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Jul 28, 2023 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Dr. Mark Tykocinski has resigned as president of Philadelphia's Thomas Jefferson University because he liked some tweets that the mob disapproved of. Tweets that were critical of trans surgeries for children and some that were critical of Covid vaccines. [Cancel Culture, College, Coronavirus, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 28, 2023 ~ Richard Bosshardt, a surgeon and a member of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) was canceled for not wanting to go along with all of the DIE poison doctors are required to parrot like affirming the ACS is 'racist.' "If we discover racism in the ACS, let’s deal with it. But if we state blandly and generally that the ACS is racist, I think that’s wrong." Members of the mob cried about how much 'harm' his questions had done. He was banned with no due process. "To say that I can’t raise an objection to something as controversial as DEI — I don’t care if you’re for it or against it, I like to see the conversation. And this is what’s being basically prevented." “This kind of cancellation has been going on everywhere.” Most people see the cancellations and toe the line with self censorship. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 28, 2023 ~ Jack Butler, 'Is Your Doctor Racist?' Starts with Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's fake claim that black babies have twice the survival rate with black doctors. Exposes the cancellations of several doctors that question any of the DIE poison. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care, SCOTUS]
Jul 26, 2023 ~ Newsweek: 'Nobel Prize winner who doesn't believe climate crisis has speech canceled' The IMF canceled the speech Nobel Prize winning physicist Dr. John Clauser was supposed to give on climate models after they found out he thinks "there is no real climate crisis." As usual, there is only the approved narrative, and the censored narrative. Anyone not on board with the approved narrative, no matter how credentialed, must be silenced and deplatformed. [Cancel Culture, Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ 'Jamie Sarkonak: Toronto principal bullied over false charge of racism dies from suicide' The left levels false charges of racism all day everyday but their effect is still ruinous to good people's lives. Sometimes the effect is deadly. He simply questioned if Canada was as racist as the DIE training was asserting. "Canada wasn’t perfect, he said, but it still offers a lot of good. For the rest of the training session, and throughout a follow-up training session the week after, facilitators repeatedly referred to Bilkszto’s comments as examples of white supremacy. The experience was humiliating — particularly because Bilkszto placed a great emphasis on equality and anti-discrimination during his career." DIE 'education' is vile poison that destroys good institutions and people. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Olivia Murray, "Tenured academic signals his belief in the sex binary, gets accused of 'serious misconduct'" "David Richardson, a tenured professor at Madera Community College, a gay conservative, was put on administrative leave because he won't use 'non-binary' pronouns. [Cancel Culture, College, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ "University ‘blocks’ academic from her own gender wars research over ‘dangerous’ data" In another #CancelCulture story almost to dystopian to believe, Dr Laura Favaro did a study asking if researchers felt censored on gender issues. "Scholars told her that they had threats of violence in the gender debate, hostility from colleagues, and others said they felt their careers 'can’t survive that sort of backlash', and that they have to have 'secret conversations' to avoid reprisal and because 'we are all so afraid'." In an effort to prove her findings right, Favoro's paper was blocked, she was fired and all her data was confiscated. Discussion and debate is not allowed regarding trans issues indicating the trans activists KNOW their side would lose any fair arguments. They therefore have to bully, cancel, deplatform and censor any opposition. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Janet Levy, 'DIE Litmus Tests are Robbing the Campus' Many campuses require applicants to submit a 'Diversity Statement' that must be evaluated for #CRT ideological purity before you can be hired. This is horrendously poisonous considering DIE is toxic. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Behold the DEI scam in microcosm' A black and white woman started a DIE training business after their "Starbucks racism" vid went viral (another incident where the narrative does not quite fit the facts). The white woman, Melissa DePino got canceled and falsely called a racist. She has no idea why. Lesson: never try to be an 'ally' the the extreme left. It will never be good enough and you will always be 'the oppressor.' [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ A #CancelCulture story that's almost comically absurd. Arizona State University invited Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk to speak at the Lewis Center. 