May 7, 2024 ~ Portland's Antifa terrorists were back to their usual terrorizing. They destroyed 15 Portland Police Department cars with arson in a "Preempitive May Day attack" to prevent the police from removing student pro-Hamas protestors from PSU. They "did it for the Plestinian martyrs." And for "Black and Indigenous rebels murdered by slavers and settlers?" They encouraged more violence: "It is time to be violent." Its always time for Antifa to be violent it seems... [Anti-Semitism, Antifa, Police, Slavery, Violent Left]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Mia Cathell, 'Follow the Money: Antifa's Financial Ties to Islamist Terrorism' Jihadists, #BLM and Antifa - terrorist organizations that hate America support each other. "The money-laundering leaders of this Antifa-aligned behemoth poured tens of thousands of dollars into the coffers of an advocate for Islamist extremism." [Antifa, BLM, Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 23, 2023 ~ A judge has ruled that the Antifa thugs who viciously attacked and beat up Andy Ngo leaving him hospitalized for doing his job as a journalist in Portland must pay Ngo $300,000 in damages. They will not pay. They will continue to perpetrate violence against those who disagree with or report on them. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ The antifa thugs that attacked journalist Andy Ngo @MrAndyNgo were acquitted by an activist Portland jury sympathetic to antifa violence. Defense counsel Michelle Burrows told the jurors "I am Antifa," and explained "Resistance in this country has never been peaceful." [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Apr 1, 2023 ~ #Antifa attacks a group of Trump supporters who were protesting his indictment in Berkley. Dressed in black and masked like the cowards they are. And as usual, they can't just counter speech with speech. They always resort to violence to try to silence their political opponents. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Antifa is rioting in Atlanta. One of their domestic terrorists shot a cop and the cops returned fire and killed him. Now Antifa is burning police cars, vandalizing and burning businesses, throwing rocks and bottles at the police and basically doing what they do best. #Violentleft[Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ More than 65 people report slashed tires in NE Portland neighborhood. Just another day in one of our nation's premier left wing dystopias. Where criminal activists terrorize the community and the leadership is too cowardly to allow the police to do their jobs. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Oct 11, 2022 ~ Antifa violently attacks "the Bison Coffeehouse in Portland. The indigenous woman-owned cafe volunteered to host a "Coffee with a Cop" community event, angering far-left extremists & #Antifa." Did a lot of damage to the cafe. No arrests as usual. Reported by @MrAndyNgo[Antifa, Police, Violent Left]
Oct 7, 2022 ~ A retired couple in Lansing had their cars and property vandalized by the tolerant people of ANTIFA because the couple supports President Trump. Spray painted "Trump Nazi Scum", "GOP Terrorists", "ANTIFA" and other messages on the car and driveway. #Antifa is the real scum. [Antifa, Loathsome Left]
Sep 30, 2022 ~ Hundreds of #Antifa thugs tried to shut down a Jordan Peterson speech in Berlin. They were unsuccessful thanks to the large police presence. All they could do was scream and shout and make threats. But they would have stopped it if they could, vile creatures that they are. [Antifa, Free Speech, Silencing, Violent Left]
Aug 29, 2022 ~ The Seminole County GOP office was vandalized by Democrats echoing Biden’s “fascists” slander. They spray painted "Eat Shit Fascists" on the windows along with the Antifa symbol. The left continues to totally own political violence and vandalism. 99.9% of the time, its them. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ .@MrAndyNgo, "Colorado Antifa shooter Samuel Young, who was convicted of four counts of attempted manslaughter when he shot at a driver trying to flee rioters on the highway in Aurora, was sentenced this week to no prison time." Its fine to be violent if you're on the left. [Antifa, Crime, Violent Left]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Left wing violence erupts across the country regarding the abortion ruling. Many are from Antifa including using a flame thrower at a cop's face. Too many to list. @MrAndyNgo is keeping track of most of them on his feed. Almost all political violence comes from the left. [Abortion, Antifa, Violent Left]
Jun 7, 2022 ~ #Antifa and #BLM rioters Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman are given a mere 18 to 24 months sentence for throwing a Molotov cocktail into a police car and handing out explosives to other rioters during the 2020 riots. Their defense “The only way they hear us is through violence.” [Antifa, BLM, Crime, George Floyd, Police, Violent Left]
