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Dec 21, 2020 ~ John Nolte, "HBO Bee Gees Doc Falsely Blames Death of Disco on ‘Racism, Homophobia’" Totally false rewriting of history. The 'woke' left has to call everything and everyone 'racist'. Homophobia just as absurd as some of the biggest stars were gay. [Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism]
Dec 21, 2020 ~ Google is racist too says recruiter April Curley. 'FUCK GOOGLE AND FUCK THE WAY GOOGLE TREATS BLACK WOMEN and BLACK PEOPLE. THEY DO NOT WANT BLACK TALENT.' 'they fired in the middle of a MF pandemic because they were tired of hearing me call them out on their racist bullshit.' [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Racism]
Dec 21, 2020 ~ House Representative-elect Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) said 'I believe our current system of capitalism is slavery by another name.' Jamaal is also all in on the 'Defund the Police' movement causing skyrocketing crime in Democrat controlled cities. [Economics, Police, Slavery]
Dec 21, 2020 ~ The Nation published an article titled "The Votes of Black Americans Should Count Twice." Calls the racist idea, 'Vote reparations.' 'To address systemic racism, we must transform how we choose our government.' [2020 Election, Politics, Racism]
Dec 21, 2020 ~ Scott Morefield, 'New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues' "Counties with mask-mandates in place actually did WORSE than those that refused to implement them." Accounting for population. "incontrovertible data evidence that mask mandates do little to nothing to stop or even slightly curb the spread of COVID-19." [Coronavirus]
Dec 20, 2020 ~ Doug Bandow, 'Are You Committing Blasphemy?'84 countries have blasphemy laws, almost all are Muslim majority nations. 'Due process for defendants is often entirely absent. Attorneys who represent accused blasphemers are sometimes killed. Judges who fail to convict face attack.' [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Dec 19, 2020 ~ Chris Tomlinson, 'French Academic Under Police Protection After Criticizing Islam' 'Islam does not recognize freedom of conscience. It’s still absolutely terrifying.' Receiving death threats. Under police protection after a teacher was recently beheaded by Muslims in the area. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Dec 18, 2020 ~ Dreasjon Reed. NFL demands we 'say his name' because he 'deserves justice'. Reed participated in drive bys, ran from the cops. Would not drop the gun. Fired his gun twice at officers before being shot. Gun and casings at the scene prove his lawyer lied about not having gun. #BLM [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Dec 18, 2020 ~ New England Journal of Medicine publishes article that says 'Sex designations on birth certificates offer no clinical utility... Moving such designations below the line of demarcation wouldn't compromise the birth certificate's public health function but could avoid harm.' [Anti-Science, Political Correctness, Trans]
Dec 17, 2020 ~ Endocrinologist Dr. Michael Laidlaw highlights a study on puberty blockers administered to 12-15-year-old gender-dysphoric youth which confirmed a “massive decrease in bone density of patients relative to their peers.” Physical treatments for trans kids cause permanent harm. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Dec 16, 2020 ~ Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo is the latest in a LONG string of Democrats to be caught breaking their own #COVID19 rules that they imposed on their subjects. Caught out at a wine bar after ordering a 2 week shut down and after aide tested positive. And not wearing a mask! [Coronavirus]
Dec 16, 2020 ~ Islamic terrorist is arrested for plotting a 9/11 style attack on the US. Cholo Abdi Abdullah is arrested, charged with 'providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization, conspiracy to commit aircraft piracy and conspiracy to kill U.S. citizens.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 16, 2020 ~ The Dianne Feinstein Elementary School is being renamed because she posed near a Confederate Flag 100 years ago. She said the only reason was the California 100 flag was unavailable. No matter. She is canceled!  #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Dec 15, 2020 ~ The #CancelCulture mob try to cancel Helen Keller for 'white privilege'.  Black disability rights activist Anita Cameron says Helen Keller is “just another, despite disabilities, privileged white person.” Cancel the entire past. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Racism]
Dec 15, 2020 ~ Vancouver Canucks are pressured to change their Orca Logo due to 'racism' and 'cultural appropriation' A University of Manitoba history professor claims that the logo is “racist and appropriated” and must be “retired.” The owner says no its not either of those things, pound sand. [Cancel Culture, Cultural Appropriation, Fake Racism]
Dec 15, 2020 ~ Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco is changing its name because Lincoln did not demonstrate that 'black lives mattered to him'. Lincoln freed the slaves but to the SJW mob in control of education and culture, literally everyone is a racist and anti-black. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Slavery]
