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Feb 5, 2020 ~ Walter Williams debunks the idea that corporations pay taxes. 'Corporations are simply tax collectors for the government.' 'A corporation can shift the tax burden by raising its product prices, lowering dividends or laying off workers. The lesson is that only people pay taxes.' [Walter Williams, Economics, Taxes]
Dec 26, 2019 ~ Seattle waitress lost her job 'as a consequence of the city's harmful minimum-wage experiment.' She says 'I'm proudly progressive in my politics, but my experience shows that progressives should reconsider minimum-wage laws that hurt the very workers they're trying to protect.' [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Dec 24, 2019 ~ Heartland Institute releases policy brief 'Debunking the Scandinavian Socialism Myth: An Evaluation of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden' Despite Bernie talking points, these are not socialist countries. Yes they have high taxes but have freer markets than the US in many ways. [Socialism, Economics, Sanders]
Dec 17, 2019 ~ CA AB 5 law prohibits freelancers from submitting more than 35 articles per year. Govt trying to force the full time hire of those people but they just killed freelancing in CA. Companies forced to hire from other states. Vox which supported the law fires 100s of CA freelancers. [Regulations, Economics, California]
Dec 11, 2019 ~ Citadel prof Dr. Richard Ebeling article 'Business Ethics and Morality of the Marketplace' Under Capitalism 'You can only improve your own position by improving the circumstances of others.' 'All associations and relationships are based on voluntary agreement and mutual consent ' [Economics]
Dec 2, 2019 ~ Mark Ruffalo says 'It's time for an economic revolution. Capitalism today is failing us, killing us, and robbing from our children's future.' Madness. He has a net worth of about $30 million and is campaigning for a socialist. Socialism is what has failed and is killing its people [Socialism, Economics]
Nov 27, 2019 ~ John Stossel, 'Thanks Private Property'. Explains how the Pilgrims 'almost starved' trying socialism with no private ownership. In a desperate attempt to try something new, Bradford 'assigned every family a parcel of land' People started to work and invent. Soon they had plenty. [Socialism, Economics, John Stossel]
Nov 20, 2019 ~ Joshua R. Hendrickson debunks new book 'Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay' which claims to show that rich and poor pay the same average tax rate. Many problems with the analysis. One big one is they don't include transfer payments as income. [Economics, Taxes, Fake News]
Nov 13, 2019 ~ Norman Rogers article, 'Fake Wealth and Income Statistics'. Dems complain that its unfair capital gains and dividends are taxed lower than income. But dividends are taxed twice so combined it's a 38% rate. And since cap gains not inflation index, most of tax is on inflated gains. [Economics, Taxes]
Oct 15, 2019 ~ As usual, minimum wage hike unintended consequences make things worse for workers. CNN Business 'the wage increases are not helping because their hours are falling.' 'I got that dollar raise but I'm getting $200 less in my paycheck' Some forced to quit because hours too low. [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Oct 14, 2019 ~ Lee Edwards, 'Three Nations That Tried Socialism and Rejected It' After trying and failing with socialism, 'Israel, India, and the United Kingdom each lifted itself from economic stagnation by switching to free-market policies.' Add USSR, China and many others. [Socialism, Economics]
Oct 10, 2019 ~ Michael Strain debunks fake NYT article titled 'The rich really do pay lower taxes than you' The lowest 20% of households pay an avg federal rate of 2%. The mid 20% pay 14%. The top 20% pay 27%. The top 1% pay 33%. If you include transfer payments, rate of the bottom 20% is -70%. [Fake News, Economics, Taxes]
Sep 18, 2019 ~ Biden claims if 'we provide an $8,000 tax credit for everybody who has childcare costs, it would put 720 million women back in the workforce. It would increase the GDP, to sound like a wonk here, by about eight-tenths of one percent' Biden is in NO DANGER of sounding like a wonk. [Politics, Economics, Biden, Taxes]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Deroy Murdock article 'Here's Why Housing Is So Expensive'. The amount of red tape, regulations and costs since just the late 1990s has increased 5 to 7 times. This is driving up the asking price in some areas like California 233%. [Economics]
Aug 21, 2019 ~ Stossel says so far so good with Trump's promise to deregulate. He has eliminated about 5 regulations for every new one. One of the contributors to the great economy. 'regulations have unintended side effects that often outweigh the good they're intended to do.' [Trump Win, Economy, Economics, Regulations, John Stossel]
Aug 12, 2019 ~ New DHS regulations 'consider an immigrant's use of non-cash government-assistance programs, such as the SNAP and Medicaid, as a negative factor in determining their eligibility for a green card or temporary visa.' Free stuff is a magnet we can't afford. Already drowning in debt. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Economics, Entitlements]
