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Feb 8, 2024 ~ They said it would never happen! An ENTIRE TEAM of biological males 'dominating' women in their own sport. Who can be silent anymore other than the most cowardly or misogynistic. There were women on the Seneca Sting but they rode the bench. “Centennial was just outmanned,” explained David Menzies, Outkick's reporter at the event. '5 Transgender Players Dominate Toronto Women‘s Collegiate Volleyball Competition' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 6, 2024 ~ President Joe Biden tells a story of how in 2021 he talked to President François Mitterrand of Germany (then corrected himself and said France) about how the Capitol was stormed to overturn an election and 2 police officers were killed. They used to say 5 officers were killed but the correct number is still 0. Also, Mitterrand died 25 years ago in 1996. Biden is beyond senile at this point. He barely knows who HE is but the Democrats are going to run him for president again. [Biden, Politics]
Feb 3, 2024 ~ Morgan Freeman on Black History Month which he called 'ridiculous': "You’re going to relegate my history to a month? What do you do with yours? Which month is White History Month?” ... “I don’t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history. Black History Month is an insult. You’re going to relegate my history to a month? Also, ‘African American’ is an insult. I don’t subscribe to that title. Black people have had different titles all the way back to the n-word and I do not know how these things get such a grip, but everyone uses ‘African American’. What does it really mean? Most black people in this part of the world are mongrels. And you say Africa as if it’s a country when it’s a continent, like Europe.” [Race]
Feb 2, 2024 ~ In a textbook "false accusation of racism" claim, Rep. Ayanna Pressley accused Walgreens of racism because they are closing another store in a high crime area. These kinds of unfortunately very common claims are the exact reason for the Fake Racism tag on this site. "These closures are not arbitrary and they are not innocent. They are life-threatening acts of racial and economic discrimination." "Walgreens... needs to... stop divesting from Black and brown communities." She is right that the closures are 'not arbitrary.' They are closing stores in high crime neighborhoods that are both dangerous to their employees and lose money due to the rampant looting. It is Democrats like Pressley who created the conditions that led to these closings by legalizing theft and other 'reforms' that put dangerous criminals back out on the street minutes after committing violent crimes.These closures are going on constantly. In-N-Out Burger and Denny's are closing down in Oakland for the same reasons. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Feb 1, 2024 ~ Dr. Richard Dawkins again tries to explain that sex is binary to the trans cult: "The way the non-binary faithful obsess about intersexes, and about individuals who can’t produce gametes, amounts to a pathetic clutching at straws while they drown in postmodern effluent. Yes, some fish change from sperm-producing male to egg-producing female (or vice versa). That very statement relies on the gametic definition of male & female. Ditto hermaphroditic worms & snails who can produce both male & female gametes. In any case, the existence of intersexes is irrelevant to transexualist claims, since trans people don’t claim to be intersexes. Also, as if it matters, humans are not worms, snails, or fish. The rare tetra-amelia syndrome (babies born without limbs) does not negate the statement that Homo sapiens is a bipedal species. The rare four-winged bithorax mutation does not negate the statement that Drosophila is a Dipteran (two winged) fly. Similarly, the occasional individual who can’t produce gametes doesn’t negate the generalisation that mammals come in only two sexes, male and female, defined by games size. Sex is binary as a matter of biological fact. "Gender" is a different matter and I leave that to others to define." It must be exhausting to have to keep explaining basic biology to cultists. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jan 31, 2024 ~ Biological male Sadie (Camden) Schreiner, broke two MORE women's collegiate track records. One day sanity will catch up with this trend and males will no longer be allowed to compete. But when that happens, these records (and all like them) MUST be returned to their rightful owners or men will FOREVER hold records all over women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 31, 2024 ~ Richard Dawkins debunking another religion: the trans cult. "This ridiculous article (shame on the once-great Scientific American) ignorantly misunderstands the nature of the sex binary: 'Actual research shows that sex is anything but binary'. Sex is not defined by chromosomes, nor by anatomy, nor by psychology or sociology, nor by personal inclination, nor by “assignment at birth”, but by gamete size. It happens to be embryologically DETERMINED by chromosomes in mammals and (in the opposite direction) birds, by temperature in some reptiles, by social factors in some fish. But it is universally DEFINED by the binary distinction between sperms and eggs. You may argue about 'gender' if you wish (biologists have better things to do) but sex is a true binary, one of rather few in biology." [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans]
