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Aug 13, 2020 ~ Austin, TX is another 'woke' city to stupidly 'Defund the Police'. Cut funding $150 million. Gov. Abbott, 'Austin's decision puts the brave men and women of the Austin Police Department... at greater risk, and paves the way for lawlessness.' 'political agendas over public safety' [Police]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ The Oregon State Police is pulling out its 100 state troopers from protecting the Mark O. Hatfield US Courthouse in Portland after the Portland DA announced that he is not pursuing charges against the rioters. Why allow them to be attacked with rocks and mortars each night? [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ Victory for free speech. YouTube has finally remonetized the channel of conservative commentator and comedian Steven Crowder after banning advertisements on his content over a year ago. [Free Speech, Tech Bias, Silencing]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ Just like in NYC, Chicago business owners are running for the exits as their stores continue to get looted and destroyed. Dem leaders refuse to protect them or prosecute the looters. 'There's a limit to how many times retailers are willing to be kicked' Getting hit multiple times [BLM, Violent Left, Crime]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ The DOJ found that Yale University illegally discriminates against Asian and white applicants in its undergraduate admissions process in violation of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. DOJ has filed a brief supporting a similar lawsuit against Harvard. Other schools pending. [Affirmative Action, College, Race]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ Shirish Date asks Trump in a press conference, 'Mr. President, after 3 1/2 years, do you regret, at all, all the lying you've done to the American people?' Trump does not even dignify it with a response. There are over 1000 instances of Fake News documented on WhatHappened.com [Fake News]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ Dr. Fauci, says voting in person will be fine. 'If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation. . . there's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person.' [Coronavirus]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'The Israel-UAE deal is a complete repudiation of... Peace in the region is dependent on Israeli concessions to Palestinians,' 'The only Arab interests are those that align with Palestinian interests' 'Pressure on Israel by the West is a precondition to peace.' [Ben Shapiro, Israel]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ President Trump announced that the UAE has officially recognized Israel as a legitimate country in the Middle East. Both will move forward with normalized relations. National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien said Trump should receive a Nobel Peace Prize for brokering the deal. [Trump Win, Israel]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ 5 year old Cannon Hinnant was executed by Darius Sessoms at point blank range while riding his bike. Totally intentional. None of the Fake News Media stations even covered it. As Matt Walsh said, 'Reverse the races and this is the only thing anyone talks about for a month'. [Fake News, Race, Racism]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ BLM 'protesters' scream at residents with bullhorn, 'Black people used to live here!' 'We're talking to you gentrifiers' 'Open your wallet. . . you are living on black people's land' 'give up your house. Give black people back their homes.' 'We're coming for you. Reparations time.' [BLM, Crime, Violent Left]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ BLM vandalized and looted the Ronald McDonald House in Chicago while sick children were inside terrified. The RMH was just one of many locations looted and destroyed by mobs of BLM 'protesters' claiming to be upset that a black man was shot while he was shooting at the police. [BLM, Crime, Violent Left]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Racist Savannah Georgia store called Civvies had an appointment fee only for white people. They canceled the policy after being informed by numerous angry customers how racist that is. [Racism]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ 4 police officers were killed by DACA illegal alien, Ivan Robles Navejas. Navejas plowed into the officers at the Thin Blue Line motorcycle club. At the time, Navejas was out on bail for pinning a man with a truck and biting his ear off. [Police, Illegal Immigration, Crime]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Briahna Joy Gray, 'We are in the midst of the largest protest movement in American history, the subject of which is excessive policing, and the Democratic Party chose a "top cop" and the author of the Joe Biden crime bill to save us from Trump. The contempt for the base is, wow.' [Biden, Harris, Police]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Kamala Harris once joked about killing Trump, Pence and Sessions on Ellen and laughed about it. Which would you rather be stuck on an island with Ellen asked. 'Does one of us have to come out alive?' They laugh. Ellen claps. Outrage if anyone said that about Obama or Hillary. [Harris, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Biden repeats the 'Charlottesville Lie' as he's done many times before. 