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Jun 16, 2023 ~ Capell Aris, 'Green energy disaster in the UK should be an awful warning to Americans' A sober warning to Americans not to follow the fools of the UK and Germany off the cliff they jumped off of. Their insane policies led to a total debacle. But Biden and the democrats are trying their best to follow over the cliff. [Climate Change, Energy]
Jun 13, 2023 ~ Flashback: "The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the Arctic after 2022 is essentially zero," said Harvard Atmospheric Professor James Anderson in 2018. As reported by #FakeNews Forbes magazine. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 8, 2023 ~ Flashback: Climate alarmist in chief James Hansen said in 2008: "We see a tipping point occurring right before our eyes." #FakeNews @AP: "Hansen, echoing work by other scientists, said that in five to 10 years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer." Wildly false. [Climate Change, Fake News]
May 28, 2023 ~ Jane Fonda is loonier than ever, "It’s good for us all to realize, there would be no climate crisis if there was no racism. There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy. A mindset that sees things in a hierarchical way. White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom." "It is a tragedy that we have to absolutely stop. We have to arrest and jail those men — they’re all men." [Climate Change, Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Sexism]
May 6, 2023 ~ New research shows methane is not nearly as bad as climate scientists thought. "Methane may trap heat, but it also prevents energy from reaching the earth." Science is never settled but the EU just approved the Dutch plan to force 3000 farmers to give up their farms! Musk, "Wow!" [Climate Change]
May 6, 2023 ~ Lara Williams, 'No More Cheap Flights Is The New Reality for Air Travel' Climate change expenses are going to make air travel ridiculously expensive. "double their carbon costs over just three years." That's just 1 dagger. None of it will help the climate. [Climate Change]
Apr 21, 2023 ~ Ben Zeisloft, "Biden Signs Executive Order To Make Entire Government Focus On ‘Environmental Justice’" The EO "makes clear that the pursuit of environmental justice is a duty of all executive branch agencies and should be incorporated into their missions” and directed the agencies to “consider measures” which address “adverse environmental and health impacts on communities, including the cumulative impacts of pollution and other burdens like climate change.” Because (of course), “Racism is a fundamental driver of environmental injustice.” Buttigieg also blames 'climate change' for transportation problems. "Our transportation systems are still grappling with the consequences of the pandemic, climate change, and decades of disinvestment." 'Systemic racism' and 'climate change': Two of the Democrat's biggest false narratives. [Climate Change, Environment, Fake Racism]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ Irony. Wind farms are being torn down in Germany to be able to mine the coal underneath. Germany fell for the 'green energy' scam and got caught with their pants down. They have been facing massive energy shortages and shortfalls forcing them to buy lots of oil from Russia. [Climate Change, Energy, Russia]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ James Taylor, 'Documents Show Norfolk Southern Prioritized Climate Activism Over Railway Safety' They spent $500 million in a two-year period – including $330 million in 2021 – to “green bonds” promoting “low-carbon initiatives.” Also spent "spent an inordinate amount of time, attention, and railway funds pursuing a woke Div [Climate Change, CRT DIE Wokeness, Regulations]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Oxford mathematician, physicist, researcher at CERN and Fellow of Keble College, Emeritus Professor Wade Allison says "Wind power fails on every count." "Whichever way you look at it, wind power is inadequate. It is intermittent and unreliable; it is exposed and vulnerable; it is weak with a short life-span." [Climate Change, Energy]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Whoopi Goldberg mocks tornado victims for being climate change deniers. "Yeah, I think my house just got blown down … for the fourth or fifth time." She says, "there's been so much evidence saying something is wrong." Except the real evidence shows decrease in violent tornadoes. [Climate Change, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Anthony Watts, 'Tornadoes, Climate Change, and the Media' Tornadoes tear up parts of the midwest and south and #FakeNews orgs Salon, Axios, and @washingtonpost claim its due to 'climate change.' Watts shows how the data does not remotely back that up. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Apr 3, 2023 ~ .@nypost, "Bjorn Lomborg @BjornLomborg notes that, for more than 50 years, the United Nations and the media have regularly predicted we’re on the verge of calamity. And they always seem to forget about the last warning."   UN in 1972, "We have ten years to stop the catastrophe."   1982: NYTimes, "Mostafa K. Tolba, executive directory of the United Nations environmental program, told delegates that if he nations of the world continued their present policies, they would face by the turn of the century [year 2000] 'an environmental catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible, as any nuclear holocaust.'"   1989: AP: "A senior environmental official [Noel Brown, UNEP director] says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000... Governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control."   2004: Guardian: "Major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020."   Rajendra Pachauri, co-chair of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change in 2009: “If there is no action before 2012, that is too late. What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment.”   But thankfully the UN moved the date out so its in the future once again. In 2019 the UN announced, "Just over a decade is all that remains to stop irreversible damage from climate change." General Assemby President Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces said we have 11 years left [now 7] to avert catastrophe. Pfew, there is time... [Climate Change, Fake News]
