Sep 2, 2024 ~ 'Columbia University President Resigns Months after Anti-Israel Protests Rocked Campus' Another University president, Minouche Shafik, bites the dust after allowing Anti-Semitic criminals to run wild on campus. Jewish students were chased out of dorms, spat on, excluded from student life, physically attacked and subjected to slurs and tropes. Professors were caught mocking Jewish speakers, etc. She presided over that toxic environment and did not protect her students. [Anti-Semitism, College, Loathsome Left]
Aug 11, 2024 ~ Even though SCOTUS made it clear that racial discrimination is illegal, leftists remain determined to continue doing it as it is one of their core values. University of California, Berkeley School of Law dean Erwin Chemerinsky was caught on video telling students how he evades the ban on racial preferences in hiring. "I’ll give you an example from our law school, but if ever I’m deposed, I’m going to deny I said this to you. When we do faculty hiring, we’re quite conscious that diversity is important... Anytime somebody says, ‘We should really prefer this candidate or this candidate because this person would add diversity.’ Don’t say that. You can think it, you can vote it, but our discussions are not privileged, so don’t ever articulate that that’s what you’re doing." Lovely. So its business as usual, but keep it on the down low and lie about it if you're ever deposed. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, SCOTUS]
Aug 9, 2024 ~ Alleged 'intellectual' Columbia Professor, Kimberlé Crenshaw, the founder of 'intersectional' theory spreads absurdly false information. "Black women make up less than 10% of the population, yet when it comes to killings by police, we make up a 3rd of them, with the majority unarmed." The real percentage is less than 1%. Her claimed figure is 40 times higher than reality. And only 9 unarmed black women were shot, ever. And the fact that they were unarmed does not mean the shooting was unjustified. Most police shootings of unarmed suspects are justified. Like Michael Brown who was fighting the officer for his gun and Breonna Taylor who was standing next to her boyfriend who was shooting at the police at the time she was shot. [BLM, College, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 29, 2024 ~ 'There's a Charlottesville Every Week, and Joe Biden Is Fine With It' "There's a new Charlottesville every week in America nowadays. They aren't led by a few hundred Nazi cosplayers, but thousands of Islamists and leftist fellow travelers whose goals are supported by numerous administration officials, congressmen and newsrooms. In the latest Charlottesville, a mob of pro-Hamas goons showed up in front of a synagogue in the heavily Jewish Pico-Robertson neighborhood in Los Angeles. They wore terror apparel, called for violence against Jews, allegedly beat up a Jewish woman and impeded people from worshipping." This goes on all the time, sometimes resulting in injuries and death. On campus, they block Jewish students from entering classrooms, etc. Usually, the Democrats and leftists in charge allow it, sometimes even participating. [Anti-Semitism, Biden, College, David Harsanyi, Islam, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Jun 26, 2024 ~ Alan Dershowitz on how DIE has led to antisemitism on campuses: "Every university has created departments of antisemitism through their diversity, equity, and inclusion. It’s diversity, equity, and exclusion. Jews are excluded. And many of these campaigns are led by students who see themselves as part of the oppressed, even though they’re among the wealthiest people probably on campus, the children of billionaires, many of them. But they see themselves as part of the intersectionality and oppressed, and they take it out on Jews." [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Jun 18, 2024 ~ 'My University Required DEI Training. I’m Suing' Owen Anderson, Arizona State University professor of philosophy and religious studies for more than two decades is suing because he is forced to take training where white people are demonized falsely. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Jun 9, 2024 ~ 'Yale Tells Hopeful Scientists: You Must Commit to DEI' "Want to be a molecular biologist at Yale? Well, make sure you have a ten-step plan for dismantling systemic racism. When making hires at Yale’s department of molecular biophysics and biochemistry, faculty are told to place “DEI at the center of every decision,” "Every job advertised on the site links to a DEI “rubric” that tests candidates’ “knowledge of DEI and commitment to promoting DEI,” their “past DEI experiences and activities,” and their “future DEI goals and plans.”
