Feb 3, 2025 ~ "‘Beyond Repair’: Musk Says Trump Has Given The Go-Ahead To ‘Get Rid Of’ USAID" Trump shuts down the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). They spend tens of billions of taxpayer dollars around the world on many wasteful things. Musk, "It is also incredibly politically partisan and has been supporting radical Left causes throughout the world, including things that are anti-American which is insane." Here is a good but partial list of the insane things USAID has been spending our money on! [Deficit, Trump Win]
Nov 16, 2024 ~ 'How Elon Musk’s DOGE Will Work' Trump appoints Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to lead the new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)" DOGE will attempt to cut the 428 government agencies to under 100 cutting trillions from the budget. Balanced budget? [Debt, Deficit, Entitlements, Regulations]
Oct 26, 2024 ~ 'Government Schools Are a Jobs Program for Unions' More details come out on why Chicago schools are so horrible even though they are bankrupting the city. Chicago took $2.8 Billion in Covid money and hired 8,000 people, most not even teachers. Which is insane because the money was a one time allocation. Now when they can't afford what then did, Johnson wants to take out a $300 million high interest loan to keep the insanity going. The board rejects because its crazy so he gets rid of the whole board and replaces them with yes-men. Meanwhile, students in Chicago can't read, write or do math but they spend orders of magnitude more money than almost any school districts. “It is a level of dysfunction that feels beyond destabilizing." [Coronavirus, Debt, Deficit, Education]
Oct 13, 2024 ~ 'I Can't Even Begin to Pretend I Understand What's Going on in Chicago' The corruption is off the charts even by Chicago standards. Mayor Brandon Johnson wanted to take out a $300M high interest loan for schools that even the Chicago school board thought was reckless and unaffordable. So Johnson got rid of the entire board and replaced them with his cronies. He can't bankrupt the city fast enough. [Debt, Deficit, Education, Loathsome Left]
Jul 29, 2024 ~ 'Yellen: By the Way, We're Going to Need Another $3 Trillion per Year for Climate Change' These people cannot bankrupt the United States fast enough. We're running trillion dollar deficits and these fools want triple our insolvency. Complete maniacs. She absurdly tries to sell this massively unaffordable waste of money as a "big economic opportunity." "Of course, it really is a massive economic opportunity if you happen to own or have stock in one of the many 'green energy' companies that have been cropping up. It's also a wonderful opportunity for China and any other nations that are sitting on the largest stockpiles of rare-earth metals needed to build all of the batteries required to drive all of this nonsense. But for everyone else, it's a massive, pointless money sink." [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Debt, Deficit, Economics, Regulations]
Jul 16, 2024 ~ 'Debt Up $7 Trillion Under Biden' My God, $7 Trillion in less than 4 years and the fool has the gall to brag about his handling of the deficit. He's run up more debt than any other President! This is way unsustainable. Democrats will bankrupt us! [Biden, Debt, Deficit]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'American Paralysis and Decline' Another insightful article by VDH. "We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies." We are unwilling to fix our worst problems because we don't have the stomach for what needs to be done. The flood of illegal immigration, the unsustainable national debt, rampant shoplifting and other crimes, the homeless, corrupt prosecutors who destroy political opponents on fake charges. Everyone knows we can't ignore these problems and survive but no one is willing to address them for fear of being called a 'racist' or other criticism. [Crime, Debt, Deficit, Illegal Immigration, Victor Davis Hanson, Witch Hunt]
Oct 19, 2023 ~ Biden says “Today I am also announcing $100 million in new U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank." In the past all such aid to the Palestinians ended up in the hands of Hamas and other terrorists but Biden said "You better not do that this time!" [Debt, Deficit, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Oct 1, 2023 ~ Congressman Jamaal Bowman D-NY is caught on camera pulling a fire alarm to prevent a vote on the debt ceiling in Congress, a felony. Bowman, who used to be a high school principal, claims he didn't know pulling a fire alarm would set off a fire alarm. He thought it opened a door. [Debt, Deficit, Politics]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Fiscal 2023 the second straight year that the federal debt has increased by more than $2 trillion! These are record deficits and Biden goes around claiming he's a deficit CUTTER. The man lies non-stop. But his lies are not mere exaggerations. They are the opposite of the truth. [Biden, Debt, Deficit]
