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Jan 19, 2025 ~ 'California Wildfires are NOT Climate Driven' All of the conditions that contributed to the fire are normal in California. Last time was 2011 but they've happened countless times in the past. "The current fires, like many before them, are largely driven by well-documented weather phenomena, historical land-use patterns, and human decisions." "A critical factor in the Los Angeles wildfires is the role of the infamous Santa Ana winds, which are neither new nor related to climate change. ... They’ve been a well-documented driver of wildfires for as long as records exist." "Decades of fire suppression policies have allowed dry brush, dead trees, and dense vegetation to accumulate, creating the perfect conditions for catastrophic fires. The Palisades Fire, for instance, was fueled by dense vegetation that had built up over years." [Climate Change, Environment, Fake News]
Jan 19, 2025 ~ "LA Fires -- One-Party City and State Blames 'Climate Change'" These LA fires are California's worst natural disaster. 24 dead; 12,000 structures destroyed. 300k evacuated. Mayor Karen Bass was in Ghana Africa after saying she should not use taxpayer money to travel out of the country. Being called Nero since there was a severe fire threat when she left. Before the fire, the fire chief told the mayor they were severely understaffed and underfunded. No money for firefighting but CA spends billions of DEI initiatives and climate change. Large portion of fire engines were inoperative. A key reservoir was totally dry and new reservoirs were never built (to allegedly help some useless fish) after decades of knowing they were needed. Many hydrants did not work. The foliage was never managed leading to significantly increased fire threat. Arson was also involved. Bass and Gov. Newsom blame 'climate change' even though these exact conditions have been present recently in CA and throughout its entire history. Other democrats blame 'racism' and 'sexism' for any criticism of Bass and her mishandling of the preparation and situation. All typical blame shifting for democrats but its not going to work this time... [California, CRT DIE Wokeness, Environment, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Politics]
Dec 28, 2024 ~ 'The fire suppression paradox' "Just because we’re suppressing wildfires doesn’t mean that the vegetation has stopped dropping leaves and branches. That material builds up over time, and once ignited, it may become extremely difficult to extinguish.  This is known as the 'fire suppression paradox.'  For every wildfire we extinguish today, we set the stage for a future fire that will be harder to put out."   "Reports indicate that the frequency of wildfires has been diminishing while their intensity has increased.  Much of the literature on the subject mentions climate change, of course. But we’re also seeing the fire suppression paradox coming into play.  Better communications and fire suppression techniques enable us to extinguish wildfires more quickly, which diminishes their frequency. But the ones that do get away from us tend to burn hotter and longer and cover more area.  As we increase residential and commercial construction in remote areas, we can expect the cost of these wildfires to increase." [Climate Change, Environment]
Nov 23, 2024 ~ John Stossel, 'Destructive Environmentalists' "People eagerly give money to rich environmental groups. The Natural Resources Defense Council has $463 million in assets. What it really does is pay lawyers to torture people who try to do useful things." They oppose almost all mines in the US making getting permits take almost 30 years. Most companies won't even bother anymore, opting instead for mines in Africa which exploit people and children with little oversight. "But the green movement has been perfectly happy outsourcing mining to disadvantaged countries where thousands of children in bare feet, working by hand with shovels, dig minerals out of the earth." "You start applying for permits," says Mills, "You're going to be waiting not months, not years, but decades!" [Environment, John Stossel, Regulations]
Oct 18, 2024 ~ 'What Happens When a Tornado Goes Walkabout in a Solar Farm?' Hurricane Milton destroyed the huge Duke Energy solar farm in FL. Another reason why we can't rely on solar. These things are totally exposed unlike real power plants. 180,000 toxic panels destroyed and strewn all over the landscape. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Sep 7, 2024 ~ 'A Dam Good Argument' Environmentalists claim they want us to transition to 'renewable' energy but then they destroy dams, like Snake River Dam providing the best kind: hydropower. They claim its killing salmon but that problem was solved 50 years ago. "Between 96% and 98% of the salmon successfully pass each dam." Why are they lying? [Climate Change, Environment, Fake News, John Stossel]