The questions are designed to find out how they would infuse diversity, equity, and inclusion—a focus on race, gender, sexual orientation, and other categories of “marginalization”—into their work."
"The assessment puts the thumb on the scale for those with progressive sensibilities." [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education]
Jun 9, 2024 ~ 'Harvard Slips Up about Blacks and Jews' The antisemites on campus claim (using a bogus Farrakhan book) that the Jews are responsible for slavery. But "All cultures and societies -- the Romans, Greeks, Aztecs, Chinese, Africans, Christians, Muslims, and Jews -- have had slaves. And while some Jews, like people from practically all other groups at the time, played a role in the African slave trade, the Jewish role was microscopic, especially in the antebellum America South." Nobody held a candle to the Muslims for sheer volume of slavery: "It was the Muslims who, for 14 centuries, conquered and enslaved Black Africans. And it is Muslims who still do: Today, Arabs and Muslims capture, buy, and sell blacks in at least five African countries and across the Arab world." Many examples given. Here is one: "In Sudan, there remain an estimated 35,000 Blacks enslaved during the Arab north’s self-declared jihad which killed 2.5 million." [Anti-Semitism, College, Islam, Slavery]
May 27, 2024 ~ 'Biden Inspires Black Graduates By Telling Them That Democracy Is Dead And White People Are Out To Kill Them' Biden gives commencement speech at historically black Morehouse College. Non-stop divisive lies as usual. "You started college just as George Floyd was murdered and their was a reckoning on race. It’s natural to wonder if democracy you hear about actually works for you. What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street? If Black men are being killed on the streets, we bear witness. For me, that means to call out the poison of white supremacy, to root out systemic racism. I stood up for George -- with George Floyd's family to help create a country where you don't need to have that talk with your son or grandson as they get pulled over. What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leave black communities behind? What is democracy if you have to be ten times better than everyone else to get a fair shot? ... What does it mean ... to be a Black man who loves his country even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure?" None of this is true but if the new graduates believe it they will be demoralized and hate back a country they are told hates them. [Biden, BLM, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Police]
May 26, 2024 ~ "Anti-Israel Protester at UCLA Encampment: ‘We Don’t Like White People’" “You’re just a white person; you’re a white person [so] get out — we don’t like white people,” the keffiyeh-wearing woman insisted before chanting, “Free Palestine” as she waved a Palestinian flag. Sometimes they reveal the truth out loud that this is really all about hating white people which to the left includes Jewish people. [Anti-Semitism, College, Israel, Racism]
May 13, 2024 ~ 'Biden ends the US-Israel alliance at a fortuitous moment' Biden betrays Israel in many ways. Attempting to appease college Hitler Youth, he withholds intelligence and weapons. Tries to force a cease fire that keeps Hamas in place signalling that he is ok with more Oct 7ths. He also shows our other allies that they can't count on us and shows our enemies that we are weak. Anna Applebaum: "The U.S. is not just an untrustworthy ally, but an unserious ally. A foolish ally." [Anti-Semitism, Biden, College, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
May 5, 2024 ~ One of the Columbia pro-Hamas protesters, PhD student Johannah King-Slutzky, illustrates why the woke in academia are beyond parody. Besides absurdly demanding food and water be provided to the building they are forcibly occupying, we learn her "dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx's term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination." I challenge any professional satirist to invent a more ridiculous and pointless area of study. No one could. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
May 4, 2024 ~ If tearing down American flags and chanting "Death to America" did not convince you that the anti-Israel protesters were also, anti-American, here is a UCLA protest spokesperson saying: “I think, given the fact that the University of California is founded on colonialism, it’s inherently a violent institution. There needs to be an addressment (sic) of U.S. imperialism and its ties to the UC system, and how it perpetuates war and violence abroad. Not only abroad, but also here locally.” [California, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Western Civilization]
