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Sep 22, 2023 ~ Wendell Husebø, 'Third IRS Agent Says Biden‘s DOJ Blocked Weiss from Charging Hunter' Biden administration corruption is naked and out in the open. They know they can operate above the law with impunity. [Biden, Crime]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ John Sexton, 'The BLM trade-off: Fewer police killings, more murders' #BLM's 'defund/abolish the police' legacy has traded approximately 200 (mostly justified) police shootings for 3000-6000 murders of innocent people, ironically most of them black. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 16, 2023 ~ Two teens (Jzamir Keys and Jesus Ayala) one black and one Hispanic, steal a car and intentionally run over 3 white cyclists killing 1, Andreas Probst, a husband, father and retired police chief. Laughed about it as they did it. "Hit his ass!" No national coverage. Local coverage did not mention race. Reverse the races and its a huge national story with protests. As is common Ayala's arrest race was recorded as 'white', a practice that negatively skews crime statistics for whites. [Crime, Race, Racism]
Sep 15, 2023 ~ "The three men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have been acquitted." This was clearly a setup by the feds. All the key actors were either law enforcement or FBI informants. The accused didn't even fall for the blatant entrapment attempt. [Crime, Fake News]
Sep 12, 2023 ~ Charlie Kirk reports, "The city of Denver just agreed to pay out $4.7 million to 300 BLM rioters arrested in 2020. Philadelphia is paying out more than $9 million. New York is doling out $13 million. Overall, more than $80 million is going to be paid out across 20+ U.S. cities. BLM burned our police stations and looted our stores. Now, they're looting the public coffers. When you reward and subsidize criminality, you'll get even more of it. Who could have predicted that Democrat cities would become crime-infested, drug-riddled hellscapes?" [BLM, Crime, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Add Boston to the list of once great cities destroyed by woke defund the police poison. Crime is way up. Shopping areas are being overrun by mobs of over 100 'teens' and there are no police to do anything about it. No one wants to be a cop under these conditions. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Released video shows pregnant #BLM martyr Ta'Kiya Young stealing liquor before attempted escape from police. As usual, every part of the BLM narrative breaks down over time. They said she wasn't even stealing, not that it matters. She wasn't shot for shoplifting anyway. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 4, 2023 ~ Jacksonville shooting: Racist Ryan Christopher Palmeter killed 3 Black people then kills himself. Shooting was racially motivated. Dems and the #FakeNews blame Gov. DeSantis for eliminating #CRT propaganda from education curriculum. Even though it this is an extremely rare kind of event, the media heavily covers the story while continuing to ignore orders of magnitude more black on white and black on Asian violent crime, some of which is racially motivated. They also ignore all of the black on black violent crime which is the overwhelming majority of crime black people face. Several articles with similar theme exposing the hypocricy. Ann Coulter: 'Apparently, Not All Black Lives Matter.' Derek Hunter: 'Selective Outrage Is a Real Outrage.' Similar to an old article by Armstrong Williams, 'You're Nobody Until Somebody White Kills You.' They ignore 95% of the murders of black people to focus on far less than 1%. [Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings, Race, Racism]
Sep 2, 2023 ~ Killing of 'pregnant black woman' Ta’Kiya Young. Police called to Township, OH Kroger about shoplifting. Police repeatedly order suspect Young to exit the car. She repeatedly refuses and accelerates the car at an officer hitting him (assault with a deadly weapon). Officers justifiably fire. #BLM and the #FakeNews lie as always saying she was killed 'for shoplifting' by the police presumably because they are 'racist' and want to kill black people, not because she was in the process of trying to kill a cop. Police did not know she was pregnant but it wasn't relevant anyway. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 31, 2023 ~ Andy Ngo reports, "A Portland #trans activist with a violent criminal history allegedly destroyed a teen girl's car & smeared feces all over. The suspect allegedly told police the girl was 'transphobic.' Vivian Shemansky was released the same day from jail." Its unclear what the girl did to offend 'Vivian', but he does not even come close to passing for a female so it was probably an honest mistake. [Crime, Trans, Violent Left]