Dec 15, 2020 ~ Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon calls Republicans 'a bunch of fuckers' moments after mentioning Biden's call to unite. 'The president-elect was able to connect with people over this sense of unity.' Megyn Kelly mocks her: 'Unite you F*ckers!' [Biden, Loathsome Left]
Dec 14, 2020 ~ Brittany Bernstein, 'Hunter Biden Email Reportedly Shows $400,000 in Unreported Income from Burisma' More details out about the Hunter Biden investigation. Dems, high tech and the #FakeNews media successfully suppressed the story before the election. Lied about Russian Disinfo. [Biden, Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Dec 14, 2020 ~ LinkedIn bans paper 'The Global Mean Temperature Anomaly Record' written by two of the top climate scientists in the world, Richard Lindzen and John Christy. Fully factual and fully sourced but refutes part of the man made climate change orthodoxy. Falsely labels misinformation. [Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Dec 14, 2020 ~ Debra Messing hopes President Trump gets raped in prison. 'I hope you live a long life in prison where you become the most popular boyfriend to the all inmates.' She is attacked for the homophobic tweet but she clarifies that she is simply wishing violence on Trump, sheesh. #TDS [Homophobia, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Dec 11, 2020 ~ Tulsi Gabbard introduces the Protect Women's Sports Act. 'Given the average difference in abilities conferred by biological sex, this bill would clarify Title IX protections for female athletes is based on biological sex.' Bans fed funds if schools allow men to compete with women [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Zachary Evans, 'Hunter Biden Email Requested D.C. Office Keys for Father, Chinese Business Partner' More details out about the Hunter Biden investigation. Dems, high tech and the #FakeNews media successfully suppressed the story before the election. Lied about Russian Disinfo. [Biden, China, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Christian Post, Radical Islamists have killed at least 30 Christians, raped 10 young women and girls, and kidnapped fifteen others in a spate of recent attacks in the Democratic Republic of Congo. [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Anthony Watts, 'Automobile tires, not climate change, are killing West Coast salmon' Debunks many #FakeNews articles like 'Climate Change is Killing Salmon in the Pacific Northwest' Researchers ruled out climate change and found the real culprit, 6PPD-quinone. [Climate Change, Environment, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Trump Secures Another Peace Deal Between Israel And An Arab Nation. Axios, 'Morocco is the fourth Arab country to move toward normalization with Israel in the last four months as part of the Trump administration’s ‘Abraham Accords’ initiative.' [Israel, Trump Win]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Murders rocket up by over 50% and carjackings by 537% in Minneapolis. The brain dead liberal Democrats in charge respond by further defunding the police by $8 million. Total insanity. Law abiding citizens and business owners are fleeing the city in droves. [Crime, Police]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Economics giant, Walter Williams dies. He is revered and mourned by conservatives. "Prior to capitalism, the way people amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man." [Economics, Walter Williams]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Disgraceful Hunter Biden Cover-Up' Dems and the #FakeNews media got away with falsely calling the story 'Russian Disinformation.' Social Media sites banned the story. Now we find out that Hunter has been under FBI investigation for some time. Laptop is his. [Biden, Fake News, Russia Hoax, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Dems display 0 critical thinking as usual saying a black man, Brandon Bernard executed for crimes committed 20 years ago proves systemic racism and white privilege because Dylann Roof and Nikolas Cruz are still alive. They will both be put to death after 20 yrs just like Bernard. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Dec 9, 2020 ~ Several families in St. Anthony, MN received a letter telling them their Christmas lights were 'a reminder of systemic biases.' Classic liberal wokespeak. 'We must do the work of educating ourselves about the harmful impact... institutional inequities... we must demand better' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Political Correctness]
Dec 9, 2020 ~ Jemele Hill who says everyone is a racist or white supremacist asked boxer Jake Paul if was racist of him to knock out his black opponent in a boxing match. He thought she must be kidding but Hill's black co-host Cari Champion also asked him the same thing. #SystemicStupidity [Fake Racism]
Dec 9, 2020 ~ Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell was involved with Chinese spy Christine Fang. She fundraised for Swalwell and other democrats. She gained access to Dem politicians via 'extensive networking, personal charisma, and romantic or sexual relationships' per Axios. Sits on Intel Com. [China]
Dec 9, 2020 ~ Terry Jeffrey, 'Schumer Wants Biden to Transfer Wealth From Auto Mechanics to Harvard Grads' Democrat's student loan forgiveness plan not only punishes living a responsible life, it transfers money from the working class to the upper class elites who go to expensive universities. [College, Debt, Education, Student Loans]