May 1, 2024 ~ Randall Kennedy, the Michael R. Klein Professor at Harvard Law School says "mandatory DEI statements, however, make me wince." "Mandatory DEI Statements Are Ideological Pledges of Allegiance. Time to Abandon Them." "Playing ball entails affirming that the DEI bureaucracy is a good thing and asking no questions that challenge it, all the while making sure to use in one’s attestations the easy-to-parody DEI lingo." [College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
May 1, 2024 ~ "The Return of ‘Mostly Peaceful’" Once again, left wingers take over institutions. This time their cause is anti-Israel, pro-jihadist terrorism. They occupy many campuses like Columbia with tent cities. They block access to buildings, especially for Jewish students. They call for the eradication of Israel and death to Jews and death to America. They take down American flags and replace them with Palestinian flags. The universities respond by allowing it to happen, cancelling classes for the safety of Jewish students. USC cancels graduation instead of dealing with these people. As the students are appeased, violence is predictably escalating. Hostages, fires are starting to happen. Like in the 'mostly peaceful' George Floyd riots, the #FakeNews is mostly ignoring the violence and hate and leaving out all context. [Anti-Semitism, College, Fake News, George Floyd, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Apr 27, 2024 ~ 'Another day and another plagiarism story out of academia' Almost always black women in the DIE field. The PhD dissertation of Natalie J. Perry, head of DIE at UCLA’s School of Medicine was "ridden with the worst sort of plagiarism, reproducing large swaths of text directly from several other authors, without citations." Even without the plagiarism, her career is a fraud; a single paper explaining why college DIE programs should be even bigger. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Apr 20, 2024 ~ Biden destroys women's and men's rights in one move. It alters Title IX so that it includes males in female spaces. So that the main thing that protected women and girls now erases them. And they went back to the no due process kangaroo courts for campus sex accusations that we had before Trump restored due process. Riley Gaines explains, "The new rewrite means: - men can take academic AND athletic scholarships from women - men will have FULL access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc - men could be housed in dorm rooms with women - students and faculty MUST compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns." [Anti-Science, Biden, College, Due Process, Feminism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ 'The Intellectual Wasteland of Our American College Campuses' Lieutenant Colonel Allen West continues to get shouted down and heckled at Universities by left wing children. They call him a 'racist' and 'fascist.' The usual garbage. They always refuse to debate. He need a police escort off campus once because of violent #BLM protesters. "It appears to me, and perhaps you as well, that our American college campuses are becoming intellectual wastelands. Sure, there are awesome students who are getting solid educations in specific fields of study, but for the most part, these campuses are nothing more than illogical, radical indoctrination centers." [BLM, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ Just when you think wokeness could not get more absurd and racist, UCLA blames 'whiteness' for the opiod crisis. UCLA health advertised an event with professor Dr. Helena Hansen titled, “Beyond Magic Bullets: Whiteness as a Structural Driver of the Opioid Crisis.” [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ Christopher F. Rufo exposes more and more plagiarism in the fake 'educational' areas he calls 'grievance disciplines.' "Harvard racial-studies professor @ChristinaJCross plagiarized multiple passages in her dissertation and at least one other paper, according to a new complaint filed with Harvard’s research integrity office. Harvard's plagiarism crisis is spinning out of control. Let's not ignore the pattern: This is the fourth black female CRT/DEI scholar to be accused of plagiarism at Harvard. We need further research, including a control group of more rigorous fields, but initial reports suggest that the grievance disciplines are rife with fraud." The usual suspects jump right to the "attacked for being black" race card. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Mar 21, 2024 ~ Kyle Rittenhouse tried to speak at the University of Memphis. 100s of #BLM protesters disrupted the event chanting "lock his ass up" and "fuck his ass up", causing Rittenhouse to bail early. The BLM protesters then chased and prevented event attendees from exiting the parking garage. "Police had to intervene to stop the BLM demonstrators from injuring attendees as the activists continued to intimidate people attempting to leave." BLM never changes. Their tactics all involve becoming a violent mob. [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 5, 2024 ~ A rare voice of courage among a sea of cowards: Dr. Wayne D. Lewis Jr., the president of Houghton University in New York speaks up for female athletes.
