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Sep 18, 2020 ~ Sam Rutzick, 'Federal Regulations Have Made Western Wildfires Worse' 'Controlled, prescribed burns can stop wildfires from spreading. Too bad they are effectively prohibited by rules like the Clean Air Act.' Need 5000 pages on 'every single conceivable [environmental] impact.' [Environment, Regulations]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Ryan Mills, 'Climate Change Focus Obscures Complexities of Wildfires' Before settlers millions of acres a year kept the forests from building up tinder. Since 1910 we've been aggressively fighting fires letting it all build up. 3 things came together. 2019 fire season was dead. [Climate Change, Environment]
Mar 31, 2020 ~ Trump Admin enacts Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule, a much more sensible alternative to Obama's CAFÉ increases. Cars can be heavier, thus safer, and will save American's $1000s. Unrealistic CAFÉ standards necessitate unsafe cars killing thousands a year. [Climate Change, Economy, Environment, Trump Win]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ Kyle Smith 'Plastic-Bag Bans Are Bad for the Environment' Many cities ban single-use plastic bags. Multiple analyses have shown that plastic bags are better for the environment. The alternative needs to be re-used 173 times to be better, but they are re-used only 15 times on avg. [Environment, Regulations, Kyle Smith]
Jan 29, 2020 ~ David Bahnsen, 'Warren's Climate Policy: A Colossal Environmental Disaster' 'American electricity generation has gone from 50% coal-based to 28% in a decade and is projected to be just 17% in 30 years.' Thanks to fracking which Warren and other dems would ban. 600k job loss too. [Environment, Energy]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler says 'I don't think the fires from Australia are directly from climate change. I don't think most rational people are saying that, either.' He dismisses Al Gore's alarmism on it, 'He's had a history of overstating on the climate change issue.' [Trump Win, Regulations, Environment]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Christian Britschgi, 'Trump Administration Repeals Federal Protections on Puddles, Dry Stream Beds, Some Ditches' 'Hysterical reactions greet the White House's modest changes to federal clean water rules.' Trump again rolls back illegal regulatory overreach enacted by Obama. [Trump Win, Regulations, Environment]
Jan 9, 2020 ~ Trump is streamlining the National Environmental Policy Act which has allowed activists to tie up projects for years. The new rules can cut 10 years of red tape to under 2 years. Terry O'Sullivan, pres of Laborers' International Union says the 'NEPA reforms are a welcome change'. [Trump Win, Environment]
Sep 23, 2019 ~ Madeleine Kearns article, 'Why Ban Plastic Straws?' We're being forced to paper straws which don't hold up and everybody hates. Is it worth it? Plastic straws account for only 0.025% of the plastic in the ocean and almost none of that comes from the United States anyway. So no. [Environment]
Apr 5, 2019 ~ Bans on single use plastic bags is inconveniencing everyone for no benefit. The plastic from the US is not ending up in the ocean in any measurable way. Also, 'To achieve the same emissions-per-use ratio as a disposable plastic bag, you'd have to use your cotton tote 131 times' [Climate Change, Environment]
Feb 2, 2019 ~ CA jury awarded $289 million in damages to groundskeeper who claimed glyphosate aka Round Up caused his cancer - all studies except one extremely flawed study 'tainted by conflicts of interest and misconduct' show glyphosate is safe. [Anti-Science, Environment]
Dec 28, 2018 ~ Michael Bastasch 'Trump Takes Steps To Prevent Catastrophic Forest Fires, Including More Logging'. 'Trump issued an executive order Friday to allow for active management of forest and rangelands, including thinning and removing debris from millions of acres of federal lands.' [Trump Win, Environment]
Dec 17, 2018 ~ Tim Ball, 'Extreme Wildfires Caused By Extreme Stupidity, not Global Warming' - Stopping most forest fires has allowed the underbrush to build up very thick - we've turned what used to be 'crown fires' into 'base fires' which are much harder to put out. [Climate Change, Environment, Fake News]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Supreme Court declines to overturn lower court rulings for cases brought by three Environmentalist groups who claimed 'The Wall' violated environmental laws - Courts said no, Trump is allowed to build a border wall. [Trump Win, Environment, SCOTUS, Wall]