Aug 3, 2023 ~ Fitch Ratings has downgraded the United States of America's Default Rating to AA+ from AAA. The Biden admin. blames Trump. The US is $32 Trillion in debt and all the Democrats can talk about is spending more. They would have spent far more were it not for JUST 2 sane Democrats. [Debt, Deficit, Economy]
May 31, 2023 ~ Republicans and Democrats trim a tiny amount off of our exploding, unsustainable spending to do what they have always done: kick the can down the road as it gets worse and worse. @RepNancyMace explains: "After factoring in a small cut to discretionary spending over the next 2 yrs, we are still talking about ~$6T more or less in spending bc of large increases in spending elsewhere. ... Govt grew massively over the past 3 years. This growth was supposed to be emergency funding only during COVID. During this time, govt grew 40% or by $2 trillion from 2019 to 2023. We went from spending just over $4T to spending just over $6T." Democrats and the #FakeNews lie about "deep cuts" when spending has really grown by $2T in just a few years! Everyone knows this is unsustainable but no one has the courage to deal with it. Most will be out of power by the time it really goes bust reducing their incentive to do the right thing. The majority would not go along with seriously dealing with the problem anyway. [Debt, Deficit, Fake Racism, Politics]
Apr 1, 2023 ~ Vice President Kamala Harris visited Ghana, Africa and promised to give them $139 million. We are borrowing money like crazy, then printing more causing high inflation, yet we can hand out hundreds of millions around the world. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Harris]
Feb 3, 2023 ~ Neil Patel, 'The Truth About the Debt Limit Fight' Blame on both sides. Unsustainable mess. Dems always ignore. GOP ignores during GOP presidencies. "Fixing this will be painful. The longer we wait to begin fixing it, the worse the pain is likely to be." [Debt, Deficit]
Oct 17, 2022 ~ Brian C. Joondeph, 'The National Debt Elephant in the Room' "Each % increase of the federal funds rate translates into over $300 billion in annual interest payments." "There are no good solutions." Printing money causes more inflation, higher interest. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy]
Aug 27, 2022 ~ A Penn Wharton Budget Model analysis of Biden's illegal student loan 'forgiveness' program reveals that "the total plan costs could exceed $1 trillion." The unaffordable $330 billion price tag was apparently too low. Its over $500 billion in forgiveness alone, plus other costs. [College, Debt, Deficit, Student Loans]
Aug 23, 2022 ~ The error or fraud paid in #COVID19 unemployment benefits now tops $163 billion!!! Many more investigations are pending or cannot be practically done so the total could actually be much greater. Possibly the largest fraud in the history of the United States. [Coronavirus, Debt, Deficit]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Here Comes Fiscal Armageddon' "Fiscal Armageddon is what will happen when the U.S. government’s debt load exceeds its ability to comfortably service that debt." Will be spending more to service debt than anything else. Gov't will choose easy option, inflation. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy, Kevin Williamson]
Jan 28, 2022 ~ Terry Jeffrey 'Debt Up $2 Trillion in 1 Year of Biden' "The [US] had existed for 210 years, and 40 presidents had served as this nation's chief executive, before the debt first topped $2 trillion in 1986." This is beyond unsustainable but all Dems can talk about is spending more. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy]
Nov 1, 2021 ~ Cori Bush says Joe Manchin is "anti-Black, anti-child, anti-woman, and anti-immigrant" for being against a multi trillion dollar 'Build Back Better' spending program that we can't actually afford. This is all the Democrats do. Vote the way we want or we'll falsely call you names! [Debt, Deficit, Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Ben Shapiro, "No, Government Spending Isn't 'Zero Cost'" Really sad that an article with this title would have to be written but the Biden administration is actually claiming a $3.5 Trillion "reconciliation package will cost 0 dollars" and the lapdog #FakeNews is playing along. [Biden, Debt, Deficit, Fake News, Politics]
Jul 27, 2021 ~ Charles Cooke, 'We’re Not Going to Fix Our Spending Crisis' "We are told from time to time that we will eventually hit a crisis that will serve to wake us up. But, if anything, the opposite is likely true." Spending is so out of control. But no one will be allowed to stop it. [Debt, Deficit, Economics]
