Nov 9, 2021 ~ Biden comptroller of the currency nominee Saule Omarova admits they want to bankrupt the "coal industry and oil and gas industry." "A lot of smaller players in that industry are probably going to go bankrupt." "We want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change." [Climate Change, Economy, Energy]
Nov 7, 2021 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, 'We’re Safer From Climate Disasters Than Ever Before' 100 yrs ago "500K people died on average each year from storms, floods, droughts, wildfires and extreme temperatures.” 14K in 2020. 2021, 6Kr 99% drop with double population. Weather damage vs GDP down as well. [Climate Change, Economics, Fake News]
Nov 4, 2021 ~ Jack Helner, "Media peddling a new 'climate change' lie" #FakeNews@ABC says "Madagascar is on the verge of becoming the world's first climate-change induced near-famine in modern history," due to a drought that has happened many times before killing 10s of millions in the 1800s. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 2, 2021 ~ Gina Loudon, 'The Climate Experts Have Never Been Right' "Not once. Ever." Great article listing many failed predictions over the decades. The leaders at the silly COP26 summit sound exactly like the wrong alarmist of the past. "This is our last chance." "We need to act now." No. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 2, 2021 ~ Madonna on #CancelCulture. "The censoring that’s going on in the world right now, that’s pretty frightening. No one’s allowed to speak their mind right now. No one’s allowed to say what they really think about things for fear of being canceled, cancel culture." [Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing]
Oct 31, 2021 ~ Energy Sec. Granholm on rise in gas prices: "Gas prices, of course, are based upon a global oil market. That oil market is controlled by a cartel. That cartel is OPEC." Derek Hunter, "We were energy independent, a net exporter, until these morons" undid everything Trump did. [Climate Change, Derek Hunter, Economics, Economy, Energy]
Oct 31, 2021 ~ Andrea Widberg, 'Empty Christmas stockings? Don't blame COVID; blame California' CA's excessive climate change regulations created "an inability of half the nation's truckers from picking up anything from the Port of LA or Port of Long Beach." And AB-5 prevents 'owner operator." [Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Regulations]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ Judson Berger, 'The Democrats’ War on Gas Stoves Is a Slap at Cooking Cultures' CA, other states are banning an essential tool for for many ethic dishes. “Natural gas cooking is so essential in a lot of cuisines.” "No way in hell you are going to put a wok on an electric stove.” [Climate Change, Regulations]
Oct 23, 2021 ~ Another climate alarmist prediction fails. Not long ago the LA Times, Guardian, Atlantic and other #FakeNews orgs claimed "Humpback whales may be struggling to breed as climate crisis depletes food", "How climate change is reducing numbers of humpback whale." Now record numbers. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Fossil Fuels Are Back – Everywhere Except in the USA' "when Trump left office, America was all but energy self-sufficient and even an energy exporter." Biden killed that. China has 1000 coal plants building a new one per week. Europe is forced back to coal also. [Climate Change, Energy]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Mark Ross, 'When climate change causes flood and also causes droughts' "Perhaps because of desperation or just plain ignorance, climate alarmists are now blaming both droughts and floods on global warming/climate change." Lynda Hopkins, "climate change caused my son’s pneumonia." [Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ John Stossel sued Facebook for defamation. A so-called fact-checker group called Climate Feedback labeled one of his quotes 'misleading' but it wasn't anything Stossel ever said. Labelled his video "partly false." Stossel demonstrated they lied but Facebook still censored him. [Climate Change, Fake News, Free Speech, John Stossel, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ Antarctica posts coldest winter since records began in 1957. Washington Post. "The chill was exceptional, even for the coldest location on the planet." This of course proves the theory of man made global warming and climate change because everything that happens proves that. [Climate Change]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ Eco-terrorist group Extinction Rebellion has been blocking traffic in Europe. A stroke victim stuck in that traffic for 6 hours is now paralyzed. She would not have been if not for ER. ER says oh well, “Civil resistance is not purist. People get hurt in political disruption.” [Climate Change, Health Care, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ The Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to climatologists who made early climate models. Physicist Lubos Motls says "it is absolutely unforgivable how the prize was justified... the Nobel Prize has committed suicide and I don't want to hear about it again... political motivation” [Anti-Science, Climate Change]
Oct 8, 2021 ~ Bloomberg, 'Google Won’t Fund Sites, YouTube Videos That Deny Climate Change' Its not just 'deny' but anyone who points out the predictions have been wrong or that human contribution is overstated will be deplatformed. Google is the gatekeeper to 'the truth' they have decided. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Sep 22, 2021 ~ Joe Biden makes totally ridiculous, borderline insane comments but has no idea how absurd they are. “We’ve set a goal that by 2025 our power sector will be free of carbon and 2030, 50% of the cars should be, must be electric vehicles.” Both of these things have a 0% chance. [Climate Change, Energy]