Jan 28, 2024 ~ Surfing company Rip Curl @ripcurl dropped surfing legend Bethany Hamilton for opposing men surfing in the women's league and then biologcal male surfer Sasha Lowerson as a women's ambassador. Martina Navratilova says "it stinks." [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 28, 2024 ~ Caroline Downey, 'USA Climbing Backs Down after Trans Activists Object to Testosterone Limits for Males Competing against Females' Even with the testosterone limits, biological males have a significant advantage in climbing (a power sport) over females. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 28, 2024 ~ Raheem J. Kassam, 'The Trump-Carroll Case is Blatantly the Greatest Miscarriage of Justice in Modern American History' "The awarding of nearly $90 million to the second-rate advice columnist E. Jean Carroll will doubtless be remembered for generations as the greatest miscarriage of justice in contemporary American history. Jean Carroll’s case was not just ludicrous on the face of it, but between the judge, the “experts” who testified, and the mechanisms by which the case even came to be, it’s impossible for any ordinary person in the West to see this as anything more than the continuation of a series of hoaxes perpetrated on former President Donald J. Trump with the desire to keep him from re-entering the Oval Office in January 2025." There was a mountain of exculpatory evidence that was not allowed to be presented at trial. Carroll has accused SIX OTHER MEN of raping her including powerful people like Les Moonves. Her ridiculous and not even plausible story was the plot of a Law and Order episode right down to the exact department store and trying on lingerie in the dressing room. The Donna Karan coatdress she claimed to be wearing and still has was not even made yet at the time she says she was raped. She will not allow it to be examined. And more. Zero chance this happened. [Fake Rape, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jan 26, 2024 ~ E Jean Carroll's already ridiculous and implausible story now has another problem. The Donna Karan dress she was allegedly wearing when Trump allegedly raped her in a department store in broad daylight did not even exist until years after the alleged incident. Regardless, the court orders Trump to pay Carroll $83 million. [Fake Rape, Politics]
Jan 22, 2024 ~ Nick Pope, 'Germany Went All In On The Green Transition. Now, Its Economy Is Crumbling'. Merkel closing all of Germany's nuclear plants was one of the dumbest things a politician has ever done. They go all in on green energy. The first thing that happens is Germany becomes dependent on Russian natural gas. Then they have to RESTART old coal plants to keep the lights and heat on. Energy prices soar almost 50% killing consumers and forcing businesses to close or move out of the country. "It is not [even] reducing emissions, because manufacturing is being shifted to other nations, like China and India, that use dirtier energy. The German economy is going down, and their people do not have the jobs and economic opportunities that they used to." [Climate Change, Energy]
Jan 22, 2024 ~ Biological male Henry Hanlon is leading The San Francisco Waldorf High School girl's basketball team to a five-game win streak. Hanlon leads the team in scoring. Some High Schools are refusing to play due to the unfairness of Waldorf playing males against girls. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 22, 2024 ~ Biological male Hailey Davidson wins the NXXT Women’s Classic Golf Tournament. Another championship. Will take a spot on the LPGA. @Martina Navratilova says "This really needs to end sooner rather than later. Male bodies, however they might identify, do not belong in women’s sports!" Right. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 22, 2024 ~ Swiss banker Hubert Keller says at the World Economic Forum: "The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee... Every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere." Literally everything people do is a 'problem.' FO [Climate Change]
