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Nov 9, 2023 ~ Anti-Israel protesters physically attacked Jews attending a screening of the Oct. 7th Hamas Massacre organized by actress Gal Gadot at the Museum of Tolerance. @gadsaad says, "What do you think will happen in ten, twenty, or fifty years if demographic trends continue as is?" An interviewed Muslim says, "When Muslims are in the majority, we will take control of Germany by force. Sharia law will replace German laws. When Germans oppose our Sharia, they will be attacked. According to Sharia, homosexuals will be thrown down from the mountains!" [Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Nov 9, 2023 ~ Ben Shapiro @benshapiro says Rep. Tliab @RepRashida being brown (and thus in the 'oppressed' category of #CRT) "means that she can spout blood libels; she still maintains Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza, despite all evidence to the contrary. It means she can call for the utter destruction of the state of Israel, pushing the slogan 'from the river to the sea' — and the genocide that inevitably entails. It means she can blame Israel for Hamas’ attack on Israeli civilians, while claiming moral equivalence between a group who burns babies alive and a group who attempts to avoid civilian casualties. It means she can spend her career hobnobbing with open terror supporters. It means that she can claim, falsely, that Israel is engaged in 'genocide.'" [Anti-Semitism, Ben Shapiro, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Nov 8, 2023 ~ 'U.S. House Votes To Censure Democrat Rashida Tlaib For Supporting Genocide Of Israel' Tlaib uses the rhetoric, "From the river to the sea Palestine will be free," knowing it calls for the elimination of Israel. The other anti-semitic Democrats oppose her censure. [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Tlaib]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Clarice Feldman, 'Higher Ed: Now it’s Just Loco' Here's some of the things modern college kids (and other leftists) apparently support. "In one family, a first responder reported the husband was shot, the baby was placed in a burning hot oven, and the wife, to the screams of her dying child, was gang-raped and then killed." Another house, "The father's eye gouged out, the mother's breast cut off, the girl's foot amputated, the boy's fingers cut off before they were executed, and then their executioners sat down and had a meal." [Anti-Semitism, College, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad makes it clear that Hamas will never stop its massacres, promising to repeat the atrocities of 10/7 until Israel was annihilated. I.e. they are not trying to "Free Gaza" which was already under their control. They will commit mass murder and other atrocities as long as there is a state of Israel.   HAMAD: The occupation must come to an end.   Reporter: Occupation where? In the Gaza Strip?   HAMAD: No, I am talking about all the Palestinian lands.   Reporter: Does that mean the annihilation of Israel?   HAMAD: Yes, of course.   Almost all of the US #FakeNews fails to report this declaration, though they talk about 'cease fire' on Hamas unceasingly. [Anti-Semitism, Fake News, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Nov 4, 2023 ~ Matt Vespa, 'FBI Foils What Could've Been a Horrific Terror Attack in Houston By a Radical Jordanian' This Islamic Jihadist non-citizen was posting about killing Jews and searching bomb making. He was heavily armed. He spoke of becoming a martyr. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 3, 2023 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'The Islamophobic Lie' "This month has seen the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. It has also seen the worst global spike in anti-Semitism since the Holocaust." So naturally, Biden and Harris start lecturing us about 'Islamophobia' which almost doesn't exist compared to antisemitic hate crimes which are 7 times as frequent as anti Muslim crime. Biden and Harris are ridiculous clowns who are always on the wrong side of everything. [Anti-Semitism, Biden, Harris, Islam, Islamophobia, Israel, Terrorism]
Oct 23, 2023 ~ Marc Sarnoff, 'After Their Abysmal Response to the Hamas Attack, Universities Face a Reckoning' "The problem begins with spineless university administrators, who have consistently bowed to the woke tide of hateful speech from radical socialists. Universities that would fall over themselves to cancel a white-nationalist student group for excusing the murder of minorities have platformed student groups that blame Hamas’s attacks on the victims. Yale University, which allowed a professor’s career to be ruined for suggesting that students should be tolerant of each other’s Halloween costumes, has so far stood by a professor who wrote that 'Israel is a murderous, genocidal settler state and Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle.'" [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Oct 23, 2023 ~ Ryan Saavedra, "Majority Of Muslim Americans Believe Hamas Was ‘Justified’ In Its Terror Attacks Against Israel" 57.5%of American Muslims agreed that “Hamas was justified in attacking Israel as part of their struggle for a Palestinian State.” [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Wilfred Reilly, 'What the Left’s Support for Hamas Means' Good article explaining the 10/7 attack on Israel, all of the left wing groups that sided with Hamas and why their version of history is bogus. And why they are incredibly dangerous. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Germany and other European countries are learning the hard way what the consequences are for importing large numbers of Muslim immigrants who do not share western values, would rather make Europe submit to Islam than assimilate and who hate the Jews. @RadioGenoa reports: "Chaos in Germany. Pro-Hamas immigrants in Berlin shout intifada. They don't want peace, they want war. They call for Islamic Jihad and do so in the heart of Europe with attacks on the police, throwing of Molotov cocktails and various destructions." [Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Terrorism, Western Civilization]
Oct 21, 2023 ~ Climate change activist celebrity Greta Thunberg poses for a picture with a bunch of anti-Israel activists. Her sign said "Stand With Gaza." Others said things like "Free Palestine." She posed with a blue octopus toy prop next to her which is a historical Nazi propaganda trope depicting a Jewish octopus with tentacles all over the world. She claimed she didn't know that and it was her autism support toy. However, as a very public figure, there are no other pictures of her with an octopus. Its too much of a coincidence that the first time she poses with a well know antisemitic symbol is on an anti-Israel message. Even the fact that it was blue was significant to the Nazi symbol. [Anti-Semitism, Israel]
Oct 19, 2023 ~ The Al-Ahli Arab hospital is hit in Gaza. The narrative pushed by the #FakeNews and the antisemites in Congress (and elsewhere) like Omar and Tlaib is that it was bombed by the IDF and killed 500 Palestinians including many children. Evidence later showed it was a rocket shot by Islamic Jihad which either went astray or was knocked down by the Iron Dome. The impact site is far too small for an Israeli bomb. The number of dead seems to also be extremely exaggerated ("50 at most") because it impacted in the parking lot, not the hospital. The hospital is still standing. It must be pointed out that a lot of these fake left wing narratives have a similar form. Compare narratives like these to the #BLM 'racist police' narratives for example. An incident happens and immediately a narrative comprised of lies gets pushed where the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. Democrats and the #FakeNews either fall for the narrative or simply play along because they want Israel or the police to be the bad guys. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Fake Racism, Islam, Israel, Omar, Police, Terrorism, Tlaib, Violent Left]
Oct 17, 2023 ~ .@IDF, "We just eliminated Ayman Nofal, a senior Hamas operative." Last week the IDF elimated Ali Qadi, another Hamas commander. Both of these terrorists had large, high profile roles in planning and coordinating the Oct 7 attack on Israel that killed over 1300 people. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Oct 16, 2023 ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 'Hamas is another ISIS - whatever Western idiots say' "Outside the Sydney Opera House, about 1,000 protesters lit flares and waved Palestinian flags — and some were filmed chanting: 'Gas the Jews.'   In the U.S., meanwhile, 31 student groups at Harvard signed an open letter claiming that the 'Israeli regime' was 'entirely responsible for all unfolding violence', while California's Stanford University displayed a banner declaring that Palestine would be made free 'by any means necessary' — a sinister slogan that tacitly justifies Hamas's slaughter of children in pursuit of its aims.   Not to be outdone, the Chicago 'chapter' of the Black Lives Matter movement posted an image of a paraglider alongside the slogan 'I stand with Palestine'. The reference, of course, was to Hamas paragliders who descended on Israel's Supernova music festival last Saturday to rape and butcher at least 260 young people.   In short, anti-Semites the world over have been emboldened by this crisis, and Jews are once again being blamed for their own massacre. And I am not remotely surprised. In my childhood, I was steeped in the Islamist movement's noxious anti-Semitism — which has been on such ugly display this week.   Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, I spent my early years escaping political strife after my father was imprisoned for being an anti-government activist. We moved between countries before settling in Kenya.   The worst insult in the Somali community was to be called a 'Jew', not that any of us actually knew one. To be called a 'Jew' was so abhorrent, some felt justified in killing anyone who so dishonoured them with this 'slur'.   As a teenager in Nairobi in the 1980s, I joined the Muslim Brotherhood — the strict Sunni Islamist movement, founded in Egypt in 1928, from which Hamas ultimately descends.   I vividly remember sitting with my female fellows in mosques, cursing Israel and praying to Allah to destroy the Jews. We were certainly not interested in a peaceful 'two-state solution': we were taught to want to see Israel wiped off the map.   When I was 16, my school's teacher of religion was Sister Aziza. She read to us the Koran's lurid descriptions of the everlasting fire that burns flesh and dissolves skin — the place reserved for Jews.   