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Aug 4, 2021 ~ NY Gov. Cuomo who during the Kavanaugh hearing said ‘All survivors of sexual assault we believe you and we will fight for you’ is now being asked to resign by Biden over sexual assault charges. Tara Reade has accused Biden of a worse assault than Cuomo's worst but she is ignored. [Biden, Kavanaugh, Me Too]
Jul 29, 2021 ~ Biden tells another whopper. "I used to drive an 18-wheeler man." Totally ridiculous. The White House tried to cover. "He's been in an 18-wheeler and drove a bus once." The embarrassing part is no one knows if he's lying or its just the senility kicking in? [Biden]
Jul 27, 2021 ~ Biden is verbally abusive (again) and dismissive to a female reporter, "‘You are such a pain in the neck." To another, "“Where the hell — what do you do all the time?" To another, "If you don’t understand that, you are in the wrong business,” "Dog face pony soldier" "Shut up fat" [Biden]
Jul 23, 2021 ~ Virginia Kruta 'Four Major Stories That Were Considered ‘Disinformation’ Until They Weren’t' The lab leak theory, Hunter Biden's laptop, Russian Bounties on American Soldiers, The Russia Hoax. And MANY more. Yet Democrats and the #FakeNews think they can be arbiters of the truth. [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake News, Russia Hoax, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Jul 6, 2021 ~ Biden caught in yet another ridiculous lie. Says hit the ball 368 ft off the right-centerfield wall in the second Congressional baseball game. "My kids remember that." Was very easily debunked. Biden went 0-2 in that game. Add it to the LONG list of his lies. [Biden, Fake News]
Jun 23, 2021 ~ Biden continues to falsely claim that the Clinton era ban on 'assault rifles' reduced crime. The report titled "An Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003" says otherwise. A Quinnipiac University shows the same. [Biden, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jun 17, 2021 ~ Hannah Bleau, 'Buyers of Hunter Biden’s Art Will Remain Anonymous, Sparking Pay-for-Play Concerns' Hunter's 'art' is expected to sell for $75K to $500K. It is only worth a lot of money because of who he is. Like Ukraine, these buyers are buying influence with 'The Big Guy'. [Biden, Ukraine Hoax]
Jun 16, 2021 ~ Hunter Biden who has used the n-word multiple times also uses racial slurs when referring to Asians. When his cousin asked him which model friends he wanted to be introduced to, he said 'No Yellow.' #StopAsianHate [Biden, Racism]
Jun 14, 2021 ~ Trump lists some #FakeNews stories that he has have been proven right about. HCQ, Lab leak, Hunter's laptop, Russian bounties, vaccine timetable, lockdowns didn't work, schools should reopen, CRT is poison, successful border polices, Lafayette Square not cleared for a photo op. [Biden, Coronavirus, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Russia]
Jun 14, 2021 ~ Biden's mental decline is accelerating. @HeyTammyBruce notes, 'At some point his cognitive disfunction has to be considered a natl security threat if only because of the confidence it must give our enemies “President confuses Syria with Libya three times”' at G7. [Biden, Syria]
Jun 11, 2021 ~ Warner Todd Huston, 'New York Times Helped Destroy Cheerleader Who Said N-Word, Silent on Hunter Biden' The @NYTimes is silent about Hunter using the n-word but ran A FRONT PAGE story about a 15 yo girl who used the n-word one time not about a black person and ruined her life. [Biden, Cancel Culture, Racism]
Jun 11, 2021 ~ Candace Owens nails it. 'I love that we listened to 4 years of baseless accusations that the Trump family was racist—only to have the media stay mum about Hunter using the n word.' Everything Trump did and said was 'racist' including things Democrats have always said and done. [Biden, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 9, 2021 ~ Hunter Biden's laptop reveals he used the n-word several times. Of course he gets a pass. Teenage girls have their entire college career canceled and Trump's kids would have been crucified if they did the same but if its a Democrat, the #FakeNews is not interested. [Biden, Racism]
Jun 2, 2021 ~ Biden lies repeatedly in Tulsa speech, He says that black entrepreneurs 'don’t have lawyers. They don’t have accountants.' Said 'terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today.' And blacks suffer today from the effects of millions in KKK. All lies! [Biden, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
May 31, 2021 ~ Jeff Crouere, 'Joe Biden Is Sick' 'He is suffering from an obvious mental decline.' 'He is a shadow of his former self.' 'stumbles through his speeches, having to repeat passages that he could not communicate correctly. Even more troubling, he frequently forgets what he is doing' [Biden]
May 27, 2021 ~ Miranda Devine, 'Hunter Biden’s Ukraine salary was cut two months after Joe Biden left office' Hunter was getting $1 million a year while Burisma had access to the VP "the big guy" of the US through him. His salary was slashed when Hunter no longer had access to the White House. [Biden]
May 26, 2021 ~ Betsy McCaughey, 'Battling Biden's Racist Rescue Plan' Many American's are suing the Biden Administration for implementing many aid programs that exclude groups of people based literally on skin color. Its almost impossible to believe that this could be happening in 2021. [Biden, Loathsome Left, Racism]