Oct 24, 2018 ~ Trump signs America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 - bi-partisan, passed Senate 99-1 - provides for water infrastructure improvements throughout the country including flood control, hydropower, etc. [Trump Win, Environment, Energy]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ Rep. Tom McClintock R-CA said President Donald Trump 'is absolutely right' to link CA wildfires to the state's poor management of water and forest - Fires started to get more intense after environmental regulations that prevented management. [Environment, Regulations, Climate Change]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Matt Walsh, 'Quit The Hysterics. America Is Responsible For Almost None Of The Plastic In The Ocean' - Asia and Africa account for 95% of the problem - Europe and the US almost none - banning straws does 0 to help the ocean - facts don't support positions taken by Democrats. [Fake News, Environment]
Jul 30, 2018 ~ Paul Driessen, The decline and endangerment of the honeybee is another fake Environmentalist Scare Story - never held water. [Fake News, Environment]
Jul 25, 2018 ~ Santa Barbara Straw Ban - Food Service Employees Could Face Up To Six Months In Jail For EACH Straw they give out - could rack up years in jail for one night of waitressing - totalitarian insanity that could only be passed by democrats. [Environment, Regulations]
Jul 25, 2018 ~ Kyle Smith, 'No Detectable Lead Poisoning in Flint After All' - Scare not only overblown, it was a non-event - 0 children tested anywhere near the danger zone - water was actually fine - thousands of communities have higher levels as did all in the 70s. [Environment, Fake News, Kyle Smith]
Jul 23, 2018 ~ Christian Britschgi, 'Starbucks Bans Plastic Straws, Winds Up Using More Plastic'. No matter, the point was to virtue signal and get pats on the back. 'the new nitro lids that Starbucks is leaning on to replace straws are made up of more plastic than the company's current' combo [Environment]
May 22, 2018 ~ EPA chief Scott Pruitt and his family get numerous credible death threats - even his children are threatened - Then Pruitt is criticized for spending on security. [Violent Left, Environment]
May 3, 2018 ~ Trump is securing American energy independence by bringing online the Keystone XL and Dakota pipelines, opening Alaska - They are a win for the environment as well - US soon to be a net exporter. Steve Moore article, 'Goodbye, OPEC' [Trump Win, Energy, Environment]
Apr 20, 2018 ~ H. Sterling Burnett, EPA's Fuel Economy Change Will Expand Freedom and Save Thousands of Lives that have previously been sacrificed to false climate change alarmism. [Trump Win, Environment, Climate Change]
Apr 16, 2018 ~ Scott Pruitt Isn't Anti-Science - Just the opposite - The EPA was setup to rubber stamp regulations so many worthless, expensive and even harmful regulations were imposed - DDT, BPA etc. - Pruitt is installing transparency and peer review [Environment]
Feb 6, 2018 ~ Scott Pruitt doing a great job reforming the EPA to bring it more back in line with being a steward of clean air and water - has not brought armageddon as the left hysterically claims. [Environment]
Jan 8, 2018 ~ Joseph D'Aleo lays out the case that the Ozone Hole was 'very likely to have been there forever' - As soon as we had satellites to measure it, the hole was there - no evidence of it world without it - and has not 'recovered' in many decades as it was supposed to do. [Environment]
Dec 15, 2017 ~ New York Times hit piece reported EPA 'has adopted a more lenient approach than the previous two administrations toward polluters' EPA responded and set the record straight, 'no reduction in EPA's commitment to ensure compliance... a greater emphasis on compliance' [Fake News, Environment]
Nov 5, 2017 ~ EPA and Scott Pruitt get rid of the 'sue and settle' method of extortion. Caused the EPA to issue more regulations - Obama EPA 'imposed a record-breaking 55 federal implementation plans under the Clean Air Act', 135 regulations. [Trump Win, Environment, Regulations]
Oct 21, 2017 ~ John Stossel 'Times' Green Baloney' New York Times and CNN lie about Pebble Mine in Alaska which was needlessly stopped by Obama. The fake news lied about it being first 'in' and then 'near' Bristol Bay. Its actually 100 miles away. Trump allows the proposal restoring rule of law [Trump Win, Fake News, Environment]
