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Sep 1, 2024 ~ "Zuckerberg: Biden-Harris ‘Repeatedly Pressured’ Us To Censor Free Speech" Zuck confirms that Biden administration pressured them into censoring Americans, contrary to the 1st Amendment but that they will not let it happen again. "In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree... I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today. Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction — and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again." [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jun 4, 2024 ~ 'Fauci Can’t Name One Study To Support Child Masking Before Pandemic' “Do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children?” "I don’t recall specifically that I did. I might have.” Recall that opponents of school were vilified. [Anti-Science, Coronavirus]
Mar 20, 2024 ~ John Stossel, "'15 Days to Slow the Spread'" "But the media's experts were just wrong. Swedish health officials were right." "Sweden's excess death rate was the lowest in Europe. Sweden's economy got through the pandemic much healthier than other countries. Because Swedish schools never closed, Swedish students didn't suffer the learning losses that American kids did." [Coronavirus, Fake News, John Stossel]
Mar 4, 2024 ~ Bjorn Lomborg provides more data showing that Sweeden's no lockdown, no mask mandate approach to #COVID19 was the right one. "Across Europe, Sweden saw lowest total death during and after Covid The data shows the relative cumulative age-standardized mortality rate, meaning it controls for non-modifiable population characteristics, such as the age structure and size of differing populations, so that like-for-like comparisons can be made Relative means mortality compared to five previous years (2015-19) Cumulative means total mortality from week ending 3 January 2020 to week ending 26 August 2022 Age-standardized means all countries are adjusted to the same 2013 European Standard Population." [Coronavirus]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Unsung Hero of COVID-19' He "stood up to the mob made up of academics, journalists, and the pharmaceutical companies." "The government was claiming a stratospheric IFR of 3%-5%, while Bhattacharya’s study pegged it closer to 0.2%, with almost all the fatalities concentrated in easily identified groups–in particular the elderly.   Bhattacharya took from this the obvious: focus your efforts on protecting those at risk.   This IFR has since been confirmed, but at the time, Dr. Bhattacharya suffered slings and arrows for downplaying the virus’s danger. Telling the truth was not welcomed."   "Far from celebrating the scientific work Bhattacharya did to pin down COVID’s IFR, Stanford turned on him."   "The bottom line is that from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, politics and money drove policy, not science. In some ways, it was worse; some of Bhattacharya’s colleagues called on Stanford to censor him for not toeing the line." [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Silencing]
Nov 3, 2023 ~ Frank Bergman, "'Neurological Complications' Soar Among Covid mRNA Vaxxed, Study Warns" "The study, conducted by top researchers from the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Italy, was published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccines." "The study found that a staggering 31.2% of vaccinated individuals were suffering from neurological complaints. These issues included headaches and tinnitus, sleepiness, vertigo, double vision, numbness, taste and smell alterations, and even 'cognitive fog or difficulty in concentration.'" [Coronavirus]
Oct 1, 2023 ~ Bill Maher tells Gov. DeSantis that despite the lies coming from Trump and the Democrat party, DeSantis handled Covid better than everyone else especially CA. “We’re on the same page there. And I think it’s unfair what they did to you because you did handle it better. You did handle it better. You were right. You were like, let’s target the people, protect the people who are most vulnerable, and everybody else can go on with their lives a little better. You opened schools sooner. And a lot of the stuff that’s come in, the information we have after now we’ve had a few years to look at it, you were more right, and they won’t give you credit with it.” “I saw The New York Times with such a despicable hit piece on you … I forget what the lead headline was, but it was basically Ron DeSantis fucked up the pandemic. And then like, at the very end, it says Florida’s death rate, overall, is better than the national average. And if you’re going to do an article about Florida and the pandemic, shouldn’t that be the lead? Shouldn’t that be the headline — I mean, talk about burying the lead.” [Coronavirus, Fake News, Politics]
Sep 3, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'mRNA vaccines weaken immune response in children' Small study so more data is needed but indicates Covid vaccines do more harm than good for children who are not at risk for #COVID19. [Coronavirus]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ "'Bidenomics' Has Been a Disaster" "The president and his allies had far more to do with destroying jobs than creating them... Approximately 10 million of the jobs that Biden now brags about overseeing are just people coming back to the workforce after state-compelled lockdowns." He also did nothing to reduce inflation beyond fed policies. He tried to make it worse but was stopped by the 2 sane people in his party. [Biden, Coronavirus, David Harsanyi, Economy]
