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Dec 14, 2022 ~ Robin Keller, 'No Dissent on Abortion Allowed at Hogan Lovells' "fired me for defending the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision." Was called a 'racist' who made “anti-Black comments” for being concerned for black lives by pointing out that black people have the highest abortion rate. Textbook #CancelCulture [Abortion, BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ Target stock is doing poorly after they report they've had $400 million in theft losses in the past year. "Theft is certainly a key driver. We know we're not alone across retail in seeing a trend." The trend started when Democrats stopped enforcing the law in the name of 'equity.' [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Oct 16, 2022 ~ Bishop Talbert Swan @TalbertSwan says, "Whiteness is an unrelenting, demonic, force of evil." Twitter allows Swan to spew this kind of extreme racism regularly since his targets are white people. Swan also regularly lies about police shootings, leaving out all the relevant facts. [BLM, CRT DIE Wokeness, Police, Racism]
Oct 14, 2022 ~ #BLM insists that black people must commit crime and any attempt to stop them is "anti-black." "Friendly reminder to liberals: your ring cam cancels out your #BLM sign." "Its shocking to me that people still don't get that anti-criminality measures are anti-black measures." #CRT [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Oct 12, 2022 ~ 58% of Liberals think ~1000 unarmed Black men were killed by police in 2019. 20% of liberals think ~10000 unarmed Black men were killed by cops in 2019. 13% of liberals think over 10000 unarmed Black men were killed by police in 2019. Link. [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Oct 5, 2022 ~ #BLM lies, "BLM is a movement, not a moment. It’s a rallying cry across the Diaspora for injustices in our communities and a reminder that across the country Black people continue to be murdered, mistreated, beaten, and broken down by a deeply rooted white supremacist agenda." Wilfred Reilly corrects, "Inter-racial violent crime involving Blacks and whites is 3% or so of violent crime, and it's more than 80% Black-on-White." [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Race]
Sep 18, 2022 ~ Black rapper Chris Kaba killed by cops in the UK. #BLM is outraged. Staged protests 'racist'. He led police on a high speed chase. Was driving his car directly at an officer when he was shot. "He followed correct training procedures. He could have been killed if he had not fired." [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 12, 2022 ~ Bike theft is at epidemic levels in San Fran but the SF Bicycle Coalition @sfbike says not to call the cops on bike thieves because that 'disproportionately harms Black and brown communities.' They use examples such as Tony McDade and Breonna Taylor to somehow prove their point. [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 6, 2022 ~ Remember the story about how Ahmaud Arbery was "hunted down" just for going out jogging? That turned out to not be accurate but white Memphis teacher and mom Eliza Fletcher actually was just out for a jog when she was abducted, sexually assaulted and killed by black man Cleotha Abston. Abston has a long rap sheet including kidnapping, rape, carjacking and other violent crimes. He's served relatively little time because of Democrat soft on crime 'equity' policies. No #BLM protests about this? [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Race]
Sep 5, 2022 ~ Another #BLM leader,Shalomyah Bowers is accused of fraud. The New York Post @nypost reported that Bowers siphoned more than $10 million of donors' money. Add this to the many tens of millions in fraud that has already been discovered including multi-M mansions for the founders. [BLM]
Aug 23, 2022 ~ Charges dropped against both officers involved in Rayshard Brooks shooting. "Both acted in accordance with well-established law and were justified in the use of force regarding the situation." Brooks violently resisted arrest, fought officers, stole taser and pointed it at them. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 14, 2022 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Merrick Garland Is a Lunatic' Coulter explains why the new DOJ charges against the cops who got the warrant for Breonna Taylor's house are bogus. She shows everything the DOJ said was "false, misleading and out-of-date" was actually true and easily demostrated. [BLM, Due Process, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 5, 2022 ~ Four officers involved in Breonna Taylor case are arrested on federal charges for allegedly falsifying the warrant. @TheOfficerTatum calls the case "a witch hunt." DOJ claims the warrant was obtained fraudulently because of a technicality regarding a formal postal inspector verif [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 21, 2022 ~ #BLM 'activist' Stephan Cannon was convicted for robbery, burglary and for murdering retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn. #BLM had important looting and burning to do on June 2, 2020 in St. Louis and Dorn was getting in the way by trying to protect his friend's store. [BLM, Crime, Violent Left]
Jul 17, 2022 ~ Andrew "Teckle" Sundberg killed by police. Latest #BLM lie. Protests, fund raisers. They demand justice! Arabella Foss-Yarbrough called police because "He tried to kill me in front of my kids." Was shooting into her apartment at her and her 2 kids. "Officers started taking fire." [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ CA mom Chelsea Boyle may sue Viejo Elementary for punishing her 7-year-old daughter because she wrote "any life” next to the words “Black Lives Matter.” So heartbreaking. The girl did not understand why she couldn't include her other friends. This is the poison Democrats inject. [BLM, California, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Racism, Silencing]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Clyanna Lightbourn, co-founder of the #BLM chapter in Upstate New York was arrested after hundreds of live cockroaches were released inside an Albany courthouse. Charged with obstruction of governmental admin, tampering with evidence, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. [BLM, Crime, Loathsome Left]