Aug 25, 2023 ~ 'Over half of transgender prisoners in Wisconsin are sex offenders' Meaning the MAJORITY of 'trans-women' they are putting in women's prisons are MALE sex offenders! With predictable results. Only misogynists (and Democrats) could possibly support this. [Crime, Trans]
Aug 20, 2023 ~ City Journal, 'What Drove “White Flight”' It was NOT racism despite the popular narratives. All groups fled the extreme rise in crime. "Homicides in Newark increased sixfold from 1950 to 1972," for example. "Only whites were shamed for leaving." [Crime, Fake Racism]
Aug 16, 2023 ~ Charles Cooke, 'California’s Predictable Descent into Petty Lawlessness' A gang of thugs hit Nordstrums for $100K. They hit Yves Saint. Laurent days before and LA Nike days after. Why would anyone try to run a business in California where theft is legal. [California, Crime, Loathsome Left]
Aug 3, 2023 ~ Black man Carlton Gilford in Tulsa, Oklahoma, killed two white men execution-style slayings. In addition to being charged with double murder, Gilford is being charged with a hate crime because he choose his victims at random simply because they were white. The #FakeNews ignores. [Crime, Fake News, Racism]
Jul 25, 2023 ~ Democrats like Ted Leiu and many others have to find new things to lie about every single day. Now they are claiming a woman, Celeste Burgess was imprisoned for having an abortion. Not true. She was charged with burning, burying and concealing a body and false reporting. Keep in mind, you are NEVER getting the full story from Democrats no matter what they are talking about. [Abortion, Crime, Loathsome Left]
Jul 25, 2023 ~ People continue to flee crime ridden states, high tax states where laws are not enforced destined for Florida. The top 5 states (IL, NY, NJ, CA, PA) losing people to FL have one thing in common: they are all completely run by Democrats. [Crime, Loathsome Left]
Jul 25, 2023 ~ 6 were killed and 27 were shot over the weekend in Chicago. Just another typical weekend in Democrat run cities. Its inconceivable that anyone would want to live, visit or try to run a business in hell-holes like Chicago, LA, NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Baltimore, San Francisco etc. [Crime, Loathsome Left]
Jul 21, 2023 ~ Ari Blaff, "'Terminal Decline': Ontario Teachers Plead for Help as Schools Descend into Violent Mayhem" Long and sad account of how DIE policies prevent the discipline needed to ensure safety and learning. "It is growing more violent by the day." "We've lost the hallways." "Students will ignore any boundaries or structure remaining at our school. Students have shown time and time again that they are unwilling to uphold any type of decency towards staff and students in the building." "elementary students roamed halls freely during class, intimidated staff, and bullied students. On several occasions, students brought knives to school, shouted racist slurs, and conducted 'swarming' attacks against kids in bathrooms." "Many [teachers] anonymously reported widespread verbal abuse, sexual assault, and physical violence. Others claimed that sending troublesome students to the principal’s office accomplished nothing." All of this is tolerated almost entirely over the fear of being called a 'racist' for addressing it. Education results predictable suffer. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Loathsome Left]
Jul 16, 2023 ~ Monica Showalter, 'California assembly passes affirmative action in sentencing law' Assembly Bill 852 requires courts to take race into account in sentencing. The idea is to give black people lighter sentences because they are oppressed in the US. #CRT [Affirmative Action, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jul 14, 2023 ~ Wired Magazine writes article 'Why We Don’t Recommend Ring Cameras' Because "homeowners shouldn’t be able to act as vigilantes." Being a vigilante to them means providing crime evidence to the police. They think that feature "increases racial profiling" and 'targeting' of races. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Jul 14, 2023 ~ Democrat run cities are descending into crime ridden hellholes where theft is legal and violent crime is soaring. But that is not enough for LA. They want it even worse so they just abolished all cash bail. Rapper 50 Cent says, “LA is finished watch how bad it gets out there.” [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Jul 10, 2023 ~ Larry Provost, 'Afghan Interpreter Murdered in DC: The Worst of Humanity and the Best of America' Afgan interpreter Nasrat Ahmad Yar helped us for decades since he was 10. Comes to the US and get killed by 4 thugs ('teens') in DC, a Dem run hellhole where the law is not enforced. [Afghanistan, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Jul 2, 2023 ~ 5th night in a row of riots all over France over the shooting of a black, Muslim immigrant. 45,000 police officers are deployed throughout the country to stop the civil unrest. 1000s of people have been arrested so far after 100s of cars and buildings have been set on fire and countless stores have been looted as Muslim jihadist immigrants that France was kind enough to take in shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ burning and destroying as they go. The victim was stopped for reckless driving, underage and other violations. Had priors. Police told him to exit the car. He would not. He attempted to drive off as one officer was partially on the car (vehicular assault). He was shot to avoid an officer dragging incident as well as protect the public. Different country but these cases are all the same. Non-compliant criminal does not follow lawful orders. Takes action to endanger the officers and public. Is shot. Then the left and #BLM scream racism because he is black. "He wasn't doing nothin." "He shouldn't be shot for a traffic violation." Etc. They always ignore what really happened to push the narrative of 'racist police.' [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Islam, Police, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ Former AG Bill Barr on the Trump indictment, "If even half of it is true, then he’s toast. I mean, it’s a very detailed indictment and it’s very, very damning." Trump responded by calling Barr a 'gutless pig", a "coward", "lazy, weak and totally ineffective," a "lowlife." Yawn. [Crime, Politics]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ Ann Coulter on the Trump indictment. "After years of making insane accusations against Trump, from Russian collusion to indicting him for misdemeanor record-keeping errors in his blackmail payments to a porn star, liberals finally have him dead to rights committing serious felonies. And no one believes them." "It’s your own fault, liberals," for 'crying wolf' so often. [Crime, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
May 26, 2023 ~ Piers Morgan @piersmorgan had TikTok terrorist 'Mizzy' on his show for some reason. Mizzy has been entering people's homes and cars with them inside, stealing their dogs and literally assaulting some. He says people are criticizing him over these things because he is black. [Crime, Fake Racism]
May 15, 2023 ~ Two black men, Tahj Matthews and Maurice Holmes kill white man Lawrence Herr for no reason other than they "wanted to kill a white person" they told police. No national outrage. No protests, no #BLM, no statement from @AOC etc. [BLM, Crime, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Racism]
May 15, 2023 ~ Jordan Neely who had 42 arrests including kidnapping a small child and a warrant for punching a 67 year old woman in the face, breaking face bones was threatening subway passengers again. He indicated he was going to kill someone and didn't care about the consequences. "I would kill a motherfucker. I don't care.  I'll take a bullet.  I'll go to jail." Neely was subdued with a choke hold by Marine Daniel Penny and 2 other citizens, one who was black. Neely died and now Penny is being charged with manslaughter after being called a 'racist.' @AOC, #BLM, Democrats and the #FakeNews spin the typical false narrative. In their telling, Neely was a harmless Michael Jackson impersonator, "killed for riding while black." Neely's family who didn't care enough about him to help him not live homeless in a subway station, is outraged. Corrupt Soros appointed DA Alvin Bragg sends a clear message to New Yorkers: If your fellow citizens are being attacked or threatened, do not get involved. Keep your head down or look the other way. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
May 9, 2023 ~  Rupa Subramanya, 'Is Justice Still Blind in Canada?' "Equality under the law is the cornerstone of liberal democracy. But judges across the country are now factoring race into sentencing." In the name of 'equity', black people are being given much lighter sentences for crimes vs. if the same crime was committed by any other race. Victims and their families are outraged that justice is not being done. Blind justice has been sacrificed to the more important #CRT principle of holding black people to lower standards. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
May 6, 2023 ~ 'Portland's only REI store to close, citing crime and theft' Nordstrom and Whole Foods leave San Francisco. Its a disgrace the way Democrats refusal to enforce laws have destroyed these cities. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