Jan 19, 2024 ~ National Review: 'The Morally Bankrupt Genocide Case against Israel'  The most twisted part of this South African genocide claim is that at this very moment, Israel is fighting an enemy that was literally founded with the goal of eradicating Israel. For decades, Hamas has carried out terrorist attacks with this explicit aim in mind — its operations have included attacks on buses, malls, night clubs, train stations, and restaurants, among other civilian targets. On October 7, as has always been the case, it did not seek to distinguish between civilians and combatants. In the months since, it has launched thousands of rockets indiscriminately toward civilian areas in Israel. Hamas has vowed to keep repeating the massacres of October 7 until Israel is completely annihilated. The terrorist group still holds over 100 hostages, including Kfir Bibas, a baby who, if he is still alive, has just turned one year old while in Hamas captivity. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Jan 18, 2024 ~ Democrats and the #FakeNews are caught red handed yet again spreading fake news to the masses. As has happened countless times before, a lie is created by the Dems and EVERY #FakeNews organization runs with it. A woman and her 2 children drowned while trying to enter the US illegally. Every major (fake) news outlet reported that US Border Patrol agents wanted to save them but "Texas officials blocked" them from rendering aid. @BillMelugin_ revealed that Border Patrol did not even request access from Texas until at least an hour after the drownings occurred. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Jan 18, 2024 ~ 'Uncomfortable Truths about 10/7'  Very important to understand. The actions of the 10/7 terrorists were not only in line with Islamic teaching. They were following the teachings and EXAMPLES (killings, rapes, and excessive cruelty) of Muhammad himself. [Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Fitness expert and influencer Jillian Michaels spoke out on allowing biological males in female sports. "Sports is biological. It just is. And I think that you’re starting to actually see women get hurt." "We’re going to systematically destroy women’s sports." #SaveWomensSports [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Wilfred Reilly, '"Systemic Racism" in the Justice System Does Not Exist' "Based on models that adjust for social class as a variable, there appears to exist little or no 'systemic' racial bias in the U.S. criminal-justice system." "Meta-analytic review of some 51 studies — which, combined, included around 120 distinct effect tables — concluded that 'neither class nor race biases for criminal adjudications for either violent or property crimes could be reliably detected.' For drug crimes such as crack sales, some evidence of bias was found, but 'effect sizes were very small' — often on the order of a few percentage points — and may be primarily artifacts of the weaknesses of past studies." "Similarly, in policing, Harvard economist Roland Fryer’s multifactorial analysis, which included controls for the behavior of suspects and racial groups’ rate of contact with police, concluded that white suspects are actually 27 percent more likely than black suspects to be shot by cops . . . rebutting the entire Black Lives Matter narrative almost in passing." [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Biden admin doles out $600 million to activist groups, universities for 'environmental justice' The US is drowning in debt but Biden doles billions to left wing orgs. "The $600 million announced on Wednesday is part of a larger $3 billion spending blitz in support of 'environmental justice' made possible by provisions in the IRA." Pure vote buying. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Debt, Deficit, Environment]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ 'California’s Legal War against Activision Blizzard Shows the Process Is the Punishment' 'Activision Blizzard will pay $54 million — and the state will admit that no investigation, including its own, “has substantiated any allegations that: there has been systemic or widespread sexual harassment at Activision Blizzard.” Nor is there any evidence, California now admits, “that Activision Blizzard senior executives ignored, condoned, or tolerated a culture of systemic, harassment, retaliation, or discrimination; or that Activision Blizzard’s Board of Directors including its Chief Executive Officer, Robert Kotick, acted improperly with regard to the handling of any instances of workplace misconduct.”' Its pure extortion. The case had no merit but the state wears them down until they cry uncle and give them a big payday. [California, Fake Sexism, Regulations]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ John Sexton, 'NY Times: SATs Aren't Racist and Universities Should Use Them' SAT "scores were better than high school grades at predicting student success in the system’s nine colleges, where more than 230,000 undergraduates are enrolled. The relative advantage of test scores has grown over time, the committee found. 'Test scores have vastly more predictive power than is commonly understood in the popular debate,' said John Friedman, an economics professor at Brown and one of the authors of the Ivy Plus admissions study." The real reason so many universities have ditched the test is to allow them to discriminate on race and avoid revealing how much they are doing so. But now they no longer have the ability to find the best students even within demographics, making their diplomas even more worthless and untrustworthy than they have been. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ "‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Is Increasingly Being Recognized as Unscientific" "'Experts' profess certainty that “gender-affirming care” alleviates mental-health distress. They arrive at this conclusion through deeply flawed studies that rely on patient self-reports of mental health. But other clinical indicators suggest that medical transition in fact exacerbates mental-health distress." "Lower life expectancy among those who medically transition is also likely attributable to the regimen of cross-sex hormones that transitioners take. Previous research has documented that cross-sex hormone therapy is associated with increased risk of heart disease and obesity. A new study published by University of California, Davis, researchers also hints at greater [thyroid] cancer risk." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, "Biden 'Saves' Democracy by Destroying It" By removing Trump's name from the ballot, "five officials in two states [Colorado, Maine] have taken away the rights of some 7 million Americans to vote for the president of their choice." Yet Dems claim the GOP is anti Democracy. [Biden, Politics]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Alan Dershowitz on the absurdity of South Africa charging Israel with 'genocide' in The Hauge: "Both the United Nations and its court are shams, especially when it comes to Israel. The facts are clear: Israel has not committed genocide, nor has it violated international law as it defended itself from Hamas barbarity. It is the Hamas charter that calls for genocide against the Jews of Israel, and it is South Africa that is harboring Hamas terrorists and defending its murders and rapes. It should be Hamas that is on trial for attempted genocide and South Africa that is on trial for complicity with Hamas. Instead, the nation-state of the Jewish people is being accused of a blood libel, despite going to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties in its legitimate efforts to destroy Hamas..." [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Jan 11, 2024 ~ A perfect example of why DEI needs to DIE. The John Hopkins DIE Office informs people that groups like 'males', 'whites', 'middle class', have 'privilege' "at the expense of other groups." They must always divide us into the 'oppressed' vs the 'oppressors', poisoning the culture. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Health Care]
Jan 4, 2024 ~ Claudine Gay has resigned as president of Harvard after even more examples of plagiarism were uncovered (now near 50). Gay was under previous pressure to resign after refusing to say it violated Harvard's code of conduct to call for the genocide of Jews. Even though she survived longer than she would have under these circumstances had she been anything other than a black woman, the #FakeNews and all of the usual race hustlers popped up to gaslight us about her firing being due to 'racism.' 'Racist mobs' bla bla 'white supremacists' bla bla 'fascists' bla bla 'racism' bla bla 'anti-Blackness' bla bla 'Jim Crow' bla bla 'subjugated by whiteness' bla bla 'white supremacy and racists' bla bla 'bad faith bigots.' etc. Gay herself said the criticism was "fueled by racial animus." Literally the same thing happened to a white woman (Liz Magill) who did not even have the plagiarism issue, but when it happens to a black woman, it's 'racism.' Its obvious to everyone that any results or behavior must be accepted from black people or the left will cry 'racism.' I.e. racism is now defined as holding black people to the same standards as every other group of people. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 4, 2024 ~ UN Women appoints biological male Munroe Bergdorf as its "UK Champion." In order to signal wokeness, trans women are even preferred over biological women, not only erasing women from their own spaces, but appointing males to be the literal 'representatives' of women. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Gender, Trans]
Jan 4, 2024 ~ Flashback Oct 2022: Chris Brunet: “I can’t stress enough how much of a tragedy a Claudine Gay presidency would be — this must not be allowed to come to pass. She will ruin Harvard. She’s an intellectual lightweight (her entire body of critical race theory ‘research’ is flawed and/or fake), a far-far-Left DEI activist, and corrupt as hell.” H/T @MattWalshBlog [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Dec 24, 2023 ~ Rochelle Hoffman was forced to resign as head of the diversity office at the University of Wisconsin because she is white. Several students AND FACULTY complained, saying someone with white skin should not have that job. So they fired her. Hoffman is suing for “psychological injury, emotional distress, loss of reputation, career damage, and attorney fees and costs.” [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Dec 24, 2023 ~ Black Columbia professor John McWhorter says Harvard President Claudine Gay should resign: "It has always been inconvenient