Apr 1, 2023 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "A major environmental problem, droughts, is actually decreasing. Read my peer-reviewed article." Lomborg went back over 120 years vs. the cherry picked alarmist data. [Climate Change]
Mar 26, 2023 ~ Becket Adams, 'Climate Doomsday Predictions Have Not Aged Well' Great list of politicians, scientists and #FakeNews organizations telling us we had X number of years to fix climate change were X is now in the past. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 16, 2023 ~ Flashback 2008: #FakeNews Associated Press, "In 5 to 10 years, the Arctic will be free of sea ice in the summer." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 16, 2023 ~ Flashback 2006: #FakeNews @NBCNews said, "leading U.S. climate researcher says the world has a 10-year window of opportunity to take decisive action on global warming and avert catastrophe." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 16, 2023 ~ Flashback 2004: The #FakeNews Guardian said "Major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020." The alarmists never tire of being wrong. Few seem to even notice. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 13, 2023 ~ Greta Thunberg deleted a tweet from 2018 that said we only had until 2023 to stop using fossil fuels or "all of humanity" would be wiped out. "A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years." End time cult alarmists have been making these kinds of predictions for many decades. They never come true. They then try to revise history and hope people forget all about them. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ Robert Bishop, 'New geological study proves that the green energy movement is impossible to achieve' The numbers don't remotely add up to get 'Net Zero' by 2050. [Climate Change, Energy]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ Stephen Moore, 'America's $100 Billion Climate Change Flop' After wasting over $100B, 2022 had record high CO2 emissions for the US. China is even worse. "$10s of billions have lined the pockets of left-wing environmental and social justice groups." [Climate Change, Economics]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ After making several false and ignorant statements about inflation and fossil fuels, Rep. Cori Bush accuses witness @AlexEpstein of having 'white supremacist views' rather than try to deal with the correctness of his arguments about energy and fossile fuels. Typical Dem tactic. [Climate Change, Energy, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ 'Dirty Mining, Slavery, and Child Labor Are at the Core of Elites’ Green Energy Obsession' "A large % of the cobalt is produced from small mines, where child labor is the norm, not the exception." "Much of the mining and refining of materials in China is produced by forced or slave labor." [Climate Change, Energy, Slavery]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ Brian C. Joondeph, M.D. 'When Stuff Happens – Blame it on Climate Change!' Long list of all the things the #FakeNews has recently falsely blamed on climate change. Valley Fever, heart attacks, diabetes, headaches, lupus, violent crime, illegal immigration, plane crashes and more! [Climate Change, Fake News]
Feb 5, 2023 ~ Michael Foster, 'Mount Washington Hits 89-Year Low of -47 Degrees' Wind chill was -109. They've wisely pivoted from the 'Global Warming' narrative so that anything that happens fits their projected alarmism. [Climate Change]
Feb 1, 2023 ~ Ralph Ellis, 'Figuring out the lack of connection between CO2 and ice ages' "The first problem for CO2 supposedly controlling global temperatures during the Earth’s many ice-ages is that when CO2 concentrations were high the world cooled and when CO2 was low the world warmed." [Climate Change]
Jan 31, 2023 ~ John Stossel sues FaceBook for 'fact checking' some of his videos and wrongly labeling them a 'False'. His videos were dealing with climate change claims and were true. He is suing because "his viewership plummeted due to both Facebook’s censorship" and reputational harm. [Climate Change, Fake News, John Stossel, Tech Censorship]
Jan 29, 2023 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "Bjorn Lomborg: Hurricanes ‘Unprecedentedly Weak’ In 2022; MSM Snoozes" "2022 was the 2nd weakest year for hurricanes in more than forty years (1980-2022) and yet no mainstream media have reported on this." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 20, 2023 ~ Jerome Corsi, "IPCC Climate Models Grossly Exaggerate 'Global Warming'" Several studies confirm that due to positioning of sensors (many violating NOAA's own rules) exaggerate US warming by 50%. [Climate Change]
Jan 20, 2023 ~ Even the #FakeNews gets it right occasionally. Despite the claims of Gavin Newsom and Ellen, the LA Times admits CA storms are not due to climate change. Now every storm climate change. Inexplicably, they admitted storms like those have happened every decade since the early 1800s. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Rich Lowry, "No, You Can’t Believe ‘the Science’" "The debate over gas stoves illustrates perfectly the faux scientific method." Flawed studies quickly become #FakeNews "Gas stove pollution causes 12.7% of childhood asthma." See also COVID, Climate Change. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Fake News, Rich Lowry]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Jack Hellner, 'No, the Antarctic's ice is not melting as fast as predicted.' "Antarctica had a record cold winter in 2021... Antarctica’s last six months were the coldest on record." [Climate Change]