Jul 4, 2022 ~ Ohio Police killing of Jayland Walker. Narrative: "Shot for a traffic violation." #BLM demands justice. Should've been routine traffic stop. Led police on 80 MPH chase. SHOT AT THEM FROM THE CAR. Rammed a cop car. Got out in a ski mask and ran before turning "in a firing position." [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 12, 2022 ~ Washington Commanders fined Defensive Coordinator Jack Del Rio $100K for claiming the the George Floyd #BLM riots were far worse than the Jan 6 riot. Which is 1000% true. Many dead, 100s of officers injured, over $1 billion in property damage, cities burned. Honest speech is dead [BLM, Capitol Riot, Free Speech, George Floyd, Silencing, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jun 7, 2022 ~ #Antifa and #BLM rioters Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman are given a mere 18 to 24 months sentence for throwing a Molotov cocktail into a police car and handing out explosives to other rioters during the 2020 riots. Their defense “The only way they hear us is through violence.” [Antifa, BLM, Crime, George Floyd, Police, Violent Left]
Jun 4, 2022 ~ Biden signs EO to "Advance Effective, Accountable Policing and Strengthen Public Safety" #BLM spouts the usual lies about the police. "Maintaining a white supremacist institution like policing costs Black lives... [policing has] roots of slave patrolling and anti-Black violence." [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 4, 2022 ~ Leonna Hale. Another fake #BLM story. Police "shot a pregnant, unarmed Black woman as she exited a vehicle with her hands in the air." All lies as usual. Fleeing carjacking with a gun, pointed at them. Not pregnant. ALL THE SAME idiots and #FakeNews orgs spread the lies as usual. [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
May 24, 2022 ~ Professor Joshua Katz article in the WSJ: 'Princeton fed me to the cancel culture mob.' Cautionary tale that we still live in dark times where questioning #BLM demands for unequal treatment or criticizing their mob like threatening or violent behavior will get you canceled. [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Silencing]
May 22, 2022 ~ #BLM protests demanding 'Justice For Patrick Lyoya'. Police killed Lyoya. Police told him to stay in the car. He got out, fought with the police for a long time. 'Stop resisting!' They tried to taser him twice but it didn't stop him. Kept fighting. Grabbed taser. Told to let go. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
May 21, 2022 ~ Ronald J. Kozar, 'Six years of BLM Killed More Blacks than 86 Years of Lynchings' Using 2014 as a baseline, there have been more than 12,000 "excess [black] deaths" since #BLM got the police defunded and neutered around the country on the false narrative that they are racist. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
May 18, 2022 ~ Tax filings show that #BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, did not just use BLM charity money to buy mansions worth millions. She also paid millions to family and friends for things like "creative services." And chartered private jets. Do BLM donors feel like suckers? [BLM]
May 8, 2022 ~ Seattle releases rapist Myron Lee and 3 days later he rapes another women. Told her he “knew he could get away with it.” Brazen smash and grabs also continue. Get out of any Democrat run city especially if they bragged about "defunding the police." The criminals have free reign. [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Police]
Apr 26, 2022 ~ #BLM Shaun King says its about RACISM. "At its root, @ElonMusk wanting to purchase Twitter is not about left vs. right. It’s about white power. The man was raised in Apartheid by a white nationalist. He’s upset that Twitter won’t allow white nationalists to target/harass people." [BLM, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Another mansion was revealed to be purchased by the #BLM founders with money donated to BLM. This one cost over $6 million. Other homes totaling $3 million had previously been discovered. People and businesses all over the country donated that money to help black people. [BLM]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ @MrAndyNgo video, "On Thurs night, a mob of militant #BLM activists at @UBuffalo had to be held back by police as they tried to shut down an event featuring black conservative @AllenWest. Extremists from mob assaulted a videographer at one point & chased a student organizer." [BLM, Racism, Violent Left]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Court rules Oberlin College must pay Gibson Bakery $32M damages. 3 black students caught by owner stealing wine. When he tried to stop them, they punched and kicked him. They plead guilty. Oberlin dean called Gibsons a “racist establishment.” Protests for days chanting "Racists!" [BLM, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Mar 19, 2022 ~ Another fake hate crime. A black student at Our Lady of Mercy School in Rochester, NY confessed to writing the "racist graffiti" that caused protests and "Black Lives Matter" signs etc. “This school is filled with a bunch of [N-word]. Get out or else!” the student wrote. [BLM, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Mar 19, 2022 ~ Police officer Nicholas Reardon was cleared of wrongdoing in the Ma’Khia Bryant case. Reardon shot Bryant just as she was about to plunge a knife into someone. The ridiculous #BLM condemned even a case as clear cut as this and protested the shooting because Bryant was black. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Mar 6, 2022 ~ John Sexton, 'NY Times uses same misleading edit of Zimmerman's 911 call that got two NBC journalists fired' "This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something. He looks black." He only said "He looks black" after being asked "is he white, black or Hispanic?" [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Mar 6, 2022 ~ Antifa and #BLM criminals John Wesley Wade, Ellie Melvin Brett, and Vida Jones were convicted of federal crimes including vandalizing police cars, federal buildings and banks. They also tried to frame Trump supporters and the Proud Boys for their crimes. LOL, what clowns! [Antifa, BLM, Crime, Fake Hate Crime, Violent Left]