Mar 20, 2022 ~ A TPUSA event featuring journalist Andy Ngo at Dartmouth was hit by over 30,000 fake registrations. “Ticket spamming has been a recurring tactic of Antifa agitators who seek to disrupt and quash the free speech of conservatives.” “a recurring and often significant issue.” [Antifa, College, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 20, 2022 ~ Harold Hutchison "‘I Was Forced To Hide’: Conservative Event At Texas College Attacked By ‘Antifa’" The violent left wing children decided you didn't have the right to hear Jeff Younger. "I was forced to hide in a janitor closet." "Enjoy your kneecaps while you’ve still got them" [Antifa, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 6, 2022 ~ Antifa and #BLM criminals John Wesley Wade, Ellie Melvin Brett, and Vida Jones were convicted of federal crimes including vandalizing police cars, federal buildings and banks. They also tried to frame Trump supporters and the Proud Boys for their crimes. LOL, what clowns! [Antifa, BLM, Crime, Fake Hate Crime, Violent Left]
Dec 21, 2021 ~ Monica Showalter, 'DA in San Diego throws the book at Antifa' At least 10 self-identifying antifa members were charged with "violent criminal acts." "attempted to obstruct a [Trump] rally." "Overwhelmingly the violence in this incident was perpetrated by the antifa affiliates." [Antifa, Violent Left]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ Lindsay Kornick, 'Antifa activist received probation after attacking GOP senator's office with an axe' Alexander Starks received probation and a $2,800 fine after trying to break into a GOP Senator's office with an axe. Jan 6 perpatrators got years in jail for walking around. [Antifa, Capitol Riot, Violent Left]
Oct 20, 2021 ~ Emily Zanotti, "‘Anarchist’ Rioters Tear Through Portland And Cause $500K In Damage, Cops Say New Law Restricting Response Leaves Them Powerless" Another day, another million dollars of destruction by Dem thugs. Police not allowed to stop it anymore in unlivable Democrat cities. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Thomas Lifson, 'Antifa starts to use guns' The violent terrorist org Antifa takes it to the next level. "Antifa members planned to disrupt an anti-COVID-19 vaccine protest." An Antifa thug "produced a handgun and fired several shots, and a member of the other group was struck." [Antifa, Coronavirus, Violent Left]
Sep 3, 2021 ~ Darren Merager who caused a scene waving his penis around in front of little girls at Wi Spa turned out to be a serial sex offender Andy Ngo uncovers. Dems and other leftists were quick to label people who objected as 'transphobes.' Antifa assaulted people who disagreed. [Antifa, Trans]
Aug 26, 2021 ~ Reporter @MaranieRae was assaulted, pepper sprayed and robbed by the thugs of Antifa just for trying to do her job. Don Lemon and other useless idiots think these terrorists are the good guys. They're just 'fighting fascism' the simpletons say because their name is 'Antifa'. Duh. [Antifa, Silencing, Violent Left]
Aug 23, 2021 ~ Portland Antifa member Jon Hamm claims Antifa has snipers on the roofs in Portland to kill people they decide are 'fascists.' "Antifa have snipers on roofs & parking garage downtown... Anti-fascist party downtown now!" Hamm also called for Andy Ngo to be shot. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Jon Brown, "‘Where’s Your God Now?’: Police Stand By While Portland Antifa Assaults Christian Worshippers, Maces Pastor" Domestic terror organization "Antifa just rolled in like an angry mob, started throwing flash bombs at everybody, macing everybody" including young kids. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Antifa/#BLM rioter Matthew Rupert has been sentenced to 9 years in prison for handing out explosives to other violent Democrats and setting a store on fire. He bragged, “I lit it on fire!” "I’ve got some bombs if some of you all want." [Antifa, BLM, George Floyd, Violent Left]
Jul 24, 2021 ~ The Wi Spa in LA allowed a biological male to expose his penis to underage girls (a crime 5 minutes ago). The anti-science #FakeNews LA Times said, the "Wi Spa did the right thing in defending the right of a transgender customer to be nude in the women's area." Antifa enforced it [Anti-Science, Antifa, Trans]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Bill O’Reilly calls out Democrats on their big divisive lie, "Where is all the white supremacy stuff?" Biden lies that its the biggest threat. Only 18 total state and federal prosecutions in 2019. "A few kooks." Compared to 1000s of violent left wing prosecutions, #BLM, Antifa. [Antifa, BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ Antifa mob attacked a woman protesting peacefully outside the spa where a person exposed his penis to women & girls. They harassed her, assaulted her, pushed her around, took her sign and hat. Sung 'Go home transphobe.' They assaulted others that day sending one to the hospital. [Antifa, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Jun 25, 2021 ~ Mumford & Sons' banjo player, Winston Marshall has quit the band. He praised Andy Ngo's book exposing Antifa and his band mates couldn't deal with the hatred and intolerance spewing from the vile and violent left. And Marshall doesn't want to 'self censor.' #CancelCulture [Antifa, Cancel Culture, Violent Left]
Jun 21, 2021 ~ Brock Simmons, 'VIOLENCE BREAKS OUT at Denver Conservative Conference as Hundreds of Antifa Militants Threaten And Harass Drivers and Guests Outside Hotel' Antifa doing what they do. Attacked people filming. Yelled obscenities at the police. “Who wants to curb stomp a Nazi?” sign [Antifa, Violent Left]