Jul 8, 2024 ~ After being blamed on 'climate change' (as ALL storms today ridiculously are), hurricane Beryl hit Texas as a mere CAT 1. @RyanMaue explains that hurricanes are beneficial and necessary to the entire US (not just coastal states), recharging aquifers and even the Great Lakes. [Climate Change, Environment, Fake News]
Jun 14, 2024 ~ 'You Paid Hundreds of Millions for Solar Power to Wreck the Environment' "Your tax dollars will subsidize a solar company cutting down thousands of protected and rare [centuries old] Joshua trees and destroying habitat for the endangered desert tortoise to make way for a massive energy project in California."   "According to the National Park Service, Joshua trees are a key part of the desert ecosystem, 'providing habitat for numerous birds, mammals, insects, and lizards,' and are on average 150 years old, although many are much older than that."   "Solar power also creates about 300 times more toxic waste per unit of electricity generated than nuclear-power plants do, because solar panels use extremely hazardous materials like sulfuric acid and toxic phosphine gas in their manufacturing." They can also take decades to make up for the CO2 used to create and transport them and its not clear they last that long.   "After 50 years and hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies, loads of regulatory advantages, and political support, solar power generated under 4 percent of America’s electricity in 2023." [Climate Change, Environment]
Jun 9, 2024 ~ "Fact-Checking Wind and Solar Claims: Climate Expert Makes Case for ‘Realism’" When it comes to energy, "nuclear is probably the future and should have been the present," climatologist David Legates says.   "Wind, solar, and electric vehicles aren’t the clean energy accomplishments that many claim, climatologist David Legates says.   'The lithium … all of the rare earth minerals that are necessary for the batteries, that are necessary for the solar panels, that are necessary for the wind turbines … are called rare earths,' Legates explains.   These rare earth minerals are acquired through strip mining, he says, a process that involves putting large chunks of earth into a solution. Once the minerals are extracted, what is left is a toxic sludge lake.'"   "We’re all told it’s clean and green because you see it’s spinning there or you see the panel sitting there, it’s not producing gases. But to get to that stage, there has been an awful lot of disastrous and environmental and social efforts that have gone on behind the scenes."   "If carbon dioxide goes up, will temperature follow? And the answer is yes, slightly.   However, most of the absorption bands that we have with carbon dioxide are already saturated. So what that means is that, essentially, if you had no carbon dioxide or no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at all, the addition of some makes a big deal. But as you start to add more and more and more, you get less of an impact. And so by the time we are where we are now, more carbon dioxide really doesn’t do a whole lot.   And so if we doubled carbon dioxide now, we get maybe a degree Celsius of warming and that would be it. And certainly it’s not worth the economic impacts that people want it to have." [Climate Change, Environment]
Jun 9, 2024 ~ "The Quest for a ‘Clean Economy’ Collides with Reality" "A typical Tesla Model 3 battery, which contains six kilograms of lithium, eight kilograms of cobalt, eight kilograms of aluminum, 17 kilograms of copper, 42 kilograms of nickel, and 55 kilograms of graphite. All of these materials come from somewhere, and that somewhere is underground — often, far beneath the surface. As a rule, underground mines make for very uncongenial neighbors. Their sites are dirty and dusty, loud, crowded with vehicular traffic, liable to pollute aquifers and generate toxic waste, and demanding of enormous quantities of water. Underground extraction can also conflict with deeply rooted cultural, historical, and social norms and practices." [Climate Change, Economics, Environment]
