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Aug 15, 2021 ~ Liam Brooks, 'Umpires are racist too now' "Just when you think the accusations of racism can't get any more absurd, this ridiculous headline pops up... 'MLB umpires show discrimination against non-white players, according to new study.'" Brooks lists many problems with the study. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 10, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Liberals Show You What They Really Think Of The Country (And You)' Regarding #Dingergate, Hunter points out that Democrats believe in a fake world where its plausible that a man could be yelling the n-word in a crowd and no one would call him out or care. Absurd. [Derek Hunter, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 10, 2021 ~ Rashida Tlaib says "Mike Brown is a tragic reminder that state sponsored murder exist. He and many others serve as angels of our conscious to keep fighting for true racial justice." Brown was a criminal killed while fighting a cop for his gun and charging at the cop. #BLM [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police, Tlaib]
Aug 9, 2021 ~ A Rockies fan yelling "Dinger" at the mascot was accused of screaming the N-word repeatedly at a black player with no surrounding fans being offended. This is plausible to Dems and the #FakeNews. Reported in @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @cnn, @KeithOlbermann and many other morons. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 6, 2021 ~ Bradley Devlin, "ANALYSIS: COVID Disproved The Notion That Morbidly Obese People Are Also ‘Healthy’" "you have a 70% bigger chance of being ill with coronavirus if you are obese," The Health at any Size movement absurdly had been claiming there is no health risks of being obese. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Health]
Aug 3, 2021 ~ The CDC now recommends re-masking even for the vaccinated based on flawed studies. Aaron Astor, "I don't think the CDC could possibly have selected a less representative sample to measure viral load and justify post-vax masking than "Bear Week" in Provincetown." Gay bars full. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ Penny Starr, 'D.C. Spends $22,847 Per Student, 3rd Highest in Nation, with Highest Dropout Rate at 31%' The highest spending areas have the worst performance contrary to the #FakeNews narrative that its about money. VA spends $12K per student and has almost the best results. [Education, Fake News]
Jul 28, 2021 ~ In an effort to amplify two fake narratives by multiplying them together, Gov. Kate Brown (D-OR) said “The impacts of climate change are not felt equally … The pandemic revealed that a ‘normal’ built on structures of white supremacy caused incredible harm.” Vile Democrat lies. [Climate Change, Coronavirus, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 27, 2021 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The Media Produces Derangement: Proof From New York Times Readers' @nytimes comment section reveals that legions of Dems buy the #FakeNews that climate change is SO BAD that they refuse to have kids. Very sad what Democrats have done to them. They'll go extinct. [Anti-Science, Climate Change, Dennis Prager, Fake News]
Jul 26, 2021 ~ More info on the fake story of the police planting evidence on a black man. An officer of the Caledonia, WI Police Dept was vilified and doxxed not just by Twitter idiots and celebs but the #FakeNews including TMZ and New York Daily News got in on the action. Cop did nothing wrong. [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 26, 2021 ~ New things are called 'racist' every day. Today its 'fighting obesity'. Scientific American article, "The Racist Roots of Fighting Obesity." Recommendations to be a healthy weight "reflect the racist stigmatization of black women’s bodies." Doctors recommend that to everyone FFS! [Anti-Science, Fake News, Fake Racism, Health]
Jul 25, 2021 ~ A viral video spreads like wildfire of a white officer allegedly planting drug evidence in a black suspect's car. Bunch of 'celebs' including Rex Chapman (who often spreads #FakeNews) gin up outrage. The officer is Doxxed. Body cam video reveals he was just returning an empty bag [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 24, 2021 ~ The #FakeNews NY Times is disgracefully smearing Brett Kavanaugh all over again with a bogus story that the FBI ignored 4500 'tips' on their tip line. Total bunk. "The tips were junk.” Fabrications or some version of “F*** Brett Kavanaugh." Senators had access to all of them. [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh, Loathsome Left]
Jul 24, 2021 ~ Charles Hurt, 'Political Zealots Attempt to Destroy Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement' "to convince young people that there is somehow some kind of connection between these silly bozos today and the truly courageous men and women who fought and won the Civil Rights movement." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jul 24, 2021 ~ Democrats continue to simply label everything they disagree with as 'racist'. #FakeNews ABC legal analyst Sunny Hostin says "the right to bear arms was designed to protect slavery." The 2nd Amendment is simply your right to self defense, a necessary corollary to the right to life [Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]