Jul 28, 2023 ~ #CancelCulture rolls on. Dr. Mark Tykocinski has resigned as president of Philadelphia's Thomas Jefferson University because he liked some tweets that the mob disapproved of. Tweets that were critical of trans surgeries for children and some that were critical of Covid vaccines. [Cancel Culture, College, Coronavirus, Silencing, Trans]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ The #FakeNews @nytimes finally admits (after vilifying people as conspiracy theorists who said the same thing) that #COVID19 deaths were overstated by as much as 33%. "The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other CDC data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category." [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jul 14, 2023 ~ National Review, 'The Pandemic School Closures' Terrible Toll' Its become more and more clear that closing the schools, especially for so long during #Covid19 was a terrible mistake. The learning loss, especially for poor and minority students is very bad. [Coronavirus, Education]
Jul 10, 2023 ~ Sarah Arnold, 'Facebook Shadow Banned Tucker Carlson's 'Anti-Vaccine' Video At the Request of the Biden WH' Serval examples of Biden admin telling Facebook to censor and FaceBook copmlying. Blatent 1st Amendment violation. [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Aaron Hertzberg, 'CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vaccine as a Cause of Death' "In almost every death certificate that identifies a covid vaccine as a cause of death, the CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death listed on the death certificate." [Coronavirus]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ Monica Showalter, '$400 billion in COVID relief, vanished to fraud' "That figure is likely to grow, the Associated Press reported." The bigger the gov. program, the more the fraud. 400 BILLION. And 77% of the 'legit' money did not even go to workers. [Coronavirus, Entitlements]
May 16, 2023 ~ City Journal, 'The Harm Caused by Masks', "Evidence continues to mount that mask mandates were perhaps the worst public-health intervention in modern American history. While concluding that wearing masks “probably makes little or no difference” in preventing the spread of viruses, a recent Cochrane review also emphasized that “more attention should be paid to describing and quantifying the harms” that may come from wearing masks. A new study from Germany does just that." "In other words, while eight times the normal level of carbon dioxide is toxic, research suggests that mask-wearers (specifically those who wear masks for more than 5 minutes at a time) are breathing in 35 to 80 times normal levels." "Masks are also uncomfortable and unhygienic, and they profoundly compromise human social interaction." [Coronavirus, Health Care]
May 6, 2023 ~ As it becomes more and more clear that closing schools during the pandemic was very harmful to students, Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers is trying to claim she fought to open them. #FakeNews Politifact tries to enable the lies. Debunked by many. [Coronavirus, Education, Fake News]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ Paul Dowling on why "Masking Is Ineffective Against Viruses. According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has a diameter of 0.125 microns.  But, because the holes in a surgical mask measure 100 microns across, a surgical mask cannot block a particle with a diameter smaller than 100 microns, a diameter that is 800 times greater than that of the COVID virus.  In other words, COVID goes through surgical masks like sand through chicken wire.  (The purpose of a surgical mask is to protect patients’ open wounds against unsanitary particles that may drop from the nose, mouth, or skin of a surgeon.)" [Coronavirus]
Mar 26, 2023 ~ John Nolte, "Add ‘Disinfecting’ to List of Things That Don’t Stop Coronavirus Spread" @nytimes, “We now know that the extra cleaning was unlikely to have helped limit the spread of Covid-19.” [Coronavirus]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ Jon Stewart is OUTRAGED that HE would be called a 'racist' for thinking the #COVID19 lab leak theory was the likely explanation. "The two things that came out of it were I’m racist against Asian people, and how dare I align myself with the alt-right." He and his side falsely accuse people they disagree with of racism ALL THEM TIME. So cry us a river when it happens to you. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ Fox News reveals, "In the early months of the pandemic, then-CNN president Jeff Zucker would not allow his network to chase down the lab-leak story because he believed it was a 'Trump talking point,' according to a well-placed CNN insider." @CNN and other orgs are very #FakeNews. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Feb 28, 2023 ~ The Dept. of Energy, which Biden tasked with looking into #COVID19's origins and had expertise in bio-weapons, concluded that the most likely origin was Wuhan lab leak. This is one of many things that people were called 'conspiracy theorists' and worse by Dems and the #FakeNews. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Tech Censorship]
Feb 24, 2023 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'More on the "gold standard" Cochrane medical study: Facemasks did nothing' One of the authors, Dr. Tom Jefferson of Oxford University said, there is "no evidence that face masks made any difference. Full stop." N95? "Makes no difference — none of it." "They were convinced by nonrandomized studies, flawed observational studies." New York Times article, "The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?" "The verdict is in: Mask mandates were a bust. Those skeptics who were furiously mocked as cranks and occasionally censored as 'misinformers' for opposing mandates were right. The mainstream experts and pundits who supported mandates were wrong." [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ Dr. Marty Makary, a professor and oncology surgeon at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine explains why the #COVID19 vaccine is not recommended for young people. "81% increase in sudden death from heart attacks in the months following the vaccine" with no associated benefit. [Coronavirus]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ William Spruance, 'What Happened at Georgetown Law with Covid?' Free Speech at so called 'higher education' institutions is dead. The mob is in charge. Free thinkers must be punished with ferocity sufficient to deter others from daring even to question. Spruance was suspended for asking reasonable questions about absurd Covid policies and forced to undergo psychiatric evaluations and worse! [College, Coronavirus, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Feb 8, 2023 ~ Jacob Sullum, 'A Scientific Review Shows the CDC Grossly Exaggerated the Evidence Supporting Mask Mandates' Walensky: "The evidence is clear [that mask wearing] reduces your chance of infection by more than 80%." Redfield: "the most important, powerful public health tool we have." [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Feb 7, 2023 ~ Scott Morefield, "Latest 'Gold Standard' Review Puts The Final Nail In The Coffin For Masks" "Cochrane reviews are the 'gold standard' in evidence-based medicine." 78 Studies, 1M+ people. Masks inc. N95 had no effect on death or infection rates. [Coronavirus]
Feb 3, 2023 ~ Ben Zeisloft, 'COVID Vax May Affect Female Fertility, Pfizer Official Admits In New Project Veritas Sting' Jordon Walker, "There is something irregular about their menstrual cycles. So, people will have to investigate that down the line, because that is a little concerning." [Coronavirus]
Feb 3, 2023 ~ DailyMail, 'Ugly people are more likely to wear Covid face masks, study suggests' We know masks are ineffective with #COVID19 so whey do some still wear them? Now we have the answer... [Coronavirus]
Feb 2, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Randomized controlled trials: masks do nothing' As if there wasn't enough evidence already that masks are useless for #COVID19, here are more studies confirming it again. [Coronavirus]
Feb 1, 2023 ~ Thomas Lifeson, 'Experts' struggle to explain why the free state of Florida has half the COVID case rate of masked and vax-mandated California' Cracks continue to form in the mainstream #COVID19 narrative. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Feb 1, 2023 ~ "Urgent Guidance" email leaked from Google showing why they banned the Project Veritas video where the Pfizer executive admitted Pfizer was creating modified strains of #COVID19 to sell more vaccines, turning Covid into "a cash cow." How embarrassing for Google. What tyrants. Even today, always looking for pretenses to censor speech they don't want heard. [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 29, 2023 ~ Allum Bokhari, 'Emails Show Facebook Suppressed ‘Often True‘ Information on Coronavirus Vaccines' The idiot who said he shouldn't be 'the arbiter of truth' tried to do become that and failed! [Coronavirus, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations - mRNA Scientific Planner was caught by Project Veritas admitting they are mutating #COVID19 via a process called “directed evolution” to create new strains of the virus. “selected structure mutations to try to see if we can make them more potent.” Why are they doing it? To turn COVID into a “cash cow”. More strains = more vaccines sold and mandated. “It’s going to be a cash cow. COVID will probably be a cash cow for us for a while going forward.” How can they get away with this? Because Pfizer “is a revolving door for all government officials. All the government officials who review our drugs, eventually come work for pharma companies. It’s pretty good for the industry to be honest. It’s bad for everyone else in America.” [Coronavirus, Health Care]