Jun 6, 2024 ~ "California ‘clean energy’ company set to bulldoze more than 3,500 Joshua trees, so coastal homes can go ‘carbon neutral’" The insanity continues. So called 'clean energy' is often very bad for the environment. [California, Climate Change, Environment]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'Over 100 Pizzerias Could Shut Down Due to NYC‘s Green Rule' The Democrats just can't stop ruining everything! NYC Pizza is legendary and they are destroying for NO benefit. They can't afford the useless requirements and will shut down. [Economics, Environment, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Regulations]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Biden admin doles out $600 million to activist groups, universities for 'environmental justice' The US is drowning in debt but Biden doles billions to left wing orgs. "The $600 million announced on Wednesday is part of a larger $3 billion spending blitz in support of 'environmental justice' made possible by provisions in the IRA." Pure vote buying. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Debt, Deficit, Environment]
Nov 9, 2023 ~ Olivia Murray, "Harvard study: deforestation for solar panels major cause of ‘emissions’" "Since 2010, over 5,000 acres of natural and working lands have been destroyed for solar development in Massachusetts, resulting in the emission of over half a million metric tons of CO₂ - more than the annual emissions of 100,000 passenger cars." "When these panels reach the end of their lifespan, they become piles of toxic waste, as they contain high amounts of heavy metals." "By 2050, the disposal of worn-out solar panels will constitute over double the tonnage of all of today’s global plastic waste." [Climate Change, Environment]
Nov 4, 2023 ~ Brianna Lyman, "It Takes Trucker Two Minutes To Pick Apart The EV Narrative: ‘You Would Need To Pack 50,000 Pounds Of Batteries’" Fantastic article exposing the absurdity of the net-zero idea. The numbers do not even remotely add up. [Climate Change, Economics, Environment]
Oct 1, 2023 ~ Joe Biden’s IRA committed more than $100 million to promote ‘tree equity’ and over $1 billion to expand 'access to trees.' A lot of the places receiving the money have more than average trees but happen to be blue cities. We are beyond broke but the DIE virus takes precedent. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Environment, Fake Racism]
Aug 27, 2023 ~ More information on the Maui fire ridiculously blamed on 'climate change.' They ignored significant fire risks that built up over the years to focus on green energy. They let highly flammable non-native grass take over. They kept the power on when sparking powerlines were falling in high winds. Now we learn, "Officials closed Lahaina Bypass Road due to the fires, blocking the only way out of Lahaina to the southern part of the island." [Climate Change, Environment]
Aug 26, 2023 ~ 'Nolte: Study Shows Paper Straws More Harmful to Planet than Plastic' In a facepalm similar to when they figured out plastic bags were better for the environment than paper or cloth, they now realize plastic straws are better than supposed 'green' options. [Environment]
Apr 21, 2023 ~ Ben Zeisloft, "Biden Signs Executive Order To Make Entire Government Focus On ‘Environmental Justice’" The EO "makes clear that the pursuit of environmental justice is a duty of all executive branch agencies and should be incorporated into their missions” and directed the agencies to “consider measures” which address “adverse environmental and health impacts on communities, including the cumulative impacts of pollution and other burdens like climate change.” Because (of course), “Racism is a fundamental driver of environmental injustice.” Buttigieg also blames 'climate change' for transportation problems. "Our transportation systems are still grappling with the consequences of the pandemic, climate change, and decades of disinvestment." 'Systemic racism' and 'climate change': Two of the Democrat's biggest false narratives. [Climate Change, Environment, Fake Racism]
Jan 18, 2023 ~ Rich Lowry, "No, You Can’t Believe ‘the Science’" "The debate over gas stoves illustrates perfectly the faux scientific method." Flawed studies quickly become #FakeNews "Gas stove pollution causes 12.7% of childhood asthma." See also COVID, Climate Change. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Fake News, Rich Lowry]
Jan 8, 2023 ~ David Harsanyi, "'60 Minutes' Exhumes Enviro Cult Leader for a New Round of Scaremongering" They dug up and wheeled out Paul Ehrlich, perhaps the most spectacularly wrong, most discredited alarmist of all time to serve up a new round of BS doomsday predictions. #FakeNews [David Harsanyi, Environment, Fake News]
Aug 14, 2022 ~ MIT Climatologist Richard Lindzen & Princeton Physics Prof. William Happer, "In our opinion, science demonstrates that there is no climate related risk caused by fossil fuels and CO2 and no climate emergency." "Without fossil fuels there will be no low-cost energy worldwide." [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jul 29, 2022 ~ David L. Bahnsen, 'The Bankruptcy of ESG Is Being Exposed' "ESG is a pharisaical way for people to feel virtuous and good without having to do anything at all." Countries and companies tried to virtue signal with a high ESG score until they started collapsing under the BS of it. [Climate Change, Environment]
