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Jun 6, 2024 ~ 'Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud' The 'Science' gets more and more of a black eye between COVID and 'climate change.' "The next time someone tells you to 'trust the science,' just remember that you are being asked to rely upon a deeply corrupted system that hosts a lot of people who are much more interested in moving their careers forward than in the cause of science." [Anti-Science, Education]
Jun 4, 2024 ~ 'Fauci Can’t Name One Study To Support Child Masking Before Pandemic' “Do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children?” "I don’t recall specifically that I did. I might have.” Recall that opponents of school were vilified. [Anti-Science, Coronavirus]
Jun 1, 2024 ~ JK Rowling: 'Why I decided to stand up for women' “Nobody who’s been through a tsunami of death and rape threats will claim it’s fun” "I’d come to believe that the socio-political movement insisting “trans women are women”was neither kind nor tolerant, but in fact profoundly misogynistic, regressive, dangerous in some of its objectives and nakedly authoritarian in its tactics."   "The thing is, those appalled by my position often fail to grasp how truly despicable I find theirs. I’ve watched “no debate” become the slogan of those who once posed as defenders of free speech. I’ve witnessed supposedly progressive men arguing that women don’t exist as an observable biological class and don’t deserve biology-based rights. I’ve listened as certain female celebrities insist that there isn’t the slightest risk to women and girls in allowing any man who self-identifies as a woman to enter single-sex spaces reserved for women, including changing rooms, bathrooms or rape shelters."   "One of the things that has most shocked me throughout this debacle has been the determined deafness of so many opinion-makers to whistleblowers at the UK’s now-discredited Tavistock gender identity clinic. Medics who were resigning from the service in unusually high numbers asserted that autistic and same sex-attracted young people, and those who’d experienced abuse — groups that were over-represented among those seeking to transition — were being fast-tracked towards irreversible medical interventions of questionable benefit by activist groups and ideologue medics. Those whistleblowers have since been completely vindicated: after an independent investigation, it’s to be closed."   "I believe we’re witnessing the greatest assault of my lifetime on the rights our foremothers thought they’d guaranteed for all women. Ultimately, I spoke up because I’d have felt ashamed for the rest of my days if I hadn’t. If I feel any regret at all, it’s that I didn’t speak far sooner." [Anti-Science, Feminism, Gender, Trans]
Jun 1, 2024 ~ 'Trans-Identifying Women On Testosterone Suffering Menopausal Symptoms In 20s, Study Shows' "Symptoms like incontinence, sexual disfunction, and even bed-wetting were found among women in their 20s who tried to medically transition with cross-sex hormones." "The study found that more than 94% of the trans-identifying women experienced some type of pelvic floor disfunction.   About 87% experienced urinary symptoms such as incontinence, frequent bathroom visits, including during the night, and bed-wetting."   “It’s really sad when we hear people say, ‘nobody ever told me this,’ and they should have been informed of the risks in gender clinics,” [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
May 28, 2024 ~ "Hormone treatment for women identifying as 'trans' is sending them into early menopause. Like in their 20s. Not only can they not enjoy sex or have orgasms, but their bodies/bodily functions are completely f**ked. These drugs are ruining people's lives, not saving them. Giving healthy people these treatments should be illegal. I cannot believe progressives are cheering this on." Telegraph article. [Anti-Science, Trans]
May 25, 2024 ~ "Climate Change ‘Solutions’ Are Harming the Environment" One of many crazy examples, Scotland cut down 16 million trees (natural carbon sinks) to make room for wind turbines!!" The insanity of of that is beyond belief. [Anti-Science, Climate Change]
May 19, 2024 ~ 'Middle School Girl’s Parents Say Trans-Identifying Boy Sexually Harassed Daughter As He Beat Her In Sports' "Girl says she was forced to share locker room with boy who regularly threatened her sexually while the school did nothing." Forcing girls to compete with boys in sports is not the only humiliation perpetrated on modern girls. They must share locker rooms and showers with boys and will be cancelled if they object. In the locker room "the boy, who claimed to be a girl, was telling her to 'suck my dick' two to three times a week. He also told her, 'I’m gonna stick my dick into your pussy,' sometimes adding 'and in your ass' as well.” The misogynists who insist on the new gender cult rules insist we ignore all biological science saying males and females should not play sports together and all of human history, human nature and common sense that indicate why males and females should have their own separate locker rooms as well as other private spaces. [Anti-Science, Loathsome Left, Trans]
May 19, 2024 ~ 'The Carbon-Offset Game Is Up' Even thought it was obvious a over decade ago, it apparently can no longer be denied that carbon offsets are a total scam which allows some to profit off of others virtue signalling while having no impact on the climate. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics]
