Sep 15, 2020 ~ Kristina Narayan, legislative director for Democratic Oregon House Speaker Tina Kotek was arrested for participating in an anti-police riot. The Democrats are the party of lawlessness. The always stand with the criminal against the police no matter the circumstances. [Police, Violent Left] Sep 14, 2020 ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains what the 'woke left' and 'radical Islam' have in common. 'Only their truth matters and no one else's' 'They don't want to debate.' 'They're bringing statues down everywhere.' 'They hate America.' 'They want to destroy America.' They are both a religion. [Cancel Culture, Islam, Silencing] Sep 14, 2020 ~ CNN spreads fake news trying to 'fact check' Trump. Trump claimed he was awarded the 'Bay of Pigs Award'. CNN said there was no such thing and so Trump was lying. The Trump campaign then posted a picture of him receiving it and the press release from the Bay of Pigs Veterans. [Fake News, Trump Win] Sep 14, 2020 ~ Another day brings another video of a despicable Democrat overturning Trump tables. A man walks up to some Trump tables and sweeps the contents onto the ground and then overturns the tables chanting, 'Fuck Trump N-word, Fuck Trump N-word.' This kind of stuff happens constantly. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left] Sep 14, 2020 ~ Joe Biden says that if Trump wins the election, "how many suburbs will be burned in wildfires? How many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded out? How many suburbs will have been blown away in superstorms?” No more or less than if Biden wins. Despicable fear mongering. [2020 Election, Biden, Climate Change, Fake News, Politics] Sep 14, 2020 ~ The Progressive Think Tank 'Gravel Institute' posted that Blue Lives Don't Matter after two Compton officers were shot in the head ambush style. In response to a Blue Lives Matter tweet, Gravel Institute said, 'Say it with me: they don't.' [Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left] Sep 14, 2020 ~ Lynwood City Manager Jose Ometeotl, Near L.A. posted ‘Chickens Come Home To Roost’ about the two police officers in Compton that were shot in the head by a #BLM activist. 'The fact that someone randomly opened fire on deputies is to be expected in the society we live in today.' [BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left] Sep 14, 2020 ~ Joe Biden says that white people don't get pulled over by the police. A Black girl asked for advise on being pulled over by the police if she were his daughter. Biden said, 'If you were my daughter, you would be a Caucasian girl and you wouldn't be pulled over.' Non stop lying. [Biden, Fake Racism, Police] Sep 14, 2020 ~ Democrats continue to lie about the cause of the wildfires in the west. Blame mostly climate change (not lack of forest management) but 4 people now have been arrested for arson, one of whom, Jeffery Alan Acord was a “regular attendee at Seattle ‘defund police’ rallies.” [Climate Change, Fake News, Loathsome Left, Police] Sep 14, 2020 ~ Kevin Wharton Price, leader of the Afrika Town Coalition and advisor to LA Mayor Garcetti, commented on the 2 cops in Compton who were shot in the head. 'Celebrate today because the oppressor has been slain.' 'This lightens my heart.' 'a start of retribution' 'a very good start.' [BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left] Sep 14, 2020 ~ Christoper Moreno, HS teacher at Westlake High School in Westchester County, NY distributed a #BLM cartoon to his students that compared the police to the KKK and to slave holders. Of course the girl who exposed this hatred is being bullied and being called a 'racist'. [Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police] Sep 13, 2020 ~ New #BLM riots in Lancaster PA. Another black man, Ricardo Munoz, was executed by the police for NO REASON AT ALL! JK. As usual, the body cam video shows the shooting to be totally justified. The man was charging at the police with a raised knife. BLM calls for 'justice' anyway? [BLM, Police, Violent Left] Sep 13, 2020 ~ Students at Skidmore College are calling for art professor David Peterson to be fired for attending a Back The Blue rally. He said he was just listening. But the mob said he's 'engaging in hateful conduct that threatens Black Skidmore students.' Mob pressured his students to drop [Cancel Culture, College, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing] Sep 13, 2020 ~ Matt Walsh correctly blames Democrats for police ambushing. 