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Jul 23, 2024 ~ Neither Biden nor Harris meet with Benjamin Netanyahu when he arrives in the US. Harris skips his congressional speech. In order to appease their anti-Semitic constituents, they are loudly and clearly against our ally Israel as she fights for her survival on all sides. Shameful. [Anti-Semitism, Biden, Harris, Israel, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Jul 16, 2024 ~ 'Debt Up $7 Trillion Under Biden' My God, $7 Trillion in less than 4 years and the fool has the gall to brag about his handling of the deficit. He's run up more debt than any other President! This is way unsustainable. Democrats will bankrupt us! [Biden, Debt, Deficit]
Jul 8, 2024 ~ Senator Marco Rubio points out that the Biden Administration has turned Americans into suckers. "They've worked here their entire lives. They retire. They get $800, $900, a $1,000 a month from Social Security. Somebody who just got here from Cuba 3 months ago is given $1,500 a month." "So imagine if you've been working here for 40 years and your Social Security check is smaller than the benefits going to a 28 year old, able-body person who just got here. That's real. That happens. That's happening every day. That makes no sense." [Biden, Entitlements, Illegal Immigration]
Jul 8, 2024 ~ Biden interviewer Andrea Lawful-Sanders revealed that the White House sent over the questions she was allowed to ask and she stuck to them. This is very similar to the revelations of journalist Sage Steele: "Every single question was scripted... I was on script and was told not to deviate." Lawful-Sanders was fired for telling the truth about how Biden will only interview with scripted questions. [Biden]
Jul 5, 2024 ~ Politico: "It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’” said one senior administration official. “It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared s**tless of him.” “He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it,” the person added. [Biden, Politics]
Jul 5, 2024 ~ Van Jones, "Behind the scenes, it’s full-scale panic. People are passing around legal memos, PDFs are flying back and forth on WhatsApp, trying to figure out what are the options? How can you replace Biden? ... Who should Kamala Harris’ vice president be? The conversation on air and the conversation off air are completely different." [Biden, Politics]
Jun 29, 2024 ~ 'Trump Crushes Corpse Biden In Disaster Debate' Biden's dementia and confusion was on full display in the debate with Trump. His answers were incoherent and nonsensical. The nation was horrified. Democrats are panicking. Many calling for him to step down. [Ben Shapiro, Biden, Politics]
Jun 29, 2024 ~ 'There's a Charlottesville Every Week, and Joe Biden Is Fine With It' "There's a new Charlottesville every week in America nowadays. They aren't led by a few hundred Nazi cosplayers, but thousands of Islamists and leftist fellow travelers whose goals are supported by numerous administration officials, congressmen and newsrooms. In the latest Charlottesville, a mob of pro-Hamas goons showed up in front of a synagogue in the heavily Jewish Pico-Robertson neighborhood in Los Angeles. They wore terror apparel, called for violence against Jews, allegedly beat up a Jewish woman and impeded people from worshipping." This goes on all the time, sometimes resulting in injuries and death. On campus, they block Jewish students from entering classrooms, etc. Usually, the Democrats and leftists in charge allow it, sometimes even participating. [Anti-Semitism, Biden, College, David Harsanyi, Islam, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Jun 20, 2024 ~ 'Shipping Industry Demands Action After Islamic Terrorists Sink Another Major Vessel' Iranian backed Jihadist sink a Greek bulk cargo carrier M/V Tutor in the Red Sea. This keeps happening because Biden does nothing about it every time it does happen. [Biden, Iran, Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 18, 2024 ~ 'Biden Has Not Connected One Person with High-Speed Internet with $42.5 Billion from Infrastructure Bill' The amount of money this administration can flush down the toilet is staggering. Boondoggle after boondoggle designed to enrich his donors. [Biden, Politics]
Jun 9, 2024 ~ 'Our President, the Pathological Liar' A lengthy list of many of Biden's lies but since he lies constantly about every detail of his life, this list is doomed to be just a partial list. But still its an amazing record of bald face deceit. [Biden]
Jun 9, 2024 ~ Journalist Sage Steele reveals how the #FakeNews carefully guards the secret that Biden is not mentally fit to even do a real interview and prevents questions that would make his administration look bad. When she interviewed him for ESPN, she said "Every single question was scripted, gone over dozens of times by many editors and executives. Absolutely. I was on script and was told not to deviate. It was very much ‘This is what you will ask. This is how you will say it. No follow-ups, no follow-ups. Next.’ … This went up to the fourth floor, as we said, where all the bosses, the top executives, the decision makers are, the president of our company, the CEO, where they all worked." [Biden, Fake News]