May 19, 2024 ~ ‘The Butchers And Liars Were Murderously Wrong’: New Study Finds 12-Fold Higher Suicide Risk For People Who Had Gender Surgery "The study utilized patient data from 56 health care organizations in the U.S. and over 90 million patients." “Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not.” The study concluded, “Gender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt risks, underlining the necessity for comprehensive post-procedure psychiatric support.” [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
May 14, 2024 ~ Warren Smith, the teacher who went viral for challenging a student who claimed JK Rowling was 'transphobic' to back it up as a lesson in critical thinking and the Socratic Method was fired. Smith: "I'm not going to say what is right or wrong or which way to think. The whole point is to learn how to think not what to think." But even that is no longer allowed. Its not just dissent of the orthodoxy that is prohibited - it is questioning the dogma itself. We are living under an authoritative theocracy where merely questioning the accepted scriptures is heresy and has severe consequences. Affirmation or silence is required on many issues. [Anti-Science, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
May 1, 2024 ~ View Host Sonny Hostin thinks eclipses and earthquakes are due to climate change. “We got a solar eclipse. We’ve got earthquakes. … The Rapture is here. Also, I learned that the cicadas are coming. For the first time in a hundred years. This is for the first time in many, many years. … All of those things together, would maybe lead one to believe that either climate change exists, or something is really going on.” No, she was not joking... [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Apr 28, 2024 ~ JK Rowling on the left destroying women's rights and the lives of women and girls and criticizing her because people on the right agree with her. JK can admit the right is right about these issues. The left is so tribal, they have to disagree with the right no matter how wrong that makes them. "The truth is that the left has fucked up monumentally on gender identity ideology and until it owns the mistake, it will continue to hand the right valid talking points. As more and more PMCWs realise this, they’ll take shameless refuge in accusations that we, the women criticising the injustice and insanity of gender identity ideology, were enabling the far-right. The fact is that they’ve done exactly that, by refusing to accept that there was anything wrong with a movement that was causing serious harm to troubled young people, trampling all over women’s rights and seeking to remove single-sex services for the most vulnerable. The sense of betrayal women on the left feel towards men like Bragg will take a long time to disappear, if it ever does. I think we all take some grim satisfaction, though, in the fact that evidence of the PMCWs’ misogyny and complicity is a matter of public record, because the panicky back-pedalling and whitewashing that’s just begun is quite something to behold." [Anti-Science, Politics, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 20, 2024 ~ 'Hillary Cass: I can't travel on public transport any more.' The left behaves as they always to no matter their religious issue: trans ideology, climate change, DIE, Israel, Covid, etc. They harass, they bully, they assault, they shout down, they cancel. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Apr 20, 2024 ~ Biden destroys women's and men's rights in one move. It alters Title IX so that it includes males in female spaces. So that the main thing that protected women and girls now erases them. And they went back to the no due process kangaroo courts for campus sex accusations that we had before Trump restored due process. Riley Gaines explains, "The new rewrite means: - men can take academic AND athletic scholarships from women - men will have FULL access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc - men could be housed in dorm rooms with women - students and faculty MUST compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns." [Anti-Science, Biden, College, Due Process, Feminism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 10, 2024 ~ After the Cass Report debunked so-called 'gender affirming care' JK Rowling went OFF on the trans activists who have been pushing this barbary on children for years and bullying any critics into silence and cancellation. "Over the last four years, Hilary Cass has conducted the most robust review of the medical evidence for transitioning children that's ever been conducted. Mere hours after it was released to the press and public, committed ideologues are doubling down. These are people who've deemed opponents 'far-right' for wanting to know there are proper checks and balances in place before autistic, gay and abused kids - groups that are all overrepresented at gender clinics - are left sterilised, inorgasmic, lifelong patients. I understand that the review's conclusions will have come as a seismic shock to those who've hounded and demonised whistleblowers and smeared opponents as bigots and transphobes, but trying to discredit Hilary Cass's work isn't merely misguided. It's actively malign. Even if you don't feel ashamed of cheerleading for what now looks like severe medical malpractice, even if you don't want to accept that you