“I reached the place where I could no longer remain silent on this issue. When I see young women with Houghton written across their uniform . . . at a competitive disadvantage, sometimes losing opportunities that are hard-earned, there is no way that I, as their president, will continue to sit on the sidelines and refuse to advocate for change.”
“A fringe agenda under the guise of making school and collegiate athletics more inclusive for transgender people has grown to the place of now unfairly displacing gifted and hardworking female athletes, obliterating the historic achievements and records of female athletes of the past, and threatening to dismantle the opportunities and protections for girls and women in sport trailblazing leaders fought so hard to create and protect."
“Too many leaders, parents, professional athletes, and people of goodwill have been silent as female athletes are humiliated, silenced, and robbed of hard-earned opportunities. That silence is complicit with the fringe agenda that threatens to dismantle girls’ and women’s athletics.” [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 26, 2024 ~ Biden cancels another $1.2 billion in student loan debt despite the Supreme Court ruling he has no constitutional power to do it. He's already canceled $138 billion and is on track to cancel $475 billion over 10 years. He's vote buying with taxpayer money, adding to the already out of control national debt, and keeping college costs unnecessarily expensive. [Biden, College, Debt, SCOTUS, Student Loans]
Feb 25, 2024 ~ Yale, Dartmouth and other woke schools are reluctantly re-instating the SAT test after formerly deciding that the test was 'racist' and anti-DIE because all the races didn't do exactly the same. Their studies found what everyone with a brain already new. That SAT scores are the single best predictor of students’ academic performance. "This is true even after controlling for family income and other demographic variables." The SAT was never biased against certain races. Many colleges still reject it in the name of DIE including all University of California schools. [Affirmative Action, California, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ Spencer Lindquist finds universities are still creating and requiring toxic, racist DIE #CRT and woke gender theory classes. Like 'Decolonial Queerness', 'Gender Archaeolxgy', 'Interrogating Whiteness: Privilege, Racism, and Anti-Racism', 'Anti-Colonial Theory and Practice.' [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Trans]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ "‘All Hell Broke Lose’: Harvard Economist Needed ‘Armed Guard’ After Study Found No Racial Bias In Police Shootings" Roland Fryer, The youngest tenured black professor in Harvard history "needed armed security with him to go out in public [for more than a month] after he published a study finding no evidence of racial bias in officer-involved shootings." Typical of the left which gets violent when their narratives are challenged. Fryer expected to find a different result after Michael Brown, not realizing that narrative was BS. He RE-DID the study to make sure when it didn't match the narrative. Fryer was placed on a 2 year leave by then dean Claudine Gay. Gay went on to become Harvard president but resigned due to scandals involving anti-semitism and plagiarism. @bariweiss asked, "Do you believe in karma?" [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police, Violent Left]
Feb 10, 2024 ~ UC San Francisco @UCSF invited Dante King to give a talk on “Diagnosing Whiteness.” He says “whites are psychopaths” and discusses the “delusion and perversion of whiteness.” He said "anti-blackness" is "the foundation of all white American institutions." "I think whites are psychopathic. The level of lying that white people do, that has started since colonialism." These kind of virulent racists are still invited to speak at universities as long as their racism is directed at the right race. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ John Sexton, 'NY Times: SATs Aren't Racist and Universities Should Use Them' SAT "scores were better than high school grades at predicting student success in the system’s nine colleges, where more than 230,000 undergraduates are enrolled. The relative advantage of test scores has grown over time, the committee found. 