May 19, 2021 ~ Biden is destroying the economy by ignoring economics. $300 per week extra unemployment keep 9 million unemployed while 8 million jobs remain unfilled. Inflation soaring as the govt. prints trillions. Gas prices way up after canceling pipelines and drilling. All very predictable. [Biden, Economics, Economy]
May 6, 2021 ~ Biden's American Rescue Plan Act openly discriminates on race and sex. Two things that are supposed to be illegal. Whites are excluded from several programs. Democrats who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights act for 74 days are finally getting to bring their old glory days back! [Biden, Identity Politics, Racism]
Apr 29, 2021 ~ 61 yo Yao Pan Ma is ambushed in NYC, beaten and kicked in the head repeatedly. He is in a coma from which he may never emerge. As usual, his attacker was black and as usual the #FakeNews ignores it because it doesn't further the false narrative that whites are attackin Asians. [Biden, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Racism]
Apr 29, 2021 ~ Biden claims 'the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today is from white supremacist terrorism.' This is beyond absurd. What white supremacist terrorism? What are ANY examples, let alone the idea that it is the biggest threat today. 'White Supremacy' explains everything [Biden, Fake News, Fake Racism, Terrorism]
Apr 29, 2021 ~ Biden keeps repeating massive lies about guns and gun control. He claimed gun violence went up after the Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired in 2004 but it steadily fell. Historic low 10 years after the ban ended. And 'assault weapons' are used in a miniscule percentage of crimes [Biden, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Apr 29, 2021 ~ Biden says the Jan 6 Capitol riot was the 'Worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War!' This is dumb even by Biden standards. Worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11, President's being shot. Not one of the so called 'insurrectionists' even used a weapon. No one arrested had one. [Biden, Capitol Riot, Fake News]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Buttigieg caught in a lie by Chris Wallace. Claimed that Moody's said Biden's infrastructure package will add 19 million jobs to the economy. But Moody really said 2.7 million which is also probably overstated but even if true is no where near Buttigieg's claim. [Biden, Economy]
Apr 3, 2021 ~ The Washington Post gives Biden Four Pinocchios for his lies about the GA voter integrity law. Says it will 'end voting at five o’clock... it ends voting hours early so working people can’t cast their vote after their shift is over.' Totally false. End still 7PM and ADDS days. [Biden, Politics]
Mar 28, 2021 ~ Biden's first press conference is a disaster. Its no wonder they waited a record number of time before letting him do it. Appeared senile, confused, long pauses. Had to use a cheat sheet to know what to say for each issue and who to call on. Only friendly media was called on. [Biden]
Mar 20, 2021 ~ Rapidly aging Joe Biden referred to VP Kamala Harris as 'President Harris' for like the third time now shortly before falling three times trying to walk up a single flight of stairs. Dems continue to try to gaslight America saying 'He's fine. Nothing to see here.' [Biden]
Mar 9, 2021 ~ Biden's senility is accelerating. He can't do a press conf. or State of the Union. Now he forgot his Sec. Of Defense and Pentagon. 'I want to thank the, uh, the, uh, former general, I keep calling him general, my, uh, my, uh, uh, the guy who runs that outfit over there.' [Biden]
Feb 28, 2021 ~ Hypocritically, Democrats support Biden attacking Syria even though they questioned or criticized it when Trump did it. Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki questioning Trump, 'What is the legal authority for strikes? Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country.' [Biden, Syria]
Feb 26, 2021 ~ NY Post, 'Leading Democratic women silent on Gov. Cuomo’s sexual harassment scandal' The same people who villified Kavanaugh over an accuser he never even met, are silent about Biden, Cuomo, Booker, Avenatti, Fairfax, etc. Gillibrand, Hillary, AOC,  Harris, Pelosi. #BelieveWomen [Biden, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Harris, Kavanaugh, Me Too]
Feb 25, 2021 ~ Biden has signed 63 executive orders in a little over a month. This is a massive abuse of power. EOs are supposed to be used in rare extraordinary situations. Biden is using them to dictate by bypassing Congress. [Biden, Politics]
Feb 17, 2021 ~ Both Biden and Harris lied. Biden, 'It’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office.' Harris, 'we are starting from scratch.' Fauci, 'W​e certainly are not starting from scratch' Over a million people a day were being vaccinated when they started [Biden, Coronavirus, Harris]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Biden continues to rule by Executive Order. 32 EOs in the first week. Shattering all records for EOs. Trump called a dictator for far far less. Biden once said, 'you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.' [Biden, Politics]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ #BidenErasedWomen is trending on Twitter for forcing women and girls to compete with biological males. 2 bio males are dominating CT track and field, winning state championships, taking records and spots from bio females. Chelsea Mitchell, the fastest girl in CT takes 3rd place. [Biden, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed Articles of Impeachment against Biden. Dems impeached Trump for a fake Ukrainian 'quid pro quo' when Biden is on tape with a real one. Biden withheld $1 billion in US aid until they fired the prosecutor investigating his son Hunter's company. [Biden, Impeachment]
