovered several guns and five pipe bombs.' [2020 Election, Capitol Riot, Violent Right]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Chris Stirewalt is fired from FoxNews for being right too quickly about Trump losing Arizona. 'Being right and beating the competition is no act of heroism; it’s just meeting the job description.' The call caused rating loss to networks who told people what they wanted to hear. [2020 Election, Politics]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Isaac Schorr "The Problem with ‘Systemic Racism’" Long list of things that are not racist being called racist. For example, 'the very existence of the mortgage-interest deduction and 529 education-savings plans are systemic racism.' Real explanations have nothing to do with race. [Fake Racism]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ David Limbaugh, 'The Left's Ongoing Campaign to Denigrate Trump Supporters' 'bad-faith attempt to tie rank-and-file Trump supporters to this event and viciously depict all of them as radical white supremacists.' 'grossly disingenuous.' 'minute fringe of the Trump movement.' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Biden continues to rule by Executive Order. 32 EOs in the first week. Shattering all records for EOs. Trump called a dictator for far far less. Biden once said, 'you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.' [Biden, Politics]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Madeleine Kearns, 'A Trans Campaigner Speaks Out against Biden’s Transgender Activism' Scott Newgent, who had a horrific transition warns, 'You can’t transition genders.' 'the only long-term study tells us the highest suicidal ideation is 7 to 10 years after medical transition!' [Trans]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Larry Elder, "Democrats Want a 'Return to Civility'; When Did They Practice It?" Long list of Democrats falsely crying racism and fascism over 60 years. Compared Reagan, Bush to Hitler, KKK, Nazis, Bull Conner, 'evil'. Accusations the GOP let people die because they are black. [Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Larry Elder, Loathsome Left]
Jan 29, 2021 ~ Biden's decision to kill the Keystone Pipeline not only will cost 10s of thousands of jobs and threaten energy independence, it will harm, not help the environment. Pipelines are orders of magnitude better for the environment than rail, trucks or ship. I.e. there is 0 upside. [Climate Change, Environment]
Jan 28, 2021 ~ AOC talks about 'white supremacy' 50 times today. Because its Thursday. She will do the same on every other day of the week. 99.99% of the people or things she labels as 'white supremacy' have nothing to do with white supremacy. But no matter, back at it tomorrow... []
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Madeleine Kearns, "Biden’s ‘Transgender Military Ban’ Repeal Is a PR Stunt" It never banned trans people. Just those who need “special accommodations.” Those who transition become lifelong medical patients. A large number of people are similarly disqualified. Asthma, deaf, etc. [Trans]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Democrats use to say executive orders were the tool of a dictator. Joe Biden enacted 33 in his first 3 days. In that time Trump had 4, Obama had 5, George W. Bush had 0 and Bill Clinton had 1. Obama bragged about using his pen but with Biden, we're down to 1 branch of government. [Politics]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Recent Temple engineering grad. Milan Loncar was approached on a Philadelphia street corner and killed after being robbed by 2 black guys. If the races were reversed, like Ahmaud Arbery, there would be weeks of national stories about how white people are 'hunting' black people. [Crime, Race]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Democrats embrace #cancelculture to the max. Stephanie Murphy is trying to prevent Trump supporters from federal jobs or joining the military if they were at the Stop the Steal rally. Dems trying hard to get FoxNews, OAAN, Newsmax booted off cable. Canceled Josh Hawley book deal. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Biden repealed Trump's executive order barring people who identify as transgender from serving in the military. The military is back on the hook for paying for sex reassignment surgeries and providing the trans-soldiers their lifelong, daily medications to maintain transition. [LGBT, Trans]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Beto O'Rourke insists on labeling Ted Cruz as a 'seditionist.' 'He’s guilty of sedition... aiding and abetting an insurrection that killed 5 people.' Total BS. Cruz wanted to investigate some of the voter fraud claims. He never called for violence or anything resembling sedition. [Capitol Riot, Loathsome Left]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Spike Lee compares Trump to Hitler, who committed genocide against 6 million Jews and killed millions of other people. 