'Test scores have vastly more predictive power than is commonly understood in the popular debate,' said John Friedman, an economics professor at Brown and one of the authors of the Ivy Plus admissions study." The real reason so many universities have ditched the test is to allow them to discriminate on race and avoid revealing how much they are doing so. But now they no longer have the ability to find the best students even within demographics, making their diplomas even more worthless and untrustworthy than they have been. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 4, 2024 ~ Claudine Gay has resigned as president of Harvard after even more examples of plagiarism were uncovered (now near 50). Gay was under previous pressure to resign after refusing to say it violated Harvard's code of conduct to call for the genocide of Jews. Even though she survived longer than she would have under these circumstances had she been anything other than a black woman, the #FakeNews and all of the usual race hustlers popped up to gaslight us about her firing being due to 'racism.' 'Racist mobs' bla bla 'white supremacists' bla bla 'fascists' bla bla 'racism' bla bla 'anti-Blackness' bla bla 'Jim Crow' bla bla 'subjugated by whiteness' bla bla 'white supremacy and racists' bla bla 'bad faith bigots.' etc. Gay herself said the criticism was "fueled by racial animus." Literally the same thing happened to a white woman (Liz Magill) who did not even have the plagiarism issue, but when it happens to a black woman, it's 'racism.' Its obvious to everyone that any results or behavior must be accepted from black people or the left will cry 'racism.' I.e. racism is now defined as holding black people to the same standards as every other group of people. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jan 4, 2024 ~ Flashback Oct 2022: Chris Brunet: “I can’t stress enough how much of a tragedy a Claudine Gay presidency would be — this must not be allowed to come to pass. She will ruin Harvard. She’s an intellectual lightweight (her entire body of critical race theory ‘research’ is flawed and/or fake), a far-far-Left DEI activist, and corrupt as hell.” H/T @MattWalshBlog[Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Dec 24, 2023 ~ Rochelle Hoffman was forced to resign as head of the diversity office at the University of Wisconsin because she is white. Several students AND FACULTY complained, saying someone with white skin should not have that job. So they fired her. Hoffman is suing for “psychological injury, emotional distress, loss of reputation, career damage, and attorney fees and costs.” [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Dec 24, 2023 ~ Black Columbia professor John McWhorter says Harvard President Claudine Gay should resign: "It has always been inconvenient that Harvard’s first Black president has only published 11 academic articles in her career and not one book (other than one with three co-editors). Some of her predecessors, like Lawrence Bacow, Drew Gilpin Faust and Lawrence Summers, have had vastly more voluminous academic records. The discrepancy gives the appearance that Dr. Gay was not chosen because of her academic or scholarly qualifications, which Harvard is thought to prize, but rather because of her race... If the issue were a couple of hastily quoted phrases in one article, it would be one thing. But investigations have shown that this problem runs through about half of Dr. Gay’s articles, as well as her dissertation. We must ask how a university president can expect to hold her head high, carry authority and inspire respect as a leader on a campus where students suffer grave consequences for doing even a fraction of what Dr. Gay has done." [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Tate Drageset has been dominating girl's volleyball in high school. He won national titles with USA Volleyball teams in different age groups, earning MVP honors at the Girls Junior National Championships, and was named the California Interscholastic Federation’s Division 5 Player of the Year for 2022-23. Now he is getting a scholarship to play on the women's team at @UW, taking a spot from a woman. [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Biological male Sadie Schreiner sets the women's school record at Rochester Institute of Technology in the 300m run. Not only did he win the race, stealing victory from women, its yet another female record that will almost certainly never be held by a female