Dec 9, 2024 ~ 'The Milei Revolution' "Between 1980 and 2023, Argentina was one of the few countries in the West that saw a relative decrease in living standard."
"Finally, the Argentine people had enough. They elected as president Javier Milei, an audacious and magnetic Austrian school economist dedicated to free markets. 'Viva la libertad, carajo!' he shouted while wielding a chainsaw -- signifying proposed cuts to government spending -- on the campaign trail. As Milei told the arrogant interventionists at Davos, 'Economic freedom, limited government and unlimited respect for private property are essential elements for economic growth. The impoverishment produced by collectivism is not a fantasy, nor is it an inescapable fate. It's a reality that we Argentines know very well.'"
"And the results are nothing short of astonishing. While shouting 'afuera!' he has cut the number of ministries from 18 to eight, fired members of the bloated public sector en masse and dumped the corrupt intermediaries in the welfare system. He has slashed the budget by 32%, brought a fiscal surplus for the first time in years, and brought inflation down from a month-on-month rate of 25% to 2%. The stock market has skyrocketed; investors are once again looking at Argentina as a target for their money." [Ben Shapiro, Economics, Economy, Politics, Socialism]
Oct 29, 2024 ~ 'Dead Wrong Again -- Nobel Economists Put Partisanship Over Economic Common Sense' Stephen Moore destroys economists who say Harris is better for the economy than Trump. They are the same ones who predicted economic disaster for Trump's first term. Same ones that praised Hugo Chavez. Same ones who said Biden's policies would not cause inflation. Total clowns with zero credibility. [Economics, Economy, TDS]
Oct 28, 2024 ~ "‘I’ve Got The Easiest Job In American Politics’: JD Vance Primes Rally Crowd For Trump At MSG"
"My friends, I’ve got the easiest job in American politics. Think about this: All I’ve gotta do is remind people what life was like when Donald J. Trump was President of the United States. We had PEACE, we had PROSPERITY. Take home pay was rising the fastest that it had in 40 YEARS. Inflation was at 1.5%, the lowest that it had been in a generation. Gas and groceries were affordable. And when Donald Trump was president, we had the most secure border in the history of this country." [Economy, Politics, Trump Win]
Sep 7, 2024 ~ "Net Zero: 'Totally Crazy Weather Roulette'" Germany plans to charge more for electricity on cloudy days to help compensate for getting less electricity on cloudy days. This cannot be the future anyone wants. Business already say this won't fly. [Climate Change, Economy]
Sep 2, 2024 ~ 'No, illegal immigration does not help the U.S. economy' Article debunks a common Dem talking point. "54% of illegals were receiving handouts vs. 39% of U.S citizens."
"Compared to households headed by the U.S.-born, immigrant-headed households have especially high use of food programs (36% vs. 25% for the U.S.-born), Medicaid (37% vs. 25% for the U.S.-born), and the Earned Income Tax Credit (16% vs. 12% for the U.S.-born)." Source: Center for Immigration Studies [Economy, Entitlements, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
May 25, 2024 ~ 'Joe Biden’s Terrible Tax Hikes' Biden plans to let Trump's TCJA expire. That will undo all of this: "Annual tax revenue increased by 1.1 trillion from 2018 to 2023, a whopping 33% rise. Wages for millions of Americans surged, with more than 400 companies announcing bonuses, new hires, or new investments in the United States." "Over $1.5 trillion was repatriated to the United States from overseas." [Economics, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Mar 19, 2024 ~ 'Larry Summers: Inflation Much Worse Than Government Says' "We show that if we make an effort to reconstruct the CPI of Okun’s era—which would have had inflation peak last year around 18%, we are able to explain 70% of the gap in consumer sentiment we saw last year." [Economics, Economy]
Mar 17, 2024 ~ Democrats and all of the usual #FakeNews outlets are running with the headline that Trump said there is "going to be a bloodbath" if he is not elected. Heard in context, he was clearly referring to what will happen to the car manufacturing industry. The #FakeNews never changes. [Economy, Fake News, TDS]