Sister Aziza described Jews as physically monstrous, with horns coming from their heads, out of which flew devils that would corrupt the world. Jews controlled everything, she told us, and it was the duty of Muslims to destroy them."   Until the world is ready to admit the problem is encoded into Islam itself, we will never understand or solve this problem. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 15, 2023 ~ Huge anti-Israel protest in London after Hamas conducts worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Surprise: London is 16% Muslim due to recent immigration. Without firing a shot, Islam is taking over Europe again. Some openly admit this is their goal. [Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 15, 2023 ~ Matthew Continetti, 'The Shame of Academe' You many have known that so called 'higher education' institutions are toxic cesspools of hate that would cancel you for using the wrong pronoun but many are sad to discover how much pure antisemitism exists on these campuses. Worse is that the same left wing groups are staging large anti-Israel, pro Hamas demonstrations all over the world in cities like NYC, London, Toronto, Sydney etc. Chanting antisemitic slogans including "Gas the Jews." [Anti-Semitism, Cancel Culture, College, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 15, 2023 ~ Michelle Goldberg calls out the anti-semitism left in @nytimes article, 'The Massacre in Israel and the Need for a Decent Left.' She describes how Jewish Democrats are so surprised and disappointed by the amount of antisemitism coming from the left after the attack on Israel. Over 30 left wing student organizations at Harvard alone signed support for Hamas and the Palestinians after the massacre. Colleges all over the world are similar. Left wing organizations like #BLM and DSA also support the murdering, raping, baby killing terrorists. Normal Democrats seem to have no clue that their side (which falsely but routinely calls normal political opponants Nazis) is the one who has become the actual Nazis, cheering and celebrating the killing of Jews. "People who had lost close friends or family, or young Jews “completely shattered by the response of their lefty friends in New York,” who were either justifying Hamas’s atrocities or celebrating them outright. …the way keyboard radicals have condoned war crimes against Israelis has left many progressive Jews alienated from political communities they thought were their own." [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 14, 2023 ~ Unsurprisingly, Rep. @Ilhan Omar spreads lies about Israel. She claims to show "614 Palestinian children murdered by the Israeli IOF Forces," using a picture more than 10 years old of a sarin gas attack launched by Assad against E. Ghouta, Syria. [Anti-Semitism, Fake News, Israel, Omar]
Oct 13, 2023 ~ Hamas orders 10/13 to be a Jihad 'Day of Rage.' A Jewish teacher was stabbed to death in Arras, France, after a Muslim asylum seeker shouted "Allahu akbar!" The terrorist stabbed 2 others, gravely wounding them. Then an Israeli diplomat was stabbed in broad daylight in Beijing. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 13, 2023 ~ EU pinhead Thierry Breton accuses @elonmusk of allowing X to spread 'disinformation.' Threatens big fines if X does not comply to his censorship. Musk tells Thierry to shove it! BTW if you asked AI to generate the perfect name for an EU pinhead, it would say 'Thierry Breton.' [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 10, 2023 ~ After Palestinian terrorists enact the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust (over 1000 dead inc. many children and elderly, people burned alive in their homes, 100s kidnapped and raped, The Democratic Socialists of America blame Israel and express solidarity with her attackers. "DSA is steadfast in expressing our solidarity with Palestine. Today’s events are a direct result of Israel’s apartheid regime." [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 10, 2023 ~ After Palestinian terrorists enact the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust (over 1000 dead inc. many children and elderly, people burned alive in their homes, 100s kidnapped and raped, #BLM says: "I stand with Palestine" under a picture of a para terrorist - a direct reference to the Hamas terrorists who parachuted into a music festival and mowed down over 300 defenseless teens and other young people who tried to hide as best they could. The terrorists were constantly laughing as they shot the kids. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 8, 2023 ~ Hamas carries out a massive surprise attack against Israel 2 weeks after Biden unfreezes $6 billion dollars to Iran and had previously restarted funding the Palestinians after Trump had cut that off. Thousands of rockets are shot into civilian areas plus the ground invasion kills over 1300, injures over 4000 and kidnaps over 200 hostages to use as human shields and for raping (many were young women). Rape and murder victims are paraded around the streets. Over 100 people were massacred in the Kfar Aza kibbutz alone; almost the entire community wiped out in the most brutal way possible. Many were tortured before death including children - eyes cut out of their heads, fingers cut off, decapitations. "We see blood spread out in homes. We've found bodies of people who have been butchered... beheaded children of varying ages, ranging from babies to slightly older children," along with adults who had also been dismembered. Victims were found bound and tortured. Hezbollah joins the fight against Israel. This is the worst attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. General Patraeus said that this attack on Israel was proportionally 13 times worse than the 9/11 attack on the US, "This is the equivalent of the US having experienced over 40,000 losses, rather than the 3,000 terrible losses that we sustained in the attacks of 9/11." Muslim celebrations of the carnage occur ALL over the world. "God is Great!" and "Allahu Akbar." Israel is preparing its response... [Anti-Semitism, Iran, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ In response to Rep. Pramila Jayapal's false claim against Israel: "Israel is a racist state," Republicans made a resolution saying "the State of Israel is not a racist or apartheid state; Congress rejects all forms of antisemitism and xenophobia; and the United States will always be a staunch partner and supporter of Israel." 9 lawmakers voted against the resolution - all of them Democrats. [Anti-Semitism]
Mar 19, 2023 ~ New York Post, 'Black DEI director: I was called white supremacist for questioning woke policies.' Dr. Tabia Lee wanted to "create safe spaces for everyone" but found out that to be a DIE director, you have to be vigoriously anti-White and anti-Jew. She was accused of 'white-spaining' for giving a different opinion and angered the so-called 'anti-racists' by not 'confessing her white supremacy.' She was accused of 'white supremacy' for thinking White should be capitalized if Black is capitalized. She thought 'land acknowledgements', recited before every class and meeting were a "performative, almost pseudo-religious exercise" and showed they weren't even acknowledging the right tribe (if such a concept even makes sense). She wanted to hold a summit to address the anti-Semitism being experienced by Jewish students and faculty members on campus. She was told "the event wasn’t important and that Jewish people are white oppressors." DIE is pure poison that creates hostile and toxic environments for students and workers. It can't really be fixed as creating that type of environment is one of its primary purposes. [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Palestinian terrorist Khairy Alqam killed 7 and injured at least 3 more outside a synagogue in Jerusalem. The Islamic Jihadist was killed as he was shooting at officers trying to apprehend him. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 4, 2022 ~ Kanye West gets suspended from Twitter. Went totally off the rails. "I see good things about Hitler." "Every human being has something of value... especially Hitler." "I love Jewish people, but I also love Nazis." "There’s a lot of things I love about Hitler." "The Holocaust is not what happened." [Anti-Semitism]
Nov 22, 2022 ~ Just like the white Covington kids were falsely blamed for the racism and anti-Semitism of the Black Hebrew Israelites, Prof. Michael Eric Dyson is blaming the anti-Semitism of Kanye and Kyrie Irving on a “toxic species of the white supremacy.” No, they were influenced by the Black Hebrew Israelites again. [Anti-Semitism, Covington, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ A paper called "Fat acceptance as social justice" is released by the Canadian Medical Association Journal. About 'fatphobia' and "the deeply problematic medical term, 'obesity.'" "Scholars of fat studies" "structural racism in health care experienced by BIPOC communities." #CRT [Anti-Semitism, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health, Health Care]
Aug 24, 2022 ~ "A black male suspect has been identified over the repeated vandalism of the Rainbow Crosswalk in Atlanta, Ga. Jonah Sampson allegedly sprayed swastikas. He was arrested following a stand-off w/police. Many leftists on social media blamed white supremacists." @MrAndyNgo [Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism]
Aug 15, 2022 ~ Jack Cashill, "Islamic extremists in America, have proven to be exactly the bogeyman that the media [and Democrats] have long imagined the Christian right to be -- patriarchal, theocratic, sexist, homophobic, anti-choice, and openly anti-Semitic." And violently anti-free speech! [Abortion, Anti-Semitism, Free Speech, Homophobia, Islam, Sexism, Silencing]
Jul 15, 2022 ~ Rep. Cori Bush is fund raising again arm around with Neveen Ayesh who have said the following: "I tried befriending a Jew once. Worst idea ever." "F*CK Rihanna. Jew lover" "I want to set Israel on fire with my own hands & watch it burn to ashes along with every Israeli in it." [Anti-Semitism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 10, 2022 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'Some wonderful news out of...wait for it...Saudi Arabia' They are trying to reform Islam! "Qur'an verses describing Jews being turned into monkeys [and] verses prohibiting friendships with Jews and Christians and condemning homosexuality have all been removed" [Anti-Semitism, Islam, LGBT]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ The NFL appoints rapper Ice Cube to lead its "economic equity" program. Ice Cube's songs contain anti-Semitic, anti-Asian lyrics. Referring to Asian shopkeepers as "little Chinese motherfucker[s]." Music producer as "white Jew... Put a bullet in his temple." Buds with Farrakhan. [Anti-Semitism, Racism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ David Mastio "USA Today demoted me for a tweet — because its woke newsrooms are out of touch with readers" Tweeted "People who are pregnant are also women." Scientific facts that contradict the trans cult orthodoxy are no longer permitted in #FakeNews organizations. [Anti-Semitism, Cancel Culture, Fake News, Trans]