May 6, 2023 ~ Black FSU Criminology professor Eric Stewart left FSU after studies that allegedly showed the US criminal justice system is 'racist' against black people were fraudulent. "the original, untampered data, showed that there was no relationship between the growth of minority groups and the severity of criminal sentences handed to them." Update: fired for Stewart has been “faking data” to prove that the legacy of lynching “makes whites want longer sentences for blacks” as part of his long-running work on “systemic racism.” Six of his studies have so far been retracted. New York Post: "Eric Stewart was a guru of the claim that 'systemic racism' infests America’s police and American society." [Anti-Science, College, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
May 1, 2023 ~ Illegal alien Francisco Oropeza killed a family of 5 in Clevland, TX after they asked him to stop shooting his guns bc their baby was trying to sleep. Border Czar VP Kamala Harris was unavailable for comment. Many millions of unvetted migrants were let in during the Biden Admin. [Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings, Illegal Immigration]
Apr 20, 2023 ~ 16 year old Ralph Yarl is shot by 84 year old Andrew Lester after Yarl mistook Lester's house for a different house where his brothers were. This became a huge national outrage - massive media, celebrities and politicians spoke out, protests occurred and Biden invited Yarl to the White House! They and the #FakeNews portrayed this as YET ANOTHER example of white on black violence while they ignore black on white interracial violence even though that is the vast majority (84%) of black/white interracial violent crime. Within DAYS of the Yarl incident, there were several similar incidents in the country which received much less attention and no White House invitation. The day after Yarl, 20-year old Kaylin Gillis was shot and killed by an elderly man for going down the wrong driveway by mistake. I.e. very similar to Yarl except Gillis was white so no one cared. A day or so later, a cheerleader in Texas tried to get in the wrong car and the occupant got out and started shooting at her and her friends. More than one girl was hit and one, Payton Washington, was very seriously wounded. The story was mostly ignored because the shooter, Pedro Tello Rodriguez Jr., was Hispanic and some of the girls were white. A couple of days after that a black man, Robert Louis Singletary shot a 6 year old white girl and her father because their basketball rolled onto his yard. Neither Democrats, celebrities, #BLM nor the #FakeNews care about any of these shootings because they don't fit the false narrative they are trying to push which is that there is some kind of epidemic of white on black crime in the US. There is not. That is the rare exception. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings, Racism]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ Rains PDX, a clothing store in Portland, is the latest business to shut down after a string of break-ins made it impossible to stay open. The sign they left exlains: “Small businesses (and large) cannot sustain doing business in our city’s current state. We have no protection, or recourse, against criminal behavior that goes unpunished. Do not be fooled into thinking that insurance companies cover losses. We have sustained 15 break-ins. … We have not received any financial reimbursement since the 3rd.” [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Police]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ David Harsanyi, 'No One Is Above the Law? Give Me a Break' DH lists many Dems (criticizing Trump over this bogus charge) who were themselves above the law. Clapper, Brennan, Holder, Clinton. "She sent 110 emails containing marked classified information, and 36 of those emails contained secret information. Eight of the email chains contained "top secret" information. Every one of those instances was a potential felony punishable with up to 10 years in prison." [Crime, David Harsanyi, Hillary, Hillary Emails, Politics, Russia Hoax]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Bob Lee, founder of Cash App and the former chief technology officer of Square was stabbed to death in downtown San Francisco in a mugging. San Fran is one of many Democrat run cities where the defunded police are told to stand down while criminals are released immediately. [Crime, Loathsome Left]