Jan 8, 2023 ~ Just like there needs to be #FakeNews about supposedly new 'racist' things every day, there needs to be #FakeNews about climate change every day. Today's example from the #FakeNews @washingtonpost: 'Climate change puts more women at risk for domestic violence.' FFS [Climate Change, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jan 2, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Maldives at risk?' Climate alarmists have been wrongly predicting the Maldives islands would be underwater and have no clean water since the 1980s. Just keep pushing out doom date by 30 years as they continue to be wrong. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ Stephen Moore, "No, America Does Not Owe the World Climate 'Reparations'" "This is all about money. Hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of government handouts." The world owes the US thanks for a substantial part of their standard of living which is drastically improved. [Climate Change]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ The climate conferences that activists and grifters fly on private jets from all over the world to attend are entirely about extorting wealthy countries to pay money to poorer countries in the name of "global climate reparations." Total Scam! Biden is all in. GOP vows to fight. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Politics]
Dec 5, 2022 ~ Totally ridiculous Jane Fonda said on #FakeNews @MSNBC "If there were no racism, there would be no climate crisis. If there was no misogyny, there would be to the climate crisis. It is a part of a mindset. It is the mindset that looks at a woman and says, ‘nice tits.’" FFS! [Climate Change, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ Disgusting, spoiled children continue to vandalize priceless works of historical art to make some point about fossil fuels. They dumped black paint on a Gustav Klimt masterpiece in Vienna. Do the opposite of anything they demand. [Climate Change, Energy, Loathsome Left]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ Bjorn Lomborg reports on 'The dishonesty of the climate debate' "Why should rich countries pay $trillions/year in climate reparations? Because 'crescendo of disasters' and similar claims. Reality: fatalities and costs of climate disasters down, for rich, poor, and all countries." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ John Stossel, 'Inconvenient Facts' No carbon reduction for the first 60K miles. And even if you made 500K EVs, that would only reduce oil consumption by 10%. And most electricity generated by fossil fuels. EVs are an almost total waste. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Energy]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Moronic children continue to attack priceless pieces of art to bring attention to climate change. They threw tomato soup on a famous Monet. Other fools attack Vermeer's 'Girl with a Pearl Earring.' Other vandals are spraying buildings with paint throwers. Counter-productive. [Climate Change, Loathsome Left]
Nov 12, 2022 ~ Chris Talgo, 'New Poll of Scientists Dispels Myth of Climate Change Consensus' poll of 400 meteorologists, climatologists, geologists, and other scientists shows only 59% now believe AGW will cause “significant harm” in our lifetimes. Far cry from 99%. [Climate Change]
Oct 15, 2022 ~ 2 little pissants threw tomato soup on the $85 million dollar van Gogh Sunflower painting to protest using oil. Leave your cars running all night in their honor. Greg Wilson, 'Global Warming Protesters Vandalize One Of World’s Most Iconic Art Masterpieces' [Climate Change, Loathsome Left]
Oct 12, 2022 ~ Michael Shellenberger, "August had no hurricanes for the first time in 25 years. Hardly anybody wrote about it. Compare that to the wall of misinformation about a single hurricane last week. The media have an agenda. They are peddling pseudoscience. They can’t be trusted." [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 11, 2022 ~ Paul Driessen, 'Hurricane Hype, Lies, Censorship – and Reality' Another good article debunking all the common hurricane falsehoods claimed by the #FakeNews and Democrats. Not more frequent or stronger. Only do more damage because land more populated. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 11, 2022 ~ 'Media Lying About Climate And Hurricanes', by @ShellenbergerMD Debunks claims made by @nytimes, @washingtonpost and many more #FakeNews orgs. Dismantles every false but popular claim. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 7, 2022 ~ Philip Klotzbach posts data showing hurricane Ian strength was well within the norm of past hurricanes. Tied for 5th with 8 other storms that are distributed over a century. Yet, Democrats and the #FakeNews insist that Ian was obviously caused or strengthened by climate change. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 2, 2022 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, "We blindly accept the faddish New Green Deal. We virtue signal about defunding the police. We merely shrug at open borders. And we brag about banning fertilizers and pesticides, outlawing the internal combustion engine, and discounting Armageddon in the nuclear age - as if on autopilot we have already reached utopia. But meanwhile Westerners are systematically destroying the very elements of our civilization that permitted such fantasies in the first place." [Climate Change, Green New Deal, Illegal Immigration, Police, Victor Davis Hanson, Western Civilization]
Sep 30, 2022 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "Atlantic #hurricanes are not becoming more frequent. But many more people live in the paths of hurricanes compared to even a few decades ago. #Florida had less than 600,000 houses in 1940 — today, that number is 17 times higher, at more than 10 million." [Climate Change]
Sep 29, 2022 ~ 'What the media won't tell you about . . . hurricanes. Let's take a look at what the IPCC and official data really say' by @RogerPielkeJr.  Despite the #FakeNews, trend over time is DOWN including for 'Major' hurricanes. @BjornLomborg has shown similar data. [Climate Change, Fake News]

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