Jan 21, 2021 ~ A mob of #antifa thugs rioted in Portland and Seattle. Chanted "Fuck Joe Biden", set fires, broke windows, other damage. Don Lemon says Antifa is good because they fight fascists. That's why they're called Antifa, duh! Therefore, Joe Biden is a fascist because Antifa would know. [Antifa, Biden, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jan 20, 2021 ~ Joe Biden is inaugurated. Washington Post does not publish article called 'The Campaign to Impeach President Biden Has Begun'. Vanity Fair does not publish article called 'Republicans Are Paving the Way to Impeach Joseph Biden' Republicans do not destroy property all over the US. [Biden, Impeachment, Violent Left]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Kamala Harris is caught plagiarizing an MLK anecdote. Tells of how she was a toddler in a civil rights march who fell out of a stroller. Was fussing, and when asked what she wanted, she said she said ‘Fweedom.' MLK told same story. Harris is the perfect VP for plagiarizing Biden. [Biden, Harris]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Biden names Anita Dunn to be one of his senior advisors. Dunn listed Mao Zedong as one of her two “favorite political philosophers". Mao was a genocidal maniac responsible for 45 million deaths. Even Obama wasn't dumb enough to keep her around after her comments. But not Joe. [Biden, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Joe Biden picks an extreme racist to head the DOJ Civil Rights Division. She wrote about 'the genetic differences between Blacks and whites.' 'Human mental processes are controlled by melanin--that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.' [Anti-Science, Biden, Racism]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Biden promises an administration based on race and gender discrimination and preferences, "Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses." [Biden, Coronavirus, Identity Politics, Racism]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Christopher Skeet, "When Joe Biden says 'unity,' he means 'all white people are racist'" In 521 riots by #BLM and dems, one rioter was killed by police. In the 1 riot by Trump supporters, 1 rioter was killed by police. Police told to stand down for BLM even as buildings occupied. [Biden, BLM, Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Police]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, Joe Biden and Dems falsely called the Capitol police racists 'while one of them lay dying.' 'There isn’t a Republican who didn’t condemn what happened Wednesday. There isn’t a Democrat who has condemned the months of riots from BLM-ANTIFA. One side is consistent.' [Antifa, Biden, Capitol Riot, Derek Hunter, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police]
Jan 7, 2021 ~ Biden: "No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter protesting yesterday, they wouldn't have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol." Police were told to stand down as #BLM destroyed city after city you lying @! [Biden, Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Dec 15, 2020 ~ Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon calls Republicans 'a bunch of fuckers' moments after mentioning Biden's call to unite. 'The president-elect was able to connect with people over this sense of unity.' Megyn Kelly mocks her: 'Unite you F*ckers!' [Biden, Loathsome Left]
Dec 14, 2020 ~ Brittany Bernstein, 'Hunter Biden Email Reportedly Shows $400,000 in Unreported Income from Burisma' More details out about the Hunter Biden investigation. Dems, high tech and the #FakeNews media successfully suppressed the story before the election. Lied about Russian Disinfo. [Biden, Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Zachary Evans, 'Hunter Biden Email Requested D.C. Office Keys for Father, Chinese Business Partner' More details out about the Hunter Biden investigation. Dems, high tech and the #FakeNews media successfully suppressed the story before the election. Lied about Russian Disinfo. [Biden, China, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Disgraceful Hunter Biden Cover-Up' Dems and the #FakeNews media got away with falsely calling the story 'Russian Disinformation.' Social Media sites banned the story. Now we find out that Hunter has been under FBI investigation for some time. Laptop is his. [Biden, Fake News, Russia Hoax, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Joe Biden's Coronavirus adviser Ezekiel Emanuel says people shouldn't live past 75. You would think #COVID19 would be perfect for him. It really only threatens in a significant way people over 75. [Biden, Coronavirus]
Nov 17, 2020 ~ NY Governor Andrew Cuomo said 'If I wasn’t governor of New York, I would’ve decked him' talking about President Trump. Other Democrats have talked about hitting Trump including Robert de Niro and Joe Biden himself. ''I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.' [Biden, Violent Left]

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