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Aug 16, 2022 ~ .@BjornLomborg, "Despite what you may have heard, Atlantic hurricanes are not becoming more frequent. In fact, the frequency of hurricanes making landfall in the continental U.S. has declined slightly since 1900." WSJ article shows graph with downward trend line since 1900. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 14, 2022 ~ MIT Climatologist Richard Lindzen & Princeton Physics Prof. William Happer, "In our opinion, science demonstrates that there is no climate related risk caused by fossil fuels and CO2 and no climate emergency." "Without fossil fuels there will be no low-cost energy worldwide." [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Aug 14, 2022 ~ Madison Dibble, "The Unintended Consequences of Declaring 'Climate Emergency'" Banning plastic bags and bottles have turned out to be a huge net negative for the environment. Solar panel waste will be tremendous. They never consider unintended consequences. [Anti-Science, Climate Change]
Aug 14, 2022 ~ The #FakeNews continues to desperately tie every weather event to "climate change." Reuters headline: 'Washington DC lightning strike that killed three offers climate warning' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 8, 2022 ~ "Today, the Great Barrier Reef is better than ever" says @BjornLomborg using reports from the Australian Institute of Marine Science. 2/3rds of the reef has more coral than ever. Lomborg shows decades of #FakeNews stories. Yet another alarmist scare story that was totally bogus. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 4, 2022 ~ The left is combining their idiocies into even more incomprehensible nonsense. White people can't be non-binary because "they spread the gender binary around the world to justify the oppression of black and brown people." Billboard: "Protect Pregnant Men From Climate Discrimination." WTF are they even talking about?? [Climate Change, Fake Racism, Racism, Trans]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ David L. Bahnsen, 'The Bankruptcy of ESG Is Being Exposed' "ESG is a pharisaical way for people to feel virtuous and good without having to do anything at all." Countries and companies tried to virtue signal with a high ESG score until they started collapsing under the BS of it. [Climate Change, Environment]
Jul 22, 2022 ~ A bunch of clowns called The Tyre Extinguishers are going around the world deflating the tires of SUVs and other vehicles. They just deflated over 40 cars in NYC. “Your gas guzzler kills.” "This is a machine that destroys life with terrifying efficiency," they ridiculously claim. [Climate Change, Environment, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 21, 2022 ~ Gov. DeSantis criticizes Biden, "How come it’s wrong to produce our own oil and gas here, but you can go to Saudi Arabia and fist bump to try to get it from a Saudi?" "it makes no sense that we wouldn’t do it. We have opportunities here to be energy independent." [Biden, Climate Change, Energy]
Jul 17, 2022 ~ Normal Rogers 'The Global Warming Golden Goose' "Global warming provided the professors and academic administrators with a junk science golden goose... Determined to stop anyone from killing the goose." "None of the models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate" [Anti-Science, Climate Change, College]
Jul 17, 2022 ~ Clarice Feldman, "Sri Lanka learned a sad lesson - mandated “organic farming” proved a horrible disaster. Ghana also face starvation and national collapse as a result of green policies... Farmers in the Netherlands are striking in protest of equally unworkable green mandates." [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy, Environment]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Sri Lanka has fallen. Its President had to flee the country. Destroyed via Modern Monetary Theory. Bankrupted themselves with debt and 55% inflation. Got an ESG score of 98 by banning fertilizer and pesticides. Major food shortages. Democrats want to follow right off the cliff. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy, Environment]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Jonathan Lesser, 'New York’s Climate Virtue-Signaling Will Condemn Millions to Energy Poverty' "The 2019 Climate Act’s zero-emissions mandates are infeasible, and the resulting reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions will not improve world climate." Would create massive hardships. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Stephen Moore, 'How Angela Merkel's Green Agenda Caused the Economic Collapse of Germany' Merkel used to be praised for shutting down nuclear and moving away from fossil fuels toward "green" energy. "Today, the German economy is in tatters." Begging Russia for energy. Rationing. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Sen. Manchin, one of 2 sane Democrat Senators, kills the climate change part of BBB bill. He understands it is unaffordable, will fuel inflation and most importantly would do nothing to make the climate any better. The rest of the Dems are apololyptic: “We’re all going to die” [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy, Politics]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Texas power grid is again on the brink because it relied too much on "green" energy even though it has plenty of oil and gas. "Powerful high-pressure systems that cause intense heat often squelch wind production - just when more power is needed to meet higher electricity demand." [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jul 10, 2022 ~ The Atlantic reports the total #FakeNews that "Heat waves hot enough to cook human flesh are already happening this month." And other absurd alarmism. @BjornLomborg says "Climate exaggeration just won't end." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ In West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Obama's 'Clean Power Plan' was unconstitutional because "A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself" as it "exceeded the [EPA's] statutory authority" to regulate CO2. [Climate Change, Energy, SCOTUS]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Stephen Moore, "Biden's Green New Deal Is Increasing Greenhouse Gases" "After more than a decade of declining carbon emissions here in the United States, in 2021, President Joe Biden's first year in office, emissions rose." Reducing fracking reduced the % of cleaner natural gas. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ More bonus woke points for linking climate change to sexism and more. Christine Clarke, "The consequences of climate change can exacerbate the risk of sexual & gender-based violence, especially those facing intersecting forms of discrimination including Indigenous women & girls." [Climate Change, Fake Sexism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Biden admin EPA nominee, Carlton Waterhouse believes in something called "climate reparations." "climate reparations are essential and an important part of having an equitable climate vision." [Climate Change, CRT DIE Wokeness, Environment]
Jun 23, 2022 ~ Marc Morano, "Reality Check: After 100 years of climate change, ‘climate-related deaths’ approach zero – Dropped by over 99% since 1920 | Climate Depot" [Climate Change]
Jun 11, 2022 ~ Geochemist William Balgord Ph.D. heads Environmental & Resources Technology, Inc. in Middleton, WI, 'Are We Destroying the Great Barrier Reef?' Short answer: no. This is more unfounded climate change alarmism. For the much longer answer, see this article. [Climate Change]
Jun 7, 2022 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Beware: 100% Green Energy Could Destroy the Planet' "Study by the World Bank showing that moving toward 100% solar, wind and electric battery energy would be just as destructive to the planet as fossil fuels." Details for why its not at all feasible to transition. [Climate Change, Energy]
Jun 4, 2022 ~ Robert Zubrin, 'Our Fossil-Fuels Future' Reviews Alex Epstein's 'The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels' Shows how FFs drove "the unprecedented gains in health, productivity, education, mobility, safety, life spans, leisure time, living standards, environmental quality" and much more. [Climate Change, Energy]
May 22, 2022 ~ Jack Hellner "Earth day is coming up. It is a good time to remind the public what the predictions were 52 years ago" Massively wrong alarmist predictions that never came true but trust the alarmists now! All of society and energy must be remade to avoid lots of other disasters. [Climate Change, Environment, Fake News]
May 21, 2022 ~ Thomas Catenacci, 'FROM SOLAR GRID TO CATTLE SHED: How Greenpeace’s Dream Of A Solar-Powered Village Fell Apart In Just A Few Years' Large solar projects created for India and Africa don't last and are not used at all after just a few years. "No one uses solar power anymore here" [Anti-Science, Climate Change]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Pete Buttigieg, "Until we achieve a form of energy independence that is based on clean energy created here at home, American citizens will still be vulnerable to wild price hikes like we are seeing right now." So clueless and out of touch. Energy would cost 10X that way. [Climate Change, Energy]
Apr 10, 2022 ~ Tim Meads, 'Wind Energy Company Fined $8 Million After Turbines Kill At Least 150 Eagles' "wind turbines kill an average of 230,000 birds a year in North America, says the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The number will grow as more turbines are deployed." [Climate Change, Energy]
Mar 31, 2022 ~ John Stossel, 'Renewable Failure' "Countries that embraced renewables are so desperate for power that they eagerly import coal, the worst polluter of all!" Germany stupidly closed all its nuclear plants. Now they are desperate to buy power from Russia. Paying 3X what US pays. [Climate Change, Economics, Energy, Russia]
Mar 20, 2022 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "This singular obsession with climate change means that we are now going from wasting billions of dollars on ineffective policies to wasting trillions... We’re scaring kids and adults witless, which is not just factually wrong but morally reprehensible." [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics]
Mar 19, 2022 ~ Biden and Europe made themselves dependent on foreign oil to uselessly climate change posture. Europe can't quit Russian energy because they foolishly cut their own supplies. Biden said no more Russian oil but then buys more from Venezuela and Iran. Maduro will buy from Russia. [Climate Change, Economics, Energy, Russia]
Feb 17, 2022 ~ Jack Hellner, 'NPR has figured out that most companies are faking their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint' "Among the 25 companies the researchers studied, 24 relied too heavily on carbon offsets, which are rife with problems." Short story, they aren't doing squat. [Climate Change]