Jul 22, 2022 ~ A bunch of clowns called The Tyre Extinguishers are going around the world deflating the tires of SUVs and other vehicles. They just deflated over 40 cars in NYC. “Your gas guzzler kills.” "This is a machine that destroys life with terrifying efficiency," they ridiculously claim. [Climate Change, Environment, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 17, 2022 ~ Clarice Feldman, "Sri Lanka learned a sad lesson - mandated “organic farming” proved a horrible disaster. Ghana also face starvation and national collapse as a result of green policies... Farmers in the Netherlands are striking in protest of equally unworkable green mandates." [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy, Environment]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Sri Lanka has fallen. Its President had to flee the country. Destroyed via Modern Monetary Theory. Bankrupted themselves with debt and 55% inflation. Got an ESG score of 98 by banning fertilizer and pesticides. Major food shortages. Democrats want to follow right off the cliff. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Energy, Environment]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Vijay Jayaraj, "Children Die When 'Eco-Lies' Disrupt the War Against Mosquitoes" "Thanks to Rachel Carson’s unscientific claims about DDT in her 1962 book Silent Spring, the environmental movement against DDT began with blind stupidity." Millions of cases of malaria and dengue. [Anti-Science, Environment, Health, Regulations]
Jul 16, 2022 ~ Texas power grid is again on the brink because it relied too much on "green" energy even though it has plenty of oil and gas. "Powerful high-pressure systems that cause intense heat often squelch wind production - just when more power is needed to meet higher electricity demand." [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Stephen Moore, "Biden's Green New Deal Is Increasing Greenhouse Gases" "After more than a decade of declining carbon emissions here in the United States, in 2021, President Joe Biden's first year in office, emissions rose." Reducing fracking reduced the % of cleaner natural gas. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Biden admin EPA nominee, Carlton Waterhouse believes in something called "climate reparations." "climate reparations are essential and an important part of having an equitable climate vision." [Climate Change, CRT DIE Wokeness, Environment]
May 22, 2022 ~ Jack Hellner "Earth day is coming up. It is a good time to remind the public what the predictions were 52 years ago" Massively wrong alarmist predictions that never came true but trust the alarmists now! All of society and energy must be remade to avoid lots of other disasters. [Climate Change, Environment, Fake News]
Feb 6, 2022 ~ Monica Showalter, "Germany to raze a 1,000-year-old forest in the name of 'going green'" Foolishly killed all their nuclear plants. "Germany is trashing its most beautiful forest in the name of 'going green.'" 20 million square meters while they import natural gas from Russia. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Nov 11, 2021 ~ Total moron Cori Bush to oil execs "Promoting [fossil fuels] means promoting environmental racism and violence in Black and Brown communities. You all are still promoting and selling fossil fuels that are killing millions of people. This is a striking example of White supremacy." [Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Sep 21, 2021 ~ Janet Levy, 'The Great Reset of Beef Consumption' Beef not bad for the environment. If US went vegan, would reduce emissions 2.6%. "84% of livestock feed is inedible to humans... convert what we cannot eat into what we can.""mostly ingest green water or rainwater." Provide manure [Climate Change, Environment]
Aug 26, 2021 ~ Grace Cook, 'The Cotton Tote Crisis' Lots of cities banned single use plastic bags in favor of reusable cotton bags but it turns out cotton bags are way worse for the environment. "An organic cotton tote needs to be used 20,000 times to offset its overall impact of production." [Environment]
Aug 9, 2021 ~ Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg shows that govt. forcing us to electric cars is useless. "Even if all nations achieved all of their ambitious EV targets, emissions will be reduced by about 0.1%... Temperatures will be reduced by 0.002°C by 2100." And they will not achieve targets. [Climate Change, Environment]