Oct 29, 2023 ~ John Kerry is pushing for a “climate losses and damages fund” funded mostly by the US of course with the world's biggest emitter of CO2, China exempt. These transfer payments will have no effect on climate. "These climate reparations are nothing more than a global shakedown orchestrated by those who live under the fallacy that money changes weather." [Climate Change, Economy]
Oct 6, 2023 ~ Biden posts a graphic showing his alleged "job creation" several times higher than almost all presidents since Reagan and shows Trump's job creation as negative. This is one of the most dishonest political claims of all time. Absent the pandemic which was out of Trump's control, Trump's economy and job creation was far better than Biden's. And most of Biden's "job creation" was people RETURNING to the workforce after a MANDATORY shutdown. [Economy, Fake News, Politics]
Aug 20, 2023 ~ Steve Moore, 'Michigan Is Headed Back to Rust Belt Poverty' Dems repealed "right to work" laws. This bill will not only take away the right to choose from Michigan workers, but it will also do great damage to the state's economy. States that have "right to work" laws create jobs at almost twice the pace of states with forced union policies. Many businesses won't even consider locating a new factory or blue-collar operation in a forced union state. The auto jobs in America will now accelerate their move to the Southern states, which happen to be "right to work." [Economics, Economy]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ "'Bidenomics' Has Been a Disaster" "The president and his allies had far more to do with destroying jobs than creating them... Approximately 10 million of the jobs that Biden now brags about overseeing are just people coming back to the workforce after state-compelled lockdowns." He also did nothing to reduce inflation beyond fed policies. He tried to make it worse but was stopped by the 2 sane people in his party. [Biden, Coronavirus, David Harsanyi, Economy]
Aug 3, 2023 ~ Fitch Ratings has downgraded the United States of America's Default Rating to AA+ from AAA. The Biden admin. blames Trump. The US is $32 Trillion in debt and all the Democrats can talk about is spending more. They would have spent far more were it not for JUST 2 sane Democrats. [Debt, Deficit, Economy]
Oct 17, 2022 ~ Brian C. Joondeph, 'The National Debt Elephant in the Room' "Each % increase of the federal funds rate translates into over $300 billion in annual interest payments." "There are no good solutions." Printing money causes more inflation, higher interest. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy]
Sep 9, 2022 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, "We need to calm down on climate. We need to stop wasting trillions achieving almost nothing." [Climate Change, Economy]
Sep 6, 2022 ~ Fox Business, "Experts blame green energy policies for Europe's full-scale energy crisis: 'A warning to the US'" 'There's been under-investment in fossil fuels in Europe,' an analyst from research firm Rystad Energy tells FOX Business. Europe is paying for their 'green' policies. [Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy]
Sep 6, 2022 ~ White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, "We have created nearly ten thousand million jobs since President Biden took office, which is the fastest job growth in history." That is 10 billion jobs. Fact check: False. #FakeNews[Biden, Economics, Economy, Fake News]
Aug 28, 2022 ~ John Hayward 'Russia Burning Off $10M in Gas a Day That Would Have Been Sent to Europe' "The Russians are burning 4.34 million cubic meters of gas... destroying enough fuel to supply 1.5 million European homes." The Europeans harmed themselves and the CO2 is being emitted anyway! [Climate Change, Economy, Energy]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ Kevin Williamson 'Real Trouble' "The labor-force-participation rate; the share of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one - continues to decline. We have a growing population but a shrinking workforce." "Real incomes have been declining significantly for some time" [Economics, Economy, Kevin Williamson]
Aug 20, 2022 ~ Steven Nelson, @nypost, 'Biden, WH claims US has ‘zero inflation’ despite annual rate remaining 8.5%' "Today we received news that our economy had 0 percent inflation in the month of July." Not even his usual accomplices in the #FakeNews wanted to provide cover for this lie. [Biden, Economics, Economy]
Aug 18, 2022 ~ To illustrate how ridiculous the $7500 EV Tax Credit the government just passed is, as soon as they passed it, Fort raised the price of an electric truck by $8500. Just like colleges, not students are the beneficiaries of student loans, car companies not consumers benefit here. [Climate Change, Economics, Economy]