'President Agent Orange [Donald Trump] will go down in history with the likes of Hitler.' Dennis Prager has called this kind of thing a form of Holocaust Denial. [Holocaust Denial, TDS]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Biden enacts travel ban with S. Africa to fight #COVID19. Recall Biden called travel bans 'xenophobic' when Trump did them. Dems called them 'racist'. NY Times, 'The Racism at the Heart of Trump’s 'Travel Ban.' CNN, 'Trump’s latest travel ban is an attack on Africans.' #FakeNews [Coronavirus, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ The Supreme Court threw out both cases against President Trump involving the 'Emoluments Clause.' This was one of many bogus lines of attacks Democrats used to try to bring Trump down. [SCOTUS, Trump Win]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Dominion files a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani for spreading 'demonstrably false' claims about Dominion machines being used to alter election votes. 'A viral disinformation campaign' Giuliani did not mention Dominion in any court cases - indicates malice. [2020 Election, Politics]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Trump restored the Antiquities Act to its original intent. The act was supposed to preserve national monuments with the minimum amount of land needed to do so. Obama grabbed 554 million acres! Biden is undoing that by executive order, restoring Bears Ears to its original size. [Politics]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ The Islamic State (ISIS) is getting back into business. Two suicide bombings in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 32 and injured more than 100 others. 'the second bomber struck as people gathered after the first explosion.' [Iraq, Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Krystina Arielle, Disney's host of “Star Wars: The High Republic” made racist tweets. 'white women are just as complicit in the upholding and enforcing of white supremacy.' 'just as complicit' as white men this means. She also told white men not to debate the topic of racism. [Fake Racism, Racism]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Garret Miller who was arrested in connection to the Capitol riot has been charged with calling to assassinate Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Miller tweeted 'Assassinate AOC' from inside the Capitol. #AOC [Capitol Riot, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Violent Right]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ John Klar, 'How racist is Vemont, really?' A U. of Vmt study claimed to show Vermont's police are racist because of 'disparities in police stops, arrests, and incarcerations of black and Hispanic drivers.' But if study accounted for driver residence, racism explanation debunked. [Fake Racism, Police]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ After falsely claiming that Trump didn't have a vaccine plan, Biden rolls out 'his plan' which is to vaccinate 100 million in 100 days. In other words, do exactly what Trump has been already doing. A million per day average. Media plays along. Gives Biden the credit. [Coronavirus]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ Michael Brendan Dougherty, 'How Will Women's Sports Work?' 'Will there be a concerted effort to shame young girls into being polite and even enthusiastic losers in competitions they have no hope of winning?' Many will simply quit and relegate sports back to men. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ The Biden administration put a 60-day hold on new oil and gas leases on public lands. It is expected to become permanent. This will have a big negative jobs effect on states like New Mexico. Biden thinks if you keep fossil fuels in the ground, everything will just run on sunshine [Climate Change, Economy, Energy]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ Biden canceling the Keystone pipeline eliminates 10s of thousands of blue collar jobs, damages relationship with Canada, destroys our hard earned energy independence, will increase energy costs, makes oil spills more, not less likely and will not benefit the environment one bit. [Climate Change, Economy, Energy, Environment]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ Ann Coulter on Capitol rioters privileged treatment, 'An unarmed Trump supporter crawling through a window... was shot dead. Please name the black protester killed by the police throughout 2020’s incessant #BLM riots, lootings and arsons. He’d already be on a postage stamp.' [BLM, Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ Abigail Shrier on Biden's trans athlete executive order. 'This order spells the destruction of women's sports. Its probably the greatest blow to women's rights we've seen in decades.' 'A world in which Allison Felix [the greatest ever female sprinter] doesn't even make the team.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ Miley Cyrus is called a transphobe for saying, 'Everyone knows tits are prettier than balls. That's what ended up making female relationships make more sense to me.' Trans activists are upset she associated balls with males. 'Genitals do not equal gender.' 'dangerous beliefs.' [LGBT, Trans]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Senator Chuck Schumer attempts to make the case for Trump's new impeachment. 'Senators will have to decide if they believe Donald John Trump incited the erection.' Matt Walsh calls it the greatest political gaffe of all time. [Capitol Riot, Impeachment, Politics]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Dr. Susan Berry 'Feminists from the Women’s Liberation Front are condemning Biden's executive order that removes any legal recognition of the two sexes and eliminates crucial protections for women' 'female people are no longer a discrete class with protected status under the law' [Feminism, LGBT, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ American Horror Story actress Leslie Grossman regrets she didn't throw a drink in Rand Paul's face when she had the chance. 