Aug 1, 2021 ~ Dell can't ship their servers to CA and other moronic states run by Democrats. The poor idiots that still live there get this message when they try to order. "This product cannot be shipped to the states of California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont, or Washington." [California, Environment, Regulations]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ Biden’s Bureau of Land Management nominee, Tracy Stone-Manning, is an ecoterrorist involved in the spiking of trees, the goal of which is to kill or injure loggers. She also has called children “environmental hazards.” "The earth can’t afford Americans" says Biden's nominee. [Environment, Violent Left]
Jun 11, 2021 ~ TC Energy has canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline for good now that Biden blocked it. That pipeline would have helped jobs, the environment, energy independence and energy prices and would not have increased climate change. Biden is undoing all of the good Trump did in record time. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jun 1, 2021 ~ Rep. Rashida Tlaib berates bank CEOs, accusing them of complicity in "environmental racism." She falsely links the higher rate of #COVID19 in the Black community to investments in fossil fuels that banks have made over the decades. "I need you all to address racial equity." [Coronavirus, Energy, Environment, Fake Racism]
May 28, 2021 ~ Terry Paulding, 'The huge, destructive green lie.' Windmills have already killed 3 BILLION birds and Dems want to have many times what we have now. Mining the needed rare earth minerals pollutes groundwater. Slave labor is being used. Solar generates tons of very toxic waste. etc [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
May 26, 2021 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'The African slavery behind the leftists' green dreams' Increasing the amount of electric cars will overload the electrical grid and lead to more child slave labor in Africa which is still used to mine the cobalt and destroys the environment. EV's do not scale. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Feb 18, 2021 ~ WSJ, Between “2/8 and 2/16, wind power plunged 93% while coal in­creased 47% and gas 450%, ac­cord­ing to the EIA. Yet the re­new­able in­dus­try and its me­dia mouth­pieces are tar­ring gas, coal and nu­clear be­cause they didn’t op­er­ate at 100%.” If all renewable, we'd have 0 [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Feb 18, 2021 ~ The Texas winter storm that left millions without power exposes the flaws of moving to 100% 'renewable' energy. This would have been a week long event with 0 power for anyone. Jim Robb 'For batteries to play the ultimate backup system, we're so far away from that it's not funny.' [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Feb 16, 2021 ~ 4.3 million customers were left without electricity as severe and historic cold, snow and ice hit Texas. The power outages were caused in part by Texas' over reliance on 'green energy.' 'The wind turbines are all frozen,” said Public Utility Commission Chairman DeAnn Walker. [Climate Change, Environment]
Feb 5, 2021 ~ Biden's 'Climate Czar' John Kerry flew on a private jet to pick up a climate award. Beyond limousine liberal, he is a private jet liberal like Al Gore and many others who want everyone else to live in the dark ages while their carbon footprint is 1000 times the average person's. [Climate Change, Environment]
Feb 4, 2021 ~ Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg admits the Paris Climate Accord would only lower global temperatures by 0.05°F by 2100. The cost benefits analysis of fighting climate change is off by about a million to 1. The pros of fossil fuels outweigh the cons by about a million to 1 as well. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Feb 4, 2021 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Biden Wants to Kill 80 Percent of America's Energy' Most Americans have no 'idea where the energy they use in their home or business comes from.' 80% of our energy comes from fossil fuel which Biden wants to ban. He has no way to replace it. Green E not even close [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Feb 4, 2021 ~ Toyota CEO on the folly of EVs, 'The current business model of the car industry is going to collapse. The more EVs we build, the worse carbon dioxide gets.' There's no battery fairy that can create the amount of lithium to do this without creating a huge environmental disaster. [Climate Change, Energy, Environment]
Jan 29, 2021 ~ Biden's decision to kill the Keystone Pipeline not only will cost 10s of thousands of jobs and threaten energy independence, it will harm, not help the environment. Pipelines are orders of magnitude better for the environment than rail, trucks or ship. I.e. there is 0 upside. [Climate Change, Environment]

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