34 ultra left wing profs. objected so they canceled the event, fired the director of the Lewis Center and CLOSED the Lewis Center! The professors that got the event canceled falsely claimed that Prager and Kirk are "white nationalist provocateurs ... purveyors of hate who have publicly attacked women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, [and] institutions of our democracy." Lies and smears. [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ California is adding 3 more states to the list of states employees are banned from traveling to bringing the number to 23! Almost half the country! To be on the allow list, a state must allow males be permitted to compete in female sports because that's fair and scientific. [California, Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 6, 2023 ~ Important post: Liberals being surprised that theirs is the side of hatred and intolerance is a sadly common experience. But its so typical of the difference between today's right and left. The right likes discussion and debate and will almost always engage in such things respectfully. The left despises those things. Shuts them down by any means necessary including violence. They think they represent the one true, pure and moral opinion about every subject and will seek to DESTROY you if you step one toe out of line on even one topic even if you agree with them on others. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 5, 2023 ~ John Sexton, 'UCLA refused to hire a psychology professor after grad students complained he'd been critical of DEI on a podcast' #CancelCulture and #CRT, #DIE at its finest. He was against mandatory 'diversity statements.' You must repeat their mantras to get hired. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Gay Madera Community College Professor David Richardson, was put on leave for 'serious misconduct.' His crime was to believe that gender is binary and thus be unwilling to use 'non-binary' pronouns which “frustrate communication for ideological reasons.” No dissent is allowed! [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ AMC pulled the documentary about trans detransitioners called'No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care' after trans rights activists objected to the public seeing that was contrary to their ideology. This is typical. Only their side gets to talk. They shut down dissent. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ "Leftists Hate Diversity: New York City Venue Cancels 'BLEXIT' Event" Music Hall of Williamsburg in New York City canceled an upcoming BLEXIT event featuring Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, and Brandon Tatum" The left despises free speech. Shuts it down. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ Zack K. De Piero, 'Why I’m Suing Penn State' Another nightmarish #CancelCulture story. Listened to very racist DIE trainings like “White Teachers Are a Problem.” English teachers like him were ordered to "assure that all students see that white supremacy manifests itself in language and in writing pedagogy." The DIE director ordered them to "stop being afraid of your own internalized white supremacy” and to “Hold other white people accountable.” After more DIE indoctrination, De Piero asked for examples of how to create 'equity' in his classroom. He was told his questions were harassment and was formally reprimanded. "'Antiracism' isn’t quite the right term to describe the performative activism that’s happening across academia and corporate America. Let’s call this hustle what it is: plain and simple, racism. And just like racism, the so-called antiracist movement threatens everything in its path: freedom of speech, due process, healthy workplace relationships, professional excellence, academic rigor, and the psychological welfare of teachers and students alike." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jul 3, 2023 ~ St. Philip’s College biology professor Johnson Varkey has been fired for teaching that that "sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes." Some students walked out when confronted with the facts of science. The cowardly college fired him. You can't even teach biology anymore. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, College, Trans]
Jun 18, 2023 ~ Nigel Hannaford,' Caylan Ford, fighting back against cancel culture' "Falsely accused of racist sympathies... she was immediately dumped by the UCP as an electoral liability. Her reputation was thereafter gang-raped for weeks through the twittersphere." The film 'When the Mob Came' documents her nightmare from false accusations of racism to #CancelCulture. "If you don’t spend all your time in the twittersphere, you really don’t know how far the society we live in has retreated from civility: To call Twitter a jungle is to impugn the essential dignity of animals. And in the high-tension weeks before the election, thousands of vicious comments appeared on Twitter, condemning her in the most abusive terms. Almost all were written by people who didn’t know her. Some were driven perhaps by that dreary hope that in calling somebody else a ‘PoS white supremacist homophobe' or a 'Nazi,' they might by comparison elevate their own feelings of self-worth." "But then came the social ostracization. While the mob was raging, people just didn’t want any trouble. People she thought were friends, dropped her. Worse, people who knew better, people who understood exactly what had been done to her and knew she was nothing of a white supremacist or a homophobe, did not — and in some cases would not — speak up for her." "I couldn’t speak in public, I couldn’t even publish." This was a classic tale of #CancelCulture. Lies were told. The mob descended. Everyone else was too afraid to defend her or hire her because they were afraid the mob would turn on them. In her case a few people were brave enough to defend her and the tide began to turn. But it took years and her reputation is still in tatters and many others have not been as lucky. [Cancel Culture, Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Jun 16, 2023 ~ Toronto Blue Jays fired pitcher Anthony Bass because he supported the boycott of Target over their LGBT advocacy. As usual with #CancelCulture, his groveling apology did not help. No dissent is allowed. You must affirm and agree with everything or you are cancelled. [Cancel Culture, LGBT]