'When you make up an absurd fable about racist police hunting black men, and then police start getting executed randomly in the street, that blood is on your hands... The Democrat Party is full of cop killers.' #BLM [BLM, Police, Violent Left] Sep 13, 2020 ~ A #BLM 'protester' walks up to a police car in Compton and shoots 2 officers in the head, one a mother. Videos show people celebrating. BLM at the hospital where the officers are fighting for life, 'We hope they die.' 'Y`all gonna die one by one.' Block the emergency room doors. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left] Sep 13, 2020 ~ Violent #TDS afflicted Cher calls for Trump to be killed. Says 'trump's a mass murderer' and 'THE PUNISHMENT IS DEATH'. Michael Moore says 'Trump is a mass killer.' These people are loons. Fauci says that Trump responded 'very early', strongly and correctly to #COVID19. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left] Sep 13, 2020 ~ Global Warming is being blamed again for fires in the west. 'The debate is over around climate change.' says Gov. Newsom. Dems always declare the debate over though they never debate. Forest 'fuel loads' are high due to decades of forest mismanagement. Not record fires or heat. [California, Climate Change, Fake News] Sep 12, 2020 ~ #CancelCulture keeps happening at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. A Dean was canceled for praying for 'good police officers'. The school deleted 2 items 'too friendly to police.' Now demanding station manager be fired over Jacob Blake comments. [Cancel Culture, College, Police, Silencing] Sep 11, 2020 ~ Rochester Police Department officers are having to cover their nametags because violent BLM 'protesters' are doxing them to target their homes and families for violence. Publicizing their kid's names, calling their parents to harass them. #BLM=Terrorism. [BLM, Police] Sep 11, 2020 ~ A.G. Bill Barr calls out the Fake News. 'They've basically a collection of liars. Most of the mainstream media.' They've 'dropped... any pretense of professional objectivity and are political actors, highly partisan... political narrative that has nothing to do with the truth. [Fake News] Sep 11, 2020 ~ Violent Democrat Carlos Espriu is arrested for trying to firebomb the East Valley Republican Women Federated office. He broke the windows with a baseball bat, then threw Molotov cocktails into the offices. Democrat vandalism and political violence is quite common. [Violent Left] Sep 11, 2020 ~ A Federal District Court in Manhattan ruled that President Donald Trump’s memorandum excluding illegal immigrants from the 2020 census is unlawful. Non-US Citizens will now have representation in US government thanks to this court. Can still go to higher courts. [Illegal Immigration] Sep 11, 2020 ~ Rhode Island University professor, Erik Loomis said that 'Reinoehl killed a fascist. I see nothing wrong with it, at least from a moral perspective.' Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson was not a 'fascist'. These violent Democrats think if they label someone, they now can assault or kill them. [College, Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Sep 11, 2020 ~ Biden is stealing the Hillary Clinton political playbook, calling voters racists. Instead of 'basket of deplorables' Biden said Trump won a MI county because 'he used that dog whistle on race.' This 'racist' county voted for Obama twice. Same old lies and smears all the time. [2020 Election, Biden, Fake Racism, Hillary, Loathsome Left, Politics] Sep 11, 2020 ~ On 9/11, recall that @JoeBiden advised President Obama not to get Bin Laden. ABC News 2012, 'Joe Biden confessed this weekend that he advised President Obama not to launch the mission that ultimately killed Osama bin Laden' 'Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go.' [Biden, Islam, Terrorism] Sep 11, 2020 ~ USC Prof Greg Patton was suspended for using a Chinese word that a group of black students thought sounds like the N-word. A letter from alumni representing more than a dozen nationalities wrote in and saved his job. They said his use of the word was proper and correct. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Silencing] Sep 11, 2020 ~ The OIG’s investigation into possible political bias in the #Spygate Russia probe is obstructed by at least 27 relevant cell phones that were 'accidentally wiped'. Totally believable. Hey, if Hillary could get away with wiping her server that was under subpoena, why not them? [Hillary Emails, Russia Hoax, Spygate] Sep 11, 2020 ~ Apparently @JoeBiden can't do an interview or a Q&A without pre-choosing the questions and using a teleprompter to answer them. Even with the teleprompter he can barely do it. Spokesperson TJ Ducklo refused to deny in embarrassing interview. [Biden] Sep 11, 2020 ~ Sunny Hostin called black people who spoke at the RNC, 'people props'. Leo Terrell said she should be 'ashamed of herself'. 