Aug 1, 2021 ~ John Sexton, 'Diversity bloat: Many major universities have more diversity staff than history professors' Not just an insane waste of money but the more diversity staff, the more that ideology is enforced. Michigan has 163 Diversity staff! Average is 45! Many are close to 100. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics]
Aug 1, 2021 ~ Rikki Schlott, 'Freedom of speech is endangered on college campuses - and I’m fighting back' Schlott relates the all too familiar culture of fear in academia. One one point of view is allowed. The majority disagree but are silenced by the consequences. 'Tyranny of the minority.' [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 25, 2021 ~ Penn State Professsor Sam Richards said in class about white people "we’re oppressors, we’re arrogant... and dumb. White people are dumb." He then told white students that if they are breathing, they are oppressing people. Parents pay good money for their kids to be abused. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ The University of Texas hired a consultant for up to $1.1M to revamp the battered image of ‘Eyes of Texas’ song. 1.1 MILLION DOLLARS! This is insane. No link to General Lee could be established despite false claims. "No racist intent." The #CancelCulture mob is not letting it go. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Another fake hate crime involving a 'noose'. A construction company building a parking garage at Central Connecticut State U hoisted an American flag at the end of one of its steel cable loops for Memorial Day. NAACP said it was a noose. There were 3 other loops on the same crane! [College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Kenny Xu, 'An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian American Excellence and the Fight for Meritocracy.' Asians have "to score on average 140, 270, and 450 points higher on average than their white, Hispanic, and Black counterparts for equal chances of admission." [Affirmative Action, College, Education, Racism]
Jul 9, 2021 ~ Ben Zeisloft, 'Columbia Film Graduates Carry $181,000 In Loans, Make Less Than $30,000 Per Year' Modern college kids borrow ridiculous amounts of money way out of proportion to what their degrees can pay back. Now they want Biden to pay for their stupidity and irresponsibility. [College, Education, Student Loans]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ Harvard is holding classes that exclude people based on the skin color. Their program “No Label Academy at Harvard,” is a “music business” course "open to all BIPOC individuals interested in music business.” Straight up racism. Title VI violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. [College, Racism]
Jun 23, 2021 ~ Brandeis University is banning more words and phrases including previously very 'woke' phrases like 'trigger warning.' 'Picnic' is banned for a totally false link to lynching. Even 'People of Color' is banned. You should now use BIPOC. Why not just say 'non-white'? [College, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ .@TheFIREorg exposes OU CRT training to faculty on how to silence opposing viewpoints by labeling it 'hate speech.' "We can tell our students, 'No you do not have the right to say that.' Tell students who may be open to 'a problematic arugment', 'we don't have to listen to that.' [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Texas A&M makes climate faculty sign a 'Statement on Climate Change' 'We all agree with the following three conclusions based on current evidence' 'It is extremely likely that humans are responsible for more than half of the global warming between 1951 and 2012.' Etc. No dissent. [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Climate Change, College, Silencing]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Dr. Michael Robillard, 'How I Left Academia, or, How Academia Left Me' "Social pressure and stigmatization, intimidation, group struggle sessions, virtue signaling, and online reputational assassination... labelling their opponents as ‘extremists’, ‘racists’, ‘phobes’, ‘bigots.'" [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jun 17, 2021 ~ National Review, 'Young Women Lose under Biden’s Title IX Edict' The Biden Administration undoes all of the good Trump did. Biden is eliminating due process for sex assault cases and is forcing women and girls to compete with biological males in sports. We're going backwards. [College, Due Process, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 14, 2021 ~ Dean of Students Lee Burdette Williams now realizes the Obama kangaroo courts she participated in ruined a lot of innocent boy's lives by robbing them of due process. Trump restored due process but inexplicably Biden is signalling that he is going back to the kangaroo courts. [College, Due Process, Fake Rape, Loathsome Left]
Jun 14, 2021 ~ Discovery in the affirmative action lawsuit against Harvard shows Asians are massively discriminated against. Asians with top scores have a 12.7% admissions chance vs. 56% if Black. 9th decile it is 7.6% vs. 54.6%. 8th decile it is 5% vs 44.5%. 4th decile it is 0.9% vs. 12.8%. [Affirmative Action, College, Racism]
Jun 14, 2021 ~ North Korean defector Yeonmi Park says the woke anti-Americanism and intolerance of differing opinions and self-censoring necessary to succeed at Columbia was worse than North Korea. 'Even North Korea is not this nuts.' She thinks US college kids have no critical thinking skills. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, North Korea, Silencing]