Sep 21, 2021 ~ Janet Levy, 'The Great Reset of Beef Consumption' Beef not bad for the environment. If US went vegan, would reduce emissions 2.6%. "84% of livestock feed is inedible to humans... convert what we cannot eat into what we can.""mostly ingest green water or rainwater." Provide manure [Climate Change, Environment]
Sep 20, 2021 ~ WSJ, Bjorn Lomborg, 'Climate Change Saves More Lives Than You’d Think' "We're currently seeing 166,000 fewer temperature-related deaths each year thanks to rising temperatures." "Temperature increases from 2000-19 mean more heat death (116K), but also fewer cold deaths (283K)." [Climate Change]
Sep 12, 2021 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Climate Change Is Not a Crisis' Great article that puts climate change in perspective. "It is, no doubt, quite convenient for politicians to treat every hurricane, tornado, and flood as an apocalyptic sign." Climate deaths have fallen 98% in the last 100 years. [Climate Change]
Sep 8, 2021 ~ Environmentalist @BjornLomborg exposes a lot of #FakeNews regarding climate change alarmism. They say "Global heat deaths for 65+ increased 50+%" without telling you 65+ population increased as much. Climate related deaths have been steadily falling for 100 years. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 31, 2021 ~ Michael Shellenberger, 'Democrats More Likely To Believe False Information About Climate Change, New Survey Finds' Democrats are many times more likely to believe outright falsehoods about climate change. They think more people are dying from natural disaters, cost is rising etc. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 28, 2021 ~ Vox spews another air conditioning is 'racist' article babbling about moronic concepts like 'cooling justice.' Besides the 'racist' angle being totally based on lies, people are not going to accept going backwards in the standard of living that they enjoy and are used to. [Climate Change, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ 1981 @nytimes, 'STUDY FINDS WARMING TREND THAT COULD RAISE SEA LEVELS' Nasa including Alarmist in Chief James Hanson was predicting sea level rise of 80 FEET by 2080. Almost half way to 2080 and we are only up 4 inches. But you're a 'denier' if you don't believe the #FakeNews. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 18, 2021 ~ Aron Ravin, 'The Pandemic’s Lesson for Dealing with Climate Doomsayers' " Past divinations have constantly overstated our impending doom." Massively wrong predictions since 1970s. Ever moving goalposts. We have passed several "doomsday targets." They just keep moving them. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 13, 2021 ~ Months after Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline which would have carried 830K barrels of oil per day in North America and killed domestic drilling, he is now begging OPEC to increase production again after they already agreed to increase by 400K barrels per day. What a clown. [Climate Change, Energy]
Aug 9, 2021 ~ Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg shows that govt. forcing us to electric cars is useless. "Even if all nations achieved all of their ambitious EV targets, emissions will be reduced by about 0.1%... Temperatures will be reduced by 0.002°C by 2100." And they will not achieve targets. [Climate Change, Environment]
Aug 2, 2021 ~ VP Harris' office releases a document called "Root Causes Strategy" which says all we have to do to slow illegal immigration is solve world poverty and climate change. Neither will ever happen. Can't even do it here. Trump had illegal immigration solved but they threw it away. [Climate Change, Harris, Immigration, Poverty]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ In an effort to amplify two fake narratives by multiplying them together, Gov. Kate Brown (D-OR) said “The impacts of climate change are not felt equally … The pandemic revealed that a ‘normal’ built on structures of white supremacy caused incredible harm.” Vile Democrat lies. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 27, 2021 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The Media Produces Derangement: Proof From New York Times Readers' @nytimes comment section reveals that legions of Dems buy the #FakeNews that climate change is SO BAD that they refuse to have kids. Very sad what Democrats have done to them. They'll go extinct. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Dennis Prager, Fake News]
Jul 20, 2021 ~ H. Sterling Burnett, 'The Red Queen Would Be Proud of the Impossibly Inconsistent Climate Disaster Claims' Alarmists have not only been wrong, they have been on every side of every issue. No more snow, lots of snow, more and less monsoon rain, More/less Great Lakes wind, levels. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ BBC: China's carbon emissions exceed the emissions of all the developed nations combined. The emit almost 3 times the US and are allowed to keep growing that per the Paris Accord. Trump wisely got us out of that but Biden stupidly put us back in to China's benefit. [Climate Change]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ Every born yesterday left wing politician says climate change caused the floods happening in Europe. Michael Shellenberger @ShellenbergerMD shows how the deaths due to flooding in Europe has been falling steadily since 1870. In fact it was more than 7 times higher 100 years ago. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 7, 2021 ~ John Sexton, 'UK researchers: You can't stop climate change and have our current economic system' They admit how far our standard of livings would have to be cut to attain their emissions goals. Americans would have to cut energy use by 90% and families of 4 live in 600 sq feet! [Climate Change, Energy]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Democrats being the gurus of lies and #FakeNews first tried to tie the Surfside condo collapse in FL to Desantis. Now they are absurdly trying to tie to climate change. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, "We know that we're losing inches and inches of beach." 0 to do with it. [Climate Change]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Texas A&M makes climate faculty sign a 'Statement on Climate Change' 'We all agree with the following three conclusions based on current evidence' 'It is extremely likely that humans are responsible for more than half of the global warming between 1951 and 2012.' Etc. No dissent. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Climate Change, College, Silencing]
Jun 11, 2021 ~ TC Energy has canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline for good now that Biden blocked it. That pipeline would have helped jobs, the environment, energy independence and energy prices and would not have increased climate change. Biden is undoing all of the good Trump did in record time. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jun 9, 2021 ~ John Stossel, 'The Climate Censors' Fakebook censored Stossel's video on climate change. They didn't like the tone more than the facts being wrong. They only allow alarmism which is scaring the heck out of kids and causing people to not have children out of fear for the future. [Climate Change, John Stossel, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
May 28, 2021 ~ Terry Paulding, 'The huge, destructive green lie.' Windmills have already killed 3 BILLION birds and Dems want to have many times what we have now. Mining the needed rare earth minerals pollutes groundwater. Slave labor is being used. Solar generates tons of very toxic waste. etc [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
May 26, 2021 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'The African slavery behind the leftists' green dreams' Increasing the amount of electric cars will overload the electrical grid and lead to more child slave labor in Africa which is still used to mine the cobalt and destroys the environment. EV's do not scale. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
May 23, 2021 ~ Dr. Steven E. Koonin, Extracts from 'Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters' 'The net economic impact of human-induced climate change will be minimal through at least the end of this century.' A 0.04% annual GPP decrease til 2100! Negligible [Climate Change]
May 23, 2021 ~ Dr. Steven E. Koonin, Extracts from 'Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters' 'Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century. Greenland’s ice sheet isn’t shrinking any more rapidly today than it was 80 years ago.' [Climate Change]
May 23, 2021 ~ Dr. Steven E. Koonin, Extracts from 'Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters' 'heat waves in the U.S. are now no more common than they were in 1900, and that the warmest temperatures in the U.S. have not risen in the past 50 years.' [Climate Change]
May 21, 2021 ~ Dan Sutter, 'Tornadoes: The New Normal That Wasn’t' 'Tornadoes killed 553 Americans in 2011, the deadliest year since 1925.' In 2011, alarmists including prominent climatologists said welcome to 'the new normal.' Turned out to be an outlier. Average over the next 9 years was 43. [Climate Change, Fake News]
May 9, 2021 ~ China’s greenhouse gas emissions exceed all other developed nations combined. But under the Paris Accord, our economic rival China gets to keep on increasing while we have to reduce. Biden thinks this is a great deal and signed us up for it it. [Climate Change]
Apr 24, 2021 ~ Dr. Steven Koonin, 'Obama administration scientist says climate ‘emergency’ is based on fallacy' 'Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century. Greenland’s ice sheet isn’t shrinking any more rapidly today than it was 80 years ago.' Wildfires declining. [Climate Change]
Apr 19, 2021 ~ CNN Director Charlie Chester is caught on camera admitting how @CNN is #FakeNews. 'we got Trump out... I 100 percent believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out.' Admitted hyping #COVID19 deaths. 'Fear sells.' Next 'crisis', climate change. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ MIT Climatologist Richard Lindzen & Princeton Physics Prof. William Happer, "Climate ‘Emergency’? Not So Fast" 'We are both scientists who can attest that the research literature does not support the claim of a climate emergency. Nor will there be one.' Alarmist predictions BS. [Climate Change]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ H. Sterling Burnett , 'The Myth of Climate Refugees' This article destroys the claim that current migrants are 'climate refugees.' The places that are supposedly unable to sustain agriculture due to climate change have increased production substantially over the last few decades. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 20, 2021 ~ After nearly a decade Michael Mann’s lawsuit against National Review has been dismissed. This is a huge victory for free speech and the ability to disagree with climate change orthodoxy without being bullied into silence. Lawsuit against Mark Steyn is still active unfortunately. [Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing]