Dec 30, 2021 ~ The #CancelCulture saga of U. of Illinois Law Prof. Jason Kilborn continues. Black students demanded his scalp after using the censored version of the n-word and b-word in a legit relevant to the class law question on a test. Putting him through 8 weeks of re-education propaganda [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Dec 30, 2021 ~ Glenn Loury, 'Unspeakable truths about racial inequality in America' Black author gives data to show that black incarceration rate is due to black crime not racism. Dems claim racism and "dare you to disagree." "This is a bluff that relies on 'cancel culture' to be sustained." [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police, Race]
Dec 19, 2021 ~ Kenin M. Spivak, 'Victims of Cancel Culture Fight Back' NAS "tracks disciplinary actions taken against university educators for writing or speaking against progressive dogma... recorded 127 incidents, including at least 50 in which a professor was terminated, forced to resign." [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ Gabriel Katz, 'Jew vs. Jew' His self righteous roomates asked him to move out because he was a conservative. They subscribe to the common liberal belief that they are good people and the only reason conservatives hold their views is because they are bad people. Claimed "unsafe." [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ George Leef, 'Intolerant People Now Control Our Campuses' "These institutions are now dominated by authoritarians who like to punish anyone who happens to displease them. Even the slightest, most innocent deviation from wokeness is apt to lead to severe consequences." [Cancel Culture, College, Silencing]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Harold Hutchison, 'Indiana Educator Who Exposed CRT Banned From School' "Kinnett provided a video to the DCNF featuring an equity administrator who lectured middle school students about systemic racism permeating all aspects of society, including related to the environment." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Silencing]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Democrats remove the statue of Thomas Jefferson, from the NYC City Hall. It has been there since 1834. Recall how Trump was mocked when he said the statue purge would lead to the founders. Jefferson's work paved the way to freeing slaves and created the best form of government. [Cancel Culture, Slavery]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ Country star Jason Aldean on #CancelCulture, "It’s gotten to where if you’re a conservative and you’re in this business you’re not allowed to speak." "I have a lot of friends in this business that think the way I think and a lot of them are really scared to... say anything." [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Nov 20, 2021 ~ Candace Owens starts fundraiser for Norfolk, VA Police Lt. William Kelly who was fired in May for donating $25 to Kyle Rittenhouse's defense fund. The donation was anonymous but he was identified by a data breach. Fired shortly before could collect retirement. Wife has cancer. [Cancel Culture, Kyle Rittenhouse, Police]
Nov 18, 2021 ~ The Hill, "Schools cancel 'Grease' after show is called sexist" This is ridiculous. The #CancelCulture mob is just looking for things daily that they can cancel. It makes them feel powerful. Virtuous. They are the best people who ever lived and they need to shame all past humans. [Cancel Culture, Fake Sexism]
Nov 16, 2021 ~ A student of Exeter High School in New Hampshire has been suspended for voicing the opinion that there are only 2 genders. You are literally not allowed to disagree with the left's anti-science orthodoxy. You will be silenced. You will be cancelled. #CancelCulture [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Education, Trans]
Nov 14, 2021 ~ General Hospital star Ingo Rademacher has to leave the show because co-stars complained that he shared a social media post referring to Rachel Levine as a “dude” and laughed at the clowns calling Winsome Sears a 'white supremacist.' You must accept the orthodoxy or be canceled. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Trans]
Nov 8, 2021 ~ A conservative group at St. Louis University, @SLU_Official is being investigated by the university for asking liberal students "what is a woman?" The vile left wing group behind this doxxed students for being pro-life and advocated "calling out the anti-choice bigots" in class. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, College, Gender, Loathsome Left, Trans]
Nov 8, 2021 ~ Rav Arora, 'What it’s really like to be canceled - and how I overcame it' Normal person with no celeb power or money stood up to the #CancelCulture mob to say true things many whispered to him they agree with but are too afraid to say. Lost friends, jobs, and more. Stands by it. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 7, 2021 ~ 'Goodbye MIT' 2 alumni explain why they are withdrawing financial support. "The current MIT administration has caved repeatedly to the demands of 'wokeness,' treating its students unfairly, compromising the quality of its staff, and damaging the institution and academic freedom." [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Economics]
Nov 7, 2021 ~ The cowards running CCU gave into the #CancelCulture mob. Fired Prof. Steven Earnest for no reason at all. Earnest pointed out that a misunderstanding involving student of color names on a board was not "a big deal" because it was not. Students assumed racism where there was none [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Nov 3, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture claims another scalp. Philosophy Prof. Kathleen Stock, was verbally attacked by students and then advised by police not to attend campus, to teach her classes online and to hire bodyguards and security. She is a lesbian with unapproved thoughts on trans and gender. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Trans, Violent Left]
Oct 30, 2021 ~ Leah Barkoukis, 'Surgeon Loses His Job After Defending Parents' Right to Decide Whether to Mask Kids' "Dr. Jeffrey Horak argued the decision to mask a child should fall to the parents." Fired. Non-orthodox opinions must be punished. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus]
Oct 29, 2021 ~ Another scalp claimed by the #CancelCulture mob. Prof. Kathleen Stock resigns from University of Sussex after relentless harassment from trans activists. Stock had unapproved opinions on trans orthodoxy and so had to go. They played the lie that her opinions made them 'unsafe.' [Cancel Culture, Trans]
Oct 27, 2021 ~ Telegraph, "Imperial College told to remove bust of slavery abolitionist because he 'might now be called racist' Imperial College London has been told to remove a bust of slavery abolitionist Thomas Henry Huxley because he 'might now be called racist.'" #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Oct 24, 2021 ~ Bill Maher Defends Dave Chappelle: "I’m a free speech guy. Now, I’m team Dave, but that doesn’t mean I’m anti-trans." "I’m not transphobic if I merely disagree with you; it’s not hate." "You’re not automatically right if you’re trans." [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Trans]
Oct 24, 2021 ~ Twitter locked Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) out of his account for commenting that the “title of first female four-star officer gets taken by a man” after Rachel Levine was sworn in as a four-star admiral. Twitter won't permit truth or even a dissenting opinion to be told. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Tech Censorship, Trans]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ Now Halloween is another 'racist' thing that needs to be cancelled. Seattle's Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary is canceling the annual “Pumpkin Parade” School spokesperson, "The Pumpkin Parade marginalizes students of color who do not celebrate the holiday." #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ Bari Weiss, 'We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage' 'Say no to the Woke Revolution' Fantastic article that showcases several people the who started fighting back as cowardly employers and schools tried to appease the #CancelCulture mob. [Cancel Culture]
Oct 22, 2021 ~ Former Sacramento Kings broadcaster Grant Napear filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against radio station KHTK for firing him last year for tweeting that “all lives matter.” One of many innocent people sacrificed by the hysterical #CancelCulture #BLM mob and cowardly employers. [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Oct 21, 2021 ~ AP caught in #FakeNews whopper. "Comedian and videographer Vito Gesualdi screams profanities as he engages with peaceful protesters begging him to leave." Opposite of the truth. The profanities were coming from the protesters and they were not peaceful. They destroyed his sign. [Cancel Culture, Fake News, Trans, Violent Left]
Oct 20, 2021 ~ New York City has decided to remove a nearly 200 year-old statue of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson from NYC’s City Hall. Writer of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd US President. No one in history can live up to the left wing #CancelCulture mob. [Cancel Culture]
Oct 20, 2021 ~ Emma Colton 'Chicago museum fires all of its mostly white female, financially well-off docents for lack of diversity' Though they worked very hard, they were "not a demographically representative population." In 2021 you can once again be fired for your skin color thanks to dems. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Oct 20, 2021 ~ Black names were found on a board for a legit reason. Next class assumed it was something 'racist.' The school, department and everyone involved apologized for no reason. Prof. Dr. Steven Earnest said people were over reacting. He has been suspended. Calls for him to be fired. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism]
Oct 15, 2021 ~ Raiders coach Jon Gruden has been cancelled. They dug through 650,000 personal emails to dig up dirt on him. How many NFL coaches or players could survive looking through that many messages? #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture]
Oct 15, 2021 ~ San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich said Italian-American who support Columbus Day is like Germans being “proud of Hitler.” “It’s like saying we should be proud of Hitler because we’re German.” [Cancel Culture, Holocaust Denial]
Oct 15, 2021 ~ Student at Yale Law School almost got weeks of admin pressure to apologize due to fake smear. He promoted a party at his 'trap house' with "American-themed snacks" like "Popeye’s chicken" and "apple pie." People lied saying this meant it was a 'racist' party involving 'blackface' [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism]
Oct 13, 2021 ~ Sharon Osbourne on CBS #CancelCulturing her. "They’re liars and hypocrites and they’ll do whatever they have to do to keep their job." "They destroyed me... I will never be able to get over this... Once you have that seed put on you that you are a racist, it never goes away." [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Dorian Abbot, 'MIT Abandons Its Mission. And Me.' Another school bows to #CancelCulture. "I am a professor who just had a prestigious public science lecture at MIT cancelled because of an outrage mob on Twitter. My crime? Arguing for academic evaluations based on academic merit." [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Debra 'Vile mess' Messing incites a #CancelCulture mob to cancel comedian Derek Richards. She got him fired from the “Operation Laughter” military tour. She lied about him being "Pro-Insurrection, Anti-Vax, Anti LGBTQI." None of this is true. She's on to destroy the next life. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ UCLA professor Gordon Klein sued UCLA for suspending him for color blind grading, for refusing to hold Black students to a lower grading standard. The woke mob called him a 'racist' of course and demanded he be fired for wanting to treat all races the same. UCLA caved of course. [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Bates College has been assimilated by the woke mob. They demanded a picture of a Republican be taken off Instagram. Bates did and apologized for 'the harm.' Now they are demanding courses including Calculus focus on "race, colonialism, white supremacy, power, and privilege." [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Race]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ NY Post, 'Sage Steele pulled off ESPN in wave of controversy, COVID diagnosis' She dared to criticize the vaccine mandates and says she identifies as mixed race rather than Black. Criticized Obama for choosing only Black when it was the White side of the family that raised him. [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Race, Silencing]
Sep 24, 2021 ~ Two White students are kicked out of a multicultural space at Arizona State University. Accused "You are racist." for having a 'Police Lives Matter' sticker. The black women demanded they leave, "This is OUR space." "White is not a culture. What’s white culture? Stealing things?" [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Racism]
Sep 20, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Dance Superstar Julianne Hough lost her CBS show 'The Activist' for supposedly “wearing blackface” in 2013 for a Halloween costume. She was just playing a specific person, not "wearing blackface." These sick, toxic purity purges have to stop. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Sep 20, 2021 ~ John Gibson, CEO of Game Company Tripwire Interactive, is forced out of his company for supporting the Texas heartbeat law. If you disagree with Democrats or the left you must be cancelled. No dissent is allowed. Others in Tripwire told him they agree but can't speak up because they "don't want to be next."#CancelCulture [Abortion, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Sep 16, 2021 ~ Rosie Pentreath, 'English Touring Opera drops half its orchestra' They are prioritizing “increased diversity in the orchestra. This is in line with the firm guidance of the Arts Council" "Many of these members have been performing with ETO for 20 years or more." Sickening racism. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Sep 15, 2021 ~ Peter Boghossian resigns from Portland State. "Faculty and admin have abdicated the university’s truth-seeking mission and instead drive intolerance of divergent beliefs and opinions. This has created a culture of offense where students are afraid to speak openly and honestly." [Cancel Culture, College, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 15, 2021 ~ Prof. Peter Boghossian resigns from Portland State which "has transformed a bastion of free inquiry into a Social Justice factory whose only inputs were race, gender, and victimhood and whose only outputs were grievance and division." He was also put through a sham investigation. [Cancel Culture, College, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali on how Islamists and the woke left are similar. Neither "will engage in debate. Both prefer indoctrination of the submissive and damnation of those who resist.” "Both tolerate and often glorify violence carried out by zealots.” Both “pursue ideological purity." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Sep 5, 2021 ~ Anne Applebaum, 'The New Puritans' Expose on what happens to the victims of #CancelCulture. Terrifying account of how many live have been ruined by accusations alone. Few want due process. Many join in the witch burning without evidence. Most stay silent out of fear for themself. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 1, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Mike Richards is not only canceled as Jeopardy host, he has been canceled as Executive Producer of Jeopardy as well. Humorous ribbing of his cohost that was funny 10 years ago is suddenly so awful that he can't show his face or work anywhere. [Cancel Culture, Fake Sexism]
Aug 29, 2021 ~ A firefighter in Alexandria, VA is the latest person to be suspended for making the "OK" symbol which loons are still claiming is a "white supremacist" symbol. The 4chan prank claims another victim. The symbol means OK morons!!!!!!!! [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ NY teacher Paul Rossi who wrote 'I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated' has been canceled. He refused to participate in “restorative practices” for the alleged harm he did to students of color. Almost every one else appeases the #CRT bullies to save their jobs. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ Popular and successful ESPN NBA reporter Rachel Nichols finally got cancelled after a private conversation was made public where she complained about unfairly losing her spot due to a Black reporter to fulfill diversity quotas. Nichols said that was a violation of her contract. [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]