Apr 27, 2022 ~ Laurel Duggan, "Antisemitic incidents including assault, harassment and vandalism soared in 2021, according to an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) audit, representing the highest number of incidents since the organization began recording in 1979." Why not blame Biden like Trump was? [Anti-Semitism]
Jan 17, 2022 ~ Islamic terrorist Malik Faisal Akram, who took hostages at gunpoint in Beth Israel synagogue near Fort Worth has been killed by police. All hostages saved. Akram was demanding that terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, nicknamed "Lady al Qaida" be freed. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 16, 2022 ~ Henry Kopel, 'Exposed: The Selective Bigotry of the Campus Diversity Industry' Colleges employ 45 full-time DEI administrators on avg. "The average college DEI budget exceeds $3.57 million.""America’s total college DEI bill tops $14 billion." Money is funding anti-Semitism. [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 16, 2022 ~ Muslim terrorist takes hostages at the Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, near Fort Worth. The gunman demanded that Islamic terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, nicknamed "Lady al Qaida" be freed. Siddiqui is in prison for plotting dirty bomb attacks on NYC and shooting at US Soldiers. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ The Anti-Semitism of the Democratic party goes deep. A student at George Mason University accused Israel of "ethnic genocide." Vice President Kamala Harris replied "Your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed, and it must be heard." [Anti-Semitism, Israel]
Sep 21, 2021 ~ House Democrats eliminated funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. The party of Anti-Semitism predictably abandons Israel, one of America’s strongest allies. Democrats want Israel's innocent citizens including children to be hit by Hamas rockets. 'The squad' wins. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Jul 8, 2021 ~ Black Jewish Diversity Officer April Powers is fired for condemning Anti-Semitism. The Anti-Semitic left will not tolerate anyone condemning Anti-Semitism. Powers was "terrorized" by the left wing #CancelCulture mob. Don't you dare stand up for Jews being rocked by hate crimes. [Anti-Semitism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 18, 2021 ~ Left wing Anti-Semites in New York City call for the elimination of Israel chanting “We don’t want two states. We want ALL of it.” They then chant support for Hamas Muslim Brotherhood child killers. No wonder there is no much Anti-Semitic violence. Its not coming from the right. [Anti-Semitism, Israel]
Jun 10, 2021 ~ Illhan Omar @Ilhan compares the US to the Taliban and Hamas terrorists. 'We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.' ONLY 7 Democrats would sign the statement condemning her. Democrats truly hate America. [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Loathsome Left, Omar, Terrorism]
Jun 2, 2021 ~ Google's head of diversity strategy Kamau Bobb said that Jews have 'insatiable appetite for war.' 'If I were a Jew I would be concerned about my insatiable appetite for war.' Israel does now want war. Israel defends itself from regular terrorist attacks which target civililians. [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Loathsome Left]
May 31, 2021 ~ #BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors called for the end of Israel during a 2015 Harvard panel. 'If we don't step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project that's called Israel, we're doomed.' Cullors had to step down from BLM after buying several homes with BLM money. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Israel]
May 28, 2021 ~ Rutgers University affirms that Jewish lives do not matter. They originally condemned 'the sharp rise in hostile sentiments and anti-Semitic violence in the United States.' They then 'sincerely apologized' 'the message failed to communicate support for our Palestinian community.' [Anti-Semitism, Violent Left]
May 27, 2021 ~ Alan Dershowitz calls @AOC's 'Apartheid' comments 'purely anti-Semitic.' He further points out Israel is the "only non-Apartheid state in the Middle East." Jordan does not permit Jews to buy property for example. Israel gives non-Jews full rights. Her neighbors don't reciprocate. [Anti-Semitism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Israel]
May 26, 2021 ~ National Review, 'Time for Democrats to Address Their Anti-Semitism Problem' Anti-Semitic Dems like the 'Squad' are inciting the many brutal attacks against Jewish people in NY and other cities with likes like Israel is an “apartheid state.” These lies are leading to violence. [Anti-Semitism, Violent Left]

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