again. Disgraceful. [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 16, 2023 ~ Harvard President Claudine Gay is the definition of a black DIE diversity hire. She did the same thing Liz Magill of Penn did (refused to say calls for genocide against Jews is harassment) plus multiple instances of plagiarism. Magill who is white loses her job but Gay keeps hers because black people are held to a lower standard. Compare her also to former Harvard President Larry Summers. Summers, a white economist with no plagiarism lost his job for suggesting there might be brain differences between men and women. Summers published six books and well over 100 academic articles. Gay published only 11 in a far less rigorous field, some of which were plagiarized. Black scholar Carol Swain was brutally honest: “What is bothering me is not just that there’s passages she didn’t put in quotation marks. When I look at her work, I feel like her whole research agenda, her whole career, was based on my work. She became president of Harvard and got recognition as being its first black president. I don’t believe her record warranted tenure, and I believe that I had to meet a much higher standard than she did. … It’s clear to me that standards were lowered in the mid-1990s, and the elites came together and decided that they were going to defend affirmative action. It’s clear to me that she was a beneficiary of that. I blame her committee, and I blame white progressives equally.” "A white male would probably already be gone," Swain noted. No matter, she still stays. As Harvard’s first black president, she becomes essentially untouchable. Whatever she does is by definition, ‘awesome’ and ‘brilliant.’ Fake historian of the #FakeNews New York Times said questioning her qualifications even after plagiarism evidence is 'racist.' Of course it is... [Affirmative Action, Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'How Were the Universities Lost?' In response to Israel being attacked by murdering, raping, beheading terrorists, "not a day goes by when a university professor or student group has not spouted antisemitic hatred. Often, they threaten and attack Jewish students, or engage in mass demonstrations calling for the extinction of Israel." How did this happen? They went all in on DIE after a BS 'systemic racism' narrative in response to George Floyd. They divided the student body into 'oppressors' and 'oppressed.' They dropped SATs and all other standards of merit greatly decreasing the collective IQ of people on campus while simultaneously branding Jews as 'privileged' along with whites. They increased the number of foreign students including from antisemitic middle eastern countries. [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Victor Davis Hanson]
Dec 9, 2023 ~ The presidents of @Harvard, @Penn and @MIT
(Claudine Gay, Liz Magill and Sally Kornbluth) were all asked the following question under oath at the congressional hearing on antisemitism: "Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate [your university’s] code of conduct or rules regarding bullying or harassment?" NOT ONE OF THEM would give a simple 'yes' answer. They all said it 'depended on context!' WTF? Magill insanely said that “If the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment.” WHAT? Speech calling for genocide is only harassment at Penn if it turns into actual genocidal conduct?? Be very careful where you hire employees from and where you send your kids for an 'education' because many of these previously top schools have become toxic cesspools of hate and antisemitism. [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Violent Left]
Nov 9, 2023 ~ Jonathan Barth, 'New Report Uncovers The Sad State Of History Classes At American Universities'
"Many of the syllabi examined for this study were nakedly political. Most syllabi intensively focused on identity topics of race, gender, sexuality, queer theory, and militant social protest. The predominant takeaway for students in many of these classes was American history as a history of exclusion, chiefly organized around identity.
Neglected topics included basic political history, including various presidential administrations, pivotal elections, and party development. Legal history was generally excluded, as was military history and diplomatic history. Conservatism, of course, was almost universally framed in a negative context. Primary readings from conservative thinkers were rarely assigned.