Jun 12, 2021 ~ Fake hate crime at Wayne State U . Zoriana Martinez claimed that someone threw eggs at her dorm door on 2 occasions. She claimed her Pride sticker was torn down. She said she was targeted “all because [she was] a black person living in their space.” Police say she did it. [College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jun 8, 2021 ~ R.R. Reno 'Why I Stopped Hiring Ivy League Graduates' They're either woke racists who accuse everyone of racism in the name of 'anti-racism' or they're cowards who accept the charges silently. “The first things you learn your freshman year is never to say what you are thinking.” [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism, Silencing]
Jun 5, 2021 ~ Dr. Aruna Khilanani @aruna_khilanani who thinks there are no good white people but is not racist says 'That white stank is rotting all of us. There was a lot of white stank this week... I smell your white stank.' The Yale School of Medicine @YaleMed invited this person to speak. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Jun 4, 2021 ~ Dr. Aruna Khilanani @aruna_khilanani who is not racist and who says there are no good white people and fantasizes about killing white people said she had to cut white people out of her life because they would not admit they were racist when she accused them of it. @bariweiss [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism, Violent Left]
Jun 4, 2021 ~ Dr. Aruna Khilanani, 'This is the cost of talking to white people at all. The cost of your own life, as they suck you dry. There are no good apples out there. White people make my blood boil.' Thank you @bariweiss for exposing open racism like this that is celebrated by the left. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Jun 4, 2021 ~ Dr. Aruna Khilanani, 'I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a fucking favor.' [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism, Violent Left]
Jun 4, 2021 ~ Dr. Aruna Khilanani is allowed to give a speech at Yale that is not just racist, but fantasizes about killing white people. The title of the talk was 'The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind' 'White people are out of their minds and they have been for a long time.' @bariweiss [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
May 21, 2021 ~ Preston Cooper, 'Abandoning the SAT Won’t Help Disadvantaged Students' CA has abolished the SAT and ACT because they are 'racist' allegedly. Cooper argues that the SAT does exactly what it is supposed to, predict college success. Works on all races, incomes. Alternatives worse. [California, College, Education, Fake Racism]
May 20, 2021 ~ Boston University Professor David Decosimo exposes how the left prevents any dissent in higher education. Explains conservatives are unable to share their true opinions until they get tenure. Deny doctoral admission, deny tenure, deny job, smear campaigns. 'Happens all the time.' [Cancel Culture, College, Education, Free Speech, Silencing]
May 17, 2021 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. NYPost Dana Kennedy, 'St. John’s professor allegedly fired for reading racial slur from Mark Twain book' Hannah Berliner Fischthal was reading from Twain's novel 'Pudd’nhead Wilson.' which contained the n-word in dialog. Teaching Twain is now impossible. [Cancel Culture, College]
May 16, 2021 ~ Brooklyn College professor Laurie Rubel says 'the idea that math is objective or neutral is a myth.' and that claiming 'math is neutral because 2+2=4' 'reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.' Gotta make sure we call everything and everybody a racist and sexist every single day... [College, Education, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
May 14, 2021 ~ Penn State bans classic educational terms in order to be gender neutral or non-patriarcical. No more Freshman, Sophmore, Junior or Senior. They are '“parallel to western male father-son naming conventions.' No more upper-classmen. Change all he/him/his and she/her/hers. to 'they' [College, Fake Sexism, Political Correctness, Trans]
May 2, 2021 ~ The College Fix, 'Students claim soap dispensers are proof of systemic racism.' Claim they don't work on dark skin or they force black people to show their palms as if anyone would use any other part of the hand. They work on IR, not color and everybody has trouble with them. [College, Fake Racism]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Cruz Amendment to prohibit federal funding from colleges that discriminate against Asians passed 49-48. All Yeas were Republicans and all Nays were Democrats. Republicans are always against racial discrimination while Democrats want to institutionalize racial discrimination. [Affirmative Action, College, Racism]
Apr 22, 2021 ~ Kiersten Hening is suing her former Virginia Tech coach Charles Adair for benching her for not supporting #BLM and disagreeing with wearing BLM apparel and names of alleged victims. She was deemed a 'racist' and had to explain herself. Forced off the team by a 'campaign of abuse' [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Paul Rossi, 'I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated' Questioned some of his 'equity training.' Was told he caused 'harm' and that he 'failed to serve the “greater good and the higher truth.”' Was publicly 'reprimanded.' Students know 'they must never challenge' [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Apr 17, 2021 ~ Robby Soave 'A Medical Student Questioned Microaggressions. UVA Branded Him a Threat and Banished Him from Campus' Kieran Bhattacharya thought he could ask a question about woke 'training'. 'informed that he must be evaluated by psychological services before returning to classes' [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Silencing]