Aug 18, 2022 ~ President Biden signs the ridiculously named Inflation Reduction Act into law. Everyone including the non-partisan CBO admit it will do nothing to reduce inflation. It wastes $750 billion on "climate change" but will also do nothing for the climate. It adds 87000 IRS agents. [Biden, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Taxes]
Aug 3, 2022 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Why We Lost Trust in the Expert Class' Good list of fake stories pushed on us by the so called experts. All the countries that destroyed their economy or energy and food security by buying into the Green narrative. Covid lies. Economists, generals, intel ops [Coronavirus, Economics, Economy, Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ David Harsanyi, "The Dems' New Proposal Does Nothing To Lower Inflation" "The bill also dumps another $369 billion into green boondoggles, which also acts as a slush fund for Democrats." Fighting inflation with big spending is like fighting a fire with a flame thrower. [David Harsanyi, Economics, Economy]
Jul 28, 2022 ~ The US is officially in a recession. 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. The Democrats simply redefine the word 'recession' to avoid admitting it. The #FakeNews plays along. Even Wikipedia changes the definition for them! We live in an Orwellian dystopia at this point. [Economics, Economy, Fake News]
Jul 19, 2022 ~ Max Keating, 'California’s New Pro-Union Law Could Grind The Supply Chain To A Halt' "California truckers are protesting against AB 5, a new regulation that would reclassify them as employees rather than independent contractors." They are killing the independent truckers. [Economics, Economy, Regulations]
Jul 17, 2022 ~ Clarice Feldman, "Sri Lanka learned a sad lesson - mandated “organic farming” proved a horrible disaster. Ghana also face starvation and national collapse as a result of green policies... Farmers in the Netherlands are striking in protest of equally unworkable green mandates." [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy, Environment]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Sri Lanka has fallen. Its President had to flee the country. Destroyed via Modern Monetary Theory. Bankrupted themselves with debt and 55% inflation. Got an ESG score of 98 by banning fertilizer and pesticides. Major food shortages. Democrats want to follow right off the cliff. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy, Environment]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Jonathan Lesser, 'New York’s Climate Virtue-Signaling Will Condemn Millions to Energy Poverty' "The 2019 Climate Act’s zero-emissions mandates are infeasible, and the resulting reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions will not improve world climate." Would create massive hardships. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Stephen Moore, 'How Angela Merkel's Green Agenda Caused the Economic Collapse of Germany' Merkel used to be praised for shutting down nuclear and moving away from fossil fuels toward "green" energy. "Today, the German economy is in tatters." Begging Russia for energy. Rationing. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Sen. Manchin, one of 2 sane Democrat Senators, kills the climate change part of BBB bill. He understands it is unaffordable, will fuel inflation and most importantly would do nothing to make the climate any better. The rest of the Dems are apololyptic: “We’re all going to die” [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy, Politics]
Jul 15, 2022 ~ Biden's trip abroad is a predicable disaster. First he fellates the Saudis begging for more oil because he stupidly shut down our own production, screwing consumers to appease green whackos. Then he insults multiple of our allies by comparing the Irish to the Palestinians. [Biden, Economy, Energy, Israel]
