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Mar 10, 2021 ~ Stephen Moore, "Red States Should Revolt Against the 'Blue-State Bailout'" 'The bill "loots" the red states to pay for Democratic governors who have locked down their economies.' FL with bigger pop gets half of NY. NY, CA, NJ, PA, MA get most money. 'That's not a coincidence.' [Budget, Coronavirus, Politics]
Jan 13, 2019 ~ Alexandria Ocasio Cortez proposes 70% tax on income over $10 million to pay for 'Green New Deal' and Single Payer Healthcare - number crunching shows that would pay for about 1% of the left's new spending proposals -'Green New Deal' a joke [Budget, Climate Change, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Green New Deal]
May 28, 2017 ~ Democrats look idiotic with over-the-top rhetoric on Trump budget - 'unimaginable cruelty' and other totally ridiculous characterizations for a budget not even being cut - just slows the growth. No one is listening to dems anymore because everything is the end of the world. [TDS, Budget]
May 28, 2017 ~ Sean Moran, 'Average Health Insurance Premiums Doubled Under Obamacare according to HHS Report' [Budget, Health Care, Obamacare]
May 28, 2017 ~ National Review, 'A Grain of Salt on CBO' - The many many reasons why the CBO scoring of the AHCA is very inaccurate and overly pessimistic - CBO was also very inaccurate regarding Obamacare. [Budget, Health Care, Obamacare]

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