Jun 12, 2023 ~ The once prestigious @JohnsHopkins is participating the full erasure of women by defining lesbian as "a non-man attracted to non-men." Gay men are still 'men' but now lesbians are 'non-men' to include 'non-binary' people that want to call themselves lesbians. Unacceptable. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Health Care, LGBT, Trans]
May 25, 2023 ~ College student Olivia Krolczyk was given a 0 on her final project proposal for using the term "biological woman." The prof said it was "a solid proposal" but terms like that are "exclusionary and are not allowed in this course as they further reinforce heteronormativity." It made total sense that she needed to use that term as the paper was discussing the fairness of trans women competing with biological women in sports. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 4, 2023 ~ Ben Mintz @BarstoolMintzy was fired from @barstoolsports which is allegedly against #CancelCulture for singing along to a rap song that contained the n-word. Copious amounts of rap songs contain copious amounts of n-words but accidentally sing one while white and you're canceled. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
May 1, 2023 ~ Masked idiots stormed the stage accusing archaeologist Richard Hansen, researcher at Idaho State University, at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. They toppled chairs, shouted “This is stolen land!” and “Fuck imperialism!” People were injured. The event was shut down. Left wing activists are the scum of the Earth. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
May 1, 2023 ~ Emma Camp, 'An ill-informed internet mob ruined her life. It was more than a year before investigations cleared her.' @grep_price11 summarizes: "A black BLM activist named Zyahna Bryant falsely accused a white girl at UVA named Morgan Bettinger of wanting to run over BLM protesters while her car was surrounded by a mob at a BLM protest in the summer of 2020. She was formally sanctioned by UVA, expelled in abeyance from the university, but two separate investigations concluded a year later that it never happened. Zyahna went on to a successful career and glowing profiles in media outlets while Morgan's life was completely destroyed including her plan to attend law school." [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Apr 8, 2023 ~ All of a sudden, the woke, DIE pukes decided that the word 'ladies' is now problematic. So much so that the top candidate for superintendent of Easthampton Public Schools had his offer withdrawn when it was discovered that he’d used the word “ladies” in an email to two women. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Vile Columbia Law students throw a tantrum over some other students taking an Instagram picture with Justice Kavanaugh because they say he was 'credibly accused of sexual assault' (he wasn't). Each message was more ridiculous than the last: 'terrifying', 'harm,' etc. All "of color' groups denounce and promise to "withdraw our participation from Columbia Law School recruiting events." Over one Instagram photo. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh, Loathsome Left]
Apr 6, 2023 ~ Woke children at the University of Albany in NY shut down another free speech event with their disruptions and uncivil behavior. The left could not despise free speech more. Left wing college cry bullies do this ALL THE TIME. They think only they should be allowed to speak. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Mar 18, 2023 ~ Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan writes 'My Struggle Session at Stanford Law School.' Very detailed account of how a woke mob was allowed to cancel his speech, enabled by a DIE dean Tirien Steinbach. The mob continues to bully students and Dean Jenny Martinez behind cowardly black masks. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ The the EEB (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) Language Project recommends the terms 'male' and 'female.' Instead use “sperm-producing” or “egg-producing” to avoid reinforcing “heteronormative views.” Because "much of western science is rooted in colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy, and these power structures continue to permeate our scientific culture." FFS! [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Trans]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ The books of children's author Roald Dahl have been posthumously edited to make them more acceptable to the woke speech police. Dahl wrote such classics as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda but the woke generation is intent on making us live through 1984 the novel. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Jan 31, 2023 ~ Johnny Depp on #CancelCulture, Started with "the best of intentions,” but it has gotten “so far out of hand now that I can promise you that no one is safe, not one of you. As long as someone is willing to say one sentence. It takes just one sentence and there is no more ground." [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jan 25, 2023 ~ Disney closes one of its most popular rides, Splash Mountain, supposedly because the ride was somehow racist. Splash Mountain is not racist in any way. Zip a dee Doo Dah is not a racist song. The ride had nothing to do with slavery as some claimed. The haters win. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Hamline University in Minnesota fired Erika López Prater because she showed ancient Muslim art that depicted Mohammed. She exempted students who may be offended ahead of time. It was a famous historical painting by a devote Muslim. Still a few complained and the college caved. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Islam, Silencing]