Jun 8, 2024 ~ 'Biden's All-of-Government Vote-Buying Scheme' Biden is handing out $50 million to the 'Climate Justice Alliance' which believes that "the path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine" and all the standard DIE poison. But that is just a drop in the bucket as the ridiculously named 'Inflation Reduction Act' "provides $2.8 billion to the EPA for environmental and climate justice block grants," (Section 60201). That's a license to hand out walking-around money to many political activists, not just the Climate Justice Alliance." Biden and the Democrats hand out billions of your taxpayer dollars or borrowed money to buy votes. [Anti-Semitism, Biden, Climate Change, CRT DIE Wokeness, Politics]
Jun 8, 2024 ~ 'Biden’s Collusion in the Anti-Trump Lawfare Gambit' Democrats lie that Biden is not involved in prosecuting his election opponent. "There is no daylight between President Biden, the Biden Justice Department, and the federal prosecutions of Biden’s opponent that — if Smith has his druthers — will keep Trump chained to courtrooms for four to six months while Biden is out campaigning in battleground states. Naturally, it is easier to discern Biden’s lawfare collusion in the federal prosecutions of Trump than in the criminal cases brought by elected Democratic prosecutors in the states of Georgia and New York. But the collusion is plain to see there, too." "Bragg recruited Matthew Colangelo. Most prosecutors see themselves as working in law enforcement; Colangelo specializes in anti-Trump enforcement. He comes to the DA’s office from a stint as one of the very top lawyers in the Biden Justice Department... To put it mildly, it is highly unusual for a lawyer in so lofty a federal perch to decamp to a county DA’s office for a line-prosecutor post — even allowing that the county is in the Big Apple and the trial gig is a prosecution of Donald Trump, which will make Colangelo a very famous fellow. But in this instance, it is a seamless transition. Prior to joining the top echelon of Biden’s Trump-hostile Justice Department, Colangelo had worked at the New York attorney general’s office — where Bragg was then a top deputy and where Colangelo specialized in lawsuits against Trump and his organization. It was Colangelo’s work against Trump that Bragg touted in running for district attorney in blue, blue Manhattan." "The best collusion evidence in the New York case is the silence of the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission." "The Department of Justice is so territorial about its jurisdiction that it would make a tiger wilt in admiration. Similarly, the FEC jealously guards its turf. Do you really think for a moment that the Biden Justice Department and the FEC would sit in silent passivity if any other state prosecutor, besides Bragg in this particular case, usurped federal authority and undertook to enforce federal law — in a matter as to which the DOJ and FEC, after thoroughly investigating, had decided not to prosecute? Unlike Trump, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign actually did violate the campaign-finance laws by misdescribing its disbursements in concocting the Russiagate smear (e.g., the production of the Steele dossier) as legal expenses rather than opposition research. Consequently, the FEC fined Clinton’s campaign." [Biden, Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 6, 2024 ~ 'Biden’s Border Executive Order Is a Joke' After gutting every policy Trump put in place to stop the flow, opening the border while turning it into a giant magnet for 4 years, he pretends to 'get tough' on the border but its just a facade designed to fool low information voters. The #FakeNews will be complicit in the ruse but its transparently crap. UPDATE: The EO is have 'no effect' on the number of immigrants crossing illegally each day. [Biden, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 4, 2024 ~ "Biden Admin Has Granted 'Mass Amnesty' to Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Border Crossers. Here's How." Not only is he granting 'asylum' to many cases that are not asylum, he terminated over 350,000 asylum cases so far without even having a hearing. [Biden, Illegal Immigration]
May 27, 2024 ~ 'Biden Inspires Black Graduates By Telling Them That Democracy Is Dead And White People Are Out To Kill Them' Biden gives commencement speech at historically black Morehouse College. Non-stop divisive lies as usual. "You started college just as George Floyd was murdered and their was a reckoning on race. It’s natural to wonder if democracy you hear about actually works for you. What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street? If Black men are being killed on the streets, we bear witness. For me, that means to call out the poison of white supremacy, to root out systemic racism. I stood up for George -- with George Floyd's family to help create a country where you don't need to have that talk with your son or grandson as they get pulled over. What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leave black communities behind? What is democracy if you have to be ten times better than everyone else to get a fair shot? ... What does it mean ... to be a Black man who loves his country even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure?" None of this is true but if the new graduates believe it they will be demoralized and hate back a country they are told hates them. [Biden, BLM, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Police]
