Mar 21, 2019 ~ Ford announced another $900 million investment in US manufacturing creating another 1000 American jobs. Recently, Toyota and Fiat Chrysler also announced significant investment in the US; billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. Regulation and taxes now favorable to business. [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations, Tax Cuts]
Mar 8, 2019 ~ American worker wages have risen 3.4% in the last 12 months. The fastest wage growth in over 10 years. Due to combination of tax cuts and hire American policies. [Trump Win, Economy]
Mar 3, 2019 ~ Just about 4 Million Americans dropped off food stamps since Trump's first full month in office, according to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Mar 1, 2019 ~ The White House's Council of Economic Advisors announced 'for the first time in 13 years, since 2005, we have hit 3.1 percent economic growth during a calendar year (Q4 over Q4)' - Obama thought a 'magic wand' would be needed for 3% annual. [Trump Win, Economy]
Feb 26, 2019 ~ Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is reopening an idled Detroit engine plant and investing billions into five existing Michigan plants enabled by the strong economy and low corporate taxes. This will create an another 6,500 U.S. auto jobs. [Trump Win, Economy]
Feb 13, 2019 ~ The unemployment rate for disabled Americans has reached an all-time low., Status: True. [Trump Win, Economy]
Feb 13, 2019 ~ The federal government collected a record figure in individual income taxes in calendar year 2018, according to Treasury figures. Proving again that tax cuts usually increase rather than decrease revenue to the Treasury. Laffer Curve counter intuitive. Dems don't understand it. [Economy, Economics, Tax Cuts]
Feb 5, 2019 ~ U.S. Economy Has Created 5.3 Million New Jobs Since November 2016 [Trump Win, Economy]
Jan 31, 2019 ~ The U.S. economy created 304,000 jobs in January versus the 175,000 that were expected - Strong economic growth continues despite predictions that the opposite would occur due to the government shutdown. [Trump Win, Economy]
Jan 28, 2019 ~ Dems are still lying saying the Trump tax cuts only benefited the wealthy and was increase for middle class - 80% of Americans got a tax cut, 91% of the middle class - only 5% saw any increase and almost all of those were very high earners [Economy, Tax Cuts]
Jan 24, 2019 ~ U.S. weekly jobless claims fall to lowest level since 1969 - 50 years! [Trump Win, Economy]
Jan 8, 2019 ~ Men Without Work: America's Invisible Crisis - 'over 7 million between ages 25 and 55, the traditional prime of working life' are jobless and are not looking for work even though jobs are now plentiful. [Economy]
Jan 5, 2019 ~ Ford cancels Mexico plant, expands U.S. factory and adds 700 jobs in Michigan - announced 'it would cancel plans for a $1.6 billion Mexico plant and launch a Michigan expansion in a move that may be viewed as a capitulation to Donald Trump' [Trump Win, Economy]
Jan 4, 2019 ~ 5 MILLION jobs have been added in Trump's first 2 years; 157 million Americans are working at the start of 2019 vs. 152M Americans working when Trump started. [Trump Win, Economy]
Jan 4, 2019 ~ Manufacturing had biggest annual job gain in 20 years. The manufacturing sector added 284,000 jobs in 2018, 32,000 in December. [Trump Win, Economy]
Jan 4, 2019 ~ Trump boom continues - US employers added a stellar 312,000 jobs in December. [Trump Win, Economy]
Jan 2, 2019 ~ Trump boom is benefiting minorities more than white people - Black unemployment is not only at historic lows but the gap between the black and white unemployment rates is also at a historic low of 2.6% - gap averaged 6.4% during previous expansions. [Trump Win, Race, Economy]
Dec 28, 2018 ~ Steve Moore, 'Look Who's Benefitting Most from the Trump Boom'. WSJ finds that poor and minorities have been benefit the most. 'worker wages were starting to rise above inflation and that the biggest percentage gains were showing up in the paychecks of the lowest income workers' [Trump Win, Economy]
Nov 30, 2018 ~ President Trump celebrates Steel Dynamics Inc investing $1.8B in a new Steel Mill. Will create 600 Jobs - Trump says 'Steel JOBS are coming back to America, just like I predicted'. [Trump Win, Economy]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Wages Rise at Fastest Rate in Nearly a Decade as Hiring Jumps - Unemployment rate held at a 49-year low in October; wages increased 3.1% - Unemployment rate continues to set new low records for minorities. [Trump Win, Economy]
Nov 2, 2018 ~ Unemployment rate hits a RECORD low for the 12th time under President Trump. 156,562,000 Americans Employed, 250K Jobs in Oct. Economy adding 1000 Manufacturing Jobs Per Day. Manufacturing coming roaring back. Obama in 2016 said Trump has no 'magic wand' to bring those jobs back. [Trump Win, Economy]
Nov 2, 2018 ~ African-American and Hispanic poverty rate is at an ALL TIME low as are their respective unemployment rates - 1.2 MILLION more black Americans are working under Trump than under Obama - 19.3 vs 18.1 million [Trump Win, Economy]
Oct 7, 2018 ~ GE announces a new $200 Billion investment in the US - creating more than 400 new manufacturing jobs - says 'The changes in rates and favorable tax treatment of investments in machinery and equipment play a big role'. [Trump Win, Economy]
Oct 7, 2018 ~ Amazon to Increase Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour - Very strong economy allows them to make this wage increase - wage growth has been very strong in Trump's economy especially in the lower 25% of wage earners. [Trump Win, Economy]
Oct 5, 2018 ~ Unemployment Rate is at its lowest level since 1969 - Hispanic unemployment rate also hits a new all time low. [Trump Win, Economy]
Oct 4, 2018 ~ US weekly jobless claims fall to a now 49-year low! [Trump Win, Economy]
Sep 20, 2018 ~ Consumer confidence hits 18-year high - up 16% since the election [Trump Win, Economy]
Sep 15, 2018 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Blue-Collar Recovery' - Manufacturing, Mining and Logging are all up significantly under the first 18 months of Trump, whereas they were down during the last 18 months of Obama. [Trump Win, Economy, Rich Lowry]
Sep 8, 2018 ~ More than 120 utilities across the country are lowering rates for customers because of money saved by the GOP tax cuts according to [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Sep 7, 2018 ~ Initial jobless claims, a proxy for layoffs, hit a 50 year low! [Trump Win, Economy]
Sep 2, 2018 ~ Ocasio-Cortez's claims that unemployment is so low because 'everyone has two jobs' - It's clear she doesn't know how unemployment is calculated. But also, the number of people with multiple jobs has been going down, not up as economy has been improving. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Ocasionomics, Economy]
Aug 27, 2018 ~ Trump negotiates 'United States Mexico Trade Agreement', the new improved NAFTA without Canada - puts the pressure on Canada to do a similar deal that is better for both countries. Trump shows tough negotiating skills leaving Canada out until they are willing to do a fair deal. [Trump Win, Economy, Trade]
Aug 20, 2018 ~ The labor force is expanding - 600,000 new entrants in June alone - also wages are increasing and are increasing MORE for lower paid people than highly paid people. [Trump Win, Economy]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ 3 Million people Drop Off Food Stamps Under Booming Trump Economy [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Aug 11, 2018 ~ Trump Economy is the story of the decade - New York Times say they've run out of words to describe how good it is - Unemployment Rate Falls to 18-Year Low; Solid Hiring. Metric after metric setting records. Pelosi says 'strong employment numbers mean little.' [Trump Win, Economy]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ The U.S. dethroned Hong Kong to retake first place among the world's most competitive economies according to annual rankings by the Switzerland-based IMD World Competitiveness Center - number 1 spot was lost during Obama admin [Trump Win, Economy]
Jul 31, 2018 ~ Trump Announces E.U. Has Granted Trade Concessions in response to his trade war including unfair trading practices, including intellectual property- still working toward goal of 0 tariffs - got Germany to buy more US gas [Trump Win, Economy, Trade]
Jul 29, 2018 ~ Second-quarter GDP growth jumps to 4.1% - many said it couldn't be done. The Trump economy rolls on. [Trump Win, Economy]
Jul 15, 2018 ~ Steve Moore, 'Trump's Zero Tariff Solution'. 'Zero tariffs would be the ultimate victory for totally free and fair trade' - Trump asks why can't we just do that - We have the lowest tariffs - Europe's are 30% higher than ours. [Economics, Economy]
Jul 10, 2018 ~ Record 155,576,000 Employed in June - 10th Record for Trump - Workforce Participation Rate has been trending in the right direction - people who have dropped out of the workforce are coming back to work. [Trump Win, Economy]
Jul 3, 2018 ~ President Trump smartly keeps coal and nuclear plants open that were scheduled to close per Obama administration - would have left us no margin for unexpected weather or disasters, natural or man-made. [Trump Win, Energy, Economy]
Jul 3, 2018 ~ Donald Trump oversees groundbreaking of a new Foxconn plant in Wisconsin they are building thanks to new tax policy - investing $10 Billion to create 13,000 more jobs [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Jun 21, 2018 ~ New York Times, 'Disability Applications Plunge as the Economy Strengthens'. Torsten Slok, chief international economist of Deutsche Bank said, 'This is a big deal. We thought the numbers for disability would go up forever.' [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Bill Maher is rooting for a recession to happen to 'get rid of Trump' - 'I'm hoping for it' says the wealthy man - His audience cheers - None of them understand the connection between Trump's policies and the roaring economy. [TDS, Economy]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ The United States Restores Top Ranking As Most Competitive Global Economy [Trump Win, Economy]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ The Dakota Access Pipeline just celebrated one year of operation - has been transferring half a million to a million barrels of oil per day - very safe - leaked less than 4 barrels out of 61 million - Is helping to create U.S. energy independence. Dems were totally against it. [Trump Win, Energy, Economy]
May 28, 2018 ~ United Technologies announced that they will take advantage of the GOP Tax Cuts to invest $15 billion in the US, repatriating cash from overseas to create 35,000 jobs - Dems still trying to sell 'crumbs' idea [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
May 27, 2018 ~ The United States is now the world's top producer of petroleum and natural gas hydrocarbons - Now have long desired energy independence - recall how 'Drill Baby Drill' was mocked as not workable. [Trump Win, Energy, Economy]