might have been wrong, where's your sense of self-preservation? The bandwagon you hopped on so gladly is hurtling towards a cliff. And if I sound angry, it's because I'm bloody angry. I read Cass this morning and my anger's been mounting all day. Kids have been irreversibly harmed, and thousands are complicit, not just medics, but the celebrity mouthpieces, unquestioning media and cynical corporations. The consequences of this scandal will play out for decades. You cheered it on. You did all you could to impede and misrepresent research. You tried to bully people out of their jobs for opposing you. Young people have been experimented on, left infertile and in pain. The #CassReview may be a watershed moment, but it comes too late for detransitioners who've written me heartbreaking letters of regret. Today's not a triumph, it's the laying bare of a tragedy." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Apr 10, 2024 ~ 'The Cass Report Should Be the End of Gender-Affirming Care' The Cass Report is a bombshell exposing the lie called 'gender affirming care.' The harm of that 'care' was obvious to many who were shouted down and silenced by bullies and virtue signalers to the detriment of countless children "left sterilised, inorgasimic, lifelong patients." Cass says "There are few other areas of healthcare where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behaviour." "The former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health said there was no evidence the drugs “buy time to think” or “reduce suicide risk”... Dr Cass stated there was “concern that [puberty blockers] may change the trajectory of psychosexual and gender identity development” with most patients going on to take cross-sex hormones as a result. She said the NHS should exert “extreme caution” in giving out cross-sex hormones to under-18s as the research carried out by her review concludes there is “a lack of high-quality research” on their effectiveness." "Dr Cass said it was “extremely disappointing” to find World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH) guidelines which were taken as an industry standard and adopted very widely internationally, 'were very, very poorly evidence-based.'" Cass: ""The guidelines that recommend puberty blockers are not doing so on the basis of evidence... The guidelines that are most based on the evidence are the Swedish and the Finnish guidelines and they suggest a much more conservative approach, similar to our recommendations because the evidence isn't there. And genuinely I can't think of another area of pediatric care where we give young people a potentially irreversible treatment and have no idea what happens to them in adulthood." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ If you are on the fence about whether climate change alarmism is a religion or not, consider that people are now blaming earthquakes on climate change. (Its bad enough that EVERY storm is blamed on it even though the frequency and magnitude of those storms are the same as they have ever been.) Senate candidate Christina Khalil said "The climate crisis is real" after an earthquake hit NJ, which is on a fault line. [Anti-Science, Climate Change]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ The French report titled 'Rapport La Transidentification Des Mineurs' said the practice of sexually ‘transitioning’ children will be remembered as one of the “greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine.” And there is "no evidence" the drugs or surgeries improve quality of life. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Mar 19, 2024 ~ 'Minnesota Appeals Court Affirms State Law Preventing Ban on Trans Athletes' Incredibly, the court ruled that the state cannot ban males from participating in female sports because its a violation of THEIR rights! Forget the rights of women and girls. [Anti-Science, Loathsome Left, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ "The ‘Detransition’ Time Bomb" "We are physically altering thousands of young kids, because they say something that few if any previous societies would have taken seriously." Stats showing few detransition are very flawed. Many 10s of 1000s are grieving. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ NHS England Permanently Bans Puberty Blockers From Being Prescribed To Minors "We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of PSH to make the treatment routinely available at this time." It took the 'experts' years to conclude what was immediately obvious to anyone with half a brain. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Mar 6, 2024 ~ Michael @shellenberger releases THE WPATH FILES. (World Professional Association for Transgender Health). It's clear they know that 'gender affirming' treatments sterilize patients and destroy their ability to achieve orgasm both for life. "Many gender medicine patients lose sexual function, including experiencing orgasm. As such, they are not only deprived of sexual pleasure, they are significantly undermining their ability to form long-lasting romantic relationships. It’s clear from the Files that even many people within gender medicine do not understand this." Minors certainly cannot understand the implications or consequences of these irreversible decisions and many deeply regret them later in life. Cross sex hormones also cause serious complications after years including cancer and death. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Mar 6, 2024 ~ John Stossel, 'The Renewable Scam' California is showing how unfeasible this is. Due to the mandates, they pay 3X for electricty as the rest of the country and have more outages. It make housing far more expensive too. And harms the environment rather than helping it. "Just to produce one turbine, we have to extract 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete, and 45 tons of non-renewable plastic. Then we've got to transport that and burn fuel, getting it all carried across the world. None of these things that go into a turbine are renewable." These huge turbines create huge landfills of non-recyclable waste. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Energy]