May 25, 2024 ~ Biden cancels another $7+ Billion in student loan debt for 160,000 people. There is no end to his illegal vote buying with taxpayer dollars transferred to people who he hopes will vote for him if he showers them with money that doesn't belong to him. He still has no legal authority to do this. [Biden, Politics]
May 19, 2024 ~ Victor Davis Hanson on how one of Biden's desperate re-election strategies is to charge Trump with bogus crimes to damage his reputation, bankrupt him and keep him in court instead of on the campaign trail: "Left-wing local, state, and federal prosecutors are tying Trump up in court on crimes that have never been seen before and will never be again after the election. All the cases are politically motivated, with many coordinated with the White House.   Even if Trump is not convicted by blue-state prosecutors, in blue-state courtrooms, in front of blue-state juries, he will lose critical campaigning time.   Trump may end up paying out $1 billion in legal fees and fines. At 76, the monotonous days in court are designed to destroy him financially, physically, and mentally.   Biden and his operatives know that, in the long term, they may have fatally damaged the American legal system with such judicial sabotage. But short-term, they hope to destroy Trump before the ballots are cast." [Biden, Loathsome Left, Politics, Victor Davis Hanson]
May 13, 2024 ~ 'Biden ends the US-Israel alliance at a fortuitous moment' Biden betrays Israel in many ways. Attempting to appease college Hitler Youth, he withholds intelligence and weapons. Tries to force a cease fire that keeps Hamas in place signalling that he is ok with more Oct 7ths. He also shows our other allies that they can't count on us and shows our enemies that we are weak. Anna Applebaum: "The U.S. is not just an untrustworthy ally, but an unserious ally. A foolish ally." [Anti-Semitism, Biden, College, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
May 5, 2024 ~ Bill Maher summarizes Biden's student loan grift: “[The] Biden administration’s student debt cancellation will cost to combine 870 billion to 1.4 trillion. That’s a lot of debt forgiveness. Okay, so colleges constantly raise tuition, then the kids take out more loans, then the government comes by and pays those loans. Okay, so my tax dollars are supporting this Jew-hating. No, I don’t think so.” [Biden, Politics, Student Loans]
May 1, 2024 ~ 'Biden Effectively Bans Coal Power . . . Again' "The latest EPA regulations are a whopping 681 pages of unreasonable demands that will kill the American coal industry." Must reduce emissions by 90%. Not possible. Goes around congress and just dictates. [Biden, Climate Change, Energy]
Apr 27, 2024 ~ 'Biden Administration Declares That Criminal Background Checks Are Racist Against Black People' According to the DIE ideology, anything that shows differences between the races is 'racist' by definition. The Biden administration is suing Sheetz for using criminal background checks in their hiring decision. There was no actual discrimination except of criminals. "This is why many companies choose to head off the whole problem in the first place, by openly discriminating against white people. If you do that, then the Biden administration won’t touch you." [Biden, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Apr 27, 2024 ~ Joe Biden claims his uncle was eaten by cannibals. "He got shot down in New Guinea and they never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea." Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape was not pleased: "My country does not deserve to be labeled as such." [Biden]
Apr 20, 2024 ~ Biden destroys women's and men's rights in one move. It alters Title IX so that it includes males in female spaces. So that the main thing that protected women and girls now erases them. And they went back to the no due process kangaroo courts for campus sex accusations that we had before Trump restored due process. Riley Gaines explains, "The new rewrite means: - men can take academic AND athletic scholarships from women - men will have FULL access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc - men could be housed in dorm rooms with women - students and faculty MUST compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns." [Anti-Science, Biden, College, Due Process, Feminism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ 'Try to Keep Up - Another Round of Vote-Buying Student Loan Billion Bucks Bail Outs Announced This Morning' Its hard to keep up but he just forgave another $7.4 Billion after just forgiving $153 Billion. Defying the SCOTUS, the constitution and Congress. [Biden, Politics, Student Loans]