Jul 13, 2022 ~ Inflation sets new 40+ year record. 9.1% [Biden, Economy]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Howard Husock, "Does Affirmative Action in Mortgage Lending Really Help Black Americans?" Short answer: No it hurts them and this is how we got the 2008 financial crisis. Lowering all kinds of standards like credit score, down payment, income req's that existed to reduce risk. [Affirmative Action, Economics, Economy, Fake Racism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Now they are back to blaming Putin for gas prices. When asked how long will this last, Biden said, "As long as it takes, so Russia cannot in fact defeat Ukraine." Biden Advisor Brian Deese added "This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm." [Biden, Economics, Economy, Energy, Russia]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ The Biden Administration is switching from the lie that high gas prices are Putin's fault to blaming gas stations for the price! "Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now," he yells. Economically ignorant. [Biden, Economics, Economy, Energy]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Here Comes Fiscal Armageddon' "Fiscal Armageddon is what will happen when the U.S. government’s debt load exceeds its ability to comfortably service that debt." Will be spending more to service debt than anything else. Gov't will choose easy option, inflation. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy, Kevin Williamson]
May 22, 2022 ~ Dillon Burroughs, 'New Study Reveals Florida And GOP-Led States Dominate COVID-19 Best Responses; Democrat-Led States Rank Among Worst' "The Report Card on the States measures and compares state performance on three metrics: the economy, education, and mortality from the virus." [Coronavirus, Economy]
Apr 18, 2022 ~ Fedex Founder Fred Smith, "Had we passed the Build Back Better bill that Biden wanted, my guess is that we would be Weimar Germany right now. We'd have 25% inflation rather 9% or 10%." There were only two sane Democrat Senators left to save the country. [Economics, Economy]
Apr 12, 2022 ~ US inflation is now at 8.5%. A new 40 year high. Democrats want to keep printing and borrowing. [Biden, Economy]
Apr 3, 2022 ~ Flashback 2/2021: Larry Summers warned of Biden's proposed economic stimulus plan: "There is a chance that macroeconomic stimulus on a scale closer to World War 2 levels than normal recession levels will set off inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation." [Economics, Economy]
Mar 9, 2022 ~ Gas prices hit a record high. The price of gas, and prices in general have been rising for more than a year. The Biden Administration blames the war in Ukraine which started about a week ago. "The Putin spike" they call it. How did that war increase gas prices for 14 months? [Economics, Economy, Energy, Fake News]
Feb 10, 2022 ~ The inflation rate is now 7.5%. "That represents the largest annual spike since February 1982, when inflation hit 7.62 percent." [Economics, Economy]
Jan 28, 2022 ~ Terry Jeffrey 'Debt Up $2 Trillion in 1 Year of Biden' "The [US] had existed for 210 years, and 40 presidents had served as this nation's chief executive, before the debt first topped $2 trillion in 1986." This is beyond unsustainable but all Dems can talk about is spending more. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy]
Jan 18, 2022 ~ Stephen Moore 'Remember US Energy Independence Day?' "The Trump energy policy was an astonishing economic success... First time in nearly 50 years, the US was producing more oil than we were consuming." We're "back to energy dependence. Biden has declared war on American energy." [Economy, Energy, Trump Win]
Dec 31, 2021 ~ Philip Klein, "In 2022, Retire the ‘Trust the Scientists’ Platitude" "The problem with 'trust the scientists' is twofold. One is that the so-called experts have often been wrong." The other is "A scientist merely interested in combating a virus" does not balance other concerns. [Coronavirus, Economics, Economy, Education, Health Care]
Dec 21, 2021 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Elizabeth Warren’s Big Whopper' Senator Karen claims grocery prices are not due to the inflation that is in EVERY sector, but rather because of "profits", "lavish bonuses" etc. This is dishonest and economically ignorant. Grocery profit margins are 2%, some less. [Economics, Economy]
Dec 21, 2021 ~ Bette Midler proves she's still a vile person, attacking 1.8M Virginians because Manchin won't vote for unaffordable spending given the inflation already caused by unaffordable spending. "He wants us all to be just like his state, West Virginia. Poor, illiterate and strung out." [Economics, Economy, Loathsome Left]
Dec 10, 2021 ~ Inflation skyrockets to 6.8%, the fastest rate in 40 years. The Biden Administration, having no idea what causes inflation, is doubling down on the very thing responsible. Spending more trillions of dollars we don't have, expanding the money supply making each dollar worth less. [Economics, Economy]