Oct 14, 2017 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Great Regulatory Rollback' Scott Pruitt takes the first step to rein in Obama's executive overreach on energy. Starting to unwind the Obama 'Clean Power Plan' which unlawfully used the EPA to regulate carbon after Congress chose not to. Only congress lawfully can [Trump Win, Climate Change, Environment, Regulations]
Aug 22, 2017 ~ California farmer John Duarte has to pay feds $1.1 million fine for plowing his own field. Tyrannical EPA fining people under Waters of the US Act for puddles on their own property. The fines were $2.8 million before agreement reached. Trump trying to make these rules sensible. [Environment, Regulations, California]
Jul 30, 2017 ~ Steven Lyazi, Environmentalists are 'Enemies of Humanity' - preventing 3rd world countries from using fossil fuels keeping them poor and starving - continue to ban DDT as half a million needlessly die of Malaria each year. Their 'solutions' actually do more harm than good. [Climate Change, Environment]
Jul 9, 2017 ~ Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants - and advance the agency's air pollution and 'environmental justice' programs [Climate Change, Environment, College]
Jun 30, 2017 ~ EPA to rescind Obama 'Waters of America' power grab - It was spectacular overreach - Benefits to water quality would be miniscule to non-existent in exchange for tons of red tape for businesses and farmers [Trump Win, Regulations, Environment]
Jun 18, 2017 ~ Anti-pesticide zealots fear mongering about bee populations - but populations are at 20 year highs [Fake News, Environment]
May 15, 2017 ~ Jillian Kay Melchior, 'Does the Environmental Left Understand How Modern Pipelines Work' - wild exaggerations of an 84-gallon Dakota Access spill and complete falsehoods show hysterical ignorance - pipelines have become very safe especially compared to the alternatives. [Energy, Environment]
Apr 29, 2017 ~ Daniel John Sobieski, 'Shooting Down False Fracking Claims', Another study shows fracking does not contaminate groundwater. Several documentaries like FrackNation, Gas Land, Promise Land are based on junk science. Claim can light tap water on fire due to fracking. [Fake News, Energy, Environment]
Apr 10, 2017 ~ EPA Cr6 Regulations beyond unreasonable - want to go from 100ppb to 0.07 ppb which is far below what is naturally occurring - no evidence 100 ppb was harmful. No actual benefit. Just a way to attack coal plants. [Environment, Regulations]
Mar 2, 2017 ~ Greenpeace caught lying several times and doctoring photos or saying that photos were something other than they really were. From forests to reefs. They think the ends justify the dishonest means - sued by Resolute Forest Products - forced to admit they were repeatedly lied. [Fake News, Environment]
Feb 27, 2017 ~ University of California Santa Cruz creates Rachel Carson College to honor woman who started the most deadly environmental movement of all time - responsible for the deaths millions of African children - Even Moyers says DDT not cancerous. [Environment]
Jan 29, 2017 ~ Trump executive orders approve Keystone and Dakota pipeline which have been blocked for 6 years - victory for energy independence and for the environment. [Trump Win, Energy, Environment]
Jan 15, 2017 ~ Paul Driessen, 'Safe and Healthy (Not Pristine) Air' EPA PM 2.5 regulations based on unsupportable assertions and bogus science - EPA claims they are saving 10s of thousands of lives but its total BS and adds burdensome and costly regulations [Environment]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Wall Street Journal, 'The EPA's Science Deniers' - The agency changes its view on fracking and water without evidence bowing to environmentalist and far left pressures to conclude that it may possibly be dangerous despite all the evidence. [Energy, Environment, Anti-Science]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Ed Feulner, 'Fudging the Facts about Fracking' Fracking is found to be safe yet AGAIN - and again and again and again - but the left won't stop lying about it - WSJ called fracking 'America's best anti-poverty program' Anti-science dems promote debunked videos like Gasland. [Energy, Environment, Fake News]
Dec 23, 2016 ~ Obama unilaterally declares an 'indefinite' ban on oil exploration in certain parts of the Atlantic and Arctic. Makes it hard for future president to reverse and become energy independent. Massive execute overreach and abuse of power. Going scorched earth on the way out the door. [Energy, Environment, Regulations]

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