Apr 5, 2024 ~ Robert Kennedy Jr. @RobertKennedyJr said Joe Biden "is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech or censor his opponent." [Biden, Free Speech, Politics, Silencing]
Mar 10, 2024 ~ Biden was shamed for ignoring Laken Riley who was killed due to his immigration policies. So he reluctantly mentioned her at the SOTU address but he called her Lincoln. He correctly said she was killed by an "illegal alien" but Dems were furious he used that term. They were far more upset at calling him an illegal than the fact that he killed an innocent college student. Biden apologized. “I shouldn't have used 'illegal.' It's undocumented." He also weirdly and insultingly claimed "they built the country." Ho boy... [Biden, Crime, Illegal Immigration]
Feb 26, 2024 ~ Biden cancels another $1.2 billion in student loan debt despite the Supreme Court ruling he has no constitutional power to do it. He's already canceled $138 billion and is on track to cancel $475 billion over 10 years. He's vote buying with taxpayer money, adding to the already out of control national debt, and keeping college costs unnecessarily expensive. [Biden, College, Debt, SCOTUS, Student Loans]
Feb 11, 2024 ~ Special counsel Robert Hur concluded his investigation of Biden's mishandling of classified documents. Hur said that Biden did in fact commit crimes by taking and stashing classified documents in many unsecure places. Biden "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," but that he should not be indicted because he was "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” Hur gave many examples of Biden's memory being incredibly bad including twice not remembering when he was vice president and not even knowing when his son died. Add to those recent examples of him mixing up several world leaders, thinking he recently spoke with leaders who have been long dead, mixing up the Presidents of Mexico and Egypt, forgetting the name of Hamas and more. It is now impossible to deny that Biden's mental capacity has severely declined. Who will the Democrats run in November? [Biden, Politics]
Feb 6, 2024 ~ President Joe Biden tells a story of how in 2021 he talked to President François Mitterrand of Germany (then corrected himself and said France) about how the Capitol was stormed to overturn an election and 2 police officers were killed. They used to say 5 officers were killed but the correct number is still 0. Also, Mitterrand died 25 years ago in 1996. Biden is beyond senile at this point. He barely knows who HE is but the Democrats are going to run him for president again. [Biden, Politics]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, "Biden 'Saves' Democracy by Destroying It" By removing Trump's name from the ballot, "five officials in two states [Colorado, Maine] have taken away the rights of some 7 million Americans to vote for the president of their choice." Yet Dems claim the GOP is anti Democracy. [Biden, Politics]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ David Harsanyi, 'A Short History of Joe's Long Record of Lying About Biden Inc.' Its hard to deny the corruption when the evidence is stacked up this well including having "blatantly lied about his role in the family influence peddling business." [Biden, David Harsanyi, Politics]
Nov 3, 2023 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'The Islamophobic Lie' "This month has seen the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. It has also seen the worst global spike in anti-Semitism since the Holocaust." So naturally, Biden and Harris start lecturing us about 'Islamophobia' which almost doesn't exist compared to antisemitic hate crimes which are 7 times as frequent as anti Muslim crime. Biden and Harris are ridiculous clowns who are always on the wrong side of everything. [Anti-Semitism, Biden, Harris, Islam, Islamophobia, Israel, Terrorism]
Oct 10, 2023 ~ Biden can't stop trying to buy votes by forgiving student loan debt even after the Supreme Court told him he doesn't have the authority to do so. He creates the Public Service Loan Forgiveness via EO. "I'm announcing my administration has approved an additional $9 billion in relief for 125,000 borrowers... With the latest debt cancellation, in total, my administration has canceled $127 billion in student debts for nearly 3.6 million Americans." [Biden, Debt, SCOTUS, Student Loans]
Oct 1, 2023 ~ Byron York explains how Biden (who caused the current illegal immigration crisis) is accelerating it through a program called the CBP One parole which permits inadmissible aliens to fly directly to airports in the interior of the United States, bypassing the border altogether. "The program applies to migrants from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti. The migrants, according to the Center, request 'advance travel authorizations' through the CBP One mobile app." This program is bringing in between 200-300 thousand per year more migrants above the millions being allowed to come in through the border. [Biden, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ Wendell Husebø, 'Third IRS Agent Says Biden‘s DOJ Blocked Weiss from Charging Hunter' Biden administration corruption is naked and out in the