Feb 23, 2024 ~ Its impossible to pinpoint exactly when trans ideology jumped the shark. I say it was when they came up with the 'non-binary' concept. Or perhaps the 'gender fluid' concept? But the shark is far in the rear view mirror for this chick. She's 'tri-gender': male, female and non-binary at once. But she's NOT 'gender fluid' because she experiences them "at the same, time all the time". She doesn't change between them. [Anti-Science, Religion, Trans]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ 'Britain’s Disastrous Path to Net Zero Is a Warning to the U.S.' Another cautionary tale that Biden is ignoring. The UK seems to be following Germany over the green energy cliff. As a result, Brits pay almost 2X for energy vs. the US. Less reliable and does not reduce 'worldwide' emissions a bit - it just shifts them around. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Energy]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ "There's an 'Office of Climate Change and Health Equity'?" Another government bureaucracy created by Biden whose purpose is to dole out money to favored groups and left wing organizations. Its based on total BS like "Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of black communities." [Anti-Science, Climate Change, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Feb 11, 2024 ~ A DC court orders Mark Steyn to pay Michael Mann $1 Million in Mann's defamation case. Extremely chilling decision. The climate cult is a religion with high priests who can't be questioned. The litigious Michael Mann vows to go after National Review again after losing his first case against them. "Michael Mann Vows to Target NR Yet Again: 'They're Next'" Mann, who is an excellent researcher who has never faked his data and does not behave like a cartoon super villain, threatens to ruin the lives of anyone who suggests otherwise. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing]
Feb 1, 2024 ~ Dr. Richard Dawkins again tries to explain that sex is binary to the trans cult: "The way the non-binary faithful obsess about intersexes, and about individuals who can’t produce gametes, amounts to a pathetic clutching at straws while they drown in postmodern effluent. Yes, some fish change from sperm-producing male to egg-producing female (or vice versa). That very statement relies on the gametic definition of male & female. Ditto hermaphroditic worms & snails who can produce both male & female gametes. In any case, the existence of intersexes is irrelevant to transexualist claims, since trans people don’t claim to be intersexes. Also, as if it matters, humans are not worms, snails, or fish. The rare tetra-amelia syndrome (babies born without limbs) does not negate the statement that Homo sapiens is a bipedal species. The rare four-winged bithorax mutation does not negate the statement that Drosophila is a Dipteran (two winged) fly. Similarly, the occasional individual who can’t produce gametes doesn’t negate the generalisation that mammals come in only two sexes, male and female, defined by games size. Sex is binary as a matter of biological fact. "Gender" is a different matter and I leave that to others to define." It must be exhausting to have to keep explaining basic biology to cultists. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jan 31, 2024 ~ Richard Dawkins debunking another religion: the trans cult. "This ridiculous article (shame on the once-great Scientific American) ignorantly misunderstands the nature of the sex binary: 'Actual research shows that sex is anything but binary'. Sex is not defined by chromosomes, nor by anatomy, nor by psychology or sociology, nor by personal inclination, nor by “assignment at birth”, but by gamete size. It happens to be embryologically DETERMINED by chromosomes in mammals and (in the opposite direction) birds, by temperature in some reptiles, by social factors in some fish. But it is universally DEFINED by the binary distinction between sperms and eggs. You may argue about 'gender' if you wish (biologists have better things to do) but sex is a true binary, one of rather few in biology." [Anti-Science, Fake News, Trans]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ "‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Is Increasingly Being Recognized as Unscientific" "'Experts' profess certainty that “gender-affirming care” alleviates mental-health distress. They arrive at this conclusion through deeply flawed studies that rely on patient self-reports of mental health. But other clinical indicators suggest that medical transition in fact exacerbates mental-health distress." "Lower life expectancy among those who medically transition is also likely attributable to the regimen of cross-sex hormones that transitioners take. Previous research has documented that cross-sex hormone therapy is associated with increased risk of heart disease and obesity. A new study published by University of California, Davis, researchers also hints at greater [thyroid] cancer risk." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Free Speech Is Already Dead in Great Britain' A man is hauled in for 'offensive' speech on Twitter including disagreeing that a biological male IS a woman. "Is there any lawful excuse why you made these tweets?" Thank God for 1A. [Anti-Science, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Mairead Elordi, 'Physician Who Pioneered Transgender Hormone Treatments For Children Speaks Out About Dangers' Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, chief adolescent psychiatrist at Finland’s Tampere University Hospital was in charge of the gender clinic since 2011. She has since come to believe that 'gender affirming care' does far more harm than good and is dong permanent damage to many young people that really aren't gender dysphoric. They got 'droves' new patients, "90% of whom were girls aged 15 to 17, and many of them had 'severe psychiatric conditions' she said."   "Some of the girls had family issues, and 'many' were on the autism spectrum, Kaltiala said. In addition, many had suddenly announced their gender dysphoria in adolescence."   “Now they were coming to us because their parents, usually just mothers, had been told by someone in an LGBT organization that gender identity was their child’s real problem, or the child had seen something online about the benefits of transition.”   Did it help these kids? No. “The miracle we had been promised was not happening.” “What we were seeing was just the opposite,” Kaltiala said. “The young people we were treating were not thriving. Instead, their lives were deteriorating,” including the youth becoming socially isolated.   "Meanwhile, Kaltiala’s colleagues in other countries were seeing the same trend, she said." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Oct 9, 2023 ~ AnitaB.org held the Grace Hopper Celebration, an annual convention and career fair intended for “women and non-binary technologists.” They were annoyed at how many males claimed to be 'non-binary' to join the event. "Some of you lied on your gender identity to register." This is ridiculous. They opened up the event to 'non-binary' people and then they dare to tell people they are not 'non-binary?' Newsflash: NO ONE is 'non-binary' because its a totally fake thing. If they didn't want people falsely claiming to be 'non-binary,' they should not have opened the event 'non-binary' people. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Oct 3, 2023 ~ Wesley Yang explains why Jazz Jennings who once was the 'poster child' for puberty blockers and early transition is now "a total refutation of all their claims." "The reason glorifying Jazz Jennings as a "girl brain in a boy body" to Kindergartners is bad is that Jazz was castrated and had his penis removed on television in a botched operation that required three additional surgeries and left him sterile and anorgasmic for life at 17 before he had ever had an adult relationship. He is now 100 pounds overweight and severely depressed but forever committed to pretending that his mother, the TV producers, and the surgeon who castrated him helped him discover his "true self" because he liked the color pink and lip synching to pop songs as a six year old. There can really be no other purpose to parading around this 'celebrity' than to induct other six year old boys who like the color pink and doing cartwheels into a lifetime of medicalized self-harm. Schools should not be recruitment organs for a cult of medicalized self-harm." The puberty blockers did not help because as he ages he looks more and more masculine. Another commenter: "Jazz's televised transition was managed by the best doctors Hollywood's money could buy and it was an abject disaster. This story is an example of why pediatric transitions should be banned, and proof that medical "experts" on this subject are not entitled to deference." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Sep 28, 2023 ~ Professor Elizabeth Weiss @eweissunburied, 'Discussing sex is no longer allowed at Anthropology conferences' Both the the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) informed her that her scheduled panel: "Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology," is no longer allowed due to the ridiculous claim that very real and foundational to anthropology scientific discussion about the sex of human remains will "cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI of the anthropological community as well as the community at large." Once again, science and truth are sacrificed at the alter of the anti-science called 'modern gender theory.' [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Important message from Dr. Elliot Kaminetzky, "The more I’ve learned about pediatric gender medicine the more concerned I’ve become. I feared I was a terrible bigot. I am not. Over the past few years, I’ve been speaking privately to many therapists: high profile therapists, LGBTQ+ ally therapists, specialists and generalists and yes, even trans therapists. Almost every single one of them had an array of concerns about how the medical and mental health establishment is harming children, from the researchers using the shoddiest research practices to the therapists