that Harvard’s first Black president has only published 11 academic articles in her career and not one book (other than one with three co-editors). Some of her predecessors, like Lawrence Bacow, Drew Gilpin Faust and Lawrence Summers, have had vastly more voluminous academic records. The discrepancy gives the appearance that Dr. Gay was not chosen because of her academic or scholarly qualifications, which Harvard is thought to prize, but rather because of her race... If the issue were a couple of hastily quoted phrases in one article, it would be one thing. But investigations have shown that this problem runs through about half of Dr. Gay’s articles, as well as her dissertation. We must ask how a university president can expect to hold her head high, carry authority and inspire respect as a leader on a campus where students suffer grave consequences for doing even a fraction of what Dr. Gay has done." [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Dec 17, 2023 ~ Aidan Maese-Czeropski is the Democratic Senate staffer who filmed himself multiple times having anal sex in a Senate hearing room. Normally we wouldn't cover such garbage but he is now crying 'homophobia' over having been fired for his behavior. WhatHappened.com documents false claims like this. [Fake Homophobia]
Dec 17, 2023 ~ Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has a holiday party for her staff but excludes white people. She calls it the 'Electeds of Color' party. Democrats were the original segregators (after being the original enslavers) and now they continue to divide us with segregation, mostly to exclude white people. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Dec 17, 2023 ~ 'When the New York Times lost its way' James Bennet tells how he was fired from the @nytimes for allowing Sen. Cotton to write an opinion. Bennet explains how the Times went from mere #FakeNews to something far worse. "The Times’s problem has metastasised from liberal bias to illiberal bias, from an inclination to favour one side of the national debate to an impulse to shut debate down altogether." People are finally catching on to the #CancelCulture nature of the left. They despise free speech which they shut down by any means necessary. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Richard McDonough, 'Solving the Education-Destroying Deception of Grade Inflation' Grade inflation is out of control. What was C work in 1980s is A work now. DIE poison at work creating equal outcomes for everyone. But now, no one can trust transcripts. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ At least 23 killed and many more injured by an Islamic suicide terrorist attack at in Pakistan. The Pakistani Islamist militant group called Tehreek-e-Jihad Pakistan (TJP) claimed responsibility. The death toll many rise as some are critical. Islam continues to spread death. [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Free Speech Is Already Dead in Great Britain' A man is hauled in for 'offensive' speech on Twitter including disagreeing that a biological male IS a woman. "Is there any lawful excuse why you made these tweets?" Thank God for 1A. [Anti-Science, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Seven Islamic terrorists were arrested in three European countries (Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands) for plotting terrorist attacks against Jews. Hopefully intelligence agencies will remain one step ahead of the terrorists but many Europeans are rethinking importing massive numbers of violent Jew haters into Europe. [Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Tate Drageset has been dominating girl's volleyball in high school. He won national titles with USA Volleyball teams in different age groups, earning MVP honors at the Girls Junior National Championships, and was named the California Interscholastic Federation’s Division 5 Player of the Year for 2022-23. Now he is getting a scholarship to play on the women's team at @UW, taking a spot from a woman. [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Sadie Schreiner sets the women's school record at Rochester Institute of Technology in the 300m run. Not only did he win the race, stealing victory from women, its yet another female record that will almost certainly never be held by a female again. Disgraceful. [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Harvard President Claudine Gay is the definition of a black DIE diversity hire. She did the same thing Liz Magill of Penn did (refused to say calls for genocide against Jews is harassment) plus multiple instances of plagiarism. Magill who is white loses her job but Gay keeps hers because black people are held to a lower standard. Compare her also to former Harvard President Larry Summers. Summers, a white economist with no plagiarism lost his job for suggesting there might be brain differences between men and women. Summers published six books and well over 100 academic articles. Gay published only 11 in a far less rigorous field, some of which were plagiarized. Black scholar