Absent, also, was any indication that the United States had made real and significant progress on civil rights and race relations in the 20th century. Moreover, there was rarely any indication that the average standard of living, for all people, increased substantially across the twentieth century (better housing, health, education, and technology); instead, students were often fed an anti-market, anti-consumerist narrative about the corrupting effects of capitalism. Social, economic, and technological advancements received virtually no mention; instead, post-World War II America was often portrayed as a period – not of prosperity and expanding freedom – but of greed, decline, sexism, homophobia, and racism." [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Clarice Feldman, 'Higher Ed: Now it’s Just Loco' Here's some of the things modern college kids (and other leftists) apparently support. "In one family, a first responder reported the husband was shot, the baby was placed in a burning hot oven, and the wife, to the screams of her dying child, was gang-raped and then killed." Another house, "The father's eye gouged out, the mother's breast cut off, the girl's foot amputated, the boy's fingers cut off before they were executed, and then their executioners sat down and had a meal." [Anti-Semitism, College, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ State University of New York at Albany sociology professor Renee Overdyke was arrested for violently disrupting a pro-life demonstration. She unplugged a projector and prevented the presentation and then she resisted arrest. This comes 2 weeks after a conservative speaker was shouted down and prevented to speak at the same university. The left despises free speech. They cannot allow any dissenting opinions to be heard. Its no mystery why. [Abortion, College, Free Speech, Silencing, Violent Left]
Oct 23, 2023 ~ Marc Sarnoff, 'After Their Abysmal Response to the Hamas Attack, Universities Face a Reckoning' "The problem begins with spineless university administrators, who have consistently bowed to the woke tide of hateful speech from radical socialists. Universities that would fall over themselves to cancel a white-nationalist student group for excusing the murder of minorities have platformed student groups that blame Hamas’s attacks on the victims. Yale University, which allowed a professor’s career to be ruined for suggesting that students should be tolerant of each other’s Halloween costumes, has so far stood by a professor who wrote that 'Israel is a murderous, genocidal settler state and Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle.'" [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Bill Maher explains why many colleges like Harvard have become worthless cesspools of left wing garbage.
"As an Ivy League graduate who knows the value of a liberal education, I have one piece of advice for the youth of America. Don’t go to college. And if you absolutely have to go, don’t go to an elite college, because as recent events have shown, it just makes you stupid. There are few if any positives to come out of what happened in Israel, but one of them opening America's eyes to how higher education has become indoctrination, among them the simplistic notion that the world is a binary place where everyone is either an oppressor or oppressed. In the case of Israel, oppressors being babies and bubas. The same students who will tell you that words are violence and silence is violence were very supportive when Hamas terrorists went on a rape and murder rampage worthy of the Vikings. They knew where to point the fingers; at the murdered, and then it was off to ethics class."
"Siding with terrorists," "34 student groups at Harvard signed a letter saying 'the apartheid regime is the only one to blame,' proving they don't know what constitutes apartheid. They don't know much of anything, actually. But it doesn’t deter them from having an opinion. They’ve convinced themselves Israel is the most repressive regime in history because they have no knowledge of history or even a desire to know it. And actual history doesn’t come up in their intersectionality of politics and gender queer identities class.”
“If ignorance is a disease, Harvard Yard is the Wuhan wet market. The reason why despising Israel became pretty much a requirement of the American Left is colleges, elite colleges, the mouth of the river from which this and all manner of radical Left illiberal, yes, illiberal nonsense flows. Supporting all-black, that is segregated dorms, segregated graduation ceremonies, and orientation programs, which occur on hundreds of campuses is illiberal. So is the racism against Asian applicants and chasing speakers off of campus. When the First Amendment watchdog group Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression began ranking colleges based on their commitment to free speech and inquiry, Harvard came in dead last. There is only one set of acceptable opinions on campus, and it’s policed hard." "Elite schools should no longer be called elite. Just say expensive." Oddly, after excoriating Democrats and the left, Maher ends up attacking Republicans, perhaps annoyed that they figured all of this out long before he did? [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Israel, Loathsome Left, Political Correctness, Racism, Silencing, Violent Left]
Oct 15, 2023 ~ Matthew Continetti, 'The Shame of Academe' You many have known that so called 'higher education' institutions are toxic cesspools of hate that would cancel you for using the wrong pronoun but many are sad to discover how much pure antisemitism exists on these campuses. Worse is that the same left wing groups are staging large anti-Israel, pro Hamas demonstrations all over the world in cities like NYC, London, Toronto, Sydney etc. Chanting antisemitic slogans including "Gas the Jews." [Anti-Semitism, Cancel Culture, College, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]