Jan 11, 2023 ~ #CancelCulture is alive and well. Limited Run Games claims its being 'inclusive' by firing Kara Lynne over a couple of 6 year old tweets the mob called 'transphobic.' Lynne was also criticized for following people unapproved by the mob. Boycott the cowardly @LimitedRunGames. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Jan 8, 2023 ~ The Ontario College of Psychologists (“OCP”), a government licensing organization demands that psychologist Jordan Peterson submit to reeducation or lose his license because they don't like his opinions. Outrageous abuse of power censoring political opinions. Peterson refuses. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ The 'Twitter Files' doc dump confirms that conservative accounts WERE 'shadow banned' and censored including GOP politicians despite previous denials. Docs show that Twitter invented pretexts for silencing Trump and other GOP even when they broke no rules. Election interference. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ Rich Lowry, "‘Safety’ Is the Worst Word in the English Language" Like 'racism', 'safety' no longer means safety. Leftists claim they are 'unsafe' any time an opinion is expressed that they want to silence. So far that tactic has worked disappointingly well to censor the right. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Rich Lowry, Silencing]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ Robin Keller, 'No Dissent on Abortion Allowed at Hogan Lovells' "fired me for defending the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision." Was called a 'racist' who made “anti-Black comments” for being concerned for black lives by pointing out that black people have the highest abortion rate. Textbook #CancelCulture [Abortion, BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ Biologist Luana Maroja, 'An Existential Threat to Doing Good Science' "What scientists are able to teach and what research we can pursue are under attack. "Social justice is no longer what we thought it was, but has instead morphed into an ugly authoritarianism." The mob is in control. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ The Florida Gators revoked a scholarship offer to one of the top high school quarterbacks in the nation, Marcus Stokes because he was singing along with a rap song that he like which contained the n-word. Artists want you to buy their music, listen to it but only people with certain skin colors are allowed to sing it. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ Klaus Fiedler, the EIC of Perspectives on Psychological Science was fired for daring to criticize a black Stanford psychologist Steven Roberts, who argued that "color-blind leadership" promotes "structural inequality." Disagreeing with opinions rooted in #CRT is not allowed. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Dec 5, 2022 ~ Cancelled Levi's CEO, Jennifer Sey: "They lied about everything. Lockdowns, masks, vaccines. They’re still lying. Saying we never had a lockdown. Saying we never promised vax prevented infection. Saying we didn’t force compliance. Saying we never lied." [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Dec 4, 2022 ~ Queen Elizabeth's 83 year old lady-in-waiting Lady Susan Hussey had to resign in disgrace for supposedly being a 'racist' for being interested enough in Ngozi Fulani who was dressed in African garb and whose organization only serves Black people, to ask where she was from. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Racism]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ David Strom, 'The literary world comes out for censorship' @publishersbrunch circulated a petition to ban a book by Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Publishers wanting to ban books... [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ Celebrated (he wrote the book!) organic chemistry professor Maitland Jones was fired from NYU because some of his students said his class was too hard. They circulated a petition. He already made the tests easier for today's softer students but it wasn't enough. [Cancel Culture, College]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ The College Fix, 'Catholic Gonzaga prohibits pro-life event with Liz Wheeler' Why can't the leftists ever have an opinion without preventing contrary opinions from being heard? Constant censorship and silencing. [Abortion, Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ At Cornell University, another Ann Coulter speech is shut down by left wing democrats who despise free speech. Coulter's speech was ironically on 'free speech.' "We don’t want you to be here, your words are violence." "No KKK no fascist USA" the tyrannical children shouted. [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ The #CancelCulture mob still has the power. Rosie Kay was forced out of her own company, the Rosie Kay Dance Company for not having woke enough views on the trans issue. She stood up for women's rights and children but that angered the mob. They demanded her head and they got it. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Jonathan Chait’s, “Progressive America Needs a Glasnost.” The woke have power and force compliance. "It is an unhealthy culture that forces people to suppress their doubts and mouth platitudes for fear of losing their livelihoods." "These purges have a multiplier effect: For every person humiliated or fired for a small or nonexistent offense, many other people will refuse to criticize even transparently absurd left-wing pieties." [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Silencing]

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