Jun 3, 2021 ~ Journalist Andy Ngo is brutally attacked in Portland: ‘Antifa Tried To Kill Me Again’ They allow other #FakeNews reporters who agree not to expose their violence. @MrAndyNgo was lucky to escape with his life by getting to a hotel. Rushed to the hospital with multiple injuries. [Antifa, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jun 3, 2021 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Media Finally Discover Antifa' Dems like Jerry Nadler and the #FakeNews like @nyt's Nicholas Kristof and @cnn's Josh Campbell ignored over 100 days of riots and dozens of injured cops in order to deny their existence. Now they feel bad for the the victims. [Antifa, David Harsanyi, Fake News, Violent Left]
May 26, 2021 ~ Portland #Antifa tried to burn down the Portland courthouse for the 1000th time. A mob of about 200 burned, vandalized and broke windows at the courthouse, city hall and businesses. Slashed tires, tried to burn businesses etc. This is the modern left on a regular basis. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ Portland continues to be ablaze every night. Typical rioting, arson, and gunfire by Antifa. Burned down an Apple store, damaged many others. Shot at security guards. The left is extremely violent every day and yet the #FakeNews pushes the narrative that its the the right who is. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Antifa Sets Portland ICE building on fire with officers trapped inside. Just another day like every other in the world of the politically violent left. Democrats ignore ALL of it every day and talk incessantly about a single incident on Jan. 6 that had almost no real violence. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Mar 15, 2021 ~ Riots in LA, Portland, and Seattle mark the he one-year anniversary of the officer-involved shooting death of Breonna Taylor. Rioters threw rocks at police, vandalized police vehicles, and smashed windows of businesses. Taylor was killed next to boyfriend shooting at the police. [Antifa, BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Rule by Left-Wing Lunatics' This article compares the treatment Antifa gets vs. Proud Boys. Antfia starts violence all the time and is usually allowed to get away with it. The few times Proud Boys fought back, they were arrested. Falsely called 'white supremacists.' [Antifa, Fake Racism, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Antifa renews its attacks on a Federal Courthouse in Portland. Portland police allow them to vandalize, set fires, smash windows etc. The left does this almost daily. The right did far less for one single day on Jan 6, and that is all the #FakeNews has been talking about since. [Antifa, Capitol Riot, Violent Left]
Mar 9, 2021 ~ Mumford and Sons member Winston Marshall apologizes and self-cancels for being against Antifa, a terrorist organization that vandalizes constantly and beats the hell of innocent people REGULARLY. Another pathetic coward who bows to the mob. His cowardly bandmates were 'offended.' [Antifa, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Violent Left]
Feb 5, 2021 ~ Andy Ngo reports 'Should be international news: An #antifa group sieged a Red Lion hotel in Olympia, WA, forcing staff to flee for their lives & guests in 40 rooms had to shelter in place. Antifa brought hatchets, knives & other weapons to the siege.' Violence 99% on the left. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Jan 22, 2021 ~ Self-Described ‘Hardcore Leftist’ Daniel Alan Baker is arrested for plans to attack the Florida State Capitol. 'has made multiple violent threats to those he claims are White supremacists, fascists... and has promoted the killing of U.S. military officers.' #AntifaTerrorist [Antifa, Fake Racism, Violent Left]
Jan 21, 2021 ~ A mob of #antifa thugs rioted in Portland and Seattle. Chanted "Fuck Joe Biden", set fires, broke windows, other damage. Don Lemon says Antifa is good because they fight fascists. That's why they're called Antifa, duh! Therefore, Joe Biden is a fascist because Antifa would know. [Antifa, Biden, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Andy Ngo captures another mob of antifa that assault a small group of conservatives in San Diego, CA waving an #antifa flag. Left wing violence continues to happen almost constantly. Outweighs right wing violence 1000 to 1. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Antifa violently shuts down a Portland bookstore that dared to try to sell Andy Ngo's book about them 'Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy' "We will shut down the store every day!" say the violent thugs proving the truth of the book they are trying to ban. [Antifa, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, Joe Biden and Dems falsely called the Capitol police racists 'while one of them lay dying.' 'There isn’t a Republican who didn’t condemn what happened Wednesday. There isn’t a Democrat who has condemned the months of riots from BLM-ANTIFA. One side is consistent.' [Antifa, Biden, Capitol Riot, Derek Hunter, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police]
Jan 9, 2021 ~ Greg Gutfeld, 'Vandalism and looting, whether it’s in D.C. or Portland, SoHo, Kinosha, Minneapolis, Seattle. It’s all bad no matter who’s doing it. So we must remain consistent. That’s what makes us different from the rest. We don’t play favorites with mobs. The other side does.' [Antifa, BLM, Capitol Riot, Politics, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Nov 27, 2020 ~ Violent leftists continue to be allowed to destroy downtown Portland. Antifa damages over 10 businesses with broken windows and ridiculous messages, “Fuck Ur Thxgiving,” “Land Back” “You Don’t give aF about Black PPL”. Several arrested. [Antifa, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]