'I quietly seethed at him but didn’t throw a drink in his face and now I really regret that choice... I really blew it and I see that now.' [Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ #BidenErasedWomen is trending on Twitter for forcing women and girls to compete with biological males. 2 bio males are dominating CT track and field, winning state championships, taking records and spots from bio females. Chelsea Mitchell, the fastest girl in CT takes 3rd place. [Biden, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Gay and Trans people are saying they receive far more hated and intolerance for coming out as conservative. Brandon Straka, "The amount of violence/harassment/targeting & gaslighting I’ve received as a conservative now far exceeds the homophobia I experienced growing up." [#WalkAway, Homophobia, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ The U. of Michigan community is calling for Board of Regents member Ron Weiser to resign because he replied “I don’t know” when asked if he believes Trump is to blame for the Capitol Hill riot. A petition says his comment means 'Complicity in Capitol Violence.' Has 1000s of sigs. [Cancel Culture, Capitol Riot, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Andrew McCarthy, 'The Tragedy of Trump’s Presidency' 'So much good tenaciously done. So much good gratuitously undone.' Many real accomplishments that will be overshadowed by his bad behavior, needless attacks on good people and desire to believe election conspiracies. [Politics]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Ryan Mills, 'The Right-Wing Outlets That Told Trump Fans What They Wanted to Hear' OAAN and NewsMax turned election lies into huge ratings. Like CNN and MSNBC got big ratings on the #RussiaHoax conspiracy, these networks took share from FoxNews which tried to be more responsible. [Fake News, Politics]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ New York City’s public schools dropped testing to get into “gifted and talented” classes because that chose students who “don’t reflect the diversity of the city’s population” which meant that it had to be 'unfair.' Who gets into the program will now be determined by skin color. [Education, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ U. of Central Florida professor Charles Negy will be fired for controversial tweets like 'black privilege is real.' They couldn't fire him for speech so they requested students and faculty to come forward with accusations of discrimination. Many were anonymous. No way to defend. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed Articles of Impeachment against Biden. Dems impeached Trump for a fake Ukrainian 'quid pro quo' when Biden is on tape with a real one. Biden withheld $1 billion in US aid until they fired the prosecutor investigating his son Hunter's company. [Biden, Impeachment]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Rev. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, a professor of African American and Diaspora Studies and Ethics and Society at Vanderbilt University explains yet another thing we didn't know was really 'white supremacy.' 'American exceptionalism is really white supremacy on the sly.' [Fake Racism]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Rep. Cori Bush is one of many falsely blaming the Capitol riot on 'white supremacy'. 'remove a white supremacist president who incited a white supremacist insurrection.' 'rooting out white supremacy, starting with impeaching the white supremacist-in-chief.' [Capitol Riot, Fake Racism]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Rep. Jim Jordan blasted the 'double standards' in the House.  'Americans are tired of the double standards... Democrats objected to more states in 2017 than Republicans did last week, but somehow we’re wrong.' Dems also excuse and enable rioters while GOP consistently condemns. [Capitol Riot, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Jason Rantz posts video of black man Isaiah Clay Lewis drop kicking an elderly white woman in the face in Seattle as she planted flowers. 'She suffered 10 fractures to her cheekbone, nose, sinuses & eye socket.' Ignored but would be a national emergency if races were reversed. [Crime, Race, Racism]
Jan 22, 2021 ~ Sen. Ted Cruz criticizes Biden for rejoining the Paris Accord. @Sethrogen responds in typical leftist fashion, 'Fuck off you fascist.' Cruz responded with typical class at which point Rogen replies with typical classlessness, 'Haha get fucked fascist.' Lovely people these dems. [Climate Change, Loathsome Left]
Jan 22, 2021 ~ Biden and the Democrats insulted the 26,000 National Guard sent to DC to guard the inauguration. Rep. Steve Cohen disgustingly said about 25% of them 'might want to do something.' Then were banished to the parking garage to sleep on the floor. '‘We feel incredibly betrayed.’ [Loathsome Left]
Jan 22, 2021 ~ Two American Muslims face prison sentences of up to ten years for blasphemy in Pakistan. Their website TrueIslam.com was deemed not to be the correct version of Islam and is therefore “blasphemous” against Islam and must be silenced. #silencing [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]

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