Mar 6, 2022 ~ Former Louisville Metro Police detective Brett Hankison was found not guilty in charges related to the raid that ended in Breonna Taylor’s death. The lies started anew claiming Taylor wasn't on the warrant etc. She was and was shot because her boyfriend was shooting at police. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Feb 15, 2022 ~ Black Lives Matter and anti-gun activist Quintez Brown tried to assassinate Louisville mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg. "A police report says a man later identified as Brown entered the building and fired a 9mm Glock handgun at Greenberg before fleeing the building." #BLM [BLM, Violent Left]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ Black New York magazine writer, Sean Campbell wrote “The BLM Mystery: Where Did the Money Go?” 10s of millions that went into mansions for the founders of #BLM. Lots went to their family and friends. They raise money for people killed by police but the families don't get a penny. [BLM]
Feb 6, 2022 ~ ESPN panelist J.A. Adande compares genocide in China to voter ID and the fake racist police lie. "Who are we to criticize China's human rights records when we have ongoing attacks... against unarmed citizens and we've got assaults on the voting rights of our people of color." [BLM, China, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jan 28, 2022 ~ John Binder, 'How California Put a Police Officer and His Family ‘Through the Fires of Hell’ over a False Accusation' Matthew Dages, La Mesa, CA. Used minor force "against a combative subject who had already assaulted" him. #BLM rioted. He and wife had to move. Jury acquitted. [BLM, Cancel Culture, Crime, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Jan 28, 2022 ~ Black Brown University econ professor Glenn Loury, "The successful delegitimization of law enforcement in the places where poor black people are being victimized daily has cost thousands of lives and has been a monumental political crime." #BLM has "buckets of blood on their hands." [BLM, Crime, Police]
Jan 27, 2022 ~ Five police officers have been killed in line of duty in first 24 days of 2022. #BLM says stop treating dead police officers as heroes. "Tear jerker press conferences and proclamations of heroes coming soon... Being Black in DC is more dangerous than any job." [BLM, Crime, Loathsome Left, Police]
Jan 8, 2022 ~ Eddie Scarry, 'What Did Black Lives Matter Really Accomplish In 2021?' 2021 Take away: "Black Lives Matter movement and all of its hype men in the media are full of it." Put "2 arguably innocent people in prison." Destroyed cities and got 100s of Black people killed. #BLM [BLM, Violent Left]
Jan 8, 2022 ~ All three men involved in Ahmaud Arbery's death were convicted of murder. Travis McMichael and his father Gregory McMichael have been sentenced to life without possibility of parole. The neighbor William “Roddie” Bryan was sentenced to life with possible parole. #BLM [BLM]
Jan 8, 2022 ~   Reuters Data Scientist Isaac Kriegman publishes 'The post that led to my termination' from #FakeNews Reuters. Uses data to prove conclusively that the #BLM 'racist police' narrative is false. And further that it has (ironically) led to the deaths of thousands of black people. [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake News, Police]
Jan 8, 2022 ~ Christopher Rufo, 'The Price of Dissent. A Reuters data scientist questioned the [fake] Black Lives Matter narrative, so the company fired him.' Director of Data Science, Zac Kriegman was fired by Reuters for exposing the racist #CRT training and #FakeNews re: #BLM #CancelCulture [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake News, Silencing]
Dec 31, 2021 ~ The Minneapolis jury found former police officer Kim Potter guilty of 1st and 2nd degree manslaughter. Potter mistook her gun for her taser and accidentally shot Daunte Wright as he was fleeing arrest. As Alan Dershowitz pointed out, she was charged due to race. #BLM [BLM, Fake Racism, Police, Race, Racism]
Dec 30, 2021 ~ Ann Coulter on another execution style killing of a cop. "Four unarmed black people have been killed by a cop this year-- less than 1/100 of one person per 100,000 blacks. 26 officers have been killed by a black suspect in 2021, for a rate of nearly four cops per 100,000 officers." [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Dec 30, 2021 ~ The #BLM lie that police unfairly kill unarmed black suspects gets dozens of police officers and hundreds of innocent black people killed every year. But people are afraid to challenge the lie. Don't want to risk being called 'racist' even though everything is now called racist. [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Dec 21, 2021 ~ Alan Dershowitz on Kim Potter: "There were 7 other people in recent years, cops who pulled the wrong weapon and shot with real guns instead of tasers. None of them were even prosecuted... This is a racist prosecution against a white woman" bc of "the racial climate of the day." [BLM, Fake Racism, Racism]

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