open. They know they can operate above the law with impunity. [Biden, Crime]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. James Comer said that it was “unfortunate” House Republicans have started an impeachment inquiry, but President Biden and his legal team “have blocked and obstructed” their investigation at “every turn.” “We’re having an impeachment inquiry because we have gotten to the point to where there is so much evidence of wrongdoing by the Biden family, and Joe Biden has lied so many times to the American people about his knowledge of his family’s wrongdoings.” [Biden, Impeachment]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ Ryan Ellis, 'Joe Biden’s 95% Drug Tax That You Didn’t Know About' With no authority, unelected government bureaucrats will set the Medicare price for many drugs and if companies don't accept the 'negotiated' price, those drugs will be taxed 95% on all sales. [Biden, Health Care, Regulations, Taxes]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ Incredibly, Joe Biden issued an Executive Order creating a new Climate Corps, 20,000 strong. Congress voted it down but he created it anyway by EO. He acts like a dictator, bypassing congress and the constitution to 'create' anything he wants. He had NO authority to do this. [Biden, Climate Change]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Fiscal 2023 the second straight year that the federal debt has increased by more than $2 trillion! These are record deficits and Biden goes around claiming he's a deficit CUTTER. The man lies non-stop. But his lies are not mere exaggerations. They are the opposite of the truth. [Biden, Debt, Deficit]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ The @AP shows it is a proud, card carrying member of the #FakeNews. Despite a mountain of evidence including whistle blowing eye witnesses and millions of dollars of grift, they say Republicans are "claiming without evidence that they engaged in an influence peddling scheme." [Biden, Fake News]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Yes, Joe Biden Is Corrupt' This article is a good summary of the corruption racket the Bidens have been running for some time. [Biden, Rich Lowry]
Sep 7, 2023 ~ Mary Margaret Olohan, 'Former Harvard Journal Editor Accuses Biden of More Plagiarism' "He had lifted language straight out of a [Supreme Court] opinion, changed a couple words, and called them his own." Found more and more as he kept digging! [Biden]
Sep 5, 2023 ~ More information coming out about how the Biden family corruption racket worked. Joe Biden went by a variety of code names and false names, including Robin Ware. Robert L. Peters, JRB Ware, Celtic, “The Big Guy” and more. 20 different LLCs and shell companies, used to launder money which has been disbursed to nine different members of his family from countries such as Romania and the Ukraine. [Biden]
Sep 5, 2023 ~ Brandon Gillespie, 'Hunter's text about Biden making him fork over half his salary resurfaces amid new Democrat talking point' More evidence showing how the Biden family corruption machine worked. "Don't worry unlike Pop I won't make you give me half your salary." Hunter wrote in 2019. [Biden]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ "'Bidenomics' Has Been a Disaster" "The president and his allies had far more to do with destroying jobs than creating them... Approximately 10 million of the jobs that Biden now brags about overseeing are just people coming back to the workforce after state-compelled lockdowns." He also did nothing to reduce inflation beyond fed policies. He tried to make it worse but was stopped by the 2 sane people in his party. [Biden, Coronavirus, David Harsanyi, Economy]
Aug 3, 2023 ~ Andrew C. McCarthy, 'The Biden Family’s History of Influence-Peddling, Explained' and 'How the Bidens Got Rich.' Day by day, new depths of Biden family bribery and corruption are revealed by whistleblowers and investigations. Tens of millions of dollars in influence peddling. Being called "The greatest political scandal in American history." Comer, "We found that the Bidens had took millions and millions of dollars from our adversaries. And we don’t know why they received the money. No one can explain one simple thing the Bidens did to receive those payments." At the same time, IRS revelations of favorable treatment for Hunter Biden's millions in tax evasion, drug charges and federal firearms violations. Garland's DOJ tried and are still trying to bury all of it. [Biden]
Jul 14, 2023 ~ After being told by SCOTUS that he can't illegally (without Congress) spend $500 billion on student loan forgiveness, Biden announces a bold NEW plan to instead illegally spend $39 billion. [Biden, College, SCOTUS, Student Loans]
Jul 7, 2023 ~ A black student asked Biden, “If I were your daughter, what advice would you give me the next time I’m stopped by the police?” He responded, “If you were my daughter, you’d be a caucasian girl, and you wouldn’t be pulled over.” Biden is a very sick man. Always lying to divide. [Biden, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police]

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