'Three years ago today, white supremacists descended on Charlottesville with torches in hand and hate in their hearts. Our president said they were "very fine people."' This lie has been repeatedly debunked. [Biden, Charlottesville, Fake Racism]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Kamala Harris describes young people. 'What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid. . . They make really bad decisions.' [Harris]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Kamala Harris continues to lie. 'Trump inherited the longest economic expansion in history from @BarackObama and @JoeBiden. And then, like everything else he inherited, he ran it straight into the ground.' There was a global pandemic. US economy recovered faster than most. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Harris]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Kamala Harris continues to lie. 'This virus has impacted almost every country. But there's a reason it has hit America worse than any other advanced nation. It's because of Trump's failure to take it seriously.' There are many advanced countries that have fared worse than the US. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Harris]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Kamala Harris makes absurd comparison to Ebola. 6 yrs ago, 'we had a different health crisis. It was called Ebola.... Barack Obama and Joe Biden did their job. Only 2 people in the United States died.' She called it a pandemic. It was not. Bloodborne. Massively harder to spread. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Harris]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ California continues to regulate people out of a job. Uber is forced to shut down until at least November because CA requires they 'classify its drivers as employees rather than contractors'. Doesn't work for Uber's business model. Many drivers who don't even want it. Bad for all [California, Regulations]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ John Sexton 'Ferguson Effect: Crime data shows rise in violent crime in U.S. cities' 2015, '17% increase in homicide in 2015. Much of that increase came from only 10 cities, which saw an average 33% increase in homicide'. Happening again after G. Floyd. Violent crime skyrocketing [Crime, George Floyd]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Krystina Skurk, '8 More Big Takedowns Of The 1619 Project For Its One-Year Anniversary' 'These errors, which concern major events, cannot be described as interpretation or "framing." They are matters of verifiable fact'. [Fake News, Slavery]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Alana Mastrangelo "Kylie Jenner Accused of Being 'Culture Stealing Colonizer' After Appearing in Cardi B Rap Video" Cardi B, 'It was so important to me to include different women,that are different races' but Jenner was called a 'culture stealing colonizer' 'Ho, why is you here?' [Cultural Appropriation, Racism]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Warren Beatty, 'The Myth that Is Systemic Racism'. Shows the black white wage gap can almost be entirely explained by blacks dropping out of high school at 2X the rate of whites and 2X fatherless homes. Blacks who finish high school, don't have out of wedlock kids are not poor. [Fake Racism, Poverty, Education]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Alexandra Deabler, "'Fox eye' makeup trend called out for 'cultural appropriation,' 'racism'" 'Fox eye trend is just white people colonizing Asian eyes that they made fun of us for'. 'Racism towards Asian is so normalised'. [Fake Racism, Cultural Appropriation]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Jamie Lee Curtis saw a mail truck on a tow truck and thought, 'I swear, in broad daylight, the driver of the red truck had a red cap on with white letters. Conspiracy? Outright attempt at stealing the election by denying the access of the @USPS ?' She was NOT kidding! #TDS. [TDS]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Walter Williams 'Are Today's Leftists Truly Marxists?' Prof. Williams surmises that current woke activists like BLM who call themselves 'Trained Marxists' haven't even read most of his works. Shows how very racist and Anti-Semitic Marx was including many n-words, 'lazy Mexicans'. [Walter Williams, Racism, Anti-Semitism]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Tucker Carlson is called a racist for inadvertently mispronouncing Kamala. 'Its about you having to finally face what you have done to this country, to black people, to black women'. Many in the Fake News claim it was 'intentional'. Joe Biden then pronounces it the exact same way [Biden, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Harris]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Joe Biden's Awful Vice Presidential Pick' endorsed 'Medicare for All banning private health care plans, would use executive orders to ban 'assault weapons, would ban fracking, rudely attacked Kavanaugh, locked up many for marijuana, then laughed about smoking it. [Ben Shapiro, Biden, Politics, Harris]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Why did Biden pick a top cop for VP? 'The President's plan doesn't include enough police officers to catch the violent thugs, not enough prosecutors to convict them, not enough judges to sentence them, and not enough prison cells to put them away for a long time' Says triple that [Biden, Police, Politics, Harris]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ After pre-deciding his VP had to be a black woman, Biden picked Kamala Harris, a woman who accused Biden of being a racist and who said she believed his sex assault accusers. Now that dems are very anti-police, their ticket is the architect of mass incarceration and a 'top cop'. [Biden, Police, Politics, Harris]