Aug 3, 2019 ~ Johnny Kampis article, 'Disparities in Cost of Living Show Folly of Uniform Federal Minimum Wage' A federal number is useless. 'you'd have to make nearly $54 an hour in San Francisco to have the same quality of life that you'd get on $15 an hour in Cullman.' [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Jul 24, 2019 ~ Stossel 'Wages War' 'After Seattle raised its minimum wage to $15, entry-level job growth stalled. Job growth continued in the rest of Washington state but not in Seattle.' Businesses once hired 'inexperienced kids and trained them, giving them valuable starter experience'. [Minimum Wage, Economics, John Stossel]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib one ups her democrat colleagues by calling for a $20 minimum wage. They all look stupid now calling for $15 since the government can arbitrarily set the minimum wage to any amount with no consequence. Her cheers will be short lived when the next dem calls for $30. [Minimum Wage, Economics, Tlaib]
Jul 8, 2019 ~ Restaurants Unlimited which operates 35 restaurants filed for bankruptcy due to minimum wage impact. 'Over the past three years, the company's profitability has been significantly impacted by progressive wage laws along the Pacific coast that have increased the minimum wage'. [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Jul 8, 2019 ~ Women soccer players demand 'equal pay' but facts are not with the players. They seem to think they should be paid the same for 'same job responsibilities' but it doesn't work that way. Men's World Cup generated $6 billion, men get 7%, Women's generates $131 million, women get 20% [Gender Pay Gap, Economics]
Jul 8, 2019 ~ CBO runs numbers on a $15 federal minimum wage and reports that it would eliminate about 1.3 million jobs while reducing standard of living for the consumers who will pay higher prices. Only dems think you can legislate wages with no consequence but then why not $100 per hour? [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Jul 8, 2019 ~ Steven Camarota article, 'Immigration Is No Fix for an Aging Society'. You often hear we need immigrants to shore up our insolvent social programs like Social Security and Medicare but Camarota shows that the numbers for that argument don't work at all. [Economics, Immigration, Entitlements]
Jun 26, 2019 ~ Bernie's #CancelStudentDebt program would be a disaster. Heather Gautney, a senior policy advisor for Sanders says 'I am $180k in debt.' For a sociology degree!! Which was a colossal waste of money. Making it 'free' would incentivize more waste like that funded by the taxpayers. [Economics, Politics, Student Loans, Sanders]
Jun 19, 2019 ~ Donald Trump awards Dr. Arthur Laffer the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Laffer is the 'Father of Supply-Side Economics' used by Reagan, W. and Trump. Helped usher in 'the greatest economic expansion the world has ever seen in any country, at any time' acc. to Martin Anderson. [Trump Win, Economics, Tax Cuts]
Jun 19, 2019 ~ John Stossel argues Capitalism is the moral system. Capitalism is the only system people are free to trade goods and services and labor voluntarily with each other. 'The only way to get rich under capitalism is to serve your customers well.' System that helps the poor the most. [Economics, John Stossel]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Ashe Schow debunks the claim that it is sexist and unfair that the women's US soccer is paid less than the men's. The real reason is 63K vs 240K average viewers, $17 million vs. $529 million ad revenue. 'Women's soccer earns less money, therefore they receive less money.' [Gender Pay Gap, Economics]
May 18, 2019 ~ Philadelphia's soda tax bombed as anyone who understands economics and human nature predicted. Sales of soda were down in Philadelphia but up in surrounding towns. Total tax revenue was way down because people shopped for everything out of town. Soda consumption was unchanged. [Economics, Taxes]
May 17, 2019 ~ Nima Sanandaji article, 'The Swedish Lesson: Welfare States Create Moral Hazard'. The more generous the benefits and the higher the taxes to pay for it, the more incentive there is to bail on legit work and game the system. Sweden had to scale back due to increasing cheating. [Socialism, Economics, Entitlements]
May 16, 2019 ~ Charles Cooke, Putting the word democratic in front of socialism does not make it less tyrannical or more successful. Socialism fails because of the knowledge problem, the elimination of rational incentives and intolerance for dissent. Fails most the people it claims to help most. [Socialism, Economics]
May 12, 2019 ~ Steve Moore article, 'Why free traders and all Americans should back Trump on China policy' 'I'm a free trader and I hate tariffs - which are consumer taxes' Everyone including Trump wants a level playing field but China's tariffs were 2.5 times ours. 'status quo is untenable' [Economics, Trade, China]
May 1, 2019 ~ Stossel article, 'A Lie, a Myth and a Question' debunks typical dem and Bernie talking point that 'the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.' Stossel shows that as the rich get richer, the poor also get richer. Also debunks the myth that there is little or no income mobility [Economics, John Stossel, Sanders]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris is a fountain of misinformation and fake news. She starts with the fake wage gap claim, 'Women are paid on average 77% to the dollar? for doing the same work.' And moves to saying 'the majority of women are minimum wage workers.' Both claims are totally false. [Economics, Fake News, Gender Pay Gap, Harris, Minimum Wage]
