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Sep 11, 2020 ~ On 9/11, recall that @JoeBiden advised President Obama not to get Bin Laden. ABC News 2012, 'Joe Biden confessed this weekend that he advised President Obama not to launch the mission that ultimately killed Osama bin Laden' 'Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go.' [Biden, Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ USC Prof Greg Patton was suspended for using a Chinese word that a group of black students thought sounds like the N-word. A letter from alumni representing more than a dozen nationalities wrote in and saved his job. They said his use of the word was proper and correct. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ The OIG’s investigation into possible political bias in the #Spygate Russia probe is obstructed by at least 27 relevant cell phones that were 'accidentally wiped'. Totally believable. Hey, if Hillary could get away with wiping her server that was under subpoena, why not them? [Hillary Emails, Russia Hoax, Spygate]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ Apparently @JoeBiden can't do an interview or a Q&A without pre-choosing the questions and using a teleprompter to answer them. Even with the teleprompter he can barely do it. Spokesperson TJ Ducklo refused to deny in embarrassing interview. [Biden]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ Sunny Hostin called black people who spoke at the RNC, 'people props'. Leo Terrell said she should be 'ashamed of herself'. 'the Democrats’ playbook is – no black can leave the plantation, we have to remain, if not, we will be called names.' [Politics, Race, Racism, Silencing]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ President Trump received a second nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. The 1st was from a member of the Norwegian Parliament. The 2nd is from a member of the Swedish Parliament. Democrats are furious. The Atlantic, fresh off a #FakeNews hit job says, 'End the Nobel Peace Prize'. [Fake News, Israel, Trump Win]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ The Kingdom of Bahrain is the latest Muslim majority nation to normalize relations with Israel. Peace is spreading throughout the middle east under President Trump's leadership. Trump gets his 2nd Nobel Peace Prize nomination. Pelosi calls all of this a 'distraction'. [Israel, Trump Win]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Joe Biden said there had been 6,114 "military Covid deaths". The actual number was 7. With Biden, one never knows if he is lying or just confused due to senility. He's claimed stuff like 150,000 people killed by guns since 2007, 120 million dead from COVID. [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Bryan Michael Kelley, the violent Democrat who used a powerful laser to injure the eyes of police officers at an #antifa riot is arrested by the Portland Police and charged w/class B felony assault, felony unlawful use of a weapon and more. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, the two violent Democrats who attacked a 7 year old outside the DNC destroying his signs, stealing his hat were arrested on felony charges of robbery, conspiracy and hate crimes, as well as a misdemeanor charge of endangering the welfare of a child. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Hank Berrien, 'In Last 10 Days, Sweden Has Averaged 1 Death Per Day From COVID-19'. More and more its looking like the no-lockdown approach Sweden took was the way to go. Did not kill their economy. Death rate per 100,000 less than other European nations. [Coronavirus]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Biden admits that the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal is 'better than NAFTA.' Biden helped pass NAFTA and he and Obama vowed to pass a better one but in 8 years they never did. Tapper, 'He renegotiated NAFTA and you didn’t.' Biden, 'It is better than NAFTA.' [Biden, Trade, Trump Win]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Major COVID19 #FakeNews exposed. NBC News, USA Today and others pushed the story that the Sturgis Rally was a 'Super-Spreader' that lead to 250,000 to 260,000 COVID19 cases. Turns out the 350,000 person rally led to about 260 cases and possibly 1 death. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ President Trump is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a member of the Norwegian Parliament for negotiating peace between Israel and multiple Muslim nations and for Peace between Kosovo and Serbia. Points out Trump's done more than many. 'For example, Barack Obama did nothing' [Israel, Trump Win]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ .@derekahunter explains why Operation Warp Speed is 'genius'. It gets the vaccine months sooner not by cutting corners but by ramping production in parallel with the testing phase instead of waiting until the tests are done. Trump takes a financial risk by assuming success. [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ New Bob Woodward book quotes Trump about COVID19, 'I wanted to always play it down' 'because I don’t want to create a panic.' Democrats act like this is some kind of lie that cost lives. Fauci defends, No 'discrepancies between what we told [Trump] and what he told the public.' [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ Rob Reiner said, 'In 56 days we’ll find out if there are enough White Supremacists in this country to elect a White Supremacist.' Rob Reiner is an NPC bot with an extremely limited vocabulary. His ridiculous explanation for everything is 'White Supremacy'. Absurd and vile lie. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ UCLA students are calling for the cancelation of Eli Gafni, the chair of the computer science department, for defending a colleague’s use of the term 'Wuhan virus.' Gafni said using the term 'could have been innocent' And he's not going to be the 'PC police.' Silencers outraged. [Cancel Culture, College, Coronavirus, Silencing]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ Under pressure from BLM, the Natural History Museum is canceling  people like Thomas Huxley and even birds. 'Museums were put in place to legitimise a racist ideology' 'covert racism exists in the gaps between the displays'. Its hard to believe this is not satire but its real. [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ Jayvon Hatchett who stabbed a man 7 times in the neck at Autozone because he wanted to kill a white man was stupidly put in a jail cell with a white cellmate. Hatchett has killed the white cellmate. Whose idea was it to but an anti-white racist killer in with a white guy? [Crime, Race, Racism]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ Video surfaces of 'Diversity Training' being forced on white employees around the nation. Instructor Ashleigh Shackelford explains 'All white people are racist' 'You're always gonna be racist' 'White people are born into not being human' 'what yall are taught to do, to be demons' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ Seven Rochester Police Department leaders, including Chief of Police La’Ron Singletary, resigned over how they are being portrayed in the Daniel Prude situation. They said the mayor 'lied about the characters [of] good men and gutted the department in the name of politics.' [BLM, Police]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ The Oscars will now have Diversity Requirements for files eligible for Best Picture. A film must meet at least two diversity requirements to be eligible. [Affirmative Action, Identity Politics, Political Correctness]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'The Democrats Pick the Criminal' Almost every time, Dems side with a criminal attacking the police instead of the police defending their own lives. Biden and Harris meet with Jacob Blake's family. Harris says she's 'proud' of Blake. Said Michael Brown was 'murdered' [Ben Shapiro, Biden, Crime, Harris, Loathsome Left, Police]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ BLM attacks #WalkAway again. Does not allow Straka to talk to the media. Chases them 5 blocks assaulting them, stealing and smashing a cell phone. 'Go Faster!' yells the BLM thug chasing them away. 'You want me to show you violence! I will show you violence.' BLM=Terrorism. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ #BLM shouted over a Sen. Kelly Loeffler campaign event with Tom Cotton. They had to leave early. Despicable but typical behavior. Loeffler says the election is a 'stark choice' between order and chaos. Loeffler has received 'multiple threats against my life' if doesn't sell team. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ #BLM shouted over a Sen. Kelly Loeffler campaign event with Tom Cotton. They had to leave early. Despicable but typical behavior. Loeffler says the election is a 'stark choice' between order and chaos. Loeffler has received 'multiple threats against my life' if doesn't sell team. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ 70 doctors wrote in an open letter to Flemish Education Minister. "Mandatory face masks in schools are a major threat to their development." "There is no large-scale evidence that wearing face masks in a non-professional environment has any positive effect on the spread of viruses." [Coronavirus]
Sep 7, 2020 ~ Candace Owens says 'systemic racism' is 'The Big Lie'. 'There is no systemic racism. There is no law. There is nothing that says I cannot do something as a black person that you can do' 'If there is anything that is systemic... it is white guilt. It’s been institutionalized.' [Race, Racism]
Sep 7, 2020 ~ Women's Liberation Front poll reveals 77% of voters across 10 battleground states agree that boys and men should not be allowed to identify their way into female-only sporting competitions. And 85% disagree with allowing minors to access life-altering hormone regimens and surgery [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 7, 2020 ~ After Biden meets with Jacob Blake Sr., a guy who rants about 'crackers' and 'Jews', Kamala Harris met with Jacob Blake Jr. and said she's "proud of him". Blake Jr. is a guy who digitally raped a woman who had a restraining order on him and fought cops, shot going for his knife. [Biden, Harris, Loathsome Left, Police]
Sep 7, 2020 ~ The Michigan GOP headquarters building was vandalized with anti-police rhetoric. 'Fuck Police', 'Abolish Police', 'Fuck 12' Etc.  Michigan GOP, 'We will not be intimidated.' [Loathsome Left]
Sep 6, 2020 ~ CA starting to use The 1619 Project in public schools. Tom Cotton '1619 Project is a racially divisive, revisionist account of history that denies the noble principles of freedom and equality on which our nation was founded.' Trump says DOE looking into it. Will not fund if true. [California, Education, Fake News, Slavery]