Apr 16, 2021 ~ Ayanna Pressley says 'You can’t be anti-racist if you’re anti student debt cancellation.' Dems just nakedly and reflexively charge 'racism' if you oppose anything that they want. They are a joke but it must still work to some extent. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Debt, Fake Racism, Student Loans]
Apr 8, 2021 ~ Yet another fake hate crime. Black student at Albion College admits to racist graffiti all over campus. 'Let’s Kill all N-words on this Campus' 'Die N-words please' 'KKK White Power.' Led to fear, protests, demands. These are ALWAYS fake. [College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Donna M. Hughes, 'The Silencing of Voices on College Campuses' 'Today on college campuses, faculty are afraid to speak about a number of issues for fear of being verbally mobbed and denounced by angry students and faculty colleagues.' People whisper only to very trusted others. [Cancel Culture, College, Silencing]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ George Leef, "If You Want to Work in the UNC System, Prove Your ‘Wokeness’" A required document is a ‘Diversity Statement.’ ‘that addresses how their cultural, experiential, and/or academic background contributes to the building of an equitable and diverse scholarly environment.’ [College, Identity Politics, Race]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ LWIT Prof. Elisa Parrett who pushed back briefly against segregated by race 'white fragility' training was subjected to a 9 month 'investigation' because her comments 'led to substantial harm to hundreds of colleagues on campus.' Others learn they must agree and remain silent. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Race, Racism, Silencing]
Mar 31, 2021 ~ University of Nevada Reno (UNR) created not just segregated housing but dorms where white people are not allowed to live for the 'safety' of the residents there. Its not racist at all to single out the white race as being a uniquely dangerous race explains UNR's Equity Director. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics, Racism]
Mar 24, 2021 ~ Tristan Yang, 'Columbia U’s Ultra-Woke Idea: Segregated Graduation Ceremonies' 'focus on identity reinforces campus division, as students depend more on institutional labeling to define who they are. The result is the undermining of campus unity to an almost irreparable point.' [College, Race, Racism]
Mar 22, 2021 ~ 40+ Black intellectuals demand Smith College apologize to smeared workers and end ‘Anti-Bias’ training. 'We didn’t march so that Americans of any race could be presumed guilty and punished for false accusations while the elite institution that employed them cowered in fear.’ [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism]
Mar 20, 2021 ~ Idiot 'wokesters' have to find a new bogus thing to be outraged about and cancel every day. Students at U of Florida are trying to get Panda Express removed from campus for 'cultural appropriation.' Its 'an effort to protect our Asianx community.' Is that different than Asian? [College, Cultural Appropriation, Fake Racism]
Mar 17, 2021 ~ University of Vermont professor Aaron Kindsvatter dared to criticize Critial Race Theory and now over 1000 students have signed a petition calling for him to resign. He objected to them using 'whiteness' in a derogatory way to 'denigrate another person by their race.' [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Mar 16, 2021 ~ Columbia University will host six graduation ceremonies divided by sex, race, income, sexual orientation. Black, Asian, Latinx, LGBT, Etc. The left does everything it can to divide us. This is the world Democrats want. Separate water fountains can't be far behind. [College, Identity Politics, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Race]
Mar 16, 2021 ~ Peter Kirsanow 'Increasingly, Facts Are Considered Racist' #CanelCulture environement around race is so poisonous a Prof. was fired for stating the fact that black students (who were admitted with lower scores) get lower grades and another prof. was fired for not 'correcting' her [Affirmative Action, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Race, Silencing]
Mar 6, 2021 ~ New things 'racist' every day. Arizona State University Associate Dean Asao Inoue 'the qualities of student writing' should have no bearing on the grade. Because 'The traditional purposes and methods used for grading writing turn out to be de facto racist and White supremacist.' [College, Education, Fake Racism]
Mar 2, 2021 ~ Many University of Texas alumni threaten to no longer donate if the school will not stand up to the #CancelCulture mob trying to falsely label the school song 'The Eyes of Texas' as 'racist.' The song is in no way racist and does not have racist origins either. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Feb 25, 2021 ~ Someone on the Syracuse Women's Lacrosse team made an OK sign in a photo. The #CancelCulture mob claimed (falsely) it was a 'white supremacist' sign, falling for a 4chan prank. The team apologized profusely and embarrassingly. 'privileged... white supremacy... we must do better.' [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism]
Feb 24, 2021 ~ More to the story of Smith College toxic environment that led to Jodi Shaw's resignation. All started with YET ANOTHER TOTALLY FAKE HATE CRIME. Oumou Kanoute said she was harassed for 'eating while black.' Was a big national story. Fake story exposed by the NYT! Many lives ruined [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Feb 23, 2021 ~ UConn Hispanic Student Body President Mike Hernandez is called a 'white supremacist' for vetoing a resolution to 'defund the campus police.' Wanting law enforcement is now considered 'white supremacy' along with thousands of other totally bogus things. [College, Fake Racism, Police]