Jul 23, 2021 ~ Virginia Kruta 'Four Major Stories That Were Considered ‘Disinformation’ Until They Weren’t' The lab leak theory, Hunter Biden's laptop, Russian Bounties on American Soldiers, The Russia Hoax. And MANY more. Yet Democrats and the #FakeNews think they can be arbiters of the truth. [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake News, Russia Hoax, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Jul 21, 2021 ~ Former San Antonio mayor Julián Castro said, Texas governor "Greg Abbott trying to erase MLK Jr., César Chávez, and Susan B. Anthony from the Texas curriculum, and recast the KKK as the good guys." NONE of this is true. Do Democrats lie 100% of the time? Or just 98%? [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 20, 2021 ~  H. Sterling Burnett, 'The Red Queen Would Be Proud of the Impossibly Inconsistent Climate Disaster Claims' Alarmists have not only been wrong, they have been on every side of every issue. No more snow, lots of snow, more and less monsoon rain, More/less Great Lakes wind, levels. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 20, 2021 ~ Pentagon contractor Moonshot CVE labels web search for "The Truth about Black Lives Matter" to be a sign of "white supremacy." #BLM No wonder Dems and the #FakeNews thinks there is a lot of 'white supremacy' around. They label literally everything 'white supremacy'. [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ Writer of Fake History Nikole Hannah-Jones says "Cuba has the least inequality between black and white people of any place really in the hemisphere." "Cuba actually has the least inequality and that’s largely due to socialism." Everyone is equally destitute, yes due to socialism. [Economics, Fake News, Identity Politics, Socialism]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ Brian Stelter "Disbelief in election results, distrust of the vaccines, it's all connected..." Jim Treacher @jtLOL
responds "Democrats have spent the past five years telling us the 2016 election was stolen, and most of 2020 telling us not to trust the 'Trump vaccine.' Sit down." [2020 Election, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ Every born yesterday left wing politician says climate change caused the floods happening in Europe. Michael Shellenberger @ShellenbergerMD shows how the deaths due to flooding in Europe has been falling steadily since 1870. In fact it was more than 7 times higher 100 years ago. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Christopher Bedford, 'Anti-Christian Hysteria Has Grown Into Church-Burning Terror' " more than two dozen churches in Canada have been targeted over the past few weeks and people are cheering it on." "Burn it all down." Fueled by lies about 'mass graves' which are old cemeteries. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Violent Left]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Based entirely on #FakeNews Jim Acosta said “Donald Trump was behaving like an Adolf Hitler, who was potentially looking to overthrow the government.” Dems have ridiculously compared Trump to Hilter 1000s of times. Destroying history. An insult to Holocaust victims and survivors. [Fake News, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Michael Barone, 'Joe Biden's big lie' "Biden decried Republicans’ proposed changes in election laws as 'the 21st-century Jim Crow assault' that tries 'to suppress and subvert the right to vote in fair and free elections, an assault on democracy.' This is "unhinged nonsense." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ National Review, 'Joe Biden Talks Down Democracy' Add this to Biden's MANY lies, "In Texas . . . [the] Republican-led state legislature wants to allow partisan poll watchers to intimidate voters and imperil impartial poll workers.” Totally false. [Fake News, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Matt Vespa, 'Car Accidents Are Now Being Used to Smear Police Officers as Racist' A black man lost his life in Minneapolis after police in a high speed chase of a vehicle linked to multiple robberies collided with his car. Tragic accident caused by the criminal. Not racism. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Bill O’Reilly calls out Democrats on their big divisive lie, "Where is all the white supremacy stuff?" Biden lies that its the biggest threat. Only 18 total state and federal prosecutions in 2019. "A few kooks." Compared to 1000s of violent left wing prosecutions, #BLM, Antifa. [Antifa, BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ New things called 'racist' every day. Now calling food 'Exotic... reinforces Xenophobia and Racism' according the the #FakeNews Washington Post. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia]
Jul 17, 2021 ~   .@martyrmade creates a lengthy Twitter thread to explain why many Trump supporters think the election was stolen. Lists incredible amount of lies told to them over 4 years by Democrats and their enabling #Fakenews. Then questioning suspicious election activity was censored. [2020 Election, Fake News]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Washington Post gives Rep. Clyburn with Four Pinocchios for claim that Democrats never opposed voter ID. Dems opposed voter id for years. Many still do, falsely claiming its 'racist.' Now they're panicking that the majority of people including the majority of Blacks support it. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jul 13, 2021 ~ Biden clownishly says There is “an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote. We’re facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That’s not hyperbole, since the Civil War.” None of this is true. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Jul 12, 2021 ~ Because in the current hysteria, new things must falsely be called 'racist' every day, Nature Communications published an article explaining that 'Racism thrives in geoscience.' A prime example of it, they claim, is that Black people are supposedly afraid to hold a hammer. [Anti-Science, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 12, 2021 ~ Dr. Chris Pernell on #FakeNews @MSNBC claims reluctant #COVID19 vaxers are 'white supremacists.' 'I actually see that as another example of the proliferation of white supremacy.' Blacks have the highest % of being against the vaccine. There is nothing dems won't call 'racism.' [Coronavirus, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 9, 2021 ~ Sleazy lawyer and #FakeNews CNN commentator Michael Avenatti is sentenced to 2.5 years for extorting Nike. Avenatti is best known for trying to extort President Trump over the Stormy Daniels affair and for falsely smearing Justice Kavanaugh, portraying him as a serial gang rapist. [Fake News, Kavanaugh, Loathsome Left]