Sep 6, 2020 ~ Byron York, 'Princeton University group studies 3 months of Black Lives Matter protests… report reveals nearly 570 violent demonstrations--riots--in nearly 220 locations spread all across country.' Doesn't include Antifa riots which are everywhere as well. Violent Left. [Antifa, BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 6, 2020 ~ 'In effort to pander for black votes, Biden claims a black man invented the light bulb, 'Why in God’s name don’t we teach history in history classes? A black man invented the light bulb. not a white guy named Edison.' He's talking about Lewis Latimer who improved it years later. [Biden, Politics, Race]
Sep 6, 2020 ~ Biden tries to scare seniors with lies about 'Trump's plan' to 'suspend the payment of payroll taxes until the end of the year'. And further claims Trump is doing something to make benefits 'run out in 3 years'. Washington Post rates as 4  Pinocchios. Zero basis in fact. [Biden, Entitlements, Politics]
Sep 6, 2020 ~ Dan Rather, the Godfather of Fake News repeatedly promotes the Fake Atlantic story about Trump calling Vets. 'Losers'. Fake News designed to sway a Presidential election just prior. Rather wrote that playbook. 700 Vets write open letter supporting Trump. Not falling for the lies. [Fake News]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Brandon Straka of the #WalkAway Campaign was again physically attacked by BLM. 'This was the most terrifying moment of my life... 30-40 BLM began throwing bottles at us & chasing us. They stole my employee’s phone &smashed it. We had to run for 4-5 blocks.' [#WalkAway, BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Kylee Zempel, 'After A Century Serving Kenosha, Rode’s Camera Shop Is A Pile Of Ashes' 'Tom has been pouring his life into Rode’s for the past 41 years' 'lost it all.' They are not going to rebuild. Why would they? Could happen again the next time a black man reaches for a knife. [BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Black Lives Matter protestors continue to create conflict throughout the nation. Getting more brazen screaming at restaurant diners in Pittsburgh as they drink their drinks. They assault a black store manager in Pittsburgh after mobbing his McDonald's. [BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ #FakeNews Washington Post, AP and others run stories: '3 fatal shootings [Mychael Johnson, Tony McDade and Wilbon Woodard] yield no indictments for Florida officers' written to make it seem like the police are out to kill black people. The fully justified shootings were protested. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Violent Democrats continue to riot nightly in Portland. A Molotov cocktail thrown at police set one of the rioters on fire. They were trying to set police officers on fire. So, who rushed in to put out the fire that was intended for the police? The police did. #BlueLivesMatter [Antifa, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ BLM riots again in downtown New York City, causing another estimated $100,000 in property damage. They were 'protesting' police handing of Daniel Prude situation. Prude was harming himself, threatening others. Had to be restrained. Apparently choked on vomit due to PCP overdose. [BLM, Violent Left, Police]
Sep 5, 2020 ~ Evidence is released showing Antifa killer Michael Reinoehl stalked and laid in wait before executing Trump supporter Aaron "Jay" Danielson. Video shows Reinoehl peaking around the corner hand already on the gun as Danielson and friend were walking by not interacting with anyone. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Sep 4, 2020 ~ Trump supporters cannot hold a rally without being physically attacked by BLM or Antifa. Therefore, they hire security to protect them from the inevitable violence. A BLM guy would not take his hands off the #WalkAway security guy at the Dallas #WalkAway Rally and was dealt with. [#WalkAway, Antifa, BLM, Violent Left]
Sep 4, 2020 ~ BLM terrorizing Rochester NY, after death of Daniel Prude. They trash businesses, break into apartment buildings, run through restaurants overturning tables and chairs sending diners running, setting fires. Prude choked on puke from PCP OD. Was restrained waiting for ambulance. [BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 4, 2020 ~ The next example of 'police brutality' BLM is protesting is Daniel Prude. Prude's brother called police. He was naked, bleeding from cut glass, and high on PCP. Had flung himself down 21 stairs head first. Threatening to kill 'everyone'. Needed spit hood. Was spitting, had Covid. [BLM, Police]
Sep 4, 2020 ~ Trump bans federal dollars from being spent on 'training' involving the 'divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement', 'white privilege', the US is an inherently racist or evil country or that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism, Trump Win]
Sep 4, 2020 ~ Peace with Israel continues to spread throughout the Middle East under President Trump's leadership. Not only has Kosovo become the next Muslim-majority nation to recognize Israel and normalize relations, but a peace has been formalized between Serbia and Kosovo after decades. [Trump Win, Israel]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ Christopher Schell, Assistant Prof. at the University Of Washington says inner cities are hot because of 'racism'. Includes the usual boiler plate 'insidious white supremacist structures that perpetuate racism throughout society' 'compromise both public and environmental health'. [Fake Racism, Climate Change]

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