'the Democrats’ playbook is – no black can leave the plantation, we have to remain, if not, we will be called names.' [Politics, Race, Racism, Silencing] Sep 11, 2020 ~ President Trump received a second nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. The 1st was from a member of the Norwegian Parliament. The 2nd is from a member of the Swedish Parliament. Democrats are furious. The Atlantic, fresh off a #FakeNews hit job says, 'End the Nobel Peace Prize'. [Fake News, Israel, Trump Win] Sep 11, 2020 ~ The Kingdom of Bahrain is the latest Muslim majority nation to normalize relations with Israel. Peace is spreading throughout the middle east under President Trump's leadership. Trump gets his 2nd Nobel Peace Prize nomination. Pelosi calls all of this a 'distraction'. [Israel, Trump Win] Sep 10, 2020 ~ Joe Biden said there had been 6,114 "military Covid deaths". The actual number was 7. With Biden, one never knows if he is lying or just confused due to senility. He's claimed stuff like 150,000 people killed by guns since 2007, 120 million dead from COVID. [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings] Sep 10, 2020 ~ Bryan Michael Kelley, the violent Democrat who used a powerful laser to injure the eyes of police officers at an #antifa riot is arrested by the Portland Police and charged w/class B felony assault, felony unlawful use of a weapon and more. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left] Sep 10, 2020 ~ Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, the two violent Democrats who attacked a 7 year old outside the DNC destroying his signs, stealing his hat were arrested on felony charges of robbery, conspiracy and hate crimes, as well as a misdemeanor charge of endangering the welfare of a child. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left] Sep 10, 2020 ~ Hank Berrien, 'In Last 10 Days, Sweden Has Averaged 1 Death Per Day From COVID-19'. More and more its looking like the no-lockdown approach Sweden took was the way to go. Did not kill their economy. Death rate per 100,000 less than other European nations. [Coronavirus] Sep 10, 2020 ~ Biden admits that the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal is 'better than NAFTA.' Biden helped pass NAFTA and he and Obama vowed to pass a better one but in 8 years they never did. Tapper, 'He renegotiated NAFTA and you didn’t.' Biden, 'It is better than NAFTA.' [Biden, Trade, Trump Win] Sep 10, 2020 ~ Major COVID19 #FakeNews exposed. NBC News, USA Today and others pushed the story that the Sturgis Rally was a 'Super-Spreader' that lead to 250,000 to 260,000 COVID19 cases. Turns out the 350,000 person rally led to about 260 cases and possibly 1 death. [Coronavirus, Fake News] Sep 10, 2020 ~ President Trump is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a member of the Norwegian Parliament for negotiating peace between Israel and multiple Muslim nations and for Peace between Kosovo and Serbia. Points out Trump's done more than many. 'For example, Barack Obama did nothing' [Israel, Trump Win] Sep 10, 2020 ~ .@derekahunter explains why Operation Warp Speed is 'genius'. It gets the vaccine months sooner not by cutting corners but by ramping production in parallel with the testing phase instead of waiting until the tests are done. Trump takes a financial risk by assuming success. [Coronavirus, Trump Win] Sep 9, 2020 ~ New Bob Woodward book quotes Trump about COVID19, 'I wanted to always play it down' 'because I don’t want to create a panic.' Democrats act like this is some kind of lie that cost lives. Fauci defends, No 'discrepancies between what we told [Trump] and what he told the public.' [Coronavirus, Fake News] Sep 9, 2020 ~ Rob Reiner said, 'In 56 days we’ll find out if there are enough White Supremacists in this country to elect a White Supremacist.' Rob Reiner is an NPC bot with an extremely limited vocabulary. His ridiculous explanation for everything is 'White Supremacy'. Absurd and vile lie. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, TDS] Sep 9, 2020 ~ UCLA students are calling for the cancelation of Eli Gafni, the chair of the computer science department, for defending a colleague’s use of the term 'Wuhan virus.' Gafni said using the term 'could have been innocent' And he's not going to be the 'PC police.' Silencers outraged. [Cancel Culture, College, Coronavirus, Silencing] Sep 9, 2020 ~ Under pressure from BLM, the Natural History Museum is canceling people like Thomas Huxley and even birds. 'Museums were put in place to legitimise a racist ideology' 'covert racism exists in the gaps between the displays'. Its hard to believe this is not satire but its real. [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism] Sep 9, 2020 ~ Jayvon Hatchett who stabbed a man 7 times in the neck at Autozone because he wanted to kill a white man was stupidly put in a jail cell with a white cellmate. Hatchett has killed the white cellmate. Whose idea was it to but an anti-white racist killer in with a white guy? [Crime, Race, Racism] Sep 9, 2020 ~ Video surfaces of 'Diversity Training' being forced on white employees around the nation. Instructor Ashleigh Shackelford explains 'All white people are racist' 'You're always gonna be racist' 'White people are born into not being human' 'what yall are taught to do, to be demons' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism] Sep 9, 2020 ~ Seven Rochester Police Department leaders, including Chief of Police La’Ron Singletary, resigned over how they are being portrayed in the Daniel Prude situation. They said the mayor 'lied about the characters [of] good men and gutted the department in the name of politics.' [BLM, Police] Sep 9, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'The Democrats Pick the Criminal' Almost every time, Dems side with a criminal attacking the police instead of the police defending their own lives. Biden and Harris meet with Jacob Blake's family. Harris says she's 'proud' of Blake. Said Michael Brown was 'murdered' [Ben Shapiro, Biden, Crime, Harris, Loathsome Left, Police] Sep 9, 2020 ~ BLM attacks #WalkAway again. Does not allow Straka to talk to the media. Chases them 5 blocks assaulting them, stealing and smashing a cell phone. 'Go Faster!' yells the BLM thug chasing them away. 'You want me to show you violence! I will show you violence.' BLM=Terrorism. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Terrorism, Violent Left] Sep 9, 2020 ~ #BLM shouted over a Sen. Kelly Loeffler campaign event with Tom Cotton. They had to leave early. Despicable but typical behavior. Loeffler says the election is a 'stark choice' between order and chaos. Loeffler has received 'multiple threats against my life' if doesn't sell team. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left] Tag Cloud
#WalkAway, 2020 Election, Abortion, Affirmative Action, Affordable Housing, Afghanistan, Anti-Science, Anti-Semitism, Antifa, Baltimore, Ben Shapiro, Biden, BLM, Budget, California, Cancel Culture, Capitol Riot, Charlottesville, China, Climate Change, College, Coronavirus, Covington, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Cultural Appropriation, David Harsanyi, Debt, Deficit, Dennis Prager, Derek Hunter, Drugs, Due Process, Economics, Economy, Education, Energy, Entitlements, Environment, Epstein, Fairness Doctrine, Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Rape, Fake Sexism, Fake Xenophobia, Feminism, First Step, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Foreign Aid, Free Speech, Gender, Gender Pay Gap, George Floyd, Green New Deal, Guns-Mass Shootings, Harris, Health, Health Care, Hillary, Hillary Emails, Holocaust Denial, Homophobia, Hong Kong, Identity Politics, IG Report, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Impeachment, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamophobia, Israel, John Stossel, Kat Timpf, Kavanaugh, Kevin Williamson, Kyle Rittenhouse, Kyle Smith, Larry Elder, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Me Too, Minimum Wage, Nato, Net Neutrality, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Obamacare, Ocasionomics, Omar, Police, Political Correctness, Politics, Poverty, Race, Racism, Reagan, Regulations, Religion, Religious Freedom, Rich Lowry, Russia, Russia Hoax, Sanders, SCOTUS, Sexism, Sharpton, Silencing, Slavery, Smollett, Socialism, Spygate, Student Loans, Syria, Tariffs, Tax Cuts, Taxes, TDS, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship, Terrorism, Tlaib, Trade, Trans, Trans Athletes, Trump Win, Ukraine Hoax, Unions, Victor Davis Hanson, Violent Left, Violent Right, Voter Integrity Laws, Wall, Walter Williams, Western Civilization, Witch Hunt, Women's March,