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Aug 2, 2021 ~ VP Harris' office releases a document called "Root Causes Strategy" which says all we have to do to slow illegal immigration is solve world poverty and climate change. Neither will ever happen. Can't even do it here. Trump had illegal immigration solved but they threw it away. [Climate Change, Harris, Immigration, Poverty]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ In an effort to amplify two fake narratives by multiplying them together, Gov. Kate Brown (D-OR) said “The impacts of climate change are not felt equally … The pandemic revealed that a ‘normal’ built on structures of white supremacy caused incredible harm.” Vile Democrat lies. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 27, 2021 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The Media Produces Derangement: Proof From New York Times Readers' @nytimes comment section reveals that legions of Dems buy the #FakeNews that climate change is SO BAD that they refuse to have kids. Very sad what Democrats have done to them. They'll go extinct. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Dennis Prager, Fake News]
Jul 20, 2021 ~  H. Sterling Burnett, 'The Red Queen Would Be Proud of the Impossibly Inconsistent Climate Disaster Claims' Alarmists have not only been wrong, they have been on every side of every issue. No more snow, lots of snow, more and less monsoon rain, More/less Great Lakes wind, levels. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ BBC: China's carbon emissions exceed the emissions of all the developed nations combined. The emit almost 3 times the US and are allowed to keep growing that per the Paris Accord. Trump wisely got us out of that but Biden stupidly put us back in to China's benefit. [Climate Change]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ Every born yesterday left wing politician says climate change caused the floods happening in Europe. Michael Shellenberger @ShellenbergerMD shows how the deaths due to flooding in Europe has been falling steadily since 1870. In fact it was more than 7 times higher 100 years ago. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 7, 2021 ~ John Sexton, 'UK researchers: You can't stop climate change and have our current economic system' They admit how far our standard of livings would have to be cut to attain their emissions goals. Americans would have to cut energy use by 90% and families of 4 live in 600 sq feet! [Climate Change, Energy]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Democrats being the gurus of lies and #FakeNews first tried to tie the Surfside condo collapse in FL to Desantis. Now they are absurdly trying to tie to climate change. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, "We know that we're losing inches and inches of beach." 0 to do with it. [Climate Change]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Texas A&M makes climate faculty sign a 'Statement on Climate Change' 'We all agree with the following three conclusions based on current evidence' 'It is extremely likely that humans are responsible for more than half of the global warming between 1951 and 2012.' Etc. No dissent. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Climate Change, College, Silencing]
Jun 11, 2021 ~ TC Energy has canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline for good now that Biden blocked it. That pipeline would have helped jobs, the environment, energy independence and energy prices and would not have increased climate change. Biden is undoing all of the good Trump did in record time. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jun 9, 2021 ~ John Stossel, 'The Climate Censors' Fakebook censored Stossel's video on climate change. They didn't like the tone more than the facts being wrong. They only allow alarmism which is scaring the heck out of kids and causing people to not have children out of fear for the future. [Climate Change, John Stossel, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
May 28, 2021 ~ Terry Paulding, 'The huge, destructive green lie.' Windmills have already killed 3 BILLION birds and Dems want to have many times what we have now. Mining the needed rare earth minerals pollutes groundwater. Slave labor is being used. Solar generates tons of very toxic waste. etc [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
May 26, 2021 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'The African slavery behind the leftists' green dreams' Increasing the amount of electric cars will overload the electrical grid and lead to more child slave labor in Africa which is still used to mine the cobalt and destroys the environment. EV's do not scale. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
May 23, 2021 ~ Dr. Steven E. Koonin, Extracts from 'Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters' 'The net economic impact of human-induced climate change will be minimal through at least the end of this century.' A 0.04% annual GPP decrease til 2100! Negligible [Climate Change]
May 23, 2021 ~ Dr. Steven E. Koonin, Extracts from 'Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters' 'Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century. Greenland’s ice sheet isn’t shrinking any more rapidly today than it was 80 years ago.' [Climate Change]
May 23, 2021 ~ Dr. Steven E. Koonin, Extracts from 'Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters' 'heat waves in the U.S. are now no more common than they were in 1900, and that the warmest temperatures in the U.S. have not risen in the past 50 years.' [Climate Change]