abandoning serious assessment. (Those not concerned knew almost nothing about it and were shocked to learn about it). All of these therapists are afraid to say anything which is the scariest part of all. They have their practices, their tenure, their dinner parties, their salaries, their mortgage, their board seats, and leadership positions that they fear will all be put in jeopardy should they open their mouth. I don’t blame them. I was one of them. Until now. This is too important to be silent about. The science is not settled. There is no consensus. These kids need our genuine therapeutic help, not a fast track to puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery (see below). Every country that has been doing this before the US has since significantly altered course. We are an outlier. Therapists, your silence makes the lives of honest therapists who care to speak out so much harder. I don’t know how much longer this will last, but I can’t sleep knowing that I was silent when children are being harmed every day." [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 7, 2023 ~ Bombshell article by climate scientist blowing the whistle on why the public cannot and should not trust 'Science' Patrick T. Brown, 'I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published' "I just got published in Nature because I stuck to a narrative I knew the editors would like. That’s not the way science should work." The current [false] narrative is that climate change is driving wild fires when in reality it is AT BEST a minor factor. "I knew not to try to quantify key aspects other than climate change in my research because it would dilute the story that prestigious journals like Nature and its rival, Science, want to tell.   This matters because it is critically important for scientists to be published in high-profile journals; in many ways, they are the gatekeepers for career success in academia. And the editors of these journals have made it abundantly clear, both by what they publish and what they reject, that they want climate papers that support certain preapproved narratives—even when those narratives come at the expense of broader knowledge for society.   To put it bluntly, climate science has become less about understanding the complexities of the world and more about serving as a kind of Cassandra, urgently warning the public about the dangers of climate change. However understandable this instinct may be, it distorts a great deal of climate science research, misinforms the public, and most importantly, makes practical solutions more difficult to achieve."   "In reality, though, the biases of the editors (and the reviewers they call upon to evaluate submissions) exert a major influence on the collective output of entire fields. They select what gets published from a large pool of entries, and in doing so, they also shape how research is conducted more broadly. Savvy researchers tailor their studies to maximize the likelihood that their work is accepted. I know this because I am one of them.   Here’s how it works.   The first thing the astute climate researcher knows is that his or her work should support the mainstream narrative—namely, that the effects of climate change are both pervasive and catastrophic and that the primary way to deal with them is not by employing practical adaptation measures like stronger, more resilient infrastructure, better zoning and building codes, more air conditioning—or in the case of wildfires, better forest management or undergrounding power lines—but through policies like the Inflation Reduction Act, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions."   "This type of framing, with the influence of climate change unrealistically considered in isolation, is the norm for high-profile research papers. For example, in another recent influential Nature paper, scientists calculated that the two largest climate change impacts on society are deaths related to extreme heat and damage to agriculture. However, the authors never mention that climate change is not the dominant driver for either one of these impacts: heat-related deaths have been declining, and crop yields have been increasing for decades despite climate change. To acknowledge this would imply that the world has succeeded in some areas despite climate change—which, the thinking goes, would undermine the motivation for emissions reductions."   "I left academia over a year ago, partially because I felt the pressures put on academic scientists caused too much of the research to be distorted... But climate scientists shouldn’t have to exile themselves from academia to publish the most useful versions of their research. We need a culture change across academia and elite media that allows for a much broader conversation on societal resilience to climate.   The media, for instance, should stop accepting these papers at face value and do some digging on what’s been left out. The editors of the prominent journals need to expand beyond a narrow focus that pushes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. And the researchers themselves need to start standing up to editors, or find other places to publish."   [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Climate Change, Fake News, Free Speech, Silencing]