Jul 8, 2021 ~ The Biden Admin. gets ‘Three Pinocchios’ from the Washington Post for their ridiculous claim that Republicans are 'defunding the police.' How dumb do Dems think the American people are? Dems own defunding the police. Even the #FakeNews can't cover for that level of gaslighting. [Fake News, Police]
Jul 6, 2021 ~ Biden caught in yet another ridiculous lie. Says hit the ball 368 ft off the right-centerfield wall in the second Congressional baseball game. "My kids remember that." Was very easily debunked. Biden went 0-2 in that game. Add it to the LONG list of his lies. [Biden, Fake News]
Jul 5, 2021 ~ Toure shows the damage the 1619 project did. He cites the repeatedly debunked 'history' in that #FakeNews that the American Revolution was fought to protect slavery leading him to say, "Fuck the Fourth of July." Dems hate America and are creating America haters with their lies. [Fake News, Slavery]
Jul 5, 2021 ~ Scientific American, 'Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy' "Evolution denial... at its core, it is a form of white supremacy that perpetuates segregation and violence against Black bodies." Everything is 'racist.' Everything is 'white supremacy.' When will this madness end? [Anti-Science, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ A cop killed white unarmed 17yo Hunter Brittain. Truck wouldn't go into park. Brittain got out to try to stop it from hitting the cop car. Cop didn't understand. #FakeNews ignores these tragedies and mistakes even though they are more frequent to push 'systemic racism' narrative. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ #FakeNews Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah blames ‘white folks’ for Olympic swimming cap rule. "Crazy how in 2021 white folks are still trying to think of ways to make it harder for black people to swim in their pools." Pres. of FINA is Kuwaiti Muslim Husain Al-Musallam. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald, "Biden ordered illegal bombing raids on Syria and Iraq and none of the people who spent the Trump years pretending to care so deeply about the Constitution and rule of law uttered a peep, because they themselves are lawless frauds who worse a costume for 4 years." [Fake News, Iraq, Syria]
Jun 26, 2021 ~ Biden's DOJ is suing GA. "Georgia's recent voting rights law... [was] adopted with the intent to deny or abridge black citizen's equal access to the political process." 100% false. Kristen Clarke has previously claimed black people had "superior physical and mental abilities." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Voter Integrity Laws]
Jun 24, 2021 ~ OAN's lawsuit against Rachel Maddow's has been dismissed. She said OAN "really literally is paid Russian propaganda." The court said that everyone including her viewers knows that she is full of it. They 'would not assume that such outlandish accusations are factually true.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Joy Reid, of #FakeNews @MSNBC who lied to the FBI says opposing CRT in schools makes you a racist. A parent says 'Just because I do not want critical race theory taught to my children in school does not mean that I am a racist.' @JoyAnnReid laughs and says 'It actually does.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo, 'The Washington Post's hitpiece against me has collapsed. They have admitted to fabricating a timeline, retracted or added six full paragraphs, reversed a key claim, and failed to produce evidence of a falsified quotation. Democracy dies when the media lies.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News]
Jun 21, 2021 ~ Juneteeth becomes a national holiday. The #FakeNews @CNN uses it as an opportunity to divide us and lie. CNN Headline:  'A federal holiday dawns as rights of Black Americans under assault.' The rights of Black Americans are not under assault lying #FakeNews @CNN. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]
Jun 21, 2021 ~ The #FakeNews Washington Post puts out a video about "Whiteness" the point of which is to claim that 'racism' and 'White Supremacy' is deeply rooted in every aspect of our society. 'White people really don't understand racism.' And White people need to feel a deep sense of shame. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 21, 2021 ~ A truck drove into spectators at the Stonewall Pride Parade in FL killing 1. Ft Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis said "This was a terrorist attack against the LGBTQ community... This was clearly no accident" Turns out it was an accident. #DeathSantis trended. Democrats always lie. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake News, LGBT]
Jun 18, 2021 ~  Christina Cauterucci and Julia Craven, 'Kyrsten Sinema Has Toxic White Lady Energy' These racist 'journalists' think something called 'toxic white lady energy' is why Sinema supports the filibuster which Democrats have supported for decades and have used 100s of times a year. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Racism]

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