Mar 22, 2023 ~ Cracker Barrel becomes the next business to leave Portland. How are any businesses hanging on in cities like this where Democrat party mismanagement let the criminals run the place, committing crimes with impunity? Businesses and citizens don't stand a chance. [Crime, Loathsome Left]
Mar 10, 2023 ~ Woke Democrat mayors are destroying all the cities they are in control of by allowing criminals to operate undisturbed. Latest example: Walmart is pulling all of its stores out of Portland, DC, Chicago etc. Nike too. Because the defunded police are not even allowed to stop crime. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Feb 28, 2023 ~ John Binder, 'Study: 70% of Suspects Freed from Jail Without Bail Arrested for More Crimes' Its no wonder crime has skyrocketed in cities that Democrats have implemented so-called 'bail reform.' [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness]
Feb 20, 2023 ~ Everything is 'racist', chapter 592. Now we learn that police helicopters and police K9 dogs are 'racist.' Racism is always the assumed explanation for any disparity but it is never the real explanation. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Feb 8, 2023 ~ Biden repeats the lie that POC (but not white people) have to have 'The Talk' with their kids to tell them to be respectful at traffic stops or they can end up dead. Everyone has that talk. Black people are not especially targeted. People of all races are shot resisting, fighting. [Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Feb 5, 2023 ~ Video emerges of a 17 year old black boy repeatedly punching a 9 year old white or Hispanic girl on a Homestead, FL school bus. Beating lasts a while. As soon as he was pulled off, a younger black boy steps in to continue pummeling her face. Would be huge story if races reversed. The beating lasted 40 seconds. Wailing on a 9 year old girl's face. Then some local #FakeNews (national ignores) actually did cover the story but they used a picture of a white kid attacker. You just cannot make this stuff up. The #FakeNews is not just lies, its garbage. [Crime, Fake News, Race]
Jan 30, 2023 ~ Explosive revelation from the Correctional Service of Canada. 44% of incarcerated “Transwomen” are sexual offenders. Information is from two recent official publications. 'Examination of Gender Diverse Offenders' and 'Gender Diverse Offenders with a History of Sexual Offending.' (ht: @goinglikeelsie) Only misogynists would house sexually offending males in women's prisons. [Crime, Trans]
Jan 27, 2023 ~ Sanity is starting to prevail. The UK has banned prisoners with “male genitalia” from being housed in women's prisons. It should have been obvious that this would be necessary but there had to be numerous rapes and pregnancies before the clueless wokesters figured it out. [Crime, Trans]
Jan 23, 2023 ~ The woke left destroys another American city. People can't flee NYC, San Fran, Chicago, Portland fast enough. Now Seattle is toast. Nike, Cinemark fleeing the city due to the pro-criminal, anti-police environment. Rampant crime. Overrun with homeless. Seattle has become unlivable. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Police]
Jan 10, 2023 ~ Everything is racist. Today's episode: mug shots. San Francisco police halt the release of mug shots because they were giving people the impression that black people have a higher propensity to commit crimes. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ Sam Brinton, Biden's Department of Energy's deputy assistant secretary for spent (nuclear) fuel and waste disposition was caught twice stealing other people's luggage. Brinton who was hired to check the 'non-binary' diversity box was fired only after stealing the 2nd suitcase. [Affirmative Action, Crime, Identity Politics, Trans]
Nov 19, 2022 ~ Target stock is doing poorly after they report they've had $400 million in theft losses in the past year. "Theft is certainly a key driver. We know we're not alone across retail in seeing a trend." The trend started when Democrats stopped enforcing the law in the name of 'equity.' [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Oct 15, 2022 ~ Wawa closes two stores in Philadelphia (that had almost 600 homicides last year) due to crime. This is happening across many Democrat controlled cities. These stores are being ransacked regularly by large groups of 'teens' and nothing is ever done to stop it. Stores keep closing. [Crime]
Oct 14, 2022 ~ #BLM insists that black people must commit crime and any attempt to stop them is "anti-black." "Friendly reminder to liberals: your ring cam cancels out your #BLM sign." "Its shocking to me that people still don't get that anti-criminality measures are anti-black measures." #CRT [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]

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