Jan 22, 2023 ~ Dr. Leena Wen, 'We are overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations. That’s a problem.' People slam the #FakeNews @CNN analyst for noticing this 2.5 years too late. "The number of deaths attributed to COVID is far greater than the actual number of people dying from COVID." [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jan 11, 2023 ~ In clear 1st Amendment violation, docs show White House Director of Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty telling Facebook to censor Tucker Carlson over his opinions on the #Covid19 vaccine. Facebook replies, “running this down now.” Government censoring dissent of their own policies. [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ Joel Smalley, 'Sweden Wins! Country That Refused Lockdown and Kept Schools Open Has Lowest Pandemic Mortality in the World' Didn't trash their economy or kid's education or live behind masks! Had lowest cumulative excess death percentage in the world! [Coronavirus]
Dec 5, 2022 ~ Cancelled Levi's CEO, Jennifer Sey: "They lied about everything. Lockdowns, masks, vaccines. They’re still lying. Saying we never had a lockdown. Saying we never promised vax prevented infection. Saying we didn’t force compliance. Saying we never lied." [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Luke Rosiak, 'School Closures Didn’t Reduce The Number Of Child COVID Deaths, Data Indicates' Complete repudiation of Democrat policies which harmed children's education. [Coronavirus, Education]
Nov 13, 2022 ~ Gov. DeSantis press release quote study showing FL approach wes best for kids: "We kept schools open in 2020, and today’s NAEP results once again prove that we made the right decision. In Florida, adjusted for demographics, 4th grade students are #1 in both Reading and Math." [Coronavirus, Education]
Oct 15, 2022 ~ Dr. Joel Zinberg, 'California makes it illegal for doctors to disagree with politicians' Chilling, arrogant and unconstitutional, California tries to legally prevent doctors from giving the best #COVID19 advice and information they are aware of. [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing]
Oct 12, 2022 ~ Pfizer executive Janine Small admits to EU parliament that Pfizer did not test the vaccine for preventing transmission of Covid prior to it being made available to the public. “We had to really move at the speed of science..we had to do everything at risk.” Recall, people were forced to take it to keep their jobs and shamed as uncaring about transmitting it to others if them didn't take it. [Coronavirus]
Oct 11, 2022 ~ FL Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo new guidance "recommends against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39" after finding "there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related DEATH among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following vaccination." [Coronavirus]
Sep 19, 2022 ~ Joe Biden declares, "The pandemic is over. If you notice, no one is wearing masks. Everyone seems to be in pretty good shape." Recall, the claim that #COVID19 is a current 'emergency' was a justification for forgiving $500 Billion to over $1 Trillion in student loans. [College, Coronavirus, Student Loans]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ Its beyond embarrassing that the US will not allow the world's best tennis playing, Novak Djokovic, into the country to play in the US Open because he's not vaccinated. Meanwhile, they allow millions to stream across the border with no such requirement. Trust in 'experts' erodes. [Coronavirus, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 24, 2022 ~ Dr. Lenna Wen, who was constantly on #FakeNews @CNN demanding kids be masked in school and advocating parents to do it now sees the harm in it when it affects her own children. "I accept the risk that my kids will probably contract covid in school, just as they could contract the flu, RSV & other contagious diseases. There is a trade-off. Masking has harmed our son’s language development. We do not wish to limiting our kids’ social interactions." [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Aug 23, 2022 ~ The error or fraud paid in #COVID19 unemployment benefits now tops $163 billion!!! Many more investigations are pending or cannot be practically done so the total could actually be much greater. Possibly the largest fraud in the history of the United States. [Coronavirus, Debt, Deficit]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ There's been over $100 billion in fraud in the #COVID19 Paycheck Protection Program. $100 billion! Bill Maher, “I don’t want to be absolutely robbed blind? Is there some number at which I go, ‘you are just taking my money and wasting it and letting people steal it.'” [Coronavirus]
Aug 21, 2022 ~ Brian Riedl, 'The Case for Humility in Economics' Fantastic history of many many times economists got major things wrong. “Often wrong, never in doubt” applies not just here but in all disciplines like climate change, #COVID19 'experts', gun control, systemic racism, etc. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, Economics, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Aug 14, 2022 ~ Ryan Mills, 'Schools Are Wasting Covid Cash' Nearly $200 billion was allocated to schools. Far far more than they needed for anything pandemic related. Splurging on everything, contributing to inflation. [Coronavirus, Economics]

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