May 21, 2021 ~ Dan Sutter, 'Tornadoes: The New Normal That Wasn’t' 'Tornadoes killed 553 Americans in 2011, the deadliest year since 1925.' In 2011, alarmists including prominent climatologists said welcome to 'the new normal.' Turned out to be an outlier. Average over the next 9 years was 43. [Climate Change, Fake News]
May 9, 2021 ~ China’s greenhouse gas emissions exceed all other developed nations combined. But under the Paris Accord, our economic rival China gets to keep on increasing while we have to reduce. Biden thinks this is a great deal and signed us up for it it. [Climate Change]
Apr 24, 2021 ~ Dr. Steven Koonin, 'Obama administration scientist says climate ‘emergency’ is based on fallacy' 'Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century. Greenland’s ice sheet isn’t shrinking any more rapidly today than it was 80 years ago.' Wildfires declining. [Climate Change]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ CNN Director Charlie Chester is caught on camera admitting how @CNN is #FakeNews. 'we got Trump out... I 100 percent believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out.' Admitted hyping #COVID19 deaths. 'Fear sells.' Next 'crisis', climate change. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ MIT Climatologist Richard Lindzen & Princeton Physics Prof. William Happer, "Climate ‘Emergency’? Not So Fast" 'We are both scientists who can attest that the research literature does not support the claim of a climate emergency. Nor will there be one.' Alarmist predictions BS. [Climate Change]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ H. Sterling Burnett , 'The Myth of Climate Refugees' This article destroys the claim that current migrants are 'climate refugees.' The places that are supposedly unable to sustain agriculture due to climate change have increased production substantially over the last few decades. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 20, 2021 ~ After nearly a decade Michael Mann’s lawsuit against National Review has been dismissed. This is a huge victory for free speech and the ability to disagree with climate change orthodoxy without being bullied into silence. Lawsuit against Mark Steyn is still active unfortunately. [Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing]
Mar 15, 2021 ~ NBC Anchor Chuck Todd said 'I know a lot of folks who think that due to climate change and due to globalization in general, it is inevitable that we’ll deal with more and more viruses like this.' #COVID19 has 0 to due with climate change. 'A lot of folks' also believe in ghosts. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Feb 22, 2021 ~ John Kerry now claims there are only 9 years left to avert climate disaster. In 2014, 1000s of days ago, Kerry said "we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos." Cei.org documents '50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions' but the alarmists never learn or stop. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Feb 19, 2021 ~ 'Snowing in Saudi Arabia!' Clueless know nothings lecture and insult 'deniers' about weather events that are either common (like this one) or have happened many times in the past and then accuse you of 'denial' if you don't think its occurring because of man made climate change. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Feb 18, 2021 ~ WSJ, Between “2/8 and 2/16, wind power plunged 93% while coal in­creased 47% and gas 450%, ac­cord­ing to the EIA. Yet the re­new­able in­dus­try and its me­dia mouth­pieces are tar­ring gas, coal and nu­clear be­cause they didn’t op­er­ate at 100%.” If all renewable, we'd have 0 [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Feb 18, 2021 ~ The Texas winter storm that left millions without power exposes the flaws of moving to 100% 'renewable' energy. This would have been a week long event with 0 power for anyone. Jim Robb 'For batteries to play the ultimate backup system, we're so far away from that it's not funny.' [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Feb 16, 2021 ~ 4.3 million customers were left without electricity as severe and historic cold, snow and ice hit Texas. The power outages were caused in part by Texas' over reliance on 'green energy.' 'The wind turbines are all frozen,” said Public Utility Commission Chairman DeAnn Walker. [Climate Change, Environment]
Feb 11, 2021 ~ Jeffery Folks, 'Floridians Shiver through the Coldest Winter in Two Decades' While Biden pledges to spend $6.7 trillion that we don't actually have to combat 'climate change', Florida and much of the country is going through one of the coldest winters on record. Flushing money... [Climate Change]
Feb 5, 2021 ~ Biden's 'Climate Czar' John Kerry flew on a private jet to pick up a climate award. Beyond limousine liberal, he is a private jet liberal like Al Gore and many others who want everyone else to live in the dark ages while their carbon footprint is 1000 times the average person's. [Climate Change, Environment]
Feb 4, 2021 ~ Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg admits the Paris Climate Accord would only lower global temperatures by 0.05°F by 2100. The cost benefits analysis of fighting climate change is off by about a million to 1. The pros of fossil fuels outweigh the cons by about a million to 1 as well. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Feb 4, 2021 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Biden Wants to Kill 80 Percent of America's Energy' Most Americans have no 'idea where the energy they use in their home or business comes from.' 80% of our energy comes from fossil fuel which Biden wants to ban. He has no way to replace it. Green E not even close [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Feb 4, 2021 ~ Toyota CEO on the folly of EVs, 'The current business model of the car industry is going to collapse. The more EVs we build, the worse carbon dioxide gets.' There's no battery fairy that can create the amount of lithium to do this without creating a huge environmental disaster. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jan 29, 2021 ~ Biden's decision to kill the Keystone Pipeline not only will cost 10s of thousands of jobs and threaten energy independence, it will harm, not help the environment. Pipelines are orders of magnitude better for the environment than rail, trucks or ship. I.e. there is 0 upside. [Climate Change, Environment]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ The Biden administration put a 60-day hold on new oil and gas leases on public lands. It is expected to become permanent. This will have a big negative jobs effect on states like New Mexico. Biden thinks if you keep fossil fuels in the ground, everything will just run on sunshine [Climate Change, Economy, Energy]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ Biden canceling the Keystone pipeline eliminates 10s of thousands of blue collar jobs, damages relationship with Canada, destroys our hard earned energy independence, will increase energy costs, makes oil spills more, not less likely and will not benefit the environment one bit. [Climate Change, Economy, Energy, Environment]
Jan 22, 2021 ~ Sen. Ted Cruz criticizes Biden for rejoining the Paris Accord. @Sethrogen responds in typical leftist fashion, 'Fuck off you fascist.' Cruz responded with typical class at which point Rogen replies with typical classlessness, 'Haha get fucked fascist.' Lovely people these dems. [Climate Change, Loathsome Left]
Jan 21, 2021 ~ Biden Signs 17 Executive Orders On First Day In Office. Re-enters the Paris agreement, stops the wall, stops all deportations, halts work on the Keystone pipeline, forces schools to allow biological boys and men to compete with girls and women in sports, eliminated the travel ban [Climate Change, Environment, Fake Islamophobia, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 21, 2021 ~ Vijay Jayaraj on all the 2021 record cold temps. Japan, Spain, India experiencing intense snows with record colds. Many deaths and hospitalizations. Years ago, alarmist predicted the end of snow and the Polar ice cap. These like almost all alarmist predictions didn't happen. [Climate Change]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, 'Biden rejoining the Paris agreement will solve very little at a high cost. Even if all ­nations live up to all their Paris promises, they will reduce global temperature by less than 0.09°F (0.05°C) by 2100. We need a smarter way to tackle climate change.' [Climate Change]
Dec 14, 2020 ~ LinkedIn bans paper 'The Global Mean Temperature Anomaly Record' written by two of the top climate scientists in the world, Richard Lindzen and John Christy. Fully factual and fully sourced but refutes part of the man made climate change orthodoxy. Falsely labels misinformation. [Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Anthony Watts, 'Automobile tires, not climate change, are killing West Coast salmon' Debunks many #FakeNews articles like 'Climate Change is Killing Salmon in the Pacific Northwest' Researchers ruled out climate change and found the real culprit, 6PPD-quinone. [Climate Change, Environment, Fake News]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ New movie 'Climate Hustle 2' exposes many lies including Chuck Schumer shouting: "If we would do more on climate change, we'd have fewer of these hurricanes and other types of storms! Everyone knows that!" Not true at all. In fact, we are not having more hurricanes, tornados etc. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 20, 2020 ~ Crazy loon Elizabeth Warren scares college students by saying he threatens 'all life' on Earth. Not even just human life. 'Donald Trump threatens the existence of human life, of all life, on this planet.' #FakeNews #TDS [Climate Change, Fake News, TDS]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ Duggan Flanakin, 'Wind Turbines Generate Mountains of Waste'. Each turbine needs 2.5 million pounds of concrete plus rebar. There will be 720,000 tons of blade waste over 20 years to landfills. 'A separate tractor-trailer is needed to haul each blade to a landfill.' Much more. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Sep 23, 2020 ~ John Stossel 'Bad Policies Fuel Fires' Democrats falsely blame climate change for California fires. Nancy Pelosi, 'Mother Earth is angry!' Gavin Newsom blames climate change as well. The fires are because these forests not being allowed to clear their tinder as they always have. [Climate Change, John Stossel]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Ryan Mills, 'Climate Change Focus Obscures Complexities of Wildfires' Before settlers millions of acres a year kept the forests from building up tinder. Since 1910 we've been aggressively fighting fires letting it all build up. 3 things came together. 2019 fire season was dead. [Climate Change, Environment]
Sep 15, 2020 ~ National Review, 'California’s Disastrous Forest Mismanagement' Every year Dems try to blame forest fires on Climate Change. Fires have been reduced in the area by 95% since 1911. So 'Dead trees and overcrowded forests became literal tinderboxes.' Plus 'decades of mismanagement.' [California, Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ Joe Biden says that if Trump wins the election, "how many suburbs will be burned in wildfires? How many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded out? How many suburbs will have been blown away in superstorms?” No more or less than if Biden wins. Despicable fear mongering. [2020 Election, Biden, Climate Change, Fake News, Politics]

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