Apr 13, 2019 ~ Democrats are Economic Science Deniers. They simply deny the existence of many basic laws of economics. They believe the government can set prices and wages above or below market and nothing bad will happen. We can substitute any fuel for fossil fuel with no consequence. Etc. [Economics, Energy]
Apr 12, 2019 ~ Dallas County district attorney John Creuzot said his office will no longer prosecute 'theft of necessary items' up to $750. Doesn't want to 'Criminalizing poverty' but encouraging shoplifting is not a good way to help poor people. Businesses will take the entire hit and leave. [Economics, Crime, Poverty]
Apr 10, 2019 ~ Economist Walter Williams lists many socialism vs. capitalism experiments that have run side by side. East vs. West Germany, North vs. South Korea, Venezuela and Argentina before and after socialism. 'Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.' [Socialism, Economics, Walter Williams]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Amherst College created a PC 'language guide' which defined words with an extreme left wing bias. For example, it defined Capitalism as a system that 'leads to exploitative labor practices, which affect marginalized groups disproportionately.' 'Homonationalism' 'White Feminism' [College, Economics]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren is proposing a wealth-tax but most countries that tried it have abandoned it. Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Sweden. Very difficult to administer. Raised little or no money. Caused exodus. [Economics, Taxes]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Stossel lists many liberals that praised Hugo Chavez in 'The Socialist Fantasy'. They claim Venezuela not a socialism failure. It was 'mismanagement'. 'But mismanagement is what happens under socialist governments... always'. Fall back to Denmark & Sweden which are not socialist. [Socialism, Economics, John Stossel]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ New York waitresses write letter telling celebrities like Sarah Jessica Parker, Michelle Williams, Amy Poehler and Amy Schumer to 'butt out'. They are pushing for wait staff to make minimum wage. But when adopted, it kills their tips and they make far less. [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ AOC was one of the people who pushed for a $15 minimum wage in NYC. It turns out, that was exactly what put 'The Coffee Shop' in Union Square out of business. The very place that AOC worked. Unsurprising to economists, 75% of whom oppose a $15 minimum wage. Dems are all in. [Economics, Minimum Wage, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ The EU, whose primary purpose is to extort money from successful and popular businesses, extorts another $1.7B from Google after looting $5B last year over alleged antitrust abuse. The EU has previously extorted billions from Apple, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, airlines and many more. [Economics]
Mar 12, 2019 ~ Steve Moore writes an article about 'The Tariffs Nobody Wants' referring to the auto manufacturer tariffs that Trump wants. Moore says usually tariffs hurt consumers but at least help the targeted industry. But even the auto makers don't want these. Do more harm than good. [Economics]
Mar 8, 2019 ~ Many economists have debunked the 'gender pay gap' when properly comparing similar work. Google recently found 'more men than women were receiving less money for doing similar work'. This is what happens when you take corrective action for a non-problem. [Gender Pay Gap, Economics]
Mar 6, 2019 ~ Survey 74% of Economists oppose hiking the minimum wage to $15 an hour. 84% think $15 minimum wage would negatively affect youth employment. 77% believe it would have a negative impact on the number of jobs available. But democrats are all in. They don't understand economics. [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Mar 6, 2019 ~ Amazon Raises Minimum Wage For Whole Foods Workers to $15 per hour. But then cuts hours significantly to compensate. Many making less than before minimum wage hike. Dems think they can simply legislate what people make. Why not $100 then? [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Feb 27, 2019 ~ Stossel takes on the sugar subsidies again - calls them 'Welfare for the Rich'. Hurt US businesses. a University of Iowa study shows they cost the US 20,000 jobs per year. Hurt consumers with higher prices and less healthy alternatives HFCS. [Economics, John Stossel]
Feb 27, 2019 ~ Bernie Sanders refuses to call Maduro a dictator - reluctant because he knows Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and the USSR, all nations he's praised, are textbook cases of socialism. Now he cites countries that reject the socialist label like Denmark as socialism success stories. [Economics, Socialism, Sanders]
Feb 19, 2019 ~ Trump administration suspends and is proposing to eliminate Obama 'Payday Loan' regulations. Cato study shows that is good because 'the predatory costs of payday loans may be nonexistent and the benefits are real and measurable.' especially to millions of poor who use each year. [Trump Win, Economics]
Feb 13, 2019 ~ The federal government collected a record figure in individual income taxes in calendar year 2018, according to Treasury figures. Proving again that tax cuts usually increase rather than decrease revenue to the Treasury. Laffer Curve counter intuitive. Dems don't understand it. [Economy, Economics, Tax Cuts]

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