Aug 11, 2020 ~ Biden vows to end the 'Muslim Ban' that never existed in this country on Day one. 'I will end the Muslim ban on day one. Day one' The only problem is that there is no Muslim ban and there never was. Travel ban effected only 8% of Muslim population. 46 Muslim countries unaffected. [Biden, Fake Islamophobia]
Aug 11, 2020 ~ William Sullivan, 'A Funny Kind of Privilege'. Black female BILLIONAIRE Oprah Winfrey and Black female FIRST LADY Michelle Obama, wife of Black PRESIDENT Barack Obama, explain with straight faces that Black people just can't get ahead in America due to 'White Privilege'. [Fake Racism]
Aug 11, 2020 ~ Rob Reiner embarasses himself again by claiming a Trump acceptance speech at Gettysburg would 'celebrate [his] devotion to White Supremacy.' Do these fools know anything but false charges of racism. Republican Lincoln who abolished Democrat slavery gave the 'Gettysburg Address'. [TDS, Fake Racism, Slavery]
Aug 11, 2020 ~ Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best resigns after the 'Abolish Police' City Council cut her salary, reduced the size of the police force by 100 officers and slash four million dollars from the force's budget. Seattle's leadership are literally anti-police. Crime is skyrocketing. [Loathsome Left, Police]
Aug 10, 2020 ~ Liz Peek, 'Furious that Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were blocking a bill to help Americans through the COVID-19 crisis, President Trump stepped up and got the job done, all by himself.' 4 EOs: extend unemployment, prevent evictions, student loan, payroll tax. [Trump Win, Coronavirus]
Aug 10, 2020 ~ BLM leader Ariel Atkins defended the Chicago looters looting the high end Magnificent Mile stores like Gucci. 'That is reparations. Anything they wanted to take, they can take it.' 'Police should not be here. They should not exist.' The 'protesters' destroyed many stores. [BLM, Violent Left, Race]
Aug 10, 2020 ~ Once again riots in Chicago over lies. 20 yo Latrell Allen was shot by police as he was shooting at them. False story: he was 15, shot 15 times, died. MASSIVE looting of the Magnificent Mile stores. Looters yelling 'I can't breath'. Drive cars into store fronts. 13 cops injured. [BLM, Violent Left, Police, Race, Fake Racism]
Aug 10, 2020 ~ William Sullivan 'Lockdowns Never Again: Sweden Was Right, and We Were Wrong' Dr. Sebastian Rushworth, Stockholm ER doctor 'COVID is over in Sweden. People have gone back to their normal lives and barely anyone is getting infected anymore' Herd Immunity. Down to 5 deaths per day. [Coronavirus]
Aug 10, 2020 ~ Bernard Goldberg, 'Why I Want Biden to Lose More than I Want Trump to Win' Goldberg explains why you can 'detest' Trump and still see why putting the Dems in power would be FAR worse. 'There's nothing about this man's character that I like. And I hope he wins in a landslide.' [Politics, Biden]
Aug 10, 2020 ~ More Antfia riots in Portland. More than 2 straight months. Many officers injured by thugs throwing actual mortars and commercial grade fireworks at the police. Dozens arrested. Democrats continue to deny any of this is happening. Antifa just peacefully fights 'fascists'. [Antifa, Police, Violent Left]
Aug 10, 2020 ~ A Black Lives Matter 'protester' pulled a gun on a truck in Indianapolis. The protesters were occupying the road and not allowing motorists through. When someone tried to drive around them, one of the protesters pulled a gun on the driver and made him turn around. [BLM, Violent Left]
Aug 10, 2020 ~ Economist Thomas Sowell, 'Nothing is more fraudulent than calls for a "dialogue on race." Those who issue such calls are usually quick to cry "racism" at any frank criticism. They are almost invariably seeking a monologue on race, to which others are supposed to listen.' [Race, Racism]
Aug 9, 2020 ~ Danielle Muscato, another insufferable left wing cancel culture scold tries to publicly humiliate a Kroger manager for refusing to force a customer to wear a mask. Self described 'full time' 'Resist' activist tries to get him harassed on Twitter. @RealTargetTori to the rescue! [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Aug 9, 2020 ~ Joe Biden tweets, 'It's been six years since Michael Brown's life was taken in Ferguson - reigniting a movement. We must continue the work of tackling systemic racism and reforming policing.' Disgraceful lying to pander for votes. Brown was justifiably killed trying to kill a cop [Biden, Police, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Aug 8, 2020 ~ John Levine, 'NYC Councilman Paul Vallone credits Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 recovery'. '[It] saved my life.' the Democratic Councilman said. His brother said, 'I guess all those doctors who are prescribing it are right'. Democrats are annoyed it continues to help people. [Coronavirus]
Aug 8, 2020 ~ John Carney, 'Black Employment Rose Faster than White Employment in July, Black-White Jobless Gap at Historic Low'. Black employment up 1.4 compared to 0.6% for Whites. The black/white unemployment gap 'is now at its narrowest point in historical records going back to the 1970s.' [Trump Win, Economy, Race]
Aug 8, 2020 ~ Ken Blackwell, 'U.S. Manufacturers Are Coming Back Thanks to Trump'. 'Everything changed with the election of Donald J. Trump, who has kept his promise to rebuild American manufacturing as part of his plan to Make America Great Again.' Whirlpool one of many now expanding in Ohio. [Trump Win, Economy]

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