May 12, 2021 ~ Philip Klein, 'Inflation Soars as Biden Pushes for $4 Trillion in More Spending' The CPI increased '4.2% over the last 12 months, which is the highest increase since 2008.' Democrats think they can print countless trillions and not cause inflation. Zero economic understanding. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy]
Apr 7, 2021 ~ Philip Klein, 'Unlike Obama, Biden Doesn’t Even Pretend to Care about Tackling Our Historic Debt' Obama, 'We cannot, and will not, sustain deficits like these without end... I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay.' Now we add $Trillions left and right. [Debt, Deficit]
Mar 5, 2021 ~ Neil Patel, 'Time to Start Talking About America's Coming Bankruptcy' ' why are we ignoring this obvious and impending catastrophe?' 'At some point... the interest we pay on our debt will be so high we will not be able to afford the rest of our budget.' Political loser to address [Debt, Deficit, Economics]
Feb 11, 2020 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Defusing the Debt Bomb'. Debunks myths like 'Trump caused these deficits'. No they were 'baked into the cake' from decades of passing unaffordable programs. 'Trump tax cuts caused the deficit'. No, the tax cuts increased, not decreased tax revenue. Dems worse. [Deficit, Debt, Tax Cuts]
Jan 31, 2020 ~ Neil Patel 'Our Coming Debt Crisis'. Patel demonstrates why the party is almost over. The level of borrowing that started with Bush is clearly unsustainable for much longer. Our debt to GDP ratio is now over 100%. Addressing it is political suicide so neither party is willing. [Deficit, Debt]
Dec 11, 2019 ~ John Stossel, 'The Forgotten Debt'. Stossel rightly reminds us that the debt is $23 trillion and increasing about $1 trillion a year. This is clearly unsustainable but it is politically impossible for anyone to address it. Even talks of slowing the growth are met with howls. [Deficit, Debt, John Stossel]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Deficit exceeds $1 Trillion dollars. Highest in 7 years. Dems blame on the tax cuts but tax revenues are actually up since the tax cuts. The unsustainable spending must be reduced. But all dem campaign promises would lead to much higher spending. The opposite of what's needed. [Deficit, Debt]
Mar 19, 2019 ~ Kevin Williamson article, 'Just Stop Spending'. He points out the GOP used to be for balanced budgets. Some economists say deficits are useful during recessions or war but now we run them continuously. But dems vilify any cut no matter how small. Cuts can't compete with free. [Deficit, Debt, Kevin Williamson]
Oct 21, 2018 ~ Deficit hits $779 billion for FY2018 - Controlling the Debt Is Gonna Be Painful - It is a lie that the deficit is mostly caused by the tax cuts - but it is true that disaster awaits if unsustainable entitlements are not addressed. [Deficit, Debt, Tax Cuts]
Sep 22, 2018 ~ Tax cuts already paying for themselves but new spending has outpaced the revenue gains - On track for Trillion dollar deficits again - current debt $21T - on track to top $30T by 2025 - unsustainable [Deficit, Debt]
Jul 29, 2018 ~ GOP apparently no longer interested in fiscal responsibility and debt now that in power - Only a few like Rand Paul take a stand against irresponsible budget - pols have no incentive to cut. In a debt death spiral but no one seems to care. [Deficit, Debt]
Apr 1, 2018 ~ National Review Editorial Board, The Omnibus Disgrace - Loaded with Pork - fiscally irresponsible and not what conservatives want - had to give dems everything just to get some additional military spending. [Politics, Deficit]
Jan 8, 2018 ~ America Needs a Balanced Budget Amendment now more than ever - Transfer payments are now about 70 percent of federal spending - as long as politicians are allowed to spend borrowed money, they will beat politicians who try to be responsible [Deficit, Economics]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Social Security Beneficiaries Hit Record 62 million people including those on disability and dependents - now just 2 workers for every beneficiary, trillions in unfunded liabilities - no politician willing to address the shortfall. [Entitlements, Deficit, Debt]
Sep 18, 2017 ~ National Debt Right Now exceeds $20 Trillion - good break down of how serious a problem it is - soon the interest itself will swamp us as interest rates must eventually rise - spiraling toward bankruptcy [Deficit, Debt]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ Teresa Mull, 'Teacher Pension Crisis Is Punishing Children and Taxpayers' - $500 Billion shortfall - further proof that public sector unions and pension systems in general are unsustainable [Education, Entitlements, Deficit, Debt]