Carol Swain was brutally honest: “What is bothering me is not just that there’s passages she didn’t put in quotation marks. When I look at her work, I feel like her whole research agenda, her whole career, was based on my work. She became president of Harvard and got recognition as being its first black president. I don’t believe her record warranted tenure, and I believe that I had to meet a much higher standard than she did. … It’s clear to me that standards were lowered in the mid-1990s, and the elites came together and decided that they were going to defend affirmative action. It’s clear to me that she was a beneficiary of that. I blame her committee, and I blame white progressives equally.” "A white male would probably already be gone," Swain noted. No matter, she still stays. As Harvard’s first black president, she becomes essentially untouchable. Whatever she does is by definition, ‘awesome’ and ‘brilliant.’ Fake historian of the #FakeNews New York Times said questioning her qualifications even after plagiarism evidence is 'racist.' Of course it is... [Affirmative Action, Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ #FakeNews @CNN claims "Climate change poses a huge threat to the coffee business and to farmers" because "rising temperatures will reduce the area suitable for growing coffee by up to 50%." In reality, increased CO2 has had the opposite effect, considerably benefiting plants. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'How Were the Universities Lost?' In response to Israel being attacked by murdering, raping, beheading terrorists, "not a day goes by when a university professor or student group has not spouted antisemitic hatred. Often, they threaten and attack Jewish students, or engage in mass demonstrations calling for the extinction of Israel." How did this happen? They went all in on DIE after a BS 'systemic racism' narrative in response to George Floyd. They divided the student body into 'oppressors' and 'oppressed.' They dropped SATs and all other standards of merit greatly decreasing the collective IQ of people on campus while simultaneously branding Jews as 'privileged' along with whites. They increased the number of foreign students including from antisemitic middle eastern countries. [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Victor Davis Hanson]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ David Harsanyi, 'A Short History of Joe's Long Record of Lying About Biden Inc.' Its hard to deny the corruption when the evidence is stacked up this well including having "blatantly lied about his role in the family influence peddling business." [Biden, David Harsanyi, Politics]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ Adam Turner, '6 Extremely Stubborn Facts About the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis' Gaza is led by terrorists, Israel is not. Israel is Not an “Apartheid Regime” Israel is not committing 'genocide' or 'occupation.' Hamas targets civilians, Israel does not. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ Luke Rosiak, 'New Arrest Highlights How Italy Concealed Migrant Rape By Framing Amanda Knox' Meredith Kercher was raped and killed by African migrant Rudy Guede but Amanda Knox was falsely accused. Who knew this?? [Crime, Fake News]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ 'Cornell Students Convict University President of Genocide in Mock Trial' While college presidents across the nation refuse to condemn calls for Jewish genocide, Cornall Nazis convict their own president of not being antisemitic enough. [Anti-Semitism, College]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Unsung Hero of COVID-19' He "stood up to the mob made up of academics, journalists, and the pharmaceutical companies." "The government was claiming a stratospheric IFR of 3%-5%, while Bhattacharya’s study pegged it closer to 0.2%, with almost all the fatalities concentrated in easily identified groups–in particular the elderly.   Bhattacharya took from this the obvious: focus your efforts on protecting those at risk.   This IFR has since been confirmed, but at the time, Dr. Bhattacharya suffered slings and arrows for downplaying the virus’s danger. Telling the truth was not welcomed."   "Far from celebrating the scientific work Bhattacharya did to pin down COVID’s IFR, Stanford turned on him."   "The bottom line is that from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, politics and money drove policy, not science. In some ways, it was worse; some of Bhattacharya’s colleagues called on Stanford to censor him for not toeing the line." [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Silencing]
Dec 9, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Washington State Economist Refused to Lie, So They Forced Him Out' Economist Scott Smith was forced to resign for correctly saying that cap and trade would increase gas prices. Opposing the narrative, no matter how absurd, has consequences. [Cancel Culture, Climate Change, Energy, Silencing]

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