Sep 7, 2023 ~ .@joerogan on 'trans affirming care' for children: "“What scares me about this is what they’re doing with children. It’s terrifying that they’re calling it ‘gender affirming care’ when it’s really childhood mutilation before you have the ability to figure out what ‘permanent’ means... And this idea that you should be able to make life changing choices like hormone blockers, which are not reversible, no matter what the f*** they say. They say it’s reversible. No, the changes happened to your body during puberty and if you stop those changes, that change, you can’t reverse that. You’re going to have a micro penis, you’re taking estrogen while your body is developing, you’re blocking testosterone. If you’re doing all that stuff, it’s going to have an effect on your body... And how many detransitioners are there who have horrible stories? And you’re a monster and a bigot if you even bring that up, which is f***ing insane.” [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Sep 3, 2023 ~ Heartbreaking video of a biological boy Joseph, who to is going by Josie. He is about to get implanted with puberty blockers. He clearly does not want to do it but is being pressured by his mom. He cries to her, "Sometimes I think I’m a boy kinda.. Will you love me if I’m a boy?" [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 30, 2023 ~ Gays Against Groomers comments on indoctrinating children with gender ideology; "Children are trusting. You can tell them anything and they’ll believe it as truth. That's why telling kids they could have been born in the wrong body is so harmful. They don't know what that ultimately means and it will only confuse them. It is not reality. No child is born in the wrong body. Leave the kids alone." [Anti-Science, LGBT, Trans]
Aug 30, 2023 ~ The president of WPATH admits that boys given puberty blockers (at Tanner Stage 2) have never been able to have an orgasm as an adult. And they become sterilized for life. Children have no idea what they are giving up. Adults who perform or support this are monsters. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 20, 2023 ~ Beege Welborn, 'Tragedy: When a colon just won't work as a vagina' Puberty blockers prevent penis development so insufficient material is available for a 'neovagina.' Some doctors try to use colon material with horrific results including death. At best, these medical patients for life are left with a very poor substitute for a vagina and will likely never be able to experience orgasm. "You are left sexually crippled for life, because you made a decision as an 11 year old." This madness, this barbarism has got to stop. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Aug 19, 2023 ~ Ben Appel, 'Homophobia in drag' "All around me, it seemed, straight people were spontaneously identifying into my community and then policing our behaviours and customs. I began to think that this broadening of the ‘trans’ and ‘queer’ umbrella was giving a hell of a lot of people a free pass to express their homophobia." "I learned about current medical practices in Iran, where gay sex is illegal and punishable by death, and where medical transition is subsidised by the state to ‘cure’ gays and lesbians who, the theocratic elite insists, are ‘normal’ people ‘trapped in the wrong bodies’. I privately drew parallels between the anti-gay laws and practices of Iran and what I saw developing in the West." "Then, I learned about what was happening to gender-nonconforming kids – that they were being prescribed off-label drugs to halt their natural development, so that they’d have time to decide if they were really transgender. If so, they would then be more successful at passing as the opposite sex in adulthood." "I learned the actual statistics: nearly all children who are prescribed puberty blockers go on to receive cross-sex hormones. Blockers don’t give a kid time to think. They solidify him in a trans identity and sentence him to a lifetime of very expensive, experimental medicalisation. I wondered how different these so-called trans kids were from the little boy I had been." "I learned that for decades after their invention, synthetic ‘sex hormones’ were used by doctors and scientists who sought to ‘cure’ homosexuality, and by law enforcement to chemically castrate men convicted of committing homosexual acts." "if I had been a young boy now, I likely would have been prescribed puberty blockers and gone on to medically transition." [Anti-Science, LGBT, Trans]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ WSJ, @SwipeWright, Colin Wright, "A Biologist Explains Why Sex Is Binary, In an effort to confuse the issue, gender ideologues cite rare ambiguous ‘intersex’ cases." [Anti-Science, Trans]
Aug 1, 2023 ~ Celebrated biologist Richard Dawkins continues to trash "trans ideology." "Sex really is binary. There’s no question about it. You’re either male or female. And it’s absolutely clear. You can do it on gamete size, you can do it on chromosomes. To me as a biologist, [it's] distinctly weird. People can simply declare, I am a woman, though I have a penis. Helen, what do you think lies behind this odd distortion of reality?" Regarding how they have tried to cancel dissenters, "It’s bullying. And we’ve seen the way JK Rowling has been bullied, Kathleen Stock has been bullied. They stood up to it, but it’s very upsetting that this tiny minority of people has managed to capture the discourse and to really talk errant nonsense." [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 31, 2023 ~ Eliza Mondegreen, 'Trans Activism and the Road Not Taken', "It wasn’t necessary to put the trans