Feb 6, 2022 ~ Monica Showalter, "Germany to raze a 1,000-year-old forest in the name of 'going green'" Foolishly killed all their nuclear plants. "Germany is trashing its most beautiful forest in the name of 'going green.'" 20 million square meters while they import natural gas from Russia. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jan 28, 2022 ~ Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore’s new book, 'Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom' debunks climate alarmism. At 415 ppm "the level of CO2 in our atmosphere is close to an all-time low." During "most of the existence of modern life its "avg'd 2,000 ppm." High as 6,000. [Climate Change]
Jan 23, 2022 ~ CBS Mornings spreads #FakeNews about climate change. Host Nate Burleson, "We oftentimes talk about climate change quite a bit. These stories are a harsh reality of what we’re going through, and we have to do our part because these [volcanos, Tsunamis] are more frequent." FFS [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 6, 2022 ~ Michael Shellenberger, "Many people [especially Dems] think climate change is increasing the frequency of natural disasters but they actually declined by 10% over the last two decades, the best-available data show. Less people than ever are dying from natural disasters as well." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 4, 2022 ~ Climate expert Bjorn Lomborg notes the alarmist narrative is the opposite of the truth: “Fewer and fewer people die from climate-related natural disasters, despite breathless climate reporting, almost 99% fewer people” died in 2021 than 100 years ago. 2021 was a RECORD LOW. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 3, 2022 ~ Flashback: 1989 AP rpt: "A senior U.N. environmental official [Noel Brown, director of the NY office of the U.N. Environment Program] says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000." [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 2, 2022 ~ Gabriella Hoffman, 'Alex Epstein Explains How Fossil Fuels Lead to Human Flourishing' The pros of using fossil fuels outweigh the cons by probably a million to 1. "fossil fuels didn't take a safe climate and make it dangerous; they took a dangerous climate and made it far safer." [Climate Change, Energy]
Dec 19, 2021 ~ Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on Biden linking tornados to climate change. "Insanity. Its a below average tornado, wind damage and hail season.  No credibility No knowledge of past weather We are in the hands of leftist who weaponize weather for their purposes. Deceit and deception" [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Dec 19, 2021 ~ Climate alarmist @MichaelEMann says that tornados, "wildfires, droughts, floods, heatwaves," etc. are being made worse by by climate change but Biden's Bulid Back Better would prevent them "from getting worse." This is all totally false. None of those things are getting worse. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Dec 18, 2021 ~ Anthony Watts, 'Joe Biden vs. the Tornados' Biden again called out for falsely linking the Kentucky tornados to 'climate change.' "To claim that global warming is causing more tornadoes is worse than speculative; it is directly opposite to the clear observational evidence.” [Climate Change, Fake News]
Dec 12, 2021 ~ Tornados kill over 70 in Kentucky. Biden, Dems and the #FakeNews predictably blame 'climate change.' "In 1925, ~750 people were killed and ~2,300 were injured in basically the same area." Number of all categories of tornadoes inc F3+, has been dramatically declining for 45 years. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ John Stossel, 'Fact-Blockers' Stossel proves that Facebook hires very biased 'fact checkers' who suppress true info that doesn't fit left wing narratives on climate alarmism, #COVID19, etc. "They're not fact-checkers, they're fact-blockers." What right do they have to censor. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, Fake News, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Dec 3, 2021 ~ Kevin A. Hassett, 'Death by 1,000 Climate Faucis' "If we can shut down the economy and force people to isolate because of a virus that threatens a small percentage of humanity, what can we do when the entire earth is threatened?" Fear will force the most restrictive 'solutions.' [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Coronavirus]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Thomas Lifson, 'Global warming scare-mongers refuted as Arctic ice growing, on track to be the most ice in 2 decades' Recall in 2007, scientists 'conservatively' estimated the end of Arctic sea ice by 2013. 2021 will have 'the highest Arctic sea ice extent' since 2001. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ Washington Post, "Biden administration pushes to raise rates for oil and gas drilling on public lands and waters, citing climate change." Americans are hurting from high gas prices and Biden is doing everything he can to make it worse. Increase energy costs, reducing supply etc. [Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy]
Nov 17, 2021 ~ "Inflation is a good thing. The border is not open. Trump colluded with the Russians. Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation. The US is systemically racist. Climate change is an existential threat. Trillion dollar programs cost 0. Voter ID is Jim Crow."-- The Democrats [Biden, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Fake News, Fake Racism, Russia Hoax, Voter Integrity Laws]
Nov 11, 2021 ~ Total moron Cori Bush to oil execs "Promoting [fossil fuels] means promoting environmental racism and violence in Black and Brown communities. You all are still promoting and selling fossil fuels that are killing millions of people. This is a striking example of White supremacy." [Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Fake News, Fake Racism]

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