Dec 9, 2020 ~ LA's DA George Gascon decriminalizes so many things, civilization is no longer possible in Los Angeles. Resisting arrest, trespassing, disturbing the peace and criminal threats. This puts the lives of already attacked officers in danger. Why not try your luck fighting a cop? [Crime, Loathsome Left, Police]
Dec 7, 2020 ~ Deranged Democrat in St. Clair Shores, Michigan pulls up to a house with a Trump sign and throws an explosive at the house video shows. Windows blown out and hole blown in living room floor. Fortunately there were no injuries [TDS, Violent Left]
Dec 6, 2020 ~ The Chicago Teachers Union @CTULocal1 claims 'The push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny.' Proves Tucker's point. To Democrats everything can be understood as being about racism, sexism or Russia. How could they not see the Russia connection? #COVID19 [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Dec 5, 2020 ~ Lindsey Boylan, former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo accuses him of sexual harassment. 'Yes, @NYGovCuomo
 sexually harassed me for years. Many saw it, and watched.' 'And I *know* I am not the only woman.' 'He is a total asshole surrounded by enablers.' #MeToo [Me Too]
Dec 5, 2020 ~ #BLM protests in Eugene, Oregon because police shot a black man, Muhsin Sharif. Police were responding to domestic violence call. Sharif charged at police with a knife. As usual, BLM says its 'racist' for the police to shoot a man trying to kill them. Ignore non-black shootings. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Dec 4, 2020 ~ Dorian Abbot, Professor in the Dept. of Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago is harassed and threatened for supporting merit-based selection and hiring practices. 'trying to fix bias problems by building new biases into selection processes.' Falsely called a racist. [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism]
Dec 3, 2020 ~ Arthur Milikh, 'The Cost of Losing Free Speech' Necessary for political liberty. Necessary for a free mind. Necessary for enabling people to get practiced in critical thought and debate. Democrats want to throw that all away 'under the guise of regulating “hate speech.”' [Free Speech, Silencing]
Dec 2, 2020 ~ AG Bill Barr on the FBI, DOJ, DHS election investigations. "We have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election... the claim that machines were programmed to skew the election results... we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that." [2020 Election, Politics]
Dec 2, 2020 ~ Carjackings are up 537% in Minneapolis after Democrats 'Defund the Police'. Democrats are shocked. They thought the police were causing all the problems. Most other crimes are way up as well. Democrats are seriously confused. Normal people are moving away in droves. [Crime, Police]
Nov 30, 2020 ~ The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report showing over 2000 police officers were injured in 2020 #BLM George Floyd riots.  574 'protests' involved mass looting and destruction. Democrats and the #FakeNews called them 'mostly peaceful.' [BLM, Fake News, George Floyd, Police, Violent Left]
Nov 30, 2020 ~ Obama, 'People were surprised about a lot of Hispanic folks who voted for Trump, but there's a lot of evangelical Hispanics who, you know, the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans, or puts detainees, undocumented workers in cages.' Irony is Obama built those cages. [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 29, 2020 ~ A mob of Muslims in Egypt attacked a church and assaulted Coptic Christians in retaliation for a Facebook post published by a young Coptic man, which Muslim locals considered insulting to the Prophet Muhammad. Over 100 arrested. Molotov Cocktails Chant 'There is no God but Allah' [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 29, 2020 ~ Rashida Tlaib continues her anti-Semitic, Israel hating rhetoric. Tweets, 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.' This phrase means no more Israel. She posts map with Israel replaced by 'Palestine.' [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Tlaib]
Nov 29, 2020 ~ Ryan Saavedra, 'Massive Islamic Terrorist Attack In Africa Results In Deaths Of At Least 110 People' Islamic Boko Haram “assailants tied up the agricultural workers and slit their throats in the village of Koshobe” AFP reported. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 29, 2020 ~ SCOTUS rules against Cuomo in 'Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo'  Cuomo tried to 'limit the capacity of churches and synagogues to ten people' while having no restrictions in other situations. [Religious Freedom, SCOTUS]
Nov 29, 2020 ~ National Review, 'Don’t Forgive Student Debt' 'slap in the face to those who paid down their debts early, those who minimized their borrowing by attending cheaper schools or working during their studies, those who forwent college entirely, and those [with] other kinds of debt.' [College, Debt, Entitlements, Student Loans]
Nov 28, 2020 ~ UTSA student Jaycie Barton was kicked out of the Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) sorority for “Trump 2020,” “All Lives Matter,” and “Back the Blue,” messages. They falsely called her a racist and said those messages were “extremely hurtful” and “unsisterly.” Be 'woke' or be silent. [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police, Silencing]

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