movement on a collision course with reality, fairness, common sense, medical ethics, toleration for difference, freedom of speech and conscience, and the basic recognition that sex matters." Instead of making reasonable accomodations for people with gender dysphoria, we've sacrificed biological reality, women's rights, female sports, child safety, LGB rights, language and common sense. "When your goal is to reorganize society from top to bottom and fundamentally transform our ideas about human identity and embodiment, 'just believe I’m a person and I’m going through it' doesn’t cut it." [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 30, 2023 ~ Olympian Sharron Elizabeth Davies asks this about allowing biological men to compete win women's events: “Every day I wake up and go, ‘how are we here? How has this happened? Why has this happened? Who allowed this to happen? And how is everybody so scared when not a single piece of science backs up the inclusion of anyone who’s gone through male puberty into women’s sports as being fair.” Who allowed this to happen? Cowards and misogynists. #SaveWomensSports [Anti-Science, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 30, 2023 ~ Headline that could only exist post 2021: '18 Year-Old Boy Died After Doctors Tried To Create A Vagina From Part Of His Colon' This madness, this butchery has got to stop. You can't 'create a vagina' from a colon or anything else. Confused people are being lied to for profit. [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Jul 29, 2023 ~ Richard Dawkins, 'Why biological sex matters - Some argue that lived experience and personal choice trump biology – but they are wrong.' The worlds most respected and well known biologist anhiliates the incoherent and anti-scientific pseudoscience known as "modern gender theory." "As a biologist, the only strongly discontinuous binary I can think of has weirdly become violently controversial. It is sex: male vs female. You can be cancelled, vilified, even physically threatened if you dare to suggest that an adult human must be either man or woman. But it is true." "In 2011, it wouldn’t have occurred to anyone to ask such a daft question: [What is a woman?]" "In mammals, including humans, there are occasional intersexes. Babies can be born with ambiguous genitalia. These cases are rare. The highest estimate, 1.7 per cent of the population, comes from the US biologist Anne Fausto-Sterling. But she inflated her estimate hugely by including Klinefelter and Turner syndromes, neither of which are true intersexes. Klinefelter individuals have an extra X chromosome (XXY) but their Y chromosome ensures that they are obvious males, producing microgametes, albeit from reduced testes. Turner individuals are unambiguous females with no Y chromosome and only one (functioning) X chromosome. They have a vagina and uterus, and their ovaries, if any, are non-functional. Obviously, Klinefelter (always male) and Turner (always female) individuals must be eliminated from counts of intersexes, in which case Fausto-Sterling’s estimate shrinks from 1.7 per cent to less than 0.02 per cent. Genuine intersexes are way too rare to challenge the statement that sex is binary. There are two sexes in mammals, and that’s that." " But that convention recently gave way to another one. The fashion for females to “identify as” male and for males to “identify as” female has emplaced an assertive new convention. Your genes and chromosomes may determine your sex, but your gender is whatever floats your boat: “I was assigned male at birth, but I identify as a woman.” Finally, the wheel turns full circle, and self-identification has now gone so far as to usurp even “sex”. A “woman” is defined as anyone who chooses to call herself a woman, and never mind if she has a penis and a hairy chest. And of course this entitles her to enter women’s changing rooms and athletic competitions. Why should she not? She is, after all, a woman, is she not? Deny it and you are a transphobic bigot. High priests of postmodernism teach that lived experience and feelings trump science (which is just the mythology of a tribe of oppressive colonialists). Catholic (but not Protestant) theologians declare that consecrated wine actually becomes the blood of Christ." "Many of us know people who choose to identify with the sex opposite to their biological reality. It is polite and friendly to call them by the name and pronouns that they prefer. They have a right to that respect and sympathy. Their militantly vocal supporters do not have a right to commandeer our words and impose idiosyncratic redefinitions on the rest of us. You have a right to your private lexicon, but you are not entitled to insist that we change our language to suit your whim. And you absolutely have no right to bully and intimidate those who follow common usage and biological reality in their usage of “woman” as honoured descriptor for half the population. A woman is an adult human female, free of Y chromosomes." BOOM! [Anti-Science, Trans]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Only Republicans will protect women and girls in sports. The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023 would amended Title IX to clarify that biological males cannot compete in female sports. 100% of the yeas, 219 were Republican. 100% of the nays, 203 were Democrat. [Anti-Science, Politics, Trans, Trans Athletes]

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